Version-1 (July-Aug-2013)
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Abstract: The largest State of India, Rajasthan has since beginning witnessed scanty and erratic rainfall, which is lonely source of groundwater recharge. More than 90% of land area is irrigated by groundwater and main source of domestic water is also groundwater. Excessive withdrawal of groundwater has posed serious problems and resulted in depletion of this natural resource. The water level has been declining at an alarming rate of 1 to 2 mts. per year in critical aquifers which is a matter of great concern for every one specifically for future generations. The authors in this paper suggest viable methodologies for arrest of declining trend of water level by adopting various artificial recharge methods and an emphasis is given for deciding accurate recharge method.
Key words: Aquifer, Groundwater, Recharge.
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Abstract: In groundwater investigations, various parameters of the aquifers are conventionally estimated through long-duration aquifer performance test in wells. In multi-aquifer systems, a number of pumping and observation wells are required for realistic assessment of aquifer characteristics. The expenditure involved in construction and testing of wells often impose constraints on testing individual aquifer zones in such cases. Empirical relations established between aquifer parameters such as hydraulic conductivity (K) / Transmissivity (T) and parameters computed from geophysical investigations such as electrical resistivity / Transverse resistance could be used to estimate the aquifer parameters of different aquifer zones. An attempt has been made in the present study to assess the hydraulic conductivity of Vanur watershed of Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu using surface electrical resistivity surveys. The aquifer system consists of Alluvium, Sandstone and Limestone with intercalations of clay. The bulk porosity of the aquifers has been estimated by using Archie's equation and it ranges from 0.19 to 0.39. Empirical relations have been established between geophysical and aquifer parameters for the study area and the same have been validated with the results of pumping test.
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[4]. Forhlich, R., and Kelly, W. E., 1985. The relation between transmissivity and transverse resistance in a complicated aquifer of glacial outwash deposits. Jour. Of Hydrology V. 79. pp. 215-219.
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[7]. Kosinski, W. K and Kelly, W. E., 1981. Geoelectrical sounding for predicting aquifer properties. Ground Water 19(2), pp.163-171.
[8]. Mazac. O. and Landa, I., 1979. On determination of hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of granular aquifers by vertical electrical sounding. Jour. Geol. Sci., (16), pp.123-139. (In Czech).
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Abstract: The reservoirs from three wells of greater ughelli depobelts were evaluated in this study in order to assess the qualities of the reservoirs: The geometric properties, water saturation, and volume of shale were computed and these revealed that the reservoirs are of good qualities. In addition, the depositional environments were characterized using gamma ray log. Generally, the petrophysical characteristics of the reservoirs are good especially at the areas of interest (hydrocarbon zones). The average total porosity and effective porosity ranges from 0.13%-0.34% and 0.12%-0.31% respectively which is within the range for commercial accommodation of hydrocarbon. The volume of shale values for some of the reservoirs are within the limits that could not affect the water saturation (0.05v/v decimal- 0.21v/v decimal). The water saturation in some zones is appreciably low (0.14%- 0.47%) This makes for high hydrocarbon accumulation in those zones. The neutron –log and density- log responses in well 04 and 06 presume that the hydrocarbon in most zones is gas due to the 'crossover' of the logs. The gamma ray log shapes of the reservoirs are predominately cylinder (serrated) shape in the three wells which indicates that the depositional environment was deltaic.
Keywords: Depositional Environment, Facies, Hydrocarbon, Niger delta, Petrophysical evaluation
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Abstract: Two aeromagnetic total intensity field maps on a scale of 1:100,000 covering parts of Abakaliki and Bansara in Ogoja sub basin of the lower Benue trough were digitized and processed using manual and computer techniques, including polynomial filtering, Petter's half slope, maximum slope, frequency distribution, and 2.5D forward and inverse modeling. The manual result indicate depth to magnetic basement of shallow areas ranging from 0.5km to 2.0 km and deeper sources between 2.0km to 3.5km. Also forward and inverse saki modeling results indicate shallow depths of 0.8km to 1.1km and deeper sources between 1.5km to 2.6km. The major lineament trends in the NE-SW orientation with a major fracture trend of 38km coinciding with the position of the suppose oil seepage. The Mfum areas within the Bansara has the highest sediments thickness ranging 2.6-3.5km. This area also forms the beginning of the fracture trend towards the oil seepage, which may be the direct evidence of migration of hydrocarbons towards the basement flanks and exposed as a seepage.
Key words: polynomial filtering, lineament, seepage, magnetic basement
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of Subsurface Formation of Pabna District, Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | M S Islam |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0143036 ![]() |
Downloads : Times |
Abstract: Groundwater is a valuable natural resource and it is the most important source of irrigation water, predominant source of drinking water, and provides for most industrial needs. But large scale abstraction of groundwater creates various problems which are particularly severe for the developing countries, adversely affecting their agriculture, fishes, navigation, drinking water supply and sanitation conditions. Bangladesh is no exception to the deteriorating situation of the water resources system. So, a detailed study is needed to identify the subsurface formations which give a clear picture of the information needed, such as, the probable aquifer, its location, thickness, composition, etc.
[1]. Clark, L.,1988, Water Wells and Boreholes, Open University Press, Milton Keynes, New York, P.112.
[2]. Patra, K.C.,2001, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, P.228.
[3]. Todd, D.K., 1980, Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, P.434.
[4]. Zilla Unnayan Porikkama, Pabna, 2005, Mass Communication Department, Ministry of Information, B.G. Press, Dhaka. P.18.
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Abstract: December 26th 2004 earthquake with 9.3 Mw caused one of the deadliest Tsunami in the human history. Subsidence of land mass to 1.5 m along the eastern part of entire Andaman and Nicobar islands and up lift of 1.5 m in the western margins of the island system were observed. Most of the islands are constituted with folded mountain belts, except Car Nicobar. The epicenter of December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake was 163 km away from Great Nicobar, the southernmost island and hence it was strongly felt in the entire Andaman & Nicobar group of islands including Car Nicobar. Evidence of subsidence was also observed at the Car Nicobar the northernmost island of the Nicobar group (N9.2o lat., E92.4o long). Car Nicobar is being almost flat terrain to the east and an elevated terrain with maximum elevation of about 70 m to the west and hence the destructive Tsunami waves engulfed in the eastern part of the island. This island was worst affected in terms of damage and loss of life.
Keywords: Disaster, Mitigation, Car Nicobar, GIS and Remote Sensing
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[7] Dharanirajan, K., Pandian, P. K., Gurugnama, B., Narayanan, R. M., Ramachadran, S. 2007. An Integrated Study for the assessment of Tsunami Impact: a case study of Andaman Island, India using remoting sensing and GIS. Coastal Engineering Journal 49 (3): 229-266.
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[10] Hospers, J.(1965). Gravity field and Structure of the Niger Delta, Nigeria, West Africa. Bull.. Geol. Soc. Amer. 76, 407- 422.
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Abstract: The study was embodied with quantitative analysis of petrophysical parameters of the gas zone to characterize the reservoirs in the Rashidpur well-4 of the Rashipdur Gas Field, Bangladesh. 20 permeable zones were identified in the study. Among these, 4 zones were gas-bearing and the rest zones were water. Hydrocarbon type might be gas which was positively indicated comparatively high resistivity, low neutron and low density log responses in these zones than that of the water zones. Average porosity of these zones ranged from 18-27 %, water saturation 17-40 %, hydrocarbon saturation 60-82 % and permeability ranged from 50.94 mD to 363 mD. Hydrocarbon is moveable in the reservoir because all the value is less than 0.70 indicate by hydrocarbon moveavility index. Average bulk volume of water ranged from 0.04 to 0.13. All the calculated values support that lithology are fine to very fine-grained sandstone and is at irreducible water saturation. The zone-4 was shown comparatively highest thickness, porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and permeability than other zones. The study can be concluded that these hydrocarbon-bearing zones are potential for gas production and good reservoir bearing formation.
Keywords: Petrophysical parameter, Rashidpur Gas Field, Permeable zone, Hydrocarbon moveable and Reservoir potential
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