Series-1 (Jul. –Aug. 2020)Jul. –Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of the earthquake disaster safety management in the national industrial complexes and to suggest improvement measures. Literature review for the safety management system of the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation and interview with practitioners was conducted. and Seismic design application survey was conducted on 28 national industrial complexes. In order to improve Earthquake Disaster Safety Management, five measures were suggested such as the reinforcement of laws and regulations related Seismic. It is expected that the improvement measures presented in this study can be used as policy-making data for improving the seismic performance of the national industrial complexes in the future.
Key Word: National Industrial Complexes; Earthquake Disaster; Seismic Design; Safety Management..
[1]. Hur, JinHo, HeeKyu Kim, and Min jung Shin. (2017), " Improvement Plan of Seismic Retrofitting Support System for Establishing Earthquake Disaster Prevention Policy ", Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol 18, No. 7, pp.611~pp617.
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[4]. Ko, Kyung Soo. (2009), "A study on efficient sale method of industry complex : with special reference on 4 local lndustry complex of Cheonan city", Yonsei University master's thesis.
[5]. Koo, Jae Yoon. (2017), "Quantitative Risk Assessment for LNG Tank Farm with Seismic Events & Domino Effect", Ajou University master's thesis.
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Abstract: The characterization and evaluation of lithofacies of the Yolde Formation at Zambuk village in the Gongola Sub-basin of the Northern Benue Trough indicated occurrences of six lithofacies that comprises of trough crossbeds, planar crossbeds, massive beds, ripple laminations, parallel laminations and mudstone. Resulting facies associations indicated a coarsening and shoaling upward cycles consisting of a mud dominated lower part displaying severe bioturbations transitionally grading into heterolithic interval composed thinly bedded sandstone and mudstones. This succeeded by succession of moderately bioturbated planar crossbedded sandstone with wedged shape geometries. This assemblage account for a deposits of a tide dominated delta with the lower mud dominated zones indicating deposition.......
[1]. Abdulkarim H. Aliyu, Y.D. Mamman, M.B. Abubakar, Babangida M. SarkiYandoka, John ShirputdaJitong& Bukar Shettima (2017), Paleodepositional environment and age of Kanawa Member of Pindiga Formation, Gongola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria: Sedimentological and palynological approach. Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol.134, 345-351
[2]. Adegoke, O. S., Agumanu, A. E., Benkhelil, J. & Ajayi, P. O. (1986). New stratigraphic sedimentaologic and structural data on the Kerri-Kerri Formation, Bauchi and Borno States, Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 5: 249 – 277.
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Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Bima Formation of the Gongola Sub-basin of Northern Benue Trough from its contained facies and facies association. The lowermost Bima Formation (Bima I) is characterized by alluvial fan depositional environment showing spectrum of sub-environments consisting of debris flow and braided river deposits. The Middle and the Upper Bima Formations (Bima II and III) are essentially formed of braided river deposits with the former consisting of deep channel facies while the later of shallow channel sequences. Employing sequence stratigraphic model of high and low accommodation system tracts built on tectonics, subsidence and allogenic controls of sedimentary basins devoid of marine influences,the depositional architecture from the disposition of the sedimentary environments indicated intervals of low and......
Keywords: Fluvial sequence stratigraphy, Gongola Sub-basin, Benue Trough
[1]. Abdel-Wahab, A., Kholief, M. & Salem, A. (1992). Sedimentological and Palaeoenvironmental studies on the clastic sequence of Gebel El-Zeit area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 14(1): 121 – 129.
[2]. Abdulkarim H. Aliyu, Y.D. Mamman, M.B. Abubakar, Babangida M. Sarki Yandoka, John Shirputda Jitong & Bukar Shettima (2017), Paleodepositional environment and age of Kanawa Member of Pindiga Formation, Gongola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria: Sedimentological and palynological approach. Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol.134, 345-351
[3]. Abubakar, M. B. (2006). Biostratigraphy, paleoenvironment and organic geochemistry of the Cretaceous sequences of the Gongola Basin, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria, 294p.
[4]. Adegoke, O. S., Agumanu, A. E., Benkhelil, J. & Ajayi, P. O. (1986). New stratigraphic sedimentaologic and structural data on the Kerri-Kerri Formation, Bauchi and Borno States, Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 5: 249 – 277.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the earthquake occurrence situation and earthquake disaster response system in Korea, identify the difficulties and problems experienced by firefighting organizations in the event of an earthquake, and propose countermeasures that can be used by firefighting organizations when an earthquake occurs. In the event of an earthquake, firefighting activities in Korea can be divided into fire, rescue, and first aid. In the event of an earthquake, fires that can occur simultaneously can be suppressed and rescued and rescued. In carrying out such activities, there are some problems. First, in Korea, there are not enough fire-fighting facilities with seismic design, so the......
Key Word: Fire-fighting Dynamics; Seismic Occurrence; Seismic Design; Propagation System
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Abstract: Chad (Bornu) Basin is located within latitudes 9° 30`N and 13° 40`N, and longitudes 11° 45` E and 14° 45`E,Northeastern Nigeria, covering an area extent of about 23,000 square kilometres. And the aim of this study is to delineate the structural architecture of Chad (Bornu) Basin using 3D seismic data across the drilled well in the field. The method employed was basically on seismic attributes analysis based onthe reflection geometry, amplitudes, and continuity. The results generated shows that the basin has undergone different tectonic regimes which include rifting, subsidence, and basin inversion. These tectonic regimes controlled the deposition of the sedimentary formation within the basin, these formations are Bima Sandstone, Gongila Formation, Fika Shale, Kerri-Kerri Formation and Chad Formation. Extensional tectonic regime gave rise to the presence of normal faults.....
Keywords: Rifting, subsidence, inversion, formation, fault, fold, seal, trap, reservoir, migration pathway, unconformity, nonconformity, and disconformity
[1]. Adepelumi AA, Falebita DE, Olorunfemi AO, Olayoriju SI (2010): Source-rock Investigation of the Turonian-Maastrichtian Fika Shale from Wireline-logs, Chad Basin, Nigeria. Int. J. Petroleum Sci. Technol., 4(1), 19-42.
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Abstract: Olkaria Geothermal Field is a high temperature geothermal system; the system is characterized by Quaternary volcanic centers in the central Kenya Rift Valley. The surface geology of OlkariaGeothermal Field is mainly dominated by commenditic lavas and pyroclastic. The aim of the paper was to develop a geo-thermometry and measured down-hole temperature profiles to identify feed-zones of OW 924A, OW 923A, OW917A, OW914B, OW731C, OW710C and OW39B wells. Using alteration mineralogy to interpret the paleo-temperature in a geothermal system and measured formation temperatures represent present state of geothermal systems. Alteration mineralogy curves plotted relied on the first appearance of alteration minerals observed in the wells namely chalcedony, quartz, wairakite, prehnite epidote and actinolite....
[1]. Kibet, M.K., et al. (2019). Rock Types and Alteration Mineralogy Occurring In Olkaria Geothermal Field, Kenya Applied Geology and Geophysics, 7(1), 49. doi: 10.9790/0990-0701014757
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[5]. Vidal, J., et al. (2017). Permeable fracture zones in the hard rocks of geothermal reservoir at Ritter Shoffen, France. Geophysics Research, Solid Earth(122), 4864–4887. doi: 10.1002/2017JB014331.
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Abstract: Structural evaluation of SUZ field, onshore Niger Delta, for hydrocarbon prospectivity was studied using regional 3D seismic data. The objective of the study is to structurally evaluate the field with a view to identifying structural features such as faults, map geologic horizons and analyze reflection characteristics that might be a good lead to probable hydrocarbon accumulations. Results revealed that eleven faults (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F10, F11, F12, and F14) and five seismic horizons (S2, S3, S4, S7 and S9) were delineated on the seismic section. Fault 2 and 3....
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[5]. C. N. Ehirim and M. A. E. Abbey (2016). Preliminary structural evaluation of an X-Field Onshore Niger Delta using 3D seismic data, Geophysics Research Group, Department of Physics, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
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Abstract: Rongo Gold field forms part of the Lake Victoria greenstone belt and is a highly prospective area. However, it has to date been underexplored due to overburden which obscure the mineralized zones beneath. An electrical resistivity survey was used to detect gold bearing rocks and dense bodies of rocks within host formation in Kamwango area of Rongo district, Migori County. To achieve this, a terrameter (ABEM SAS 1000) was used to determine apparent resistivities using Wenner and Schlumberger configurations. For good vertical resolution, Wenner array was employed to map horizontal structures where a total of 30 stations were done with a probe depth of 45m. Values from Wenner array were used to plot a contour map using Surfer 10 software. The eastern....
Key words: Mineralized zones, greenstone belt, electrical resistivity, conductive zones, Kamwango
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Abstract: Background: Previous palynological studies on the offshore eastern Dahomey Basin were majorly on low resolution palynostraigraphy covering few to several formations and therefore the need to look at the individual formations in order to achieve high resolution palynostratigraphy studies. It is a known fact that the exploration of hydrocarbons has equally shifted offshore which necessitated the reason to carried out this study in order to know what is happening around boundary between Nigeria and Benin Republic since petroleum exploration utilizes chronostrigraphic correlation........
Key words: Palynostratigraphy, offshore Dahomey Basin, Neogene sediment, Early to Middle Miocene.
[1]. Adebiyi, A.O. Lithostratigraphy, Palynostratigraphy and Palynofacies Indications of the Depositional Environments of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Sediments, Offshore Eastern Dahomey Basin, SW Nigeria. Journal of Earth Science Research. 2014; 2, 118-128.
[2]. Adebiyi, A.O. Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Palynosequence Stratigraphy of H-1 Well Offshore Eastern Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Research and Innovations in Earth Science (IJRIES). 2015; 2, pp. 82-88.
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[4]. Adeigbe, O.C., Ola-Buraimo, A.O., Moronhunkola, A.O. Palynological Characterization of the Tertiary Offshore Emi-1 Well, Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR). 2013; 2, pp. 58-70.
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Abstract: Background: Forests are one of the important lifelines on the earth and significantly important for the living being. Forest fire is one of the major reasons for the destruction of these valuable green shields. Previous time forest fire occurred due to climate change, but at present, the significant forest loss happened through anthropogenic activities. The damage is not only concerned about forest loss but also the terrestrial ecosystem. Every year the Himalayan forest is very much destroyed by the forest fire, the study area Bagheswar and Almora districts depict one of the victims of these human-induced acts. With the reinforcement of climate change, to monitor the present day scenario of the forest fire, remote sensing data plays an enormous role.........
Key words: Forest fire, Geographic Information System, Sentinel 2, Landsat 8, SAR Data, Trend Analysis, Fire Intensity, Fire Damage Areas.
[1]. B. Leblon, E. Kasischke, M. Alexander, M. Doyle, and M. Abbott, "Fire danger monitoring using ERS-1 SAR images in the case of northern boreal forests," Nat. Hazards, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 231–255, 2002.
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[4]. L. A. Arroyo, C. Pascual, and J. A. Manzanera, "Fire models and methods to map fuel types: The role of remote sensing," For. Ecol. Manag., vol. 256, no. 6, pp. 1239–1252, Sep. 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.06.048.
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Abstract: Analysis of high resolution aeromagnetic data was carried out to evaluate the groundwater potential zones of Lassa and environs northeastern Nigeria. The total magnetic intensity data covering the area were processed and filtered using the Polynomial fitting method and Spectral analysis. The polynomial fitting was used for regional residual separation to obtain the residual map which was later subjected to spectral analysis to computed depth to magnetic sources. The total magnetic intensity value varies from -193.775nT to 240.799nT and the residual magnetic intensity map varies from -166.740nT to 132.322nT respectively. The computed depth to magnetic sources indicates two source depth, the shallow and the deeper sources. The shallowmagnetic sources range from 0.23km to 0.62km and deeper magnetic sources from 0.55km to1.39km.The findings of the sudy revealed that the area is characterized in to low and high groundwater potential zones..
Key Word: Lassa and Environs, Aeromagnetic Data, Polynomial Fitting, Spectral Analysis, Groundwater Potential Zones
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structural interpretation of Duhu and Adjoining Areas, Northeast Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kamureyina Ezekiel |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0990-0804031016 ![]() |
Abstract: Analysis of high resolution aeromagnetic data was carried out to evaluate the structural complexity of Duhu and adjoining areas, northeast Nigeria and its implication for mineral deposits. The total magnetic intensity data covering the areawas processed and filtered using Polynomial fitting method, Analytic signal and Pseudo-gravity. The polynomial fitting was used to carry out the regional residual separation to obtain the residual map. The analytic signalwas computed to enhance faults, fractures and folds. The lineament and corresponding rose plot show a dominate NE-SW trend with minor NW-SE and E-W structures within the study area. The northern and central parts of the area revealed high density of lineaments compared to the other parts of the study area,indicating areas that have been affected by high tectonic episodes. The lineaments are potential sites for mineral deposits. The pseudo-gravity map shows density variation of the study area and possible potential areas for non-magnetic/gravity controlled mineral deposits.
Key words: Duhu and adjoining areas; Aeromagnetic data;Analytic signal; Lineaments; Pseudo-gravity.
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[5]. Udensi, EE. Interpretation of Total Magnetic Field over the Nupe Basin and the Surrounding Basement Complex, Using Aeromagnetic Data. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis submitted to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.2001
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Abstract: The quality of ground water for drinking purposes was assessed using the water assessment, the water for the groundwater of the area by subjecting the samples to a comprehensive physicochemical analysis for calculating the WQI, the following 11 parameters have been considered: pH, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chloride, nitrite, sulphate, total dissolved solids, iron, manganese and fluoride. The analysis reveals that the ground water of the area needs some degree of treatment before consumption, and it also needs to be protected from the perils of contamination..
Key Words; Drinking water, Water Quality Index, TDS, pH, Treatment
[1]. A.K. Dwivedi (etl): "Water pollution and groundwater recharging, Current Science", Vol.96, no.4, 24th August 2016, page no.407-408
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Abstract: This work involves detailed geological mapping of the Garin Papa area to evaluate kaolin mineralization and assess the physical and chemical properties of the kaolin for economic purpose. Scout pitting was carried out followed by close grid pitting of an area measuring 250 x 250m square. Samples collected were subjected to geochemical analysis. The geological mapping revealed that the area is underlain by reddish sandstones and the lateritic horizons of the Kerri-Kerri Formation. Three kaolin horizons, the whitish; the pinkish and the reddish varieties were encountered. Major geochemical analysis shows that the silica and aluminium are enriched with average values of 43.69% and 38.2% respectively while other oxides are depleted (Soda = 0.15%, potash = 0.07%, lime = 0.42%, magnesia = 0.08%, iron = 0.75% and titanium oxide = 1.05%). The enrichment of silica and alumina coupled with depletion of other oxides indicated that the kaolin is of good quality which met the required standard outline by American element and.......
Key Words; Kaolin, Garin Papa, Kerri-Kerri, Darazo, mineralization
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Abstract: Background: Malufashi Area in Katsina State, northwestern Nigeria, is located in the Western basement Province of the country and the place lacks adequate information on the geological structures underlying it. The place lacks detailed information on the structural analysis and geologic mapping derived from high resolution geophysical data. This study was designed to define the lithology, boundary and the distribution of the rock types and delineate structures with potentials of hosting mineralization within the area. Materials and Methods: High resolution airborne magnetic data were employed in mapping the structures and defining the lithology within the area.....
Key Words; Malufashi Area, Geologic Mapping, High Angle Faults, Structural Deformation, Quartzite Schist Rocks, Gold Mineralization.
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