Version-1 (Sep–Oct 2012)
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Abstract: Landfill siting should take into account a wide range of territorial and legal factors in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment. The suitability of selected site for disposal center affects the amount of generated energy and the cost of disposal generation. Suitable sites should be determined on the basis of technical, economical and socio-environmental issues. GIS along with appropriate models and spatial analysis method can be used to define the suitability of different locations for the construction of disposal centers. This research focused on determining suitable locations for construction of a suitable disposal centers. Our study area is Saqqez city in Kurdistan province in North West of Iran. At the first, important parameters in hazardous material disposal center sitting for studied area were identified. Then, the maps of studied area were prepared and integrated. Boolean, index overlay, and fuzzy logic models were used for integrating of maps. The suitable locations for the waste material disposal center were selected using each model. Finally, in index overlay and fuzzy logic model, 0.12% and 0.17% of the study area was selected as suitable, respectively. In both of the methods, the majority of suitable area was located in south east of city, where waste demand is more than other places.
Keywords- Waste disposal; Site selection; GIS; Saqqez city.
Keywords- Waste disposal; Site selection; GIS; Saqqez city.
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[10] M.A. Abdoli, Recycling of Municipal Solid Wastes. Tehran University, Iran, 2005.
[2] B.Mukhopadhyay, A.Saha, N. Hazra, Knowledge Driven GIS Modeling Techniques for Copper Prospectively Mapping in Singhbhum Copper Belt, Retrospection, india,2001, 156-163.
[3] Common Disposal center Sitting Criteria, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, 1999,
[4] K. Delaney and A. Lachapelle, "A GIS Approach to Sitting a Coal-Fired Disposal center in Franklin County, Illinois, 4, 2003, 65-76.
[5] K. H. Chi, N. W. Park, Ch.J. Chung, Fuzzy Logic Integration for Landslide Hazard Mapping Using Spatial Data from Boeun, KOREA, 3, 2001, 87-95.
[6] M.J. Valadan Zoej, M. S. Mesgari, S. Beheshtifar, M. Karimi1, Thermal Disposal center Site Selection Using GIS, Map Asia conference, 2005.
[7] S. Beheshtifar, S. Mesgari, M.J. Valadan Zoej, M. Karimi, Data Integration Using Fuzzy Logic Model Application in: Power-Plant Sitting, Map India conference, 2006.
[8] K.H, Valizadeh and H. Shahabi, Comporison of Boolean,Index overlay and Fuzzy Logic Methods for data integration in hazardous material disposal center sitting, 5th international Conference on Geographic information system, 2008, Istanbul-Turkey.
[9] M. Moeinaddini, N. Khorasani, A. Danehkar, A.A. Darvishsefat, M. zienalyan,, Siting MSW landfill using weighted linear combination and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology in GIS environment (case study: Karaj), Waste Management, 30, 2010, 912–920.
[10] M.A. Abdoli, Recycling of Municipal Solid Wastes. Tehran University, Iran, 2005.
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Abstract: Snow is a highly unstable and porous material which is composed of frozen water (ice) and air. It undergoes constant change due to ambient conditions and becomes essential matter in earth's climate system. This makes snow physical parameters as an important tool to study global climate change especially when satellite data provide timely and efficient information about large land area. In the present paper, one of the snow physical parameters (i.e snow grain size) has been estimated using spectral angle mapper (SAM) method and validated with existed grain index (GI) method. Study was carried out by using NASA's hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion sensor. The analysis procedure consists of Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) atmospheric correction code derives its physics-based algorithm from the Moderate Resolution Transmittance (MODTRAN4) radiative transfer code as well as topographic correction to retrieve surface reflectance. The spectral reflectance of different types of snow grain size, vegetation-mixed snow and boulder-mixed snow has been collected in field, using optical spectro-radiometer and compared with satellite derived spectra. The study reveals a good agreement between the grain size classes i.e. fine, medium and coarse and quantitatively retrieved grain sizes using SAM theory.
Keywords: Hyperion, FLAASH, MODTRAN, GI, SAM
Keywords: Hyperion, FLAASH, MODTRAN, GI, SAM
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[10] USGS(2003)EO-1,UserGuideversion2.3,downloadedon15July2012,from,
[2] Sharma, K. J. Puneeta, D. and Mishra, V.D. New algorithm development for snow cover monitoring at sub-pixel level using MODIS data. Atti Della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi Annolxv, 4, 2010, 439-452.
[3] Konig, M. Winther, J.G and Isaksson, E. Measuring snow and glacier properties from satellite. Reviews of Geophysics. 39, 2001,1-27.
[4] Kulkarni, A.V. Singh, S.K. Mathur, P. and Mishra, V.D. Algorithm to monitor snow cover AWiFS data of RESOURCESAT-1 for the Himalayan region. Int. J. Remote Sens. 27(12), 2006, 2449–2457.
[5] Bohren, C. F. and Barkstrom, B. R. Theory of the optical properties of snow. Journal of Geophysical Research. 79(30), 1974, 4527-4535
[6] Greenfell, T.C. Perovich, D.K. and Ogren, J.A. Spectral albedos of an Alpine snowpack. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 4,1981, 121-127.
[7] Aoki, T. Fukabori, M.; Hachikubo, A. Tachibana, Y. and Nishio, F. Effects of snow physical parameters on spectral albedo and bi-directional reflectance of snow surface. Journal of Geophysical Research. 105(8), 2000, 10219-10236.
[8] Dozier, J. Painter,T.H. Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing of alpine snow properties. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 32, 2004, 465-494.
[9] Negi H.S. Kulkarni A.V. and Semwal B.S. Study of Contaminated and Mixed Objects Snow Reflectance in Indian Himalaya using Spectroradiometer. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(2), 2009, 315-325.
[10] USGS(2003)EO-1,UserGuideversion2.3,downloadedon15July2012,from,
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Abstract: G.P. fitting method has been used to find energy absorption buildup factor for some soils taken from
different states of India. Field of study has been spread over wide energy region 0.015-15.0 MeV up to a
penetration depth of 40 mfp. Variation of EABF with incident photon energy and penetration depth has been
studied. We observed that chosen soils have maximum value of EABF around 0.2 MeV. Variation in value of
EABF was due to dominance of different interaction processes in different energy regions. A comparative study
on the basis of different properties of selected soils like EBF, EABF, equivalent and effective atomic numbers
has been also done.
Keywords- Energy absorption buildup factor (EABF), Exposure buildup factor (EBF), Mean free path (mfp), Shielding.
Keywords- Energy absorption buildup factor (EABF), Exposure buildup factor (EBF), Mean free path (mfp), Shielding.
[1]. Harima, Y., Sakamoto, Y, et al., 1986. Validity of the geometric progression formula in approximating the gamma ray buildup
factors Nucl. Sci.Eng. 94, 24 -35.
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analysis of accuracy and comparison with other data. J.Nucl Sci. Technol. 39, 477- 486.
[3]. Shimizu, A., Onda, T., Sakamoto, Y., 2004. Calculations of gamma ray buildup factors up to depths of 100 mfp by the method of
invariant embedding, (III) generation of an improved data set. J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 41, 413 – 424.
[4]. Suteau, C., Chiron, M., 2005. An iterative method for calculating gamma ray buildup factors in multi -layer shields. Radiat. Prot.
Dosim. 116, 489 – 492.
[5]. Sardari,D., Abbaspour,A., Baradaran, S., Babapour, F., 2009. Estimation of gamma and X-ray photons buildup factor in soft tissue
with Monte Carlo method. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67, 1438 - 1440.
[6]. ANSI,1991. American National Standard Gamma-Ray Attenuation Coefficient and Buildup Factors for Engineering Materials.
[7]. Harima, Y. and Tanaka, S. (1985) A study of buildup factors, angular and energy distribution at small distances from three source
geometries- plane isotropic, point isotropic and plane normal for low energy gamma rays incident on water. Nucl. Sci. Engg. 90,165.
[8]. Takeuchi, K. and Tanaka, S. PALLAS-ID (VII). A Code for direct integration of transport equation in one-dimensional plane and
spherical geometries. JAERI-M 84, 214 (1984).
[9]. Sakamoto, Y., Tanaka, S., Harima, Y., 1988. Interpolation of gamma ray build-up factors for point isotropic source with respect
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composite materials. NSRP (National symposium on radiation physics) 12.
factors Nucl. Sci.Eng. 94, 24 -35.
[2]. Shimizu, A., 2002. Calculations of gamma ray buildup factors up to depths of 100 mfp by the method of invariant embedding, (I)
analysis of accuracy and comparison with other data. J.Nucl Sci. Technol. 39, 477- 486.
[3]. Shimizu, A., Onda, T., Sakamoto, Y., 2004. Calculations of gamma ray buildup factors up to depths of 100 mfp by the method of
invariant embedding, (III) generation of an improved data set. J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 41, 413 – 424.
[4]. Suteau, C., Chiron, M., 2005. An iterative method for calculating gamma ray buildup factors in multi -layer shields. Radiat. Prot.
Dosim. 116, 489 – 492.
[5]. Sardari,D., Abbaspour,A., Baradaran, S., Babapour, F., 2009. Estimation of gamma and X-ray photons buildup factor in soft tissue
with Monte Carlo method. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67, 1438 - 1440.
[6]. ANSI,1991. American National Standard Gamma-Ray Attenuation Coefficient and Buildup Factors for Engineering Materials.
[7]. Harima, Y. and Tanaka, S. (1985) A study of buildup factors, angular and energy distribution at small distances from three source
geometries- plane isotropic, point isotropic and plane normal for low energy gamma rays incident on water. Nucl. Sci. Engg. 90,165.
[8]. Takeuchi, K. and Tanaka, S. PALLAS-ID (VII). A Code for direct integration of transport equation in one-dimensional plane and
spherical geometries. JAERI-M 84, 214 (1984).
[9]. Sakamoto, Y., Tanaka, S., Harima, Y., 1988. Interpolation of gamma ray build-up factors for point isotropic source with respect
to atomic number. Nucl. Sci. Eng. 100, 33 - 42.
[10]. Fujisawa,K (1994) Parametric study of shielding codes used for Packaging Ramtrans 5,215 G. S. Sidhu, Parjit S. Singh and
Gurmel Singh Mudahar and G.S. Brar and Makhan singh, 1998. An interpolation method to generate buildup factor data of
composite materials. NSRP (National symposium on radiation physics) 12.
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Abstract: The dependence of the energy absorption buildup factor (EABF) of flyash samples viz Bituminous
Sub bituminous, Lignite, High-Calcium, High-Iron, Low-Calcium and Low-Iron on incident photon energy and
penetration depth is investigated in the energy range 0.015 to 15.0 MeV and penetration depth upto 40 mfp
(mean free path). It has been found that the energy absorption buildup factor changes significantly with the
change of incident photon energy and penetration depth. This change results from the dominance of different
interaction processes in different energy regions and the chemical composition of different flyash materials.
Comparison of calculated energy absorption buildup factor with standard shows good agreements.
Keywords: Energy Absorption Buildup Factor (EABF), Penetration depth, Equivalent atomic number (Zeq ), Flyash, Shielding, Mean Free path(mfp)
Keywords: Energy Absorption Buildup Factor (EABF), Penetration depth, Equivalent atomic number (Zeq ), Flyash, Shielding, Mean Free path(mfp)
[1] ANSI, 1991. American National Standard Gamma – "Ray Attenuation Coefficients and Buildup Factor for Engineering Materials",
[2] El-Hosiny, FI., El-Faramawy, N.A. 2000. "Shielding of gamma radiation by hydrated Portland cement-lead pastes. Radiat. Meas.", 32,93.
[3] Gopinath D.V.and Samthanam K. (1971) "Radiation transport in one dimensional finite systems - part I. Development in the anisotropic source - flux technique", Nucl. Sci. Eng. 43, 186.
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[5] Gerward, l., Guilbert, N., Jensen, K.B., Levring, H, 2004 "WinXcom- A program for calculating X-ray attenuation cofficients" Radit. hys.hem., 71, 653-654
[6] Harima Y. (1983) "An approximation of gamma ray buildup factors by modified geometrical progression". Nucl. Sci. Eng. 83, 299-309.
[7] Harima Y., Sakamoto Y., Tanaka S. and Kawai M. (1986a) "Validity of the geometric- progression formula in approximating the
gamma ray buildup factors", Nucl. Sci. Eng. 94, 24.
[8] Harima. Y., 1993 "A historical review and current status of buildup factor calculations and applications", Radiat. Phys. Chem. 41, 631-672.
[9] Harima Y., Sakamoto Y., Tanaka S. and Kawai M. (1986a) "Validity of the geometric- progression formula in approximating the
gamma ray buildup factors", Nucl. Sci. Eng. 94, 24.
[10] Harima Y., Sakamoto Y., Tanaka S., Kawai M., Fujita T., Ishikawa T., Kinno M., Hayashi K., Matsumoto Y., and Nishimura T. (1986b) "Applicability of geometrical progression approximation (G-P method) of gamma-ray buildup factors", Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)-M, 86-071.
[2] El-Hosiny, FI., El-Faramawy, N.A. 2000. "Shielding of gamma radiation by hydrated Portland cement-lead pastes. Radiat. Meas.", 32,93.
[3] Gopinath D.V.and Samthanam K. (1971) "Radiation transport in one dimensional finite systems - part I. Development in the anisotropic source - flux technique", Nucl. Sci. Eng. 43, 186.
[4] Gerward, L., Guilbert, N, Jensen, K.B., Levring, H., 2001. "X-ray absorption in matter Reengineering" , XCOM. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 60,23-24
[5] Gerward, l., Guilbert, N., Jensen, K.B., Levring, H, 2004 "WinXcom- A program for calculating X-ray attenuation cofficients" Radit. hys.hem., 71, 653-654
[6] Harima Y. (1983) "An approximation of gamma ray buildup factors by modified geometrical progression". Nucl. Sci. Eng. 83, 299-309.
[7] Harima Y., Sakamoto Y., Tanaka S. and Kawai M. (1986a) "Validity of the geometric- progression formula in approximating the
gamma ray buildup factors", Nucl. Sci. Eng. 94, 24.
[8] Harima. Y., 1993 "A historical review and current status of buildup factor calculations and applications", Radiat. Phys. Chem. 41, 631-672.
[9] Harima Y., Sakamoto Y., Tanaka S. and Kawai M. (1986a) "Validity of the geometric- progression formula in approximating the
gamma ray buildup factors", Nucl. Sci. Eng. 94, 24.
[10] Harima Y., Sakamoto Y., Tanaka S., Kawai M., Fujita T., Ishikawa T., Kinno M., Hayashi K., Matsumoto Y., and Nishimura T. (1986b) "Applicability of geometrical progression approximation (G-P method) of gamma-ray buildup factors", Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)-M, 86-071.
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Abstract:ZnO and Al-doped ZnO (AZO) thin films were grown by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption an
Reaction (SILAR) method on a glass substrate from sodium zincate solution. Doping was achieved with
controlled introduction of aluminum chloride. The technique involved multiple dipping of the substrate in an
aqueous solution of sodium zincate kept at room temperature and a hot water bath kept at 95oC in which ZnO
and AZO thin films were synthesized at 0.125M and 0.25M of sodium zincate (Na2ZnO2) where 100 and 200
dippings were performed for each. The thickness of the layers were determined using Metler PB303 digital
balance and a Radicon 10 mini- diffractometer (XRD) for the structural characterization while optical
characterization was achieved with the use of a Jenway 6405 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The results revealed
(002) peaks for ZnO thin films and (112) peaks for AZO thin films. Also the transmittances of the ZnO films
were higher than those of AZO while AZO films have higher absorbance than those of ZnO films. The energy
band gap of both ZnO and AZO were both found to be between 3.71eV and 3.80eV, the values which are slightly
higher than most reported values in literature.
Keywords - Absorbance, AZO, Energy bandgap, SILAR, Thin Films, XRD, ZnO
Keywords - Absorbance, AZO, Energy bandgap, SILAR, Thin Films, XRD, ZnO
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comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices, Journal of applied Physics 98, 2005, 041301.
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[5]. T.Yamamoto, T.Shiosaki, and A.Kawabata, Characterization of ZnO piezoelectric films prepared by rf planar-magnetron sputtering, J.Appl. Phys.51, 3113 (1980).
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Characterization of ZnO Thin films of silicon substrate using Sol-gel process, Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2003),
Mondal, X., Kanta, K.P and Mitra, P. Preparation of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) Thin Film by SILAR, Jounal of Physical Sciences,
Vol.12, 2008, 221-229.
[9]. Tiku S.K, C.K Lan and K.M Lakin , Chemical vapour deposition of ZnO epitaxial films on sapphire, Applied physics letter 36,
1980, 318-320.
[10]. Michael Kokotov, Ariel Biller, and Gary Hodes, Reproducible Chemical Bath Deposition of ZnO by a One-Step Method: The
Importance of "Contaminants" in Nucleation.
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Abstract: The problem of thermal instability of an infinitely extending homogeneous self-gravitating partiallyionized
gaseous plasma, which is permeated by uniform magnetic field, has been investigated in this paper in
the presence of radiative heat-loss functions, rotation, viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity and
Hall current of the medium. With the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem, a
general dispersion relation is obtained for the considered medium and discussed in the longitudinal and
transverse direction of propagation by using normal mode analysis method. The longitudinal mode is found to
be modified by Alfven speed, rotation, viscosity and Hall current of the medium and it is also found that the
condition of radiative instability is independent of the magnetic field, Hall current and viscosity but for the
transverse mode of propagation it depends on the strength of the magnetic field. The damping effect is produced
due to collision frequency, viscosity and Hall current. The curve shows the stabilizing effects of neutral
component, rotation and magnetic field and destabilizing effect of thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity and
density-dependent heat-loss functions on the growth rate of instability of the system.
Keywords: Jeans Instability; Thermal Conductivity; Radiative Heat-Loss Function; Interstellar Medium (ISM); Collision-Frequency.
Keywords: Jeans Instability; Thermal Conductivity; Radiative Heat-Loss Function; Interstellar Medium (ISM); Collision-Frequency.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of a new reflecting surface for electromagnetic waves |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Stephen Rodrigues |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0165558 ![]() |
Abstract: A new reflecting surface capable of simulating identical reflecting properties of a metallic plate with rectangular corrugations is reported. The new surface which is fabricated with a low loss dielectric plate of uniform thickness .One surface of the plate is periodically loaded with a grill structure of conducting wires and the other surface is completely metalized with copper. Depending on the grating parameters and the thickness of the dielectric plate, on reflection it is capable of rotating the plane of polarization or producing circular polarization of the incident electromagnetic wave. Compared to existing metallic corrugated surfaces, it is light in weight, less expensive, and mass production of large surfaces is possible by photolithographic method.,
Keywords: Electromagnetic waves, Microwaves, Polarisers, Corrugation Simulated, Reflectors
Keywords: Electromagnetic waves, Microwaves, Polarisers, Corrugation Simulated, Reflectors
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