Series-1 (Mar-Apr-2019)Mar-Apr-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This paper presents a geophysical study for ground water evaluation in a typical crystalline basement complex terrain of Camic garden estate in Ilorin metropolis, North central basement complex of Nigeria. Very Low Frequency-Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and Ground Magnetics (GM) were used for structural evaluation/delineation combined with Electrical Resistivity Method (ERM) using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Technique. Eight (8) VLF-EM and GM profiles covering a distance range of 70 to 300 m were established, VLF-EM at a measuring intervals of 10 m each, while six (6) VES were carried out based on quantitative, semi-quantitative of the VLF........
Keywords : Aquifer, Basement Complex, Borehole yield, Geophysical investigation, Groundwater
[1]. Kayode, J. S., Adelusi, A.O., Nawani, M.N.M., Bawallah, M, Olawale T.S. A geoelectric investigation of near surface conductive structures suitable for groundwater accumulation in a resistive crystalline basement environment around the southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Africa earth sciences. 2016: 59(2), 289-302.
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Abstract: The spectral analysis of the magnetic anomalies over some part of Central Benue Trough, Nigeria, has been carried out in order to determine the magnetic source depths and the variability of basement structures. The aeromagnetic maps of the study area was digitized at two kilometer (2km) intervals and were subjected to multi-regression-least-squares analysis in order to obtain the residual field values. Two-dimensional (2-D) spectral analyses were then carried out to determine the average magnetic source depths. The results of the analysis reveal that the thickness of the sedimentary cover in the area varies between 1.25km and 5.60km; and 0.13km and 1.53km for deeper and shallower sources respectively. The results of this study are indicative of the basement overlain being irregular in shape and is associated with faulted structures.
Keywords : spectral, magnetic, basement, Central Benue Trough, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Earthquake Distributions of the Mesopotamia Plain, Iraq |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Badria Ali Hussien || Wathiq Abdulnaby |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0702011620 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the statistical distributions of earthquake epicenters, hypocenters, and magnitudes were analyzed for the Mesopotamia Plain, which is located at central and southeastern part of Iraq between longitudes 36-48°E and latitudes 26-36°N, for the period of 1900 to 2018 in order to have better understanding of the seismic activities in the study area. For this purpose, the bulletin of the International Seismological Center was used to draw three contour maps depict the earthquake distributions of the study area. The earthquake distributions show that the number, depth, and magnitude of earthquakes decrease from the Iraq-Iran border toward the Mesopotamia Plain.That means the seismic activity of the Mesopotamia Plain is less than the seismic activity of the Zagros Fold-Thrust belt. However, earthquakes at the edges and within the Mesopotamia Plain occur frequently each year.
Keywords : Earthquakes distribution, Mesopotamia Plain, Seismicity of Iraq.
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Abstract: Durg block is the most populous block of the durg district of the Chhattisgarh state. Districts headquarter situated in durg block. According to the census 2001 and 2011 population of the durg district increased relatively 997848 and 1126731. (Statistical booklet 2013-14). The growing population and increasing socio-economic necessities creates a pressure on LULC. This pressure results in unplanned and uncontrolled changes in LULC. (Seto et al, 2002). With the time lots of changes in land cover take place in the area. Land use and land cover is an important component in understanding the interactions of the human activities with the environment and thus it is necessary to be..............
Keywords : change detection, land use, land cover, LULC (Land use Land cover), GIS, Remote sensing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship between Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth in Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Fitri Handayani |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0702012638 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial sector development and economic growth are two fundamental things that being attention in most countries. Direction of the relationship for finance and growth is still being controversy. Based on that problem, this study aims to analyze the relationship between financial sector development and economic growth in Indonesia for period 2010-2018. Indicators used to describe financial sector development are money supply, total credit, and total asset. Granger causality results indicate a demand following pattern in Indonesia which means economic growth can spur financial sector development. Estimate the long-term by using Johansen cointegration suggests that economic growth has a positive and significant impact on financial sector development. While in the short term by using Vector Error..........
Keywords : economic growth, financial sector development, Johansen Cointegration, VECM
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Abstract: In 2017, the worst hurricane to ever hit the United States territory of Puerto Rico left the island. One NGO in particular – HELP, Inc. - is attempting to improve its response capabilities by designing a transportable disaster response system called "DroneGo".DroneGo will use rotor wing drones to deliver pre-packaged medical supplies and provide high-resolution aerial video reconnaissance. The model is established to provide the best launch area for the DroneGo disaster response system. The study determined the selected indicators are "the distance from the Delivery Location to the best location or locations", "the distance from the road to the best location or locations", "the slopes in the Puerto Rico", "the land types in Puerto Rico". The corresponding weights are determined by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Finally, the corresponding values of each index are extracted from ArcGIS software and superimposed to get the highest score area, namely, the best area..
Keywords : DroneGo disaster response system;Puerto Rico; APH;ArcGIS
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Abstract: Geophysical properties of Basement rocks within and around parts of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti-State, South-Western Nigeria were correlated with the aim of establishing empirical relationship between the two properties. The principal Basement rocks in the study area are; Charnockite, Migmatite, Granite Gneiss and Quartzite. Fresh rock samples were taken from thirty (30) locations cutting across the geology of the study area. A total of three hundred (300) Magnetic Susceptibility measurements were obtained from the established locations. Simple pendulum principle and Archimede's principle were employed to determine the gravity and the specific gravity repectively. The results were presented..........
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