Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Abstract: Five aeromagnetic maps on a scale of 1:100,000 were analysed using the horizontal gradient magnitude and 2.5D forward modeling method in the South east Sector of mamfe basin Nigeria. The data was manually digitized and filtered using polynomial fitting method to obtain a residual map, reduction to the pole was done after map merging prior to filtering. The HDep and Saki softwares were used in determining the sediments thickness, types of intrusive, and basin configuration. The results identified (17) seventeen intrusives and the basin configuration made of horst and graben structures, the sediment thickness from both methods range between 0.5km–4.3km, the areas with the highest accumulation of sediments (2.6km – 4.3km) is within Edor area in Bansara, these area also has three major intrusives which may serve as a source of heat for thermal maturation or over maturation of these sediments.
Keywords: configuration,forward modeling, polynomial fitting
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Abstract: The present study deals with the application of three different analytical techniques on the recorded ground gamma ray spectrometric measurements in order to detect the radioelements content specially Uranium in Solaf-Umm Takha area, south Sinai, Egypt. These techniques include Uranium migration (in and out), Uranium favorability index and multi-variate statistical analysis including first and second principal component and factor scores. The obtained results have indicated that Umm Takha granite and the quartzo – feldspathic gneiss as well as the El-Sheikh granite are Uranium source rocks with low favorability indices. However the application of favorability index technique has proved to be an effective tool in igneous and metamorphic environments to indicate Uranium depletion from source rocks. The integration of original uranium content, uranium migration rate and Uranium favorability index indicated that Uranium migrated from the eastern and southern parts and has been ultimately accumulated in the western and northern parts of the study area. Topographically, uranium has been migrated from the high relief mountainous region to the drainage divide of Solaf-Umm Takha valleys. Therefore, uranium migration history proves its validity in distinction between syngentically-mineralized source rocks and secondary enriched rocks in the investigated area.
Keywords : factor scores, favorability indices, Sinai, spectrometry and uranium migration.
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Abstract: Conglomerates and pebbly sandstone abound along a belt of about 50km long and 11km wide in northeastern part of Akwa Ibom State. Granulometric analysis of 29 samples show the deposits to be poorly to moderately sorted, having sorting coefficient values ranging between 0.63ф to 1.41ф. Pebble morphometric analysis of the conglomerates showed that the mean values of the various morphometric parameters range as follows: flatness ratio (S/L = 0.39-0.58), elongation ratio (I/L =0.64-0.78), maximum projection sphericity (Ψ P = 0.60-0.77), Oblate Prolate index (Ō P = -1.98 to 4.13), coefficient of flatness (39.25-57.86). Roundness index determined for the pebbles through simple comparism with Power's (1953) roundness chart averaged 0.232. Interpretation of pebble morphometric and granulometric results indicate a fluvial environment of deposition for the deposits.
Keywords: Conglomerate, deposit, environment, fluvial, roundness
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development Programmes And The Tribal :A Study On The Santals Of Birbhum District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prasasti Ghoosh |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0153539 ![]() |
Abstract: ''A tribe is viewed historically and developmentally as a social group existing before the development of ,or outside of state'' (Wikipedi),1. The term 'Adivasi' is implied to the tribal people. The term Adivasi( Adi=original and vasi= inhabitant) has become known to many people. The ILO has classified them as indigenous people and they are living in this subcontinent from unrecorded period. The scheduled tribe first appeared in the constitution (Article 366(25)) of India. India the vast geographical area with diversified ecological ,
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[3]. Raha,M.K(1989);Introduction in Tribal India(vol-1),Ed.Manis Kr Raha, Gian Publishing House,Delhi,pxxii-xxiv
[4]. Dr. Prasasti Ghosh(1993),Demographic Profile and Changing Occupational Character and Economic Status of the Santhals of
Birbhum District (thesis),
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Abstract: Paleoclimate was reconstructed by the clay mineral assemblages within the age of Cretaceous (Campanian - Maastrichtian) of the Mamu Formation. To compare with clay mineral assemblages in this formation, selected samples were collected from sections along the road cuts from the King Petrol Station up the Miliken Hills and at the left bank of River Ekulu near the bridge to Onyeama mine, around Iva Valley and along Enugu Port-Harcourt road in Enugu State. Collected samples were prepared using standard clay mineral methodology. Their identification was made on X-Ray diffractographs, Kaolinite covered a range of 22-45%, its variation style in this formation could be a marker of climate changes from wet to dry which is supported by the lithological changes. Illite percentage varies from 5-10 and increases from Enu.1.1-1.5 to Enu.2.1-2.5. This may be due to dominant dry climate. Montmorrilonite ranges from 7 – 10% and its presence is due to terrestrial depositional condition. It seems thus, the present results can be indicated a possible procedure for ancient climate changes evaluation.
Keywords: (Clay minerals, Paleoclimate, XRD, Mamu formation
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Abstract: A detailed hydrogeo-electric investigation of Jibam Village and environs was carried out to determine the peculiar difficult hydrogeological disposition of the area which result in well and borehole failures. The area is underlain by Basement Complex rocks (migmatites, granite gneiss and pegmatites) and Newer basalts. A total of 70 vertical electrical sounding (VES) were carried out within the study area. The field data were interpreted using computer aided programe (Win Resists) and from the geo-electric parameters, 4-5 geoelectirc layers were identified which include- Topsoil from 0-3.8m, Weathered basement/basalt from 0.1-21m, Basalt/fractured basalt from 0.1-20m, Sub-basalt alluvium from 20-30m and Fresh basement from 10.1-∞m, and characterized by variable resistivity value range from 93-634 ohm/m, 23-152 ohm/m, 178-693 ohm/m, 28-70 ohm/m and 100-1296 ohm/m respectively. The interpreted geoelectric parameters from the VES model curves were used to produce geo-electric sections, isopach maps, bedrock relief/structural maps which aided in the development of the overall groundwater potential map of the area. This study revealed that basement depressions with moderate overburden and areas underlain by sub-basalt alluvium and/or fractured basalts are areas with low and medium-high groundwater potential respectively.
Keywords: Hydrogeo-electric investigation, Basement Complex rocks, Basalts, VES model curves, River Shemankar and Jos Plateau.
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