Version-1 (Nov–Dec 2012)
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Abstract: The importance of the classical limit of the maximum rotational energy transfer, (ΔE)max, has been reviewed for a two dimensional hard ellipsoid potential model over a wide range of energies, reduced mass of the system, potential functions and potential parameters for the F2-He system. It has been found that (ΔE)max, predicted by the hard ellipsoid potential is comparable to a well-known parameter lΔEl* given by the two parameter Power- gap law. The numerical equivalence of (ΔE)max and lΔEl* has been verified for various types of potential surfaces, collision energy and the mass of the system. Such equivalence suggests that the value of (ΔE)max can be used as one parameter lΔEl* of the power -gap law.
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Abstract: Local women in the Niger Delta use oil companies' gas flare sites to dry a popular cassava base
food, kpokpo-garri (tapioca).This work is on the investigation of the effects of using gas flare to dry tapioca in
the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Two samples of tapioca dried with gas flare at Gana flow station, Agbarha
were analyzed using a Unican 929 atomic absorption spectrophotometer for the presence of hazardous heavy
metals. Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Ni and Zn were found in the dried tapioca in quantities above WHO safe limits. These
make the dried tapioca unsafe for consumption. There is therefore the need for alternative means such as sun or
oven to dry tapioca.
Keywords: Tapioca, Flare, Gana, Flow- Station, Heavy metals
Keywords: Tapioca, Flare, Gana, Flow- Station, Heavy metals
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[10] Manahan, S.E, Environmental chemistry, 6th edition. Lewis publishing, London, 1994 ISBN.1 56670- 088-4.
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Abstract: Surface geophysical survey was conducted around Aarada refuse dumpsite, Ogbomosho, Oyo State,
Nigeria to locate leachate plumes migration pathways using the very low frequency electromagnetic and
vertical electrical sounding techniques. Eight VLF-EM profiles of length 70 to 150m with 10m interstation
spacing and seven Vertical Electrical Soundings with current electrode separation varying from 150 to 200m
were established. The analyzed VLF-EM data revealed the presence of conductive pollutants (leachate plumes)
at the subsurface while the geoeletric sections generated from the processed VES data showed that the leachate
plumes have actually migrated to a depth of 5.4m in the area which confirmed the VLF-EM results.
Keywords: Groundwater, Health Hazard, Leachate Plume, Vertical Electrical Sounding, Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic.
Keywords: Groundwater, Health Hazard, Leachate Plume, Vertical Electrical Sounding, Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic.
[1] Adagunodo T.A. and Sunmonu L.A. (2012). Estimation of overburden thickness of Industrial Estate Ogbomoso, Southwestern
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Nigeria. Advances in Applied Sciences Research, 3(5), 3129-3141.
[2] Ajayi O, Adegoke-Anthony CW (1988): Groundwater prospects in the basement complex rocks of Southwestern Nigeria: Journal of
African Earth sciences, vol. 7, No1, pp 227-235
[3] Akinloye MK, Fadipe DO and Adabanija MA (2002): A radiometric mapping of the Ladoke Akintola University Campus,
Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria: Science focus vol. 1 pp 55-61.
[4] Atekwana EA, Sauck WA, Werkema Jr DD (2000): Investigations of geoelectrical signatures at a hydrocarbon contaminated site. J
Appl Geophys 44:167-180
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fractures: A case study from Raigarh, India. Geophysics, 72: B133-B140.
[6] Bernstone C, Dahlin T, Ohlsson T, Hogland W (2000): DC-resistivity mapping of internal Landfill structure: two pre-excavation
surveys. Environ Geol 39:3-4
[7] Carpenter PJ, Calkin SF, Kaufmann RS (1991): Assessing a fractured landfill cover using electrical resistivity and seismic
refraction techniques. Geophysics 56(11):1896-1904
[8] Diersing W, Nancy F (2009): "Water Quality: Frequently Asked Questions". PDA. NOAA. Retrieved 2009-08-24.
[9] Dodds AR, Ivic D (1988): Integrated Geophysical Methods Used for Groundwater Studies in the Murray Basin, South Australia. In: Geotechnical and Environmental Studies. Geophysics, Vol. II. Soc. Explor Geophys.: Tulsa, OK. 303-310
[10] Folami SL (1992): Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Anomalies in Iwaraja Area, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Mining and
Geology 28(2) 391-396
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Abstract: Very low frequency signals (VLF) which are observed by DEMETER satellite is often corrupted by
atmospheric and manmade noise. These noises affect the quality of the VLF signal. So for quality improvement
denoising of VLF signal is must. The denoising methods which are used for VLF signal often consider noise
nature as Gaussian. But the nature of atmospheric and manmade noise is non-gaussian. Due to this fact
denoising methods which are considering noise nature as Gaussian is not effective for the denoising of VLF
signals. So in the present work we applied a statistical signal processing method for the denoising of noise
being non-Gaussian is known as the independent component analysis (ICA) in which signal and noise
considered to be independent and non-Gaussian.ICA based preprocesses boost the higher order correlation
(bispectrum).This study also shows improvement in the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and visualized the
suppressed frequency of VLF signals in the spectrogram.
Keywords: Denoise,Gaussian,Independent componemt analysis
Keywords: Denoise,Gaussian,Independent componemt analysis
[1] R. Barra , D. Llanwyn Jonesb, C.J. Rodgerc ELF and VLF radio waves Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 62
(2000) 1689-1718.
[2] Morris B. Cohen, Umran S. Inan, and Evans W. Paschal "Sensitive Broadband ELF/VLF Radio ReceptionWith the AWESOME
[3] Masashi Hayakawa, "VLF/LF Radio Sounding of Ionospheric Perturbations Associated with Earthquakes" Sensors 2007, 7, 1141-
[4] A. Rozhnoi, M. Solovieva1, O. Molchanov, O. Akentieva, J. J. Berthelier, M. Parrot, P. F. Biagi, andM. Hayakawa, "Statistical
correlation of spectral broadening in VLF transmitter signal and low-frequency ionospheric turbulence from observation on
DEMETER satellite" Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 8, 1105–1111, 2008.
[5] Cesidio Bianchi and Antonio Meloni, "Natural and man-made terrestrial electromagnetic noise: an outlook" ANNALS OF
GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 50, N. 3, June 2007.
[6] T. Onishi , J.J Berthelier Latmos, "Synthetic characterization of VLF electric field spectra from the ICE experiment on DEMETER
Automatic Recognition and Characterization of natural and man made emissions", Notes of IPSL Planetary Group, ISSN 1768-
0042,June 2010.
[7] Hanna Rothkaehl,Nataly Izohkina,Igor Prutensky,Sergey, "17 Ionospheric disturbances generated by different natural processes and
by human activity in Earth plasma environment", Annals of Geophysics ,Vol. 47 , N. 2/3, 2004,pp.1215-1225.
[8] J.J Berthelier,M.Godefroy ,F.Leblanc ,M Malinger ,M.Menvielle.D. Lagoutte, J.Y.Brochot,F. Colin,F. Elie, C.Legendre, C.
Legendre,P.Zamora, D.Benoist ,Y Chapuis,J Artru,R.Pfaff, "ICE,the electric field experiment on DEMETER" ,Planetary and Space
Science April 2006,pp.456-471.
[9] Imola K. Fodor and Chandrika Kamath, 2003. "Denoising Through Wavelet Shrinkage: An Empirical Study", Journal of Electronic
Imaging, Vol. 12, pp.151-160.
[10] Galvao, Roberto Kawakami Harrop "Comparative study on instrumental signal denoising using Fourier and Wavelet transforms",
Quím. Nova [online]. 2001, Vol.24, pp. 874-884.
(2000) 1689-1718.
[2] Morris B. Cohen, Umran S. Inan, and Evans W. Paschal "Sensitive Broadband ELF/VLF Radio ReceptionWith the AWESOME
[3] Masashi Hayakawa, "VLF/LF Radio Sounding of Ionospheric Perturbations Associated with Earthquakes" Sensors 2007, 7, 1141-
[4] A. Rozhnoi, M. Solovieva1, O. Molchanov, O. Akentieva, J. J. Berthelier, M. Parrot, P. F. Biagi, andM. Hayakawa, "Statistical
correlation of spectral broadening in VLF transmitter signal and low-frequency ionospheric turbulence from observation on
DEMETER satellite" Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 8, 1105–1111, 2008.
[5] Cesidio Bianchi and Antonio Meloni, "Natural and man-made terrestrial electromagnetic noise: an outlook" ANNALS OF
GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 50, N. 3, June 2007.
[6] T. Onishi , J.J Berthelier Latmos, "Synthetic characterization of VLF electric field spectra from the ICE experiment on DEMETER
Automatic Recognition and Characterization of natural and man made emissions", Notes of IPSL Planetary Group, ISSN 1768-
0042,June 2010.
[7] Hanna Rothkaehl,Nataly Izohkina,Igor Prutensky,Sergey, "17 Ionospheric disturbances generated by different natural processes and
by human activity in Earth plasma environment", Annals of Geophysics ,Vol. 47 , N. 2/3, 2004,pp.1215-1225.
[8] J.J Berthelier,M.Godefroy ,F.Leblanc ,M Malinger ,M.Menvielle.D. Lagoutte, J.Y.Brochot,F. Colin,F. Elie, C.Legendre, C.
Legendre,P.Zamora, D.Benoist ,Y Chapuis,J Artru,R.Pfaff, "ICE,the electric field experiment on DEMETER" ,Planetary and Space
Science April 2006,pp.456-471.
[9] Imola K. Fodor and Chandrika Kamath, 2003. "Denoising Through Wavelet Shrinkage: An Empirical Study", Journal of Electronic
Imaging, Vol. 12, pp.151-160.
[10] Galvao, Roberto Kawakami Harrop "Comparative study on instrumental signal denoising using Fourier and Wavelet transforms",
Quím. Nova [online]. 2001, Vol.24, pp. 874-884.
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Abstract: A magnetic distance sensor with high sensitivity based on double secondary coil of fluxgate has been
investigated and discussed in this paper. Fluxgate sensor element is made using conventional methods, based on
double secondary coil design, consists of four primary winding and two secondary windings. Secondary coil is
located in the center core and is flanked by the primary coil. Effect of the number of pick-up coil on sensitivity
and sensor work area were investigated by making four pick-up coil configurations with a fixed number of
winding excitation. Sensor sensitivity increased significantly with increasing the number of pick-up windings
while the coil excitation is fixed. Characterization of distance sensor is using permanent magnets as magnetic
source and flux meter as calibrators, by changing the position of the magnet on flux meter. We found that the
output voltage and sensitivity of sensor is inversely proportional to the distance range of the sensor. The relative
error of sensor measurement to the measurement results of flux meter has a maximum value of 3.97 %. . For
distance sensor, we found that the maximum relative error of measurement is 4.77 %.
Keywords: Distance sensor, fluxgate, magnetic sensor, secondary coil, sensitivity
Keywords: Distance sensor, fluxgate, magnetic sensor, secondary coil, sensitivity
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[10] P. Ripka and A. Zikmund, Magnetic Tracker with High Precision, Procedia Engineering, 25 ,2011, 1617 – 1620.
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Abstract: Groundwater potential of an area covers not only exploration and quality assessment of the available
reserves, but also determination of recharge age of groundwater in order to evaluate the sustainable yield of the
resource. Tritium concentrations in groundwater system of the Basement Complex Terrain of Kano metropolis
(Nigeria) has been used to determine mean-residence time of groundwater in the Aquifer. This groundwater is
exploited for both domestic and industrial use. Using Isotope Techniques in groundwater samples collected
from 28 selected motorized boreholes in the year 2010, the results generally, indicated that recharge to
groundwater of the area is 'Modern' (water younger than 50 years). However, one borehole showed
insignificant tritium of 0.0±0.2 TU. This, in effect, implied that only minimal recharge took place in
groundwater around this borehole after the early 1950s, which informs the need for judicious exploitation of
this part of the aquifers for sustainability.
Keywords: Basement Complex, Isotopes, Paleowater, Recharge Tritium.
Keywords: Basement Complex, Isotopes, Paleowater, Recharge Tritium.
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Vol 4 (No 2), p 23 – 28.
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distribution of base metals (V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni). Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
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pumping of selected boreholes. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
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Abstract: Statistical rock physics analysis of petrophysical logs for reservoir characterization has been carried
out in a Niger delta field. The objective of the study is to determine the discriminating capacity of these rocks
and attribute properties in 2-D cross plot space. Classifications were done in terms of Pearson's coefficient of
correlation (R2) of the cross plotted property pairs. Low R2 value gives the most non-linear data clusters with
good separation and highest discriminating capacity, while high R2 value gives linear and poorly separated
data clusters and least discriminating capacity. Results indicates that the discriminating capacity of rock and
attribute properties were in the order of ρ, PI, λρ, Poisson ratio, VpVs ratio, Zp and Vp for fluid, while ρ, μρ, Zs,
Zp, and Vs are for lithology. In all cases of cross plot pairs, ρ appears to have the highest discriminating
capacity, while Vs vs VpVs ratio cross plot the least. ρ exhibits dual property because of its heightened
sensitivity to lithology and pore fill. The relative value of R2 and the degree of discrimination into distinct
lithology units and fluid types for the investigated properties depends on the quality of well log data used in the
analysis and the characteristic property of the reservoir parameters.
Keywords: Discriminating capacity, Coefficient of correlation, Cross plot, Factor and Variable
Keywords: Discriminating capacity, Coefficient of correlation, Cross plot, Factor and Variable
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determination of temperature and density of the stars using the new intensity formula |
Country | : | sweden |
Authors | : | Bo Thelin |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4861-0254853 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper a linear relationship in stellar optical spectra has been found by using a
spectroscopical method used on optical light sources where it is possible to organize atomic data in a linear
structure. This method is based on a new intensity formula in optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Like the
HR-diagram , it seems to be possible to organize the luminosity of stars from different spectral classes. From
that organization it is possible to determine the temperature and density of stars using the new intensity
formula. These temperature -and density values agree well with literature values. It is also possible to determine
the mean electron temperature of the optical layers (photospheres) of the stars as it is for atoms in the
laboratory plasmas. The mean value of the ionization energies of the different elements of the stars has shown to
be very significant for each star. This paper also shows that the hydrogen Balmer absorption lines follow the
new intensity formula.
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- Citation
- Abstract
- Reference
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Abstract: The anatomical position and radiosensitivity of the testis makes it an organ of critical concern in
medical radiography, especially in investigations of the pelvis, lumbosacral vertebrae and abdomen regions.
This article presents results of testis absorbed dose measured for 12 common general x-ray examinations.
Imaging was performed on a Rando phantom using x-ray machine with doses measured using the particular
LiF: Mg, Ti thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD 100). The average measured values for the 12 x-ray
examinations ranged from 0.09±0.03mGv for posterior-anterior (PA) chest radiography to 1.89±0.01mGv for
anterior-posterior (AP) radiography of the abdomen.
Keywords: testis, absorbed dose, radio-sensitivity, thermoluminescence.
Keywords: testis, absorbed dose, radio-sensitivity, thermoluminescence.
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of radiology, 70(831), 261-271.
[2] Chougule, A. (2005). Reference doses in Radiological Imaging. Pol J Med Phys Eng, 11(2), 115-126.
[3] Faulkner, K., Jones, A., Walker, A., & Hendee, W. (1996). Safety in diagnostic radiology. AJR-American Journal of Roentgenology,
166(1), 186-186.
[4] IAEA. (1996). International basic safety standarsd for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources .
vienna: Intarnational Atomic Energy Agency.
[5] ICRP. (1990). Recommendations of international commission on radiological protection (No. 60). Oxford: international commission
on radiological protection.
[6] ICRP. (2008). recommendations of international commission on radiological protection (No. 105): international commission on
radiological protection.