Version-1 (July–August 2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Asif's Equation of Charge Variation and Special Relativity |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Asif Ali Laghari |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0430104 ![]() |
Abstract: The theory of special relativity plays an important role in the modern theory of classical electromagnetism. Considering deeply the effect of Special relativity in Electromagnetism, when a charge particle moves with high speed as comparable to the speed of light in vacuum tube or in space under influence of electromagnetic field, its mass varies under Lorentz transformation [1].The question arises that does its charge vary under Lorentz transformation? In this paper, Asif's equation of charge variation demonstrates the variation of electric charge under Lorentz transformation. The more sophisticated view of electromagnetism expressed by electromagnetic fields in moving inertial frame can be achieved by considering some relativistic effect including charge as well. One can easily achieve the mass-energy relation from Asif's equation of charge variation as proved in this paper.
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Abstract: Triglycine Sulphate (TGS) salts were synthesized. Calcium and lanthanum doped TGS crystals were grown from aqueous solutions by slow evaporation technique. The dielectric constant and AC conductivity measurement were carried out at various temperature ranging from 30°C to 120°C at different frequencies, the variation of dielectric constant with temperature and frequency were studied and it is found that the dielectric constant values decreases with increase in frequency and the AC conductivity increases with increase in frequency.
Keyword: TGS, Dielectric constant, rare earth ,AC conductivity
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Abstract: Studies on the sensitivity of the electrical resistance and fabrication process of SnO2 doped WO3 nanometer materials for sensing applications are reported in details .Other properties such as reproducibility, aging and hysteresis were also recorded and found satisfactory. The sensing mechanism was discussed based on their annealing temperature, composition, crystallite size, surface area and porosity of the sensing element. In general, at low humidity, surface area and water adsorption plays the dominant role, while at high humidity, mesopore volume and capillary condensation become important. At the annealing temperature 600°C, sample 3 weight % of SnO2 doped WO3 nanocomposites have been prepared through solid-state reaction route, shows average sensitivity of 18.61 MΩ/%RH in the 15%-95% RH range, lower hysteresis, less effect of ageing and high reproducibility. It was observed that as resistance of the pellets continuously decreased when relative humidity in the chamber was increased from 15% to 95%. As calculated from Scherer's formula, crystallite size for the sensing elements of SnO2 doped WO3 are in 11–234 nm range, respectively.
Keywords: Sensor, Humidity, Adsorption, Hysteresis, Porous.
[1] D.Sun, X.Yu, Q.Gu, cryst.,Res.Technol.34(1999),1255.
[2] T.Krajewski, T. Breczewki, Ferroelectrics 25 (1980) 547
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[5] Stakowska.J., Peter.E., Trybula.M, Acta Physica polonica,97,(2000),1061-72.
[6] Mikhnevich.v.v, Kashevich.I.V., Sov.Tech. Physics, 18,(1992),43-5
[7] Muralidharan.R, Mohan Kumar.R, Ushasree.P.M, Jayavel.R, Ramasamy.P., J.cryst. Growth 234, (2002),545-50 [8] K.Balasubramanian , Recent research in scholar and Technology 2010,2(3);06-13
[9] P.Manoharan, N.Neelakanda pillai, Archives of Physics Research, 2013, 4 (2), 22-25
[10] N.Neelakanda Pillai,C.K.Mahadevan, Mater.Manuf.Processes 22 (2007) 393.
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Abstract: The objective of this work is to experimentally simulate a plume developing inside a horizontal tunnel. The experimental device used in this simulation is essentially constituted of a hot disk, a rectangular tunnel and a ventilation system. The hot disk is heated by Joule effect to a constant and uniform temperature, and placed inside the tunnel. The hot source generates a thermal plume. We first studied the evolution of the thermal plume without ventilation system. The study of the average and fluctuating thermal and dynamic fields shows three zones during the vertical evolution of the free plume. A first zone close to the source, serving to the plume supply in fresh air, is characterized by the apparition of three escapes of the thermal plume. Followed by a second zone where the main escape undergoes a contraction. Finally, a third zone where the thermal plume accumulates and undergoes a flow upstream named backlayering and a flow downstream that borders the ceiling to leave by the free part of the tunnel.
Keywords Fire plume, Fire tunnel, Thermal plume, turbulent natural convection.
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Abstract: Hydrocarbon reservoir has been delineated and their boundaries mapped using direct indicators from 3-D seismic and well log data from an oil field in Nembe creek, Niger Delta region. Well log signatures were employed to identify hydrocarbon bearing sands. Well to seismic correlation revealed that these reservoirs tied with direct hydrocarbon indicators on the seismic section. The results of the interpreted well logs revealed that the hydrocarbon interval in the area occurs between 6450ft to 6533ft for well A, 6449ft to 6537ft for well B and 6629ft to 6704ft for well C; which were delineated using the resistivity, water saturation and gamma ray logs. Cross plot analysis was carried out to validate the sensitivity of the rock attributes to reservoir saturation condition. Analysis of the extracted seismic attribute slices revealed HD5000 as hydrocarbon bearing reservoir
Keywords: Lamda-rho, Mu-rho, cross plot,P-Impedance.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seismic Study and Spatial Variation of b-value in Northeast India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pulama Talukdar |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0433140 ![]() |
Abstract: Study of recent seismicity and b-value estimation by Least Square and Maximum Likelihood Estimation methods in five tectonic blocks of Northeast India demarcates indo Burma Belt, Main Central Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust, Shilling Plateau, Mikir Hills and Kopili Lineament as active seismic source of the region. Spatial variation of b-value is observed by dividing the study area into 10×10 grids. Higher b-value contours depict the highly seismic area with structural heterogeneity, while lower b-value contours indicate the areas under high stress. b-values are observed in the range of 0.437 - 0.908 and mostly concentrated around 0.7, indicating high stress accumulation.
Keywords: Seismicity, b-value, Contour.
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Abstract: Long period fiber grating (LPFG) is photoinduced fiber device that facilitates the coupling of core mode to different cladding modes resulting into series of transmission dips in the transmission spectrum. Here we present LPFG chemical sensor to determine the concentration of Manganese in water at ppm level. We fabricated LPFG of period 600μm in single mode communication fiber using 12W carbon dioxide laser applying point by point method. The fabricated LPFG is directly used as chemical sensor since cladding modes coupled to core mode directly come in contact with surrounding chemicals. Concentration of manganese in our collected sample is found to be 0.0329ppm. The result is verified with sophisticated Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)
Key words: Cladding mode, Core mode, Coupling, Long Period Fiber Grating (LPFG), Manganese.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Profile of Trace Elements in Selected Medicinal Plants of North East India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. K. Bhanisana Devi, HNK Sarma |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0434751 ![]() |
Abstract: Trace elements like Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and major elements K and Ca were quantified in ten selected medicinal plants of North East India by using Proton Induced X- ray Emission (PIXE) technique. No toxic heavy metals such as As, Hg, Pb and Cd were detected. The concentration (ppm) of the elements in the studied plants was found to be as follows: manganese(10 to1800 ), iron(27 to 836), copper(6 to140), zinc(10 to 160), potassium(14120 to 76950) and calcium(1660 to 32030). The levels of trace metals present in the plants was found to be beyond the safety standards of WHO in edible plants but around the permissible range for consumed medicinal herbs as defined for different countries.
Key words: Medicinal plants, PIXE, trace elements, safety standards.
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Abstract: Polymer electrolytes based on Polyvinyl alcohol – Cadmium Chloride were prepared by solution cast technique. Results of optical absorption, transmission spectra, refractive index, optical band gaps, optical conductance, single oscillator energy, dispersion energy, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants studies are presented. The optical properties were obtained using UV-VIS Double Beam Spectrophotometer in the wavelength range (190-1100) nm. The optical transmittance at wavelength ≈ 190nm for pure PVA was nearly at 78%, while it was 50% for all doped samples. The optical transmittance was increased with increasing wavelength up to 98% for all films beyond ≈240nm. The calculated energy band gap changes from 6.42eV (pure PVA) to 5.80eV (PVA-20%CdCl2.H2O). The optical conductance and band-gap indicated that the films are almost transmitting within the visible range. The single oscillator expression has been used to obtain the information about disorder degree. The real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant of the doped films increases with increasing CdCl2.H2O concentration, and it shows decreases abruptly in the wavelength (200-220) nm, and finally becomes constant with increase in photon energy.
Keywords : polymer electrolytes; absorbance; transmittance; refractive index; optical conductance; dispersion energy; dielectric constant.
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Abstract: The activity concentrations of potassium, Radium and thorium in soil samples from a mining site in yankandutse, Kaduna north western Nigeria were measured using gamma ray spectroscopy method. Activity concentration of potassium, Radium and thorium were determined. The activity concentrations of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th, respectively in Bq kg-1 in the soil samples ranged as follows: K-40 196.11±2.02 to 553.03±1.08 with average of 382.01, Ra-226 .1506±.03 to 5.67±.03 with average of 2.08 and Th-232 18.13±3.19 to 73.09±1.59 with average activity concentrations of 47.23 .The mean activity concentration of potassium and radium are below average but for thorium the activity concentration is above average.
Keywords: Radionuclide's; soil; mining; activity concentration; Kaduna.
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Abstract: Doping is a widely used to improve the structural and optical properties of semiconductors. However deposition route is also very important to get nanostructure with different properties. ZnO nanostructures doped with Mn having 5% doping concentrations by weight percentage have been synthesized in the laboratory using Spin coating technique. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image shows the around one millimeter and X-ray diffractometer studies shows that the average diameter of the particles is 25 nm. From the UV-Vis studies the annealing temperature increases the crystal size decreases and the bandgap values increases accordingly.
Keywords: Crystal size, morphological studies, optical studies
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Abstract: In this paper we have consider five-dimensional cosmological model in presence of perfect fluid source with time dependent G and .The Einstein field equations are solvable with the help of constant deceleration parameter. Physical and kinematical properties of this model are investigated. It has been shown that the solutions are comparable with recent observations. The behavior of gravitational constant, cosmological constant, density, critical density and pressure is discussed for dust, radiation dominated and stiff matter of the Universe. It is also examined the behavior of gravitational constant and cosmological constant for expansion law and exponential law for stiff matter.
Keywords: Cosmological parameters, Deceleration parameter, Cosmology
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