Version-1 (Sep–Oct 2013)
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Abstract: During this paper we target the combination of web accessible physics experiments (VPLabs) combined with the Sun's toolkit for making cooperative 3D virtual worlds. Among such a cooperative setting these tools give the chance for academics and students to figure along as avatars as they control actual instrumentation, visualize natural phenomenon generated by the experiment, and discuss the results. Especially we'll define the steps of integration, future goals, yet because the price of a collaboration area in Wonderland's virtual world.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Process flow of spray pyrolysis technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. M. Sabnis, Prakash A. Bhadane, P. G. Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0450711 ![]() |
Abstract: The chemical spray pyrolysis technique (SPT) has been, throughout last 3 decades, one amongst the most important techniques to deposit a large type of materials in thin film kind. The prime requisite for getting sensible quality thin film is that the optimization of propaedeutic conditions viz. substrate temperature, spray rate, concentration of solution etc. However, in recent years a stress has been given to a range of atomization techniques like supersonic nebulisation, improved spray reaction, corona spray transformation, electricity spray transformation and microchip primarily based spray transformation. This is often the foremost crucial parameter because it permits management over the scale of the droplets and their distribution over the preheated substrates. An intensive review of thin film materials ready throughout the last ten years is given to demonstrate the flexibility of the chemical SPT. the assorted conditions to get thin films of metal compound, metallic mineral oxides, binary, ternary and quaternary chalcogenides and superconducting oxides are given. The consequences of precursor, dopants, substrate temperature, post tempering treatments, answer concentration etc., on the physico-chemical properties of those films are given likewise. It's discovered that the properties of thin films rely significantly on the propaedeutic conditions. The properties of the thin film will be simply tailored by adjusting or optimizing these conditions that successively are appropriate for a specific application.
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Abstract: (SWH) are becoming increasingly attractive in sustainable development. Hence the Efforts continuously made here is to reduce their costs to make them more affordable. Solar energy has experienced a remarkable development in recent years because of cost reduction due to technological development as well as renewable energy scheme supported by the government. The process of using sun's energy to heat water is not a new technology. (SWH) technology has improved a lot during the past century. The primary method of energy transport in solar energy from sun is electromagnetic radiation .This type of radiation coming from the Sun also depends on temperature. The Sun generates electromagnetic radiation in extensive span of wavelengths. However, most of the radiation is being sent out in the observable range due to its surface temperature. The amount of solar energy received in a particular region depends on the time of the day, the season of the year, the sky's cloudiness, and how closeness of Earth's equator. For modeling we utilized Genetic algorithm and for prediction we employed hybrid ABC and PSO techniques. Genetic algorithm is utilized in order to optimize the modeling technique by using the dataset collected.
Kay words: (SWH) Solar Water Heating.
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Abstract: Many phenomena can be responsible for the attenuation of sound through the suspensions depending on the nature of the particles of the fluid and the frequency range of interest. In particular we can make a distinction between the diffusion mechanisms corresponding to a geometric redirection of the incident wave and the dissipative phenomena, like the thermal and viscous losses. In this work, we are interested in propagation of the ultrasonic waves into suspensions of clay rigid particles with a size between 1 and 50 microns, for which the thermal phenomena and visco-inertial dominate. In this case the dipole diffusion of the wave induced differential motion between the dispersed phase (clay grain) and the continuous phase (distilled water) is coupled to the viscous dissipation in the matching motion of this brake. In this paper, we present the main theories known in calculating the ultrasonic attenuation and velocity coefficient. Such theories permit to take accounts all the orders of interaction, unlike the theoretical of multiple diffusion that remains limited to lower concentrations. Finally, the results calculated by the principal theories will be compared against earlier experimental results obtained from this work.
Keywords: Attenuation measurements, attenuation coefficient, biphasic fluid, theoretical models, calculation of the attenuation and velocity coefficients
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Abstract: Barium selinide (BaSe) thin films were deposited onto glass substrate via chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The effect of deposition time on the thin film formation mechanism has been studied to understand the optimum conditions for synthesis process. The phase identification and surface morphology of thin coated films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively while the optical characterizations were conducted by means of ultraviolet visible (UV- Vis) spectroscopy. XRD study confirms the polycrystalline hexagonal structure of the thin films. The XRD peaks at 2θ =23.84° and 2θ = 23.86o showed the preferential orientation along the (021) and (201) plane with deposition time 20 hours and 22 hours respectively, whereas the major peak at (111) was obtained with a deposition time of 24 hours. With the increase in deposition time up to 24 hours, the film gradually grew thicker along with the fine increase in the grain size. The direct optical band gap of the films was measured to be varied from 1.33 to 3.37 eV.
Keywords: Chemical bath deposition, morphology, X-ray diffraction, optical properties and scanning electron microscopy.
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Abstract: The fluorescence quenching of 5-methyl-2-phenylindole (MPI) by carbon tetrachloride by steady state in different solvents, and by transient method in benzene has been carried out at room temperature. The Stern–Volmer (SV) plot has been found to be non-linear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters imply that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation in the SV plots is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, from the studies of temperature dependence of rate parameters and lifetime measurements, it could be explained that the positive deviation is due to the presence of a small static quenching component in the overall dynamic quenching. With the use of finite sink approximation model, it was possible to check whether these bimolecular reactions as diffusion limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R′ and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R′ and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual diffusion coefficient D determined using the Edward's empirical relation and Stokes–Einstein relation.
Keywords: Fluorescence quenching; MPI; Solvent effect; Finite sink approximation model; Sphere of action static quenching model
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Abstract: This paper illustrates the main normal and Boron superconducting state temperature properties of magnesium diboride, a substance known since early 1950's, but lately graded to be superconductive at a remarkably high critical temperature Tc=40K for a binary synthesis. What makes MgB2 so special? Its high Tc, simple crystal construction, large coherence lengths, high serious current densities and fields, lucidity of surface boundaries to current promises that MgB2 will be a good material for both large scale applications and electronic devices. Throughout the last seven month, MgB2 has been fabricated in various shape, bulk, single crystals, thin films, ribbons and wires. The largest critical current densities >10MA/cm2 and critical fields 40T are achieved for thin films. The anisotropy attribution inferred from upper critical field measurements is still to be resolved, a wide range of values being reported, γ = 1.2 ÷ 9. Also there is no consensus about the existence of a single anisotropic or double energy cavity. One central issue is whether or not MgB2 represents a new class of superconductors, being the tip of an iceberg that waits to be discovered. Until now MgB2 holds the record of the highest Tc among simple binary synthesis. However, the discovery of superconductivity in MgB2 revived the interest in non-oxides and initiated a search for superconductivity in related materials, several synthesis being already announced to become superconductive: TaB2, BeB2.75, C-S composites, and the elemental B under pressure.
[1] Cristina Buzea and Tsutomu Yamashita, Tohoku University, Japan "Review of superconducting properties of MgB2" (Submitted on 16 Aug 2001 (v1), last revised 26 Sep 2001 (this version, v2)).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimal Generation of 254nm ultraviolet radiation |
Country | : | Scotland |
Authors | : | A. R. Spowart |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0455559 ![]() |
Abstract: The science of the application of 254nm UV from mercury doped glow discharge tubes has been a major topic since Johann Ritter discovered UV via its chemical inducing reactions in 1801 and Niels Finsen's 1860 work on UV therapy in treating rickets. In 1857 Siemens AG patented UV254nm creation via filamentary discharge, subsequently widely used for ozone production. By 1932 the Coblentz Congress had defined the three regions of the UV action spectrum. This paper presents the science of a new design for a sterilizer module fabricated from extruded, recycled aluminium. This novel design achieves better than D10 performance using six UV tubes per module driven by three electronic ballasts drawing a total current of only 1.26 amps at 240V single phase. This module delivers more than 45,000 microwatts per square centimetre of 254nm UV which sterilises one litre per second in a module with a dwell time of 1.6 seconds in a design with less than 0.5 bar pressure drop across each module. This system takes the electrical efficiency of 254 UV generation from less than 25% to more than 92% as measured by an NPL-traceable calibration against a current industry standard. Since 254nm UV generating tubes are also the basis of fluorescent lighting this new work on optimising the generation of 254nm UV also has application worldwide to improved efficiency of fluorescent tube electrical lighting, because we have shown that most of the fluorescent lamps operating today (particularly the T8 1" diameter) are running at less than 25% efficiency as opposed to the over 92% which is possible with the methods we describe. The work reported here shows that the Townsend equation for electron transport in glow discharge plasmas is not adequate since it does not address either plasma diameter or plasma drive frequency both of which fundamentally alter the electron energy transfer efficiencies to mercury atoms in the plasma.
Keywords: Ultraviolet, Glow Discharge Physics, Water Sterilisation, Fluorescent Lamps
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Abstract: Lithium tantalate is technologically one of the most important ferroelectric materials with a low poling field that has several applications in the field of photonics and memory switching devices. In a Hamiltonian system, such as dipolar system, the polarization behavior of such ferroelectrics can be well-modeled by Klein-Gordon (K-G) equation. To probe the quantum states related to discrete breathers, the same K-G lattice is quantized to give rise to quantum breathers (QBs) that are explained by a periodic boundary condition. The gap between the localized and delocalized phonon-band is a function of impurity content that is again related to the effect of pinning of domains due to antisite tantalum defects in the system, i.e. a point of easier switching within the limited amount of data on poling field.
Keywords: Lithium Tantalate, K-G Lattice, Quantum Breathers, Poling Field, Nonlinearity (Alpha)
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Abstract: Recent results concerning structural and optical features of the thermal evaporated CuSe thin nanoparticulatefilms are presented. The preparative parameters were optimized to obtain good quality of thin films. Structure and properties of materials were characterized with XRD and optical spectroscopy and Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Atomic force microscopy. CuSe pelletspossess an electrical resistivity (4 - point probe)of3.156 μΩm at 300 K. The figure of merit is calculated as 1.34.
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Abstract: Effect of thermal radiation on a steady two-dimensional free convection laminar boundary layer flow of a viscous incompressible optically thick fluid over a vertical wavy cone has been investigated. Using appropriate transformations, the basic governing equations are transformed into non-dimensional boundarylayer equations. These equations are then solved numerically by using Mathematica technique. The effect of the radiation parameter on velocity, temperature, skin friction and local Nusselt number has been discussed with graphical representation.
Keywords: Laminar boundary layer, free convection, Vertical wavy cone, radiation effect.
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Abstract: An anisotropic Bianchi type-III cosmological model is investigated in a Saez-Ballester scalar-tensor theory of gravitation. Three different time-dependent skewness parameters along spatial directions are introduced to represent the deviation of pressure from isotropy. To get deterministic solutions of the field equations, we choose variation law of scale factor 𝑆= (𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑡)1𝑙 which yields a time-dependent deceleration parameter (DP) representing a model that generates a transition of the universe from the early decelerating phase to the present accelerating phase. Some physical and geometrical properties of the model are also discussed. Keywords: Bianchi type-III model, Dark energy, Scalar-tensor theory, Variable deceleration parameter
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Abstract: A density functional theory codes FHI-aims is used to investigate the material properties of AlAs bulk crystalline structures. The code has several input parameters or variables some of which should be optimized. In the FHI-aims code we study different phases of AlAs crystalline structure and the ground state cohesive properties of the most stable structure of AlAs was computed within GGA and LDA of the density-functional theory. The results of computations shows that the ground state equilibrium properties of and AlAs such as Lattice constants, cohesive energies and Bulk modulus are in agreement with experimentally found values within reasonable percentage errors.
Keywords: bcc, bcc, bulk modulus, cohesive energy, crystalline structure, DFT, fcc, ground state, lattice-constant, simple cubic, and total energy.
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Abstract: In the present work 100 white laboratory mice(Mus musculus) were exposed to He-Ne laser and UVC(1h) radiation for the area of testis .These numbers were divided into five groups : first group is a control (10 mice),second group was exposed to He-Ne laser(27 mice ) and this divided into three subgroups for (5min,10min,15min), third group(9 mice) were exposed to UVC for (1h) , fourth group(27 mice) were exposed to laser firstly and UVC(1h) with duration time 1/2 h and this group is divided into three subgroups for (5min,10min,15min)for laser radiation, finally fifth group(27 mice) was exposed to UVC (1h)first and laser with duration time 1/2 h, which divided to three subgroups for (5min,10min,15min)for laser radiation. In the testis of mice, the results of DHFR enzyme in UVC show the mean value and standard deviation was(318.1583±56.41706) ,the enzyme activity increased gradually and significantly with UVC(1h)and the correlation between normal and UVC value is significant .The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in laser 5min was(26.2500±6.35580), while the mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in laser 10min was (33.3833±13.95155).The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in laser 15 min was (23.4250±9.26767).The correlation between normal and laser (5,10,15min) value is not significant .The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in laser 5min+UVC(1h) was( 17.3450±4.34567).The correlation between normal and laser 5min+UVC(1h) value is significant. The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in laser 10min +UVC(1h) was (19.4667±8.87891).The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in laser15 min+ UVC(1h) was (39.3400±31.51039).The correlation between normal and laser10,15min+UVC(1h) value is not significant. The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in UVC(1h)+laser5min was (55.1833±22.63580), .The mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in UVC(1h)+laser10min was (42.0383±11.18429).Finally the mean value and standard deviation of DHFR enzyme in UVC(1h)+laser15min was(36.1017±19.51019).The correlation between normal and UVC(1h) +laser 5,10,15 min value is significant.
key words : He-Ne laser ,UVC irradiation ,DHFR.
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Abstract: In vitro, He-Ne laser show a modifying response of cells to ionizing radiations. So there is a need to show the effect of He-Ne laser (632.8nm), Ultraviolet radiation UVC (250nm) and He-Ne laser pre and post irradiation against the UVC radiation of Mitotic index of femur and in vivo to DNA of testis in Mice. In this study 100 albino male mice were divided into five groups, the first group Control which have (10) number of mice, the second group Laser which have (27) number of mice were divided into three groups different time periods (5, 10, 15 min), the third group Ultraviolet radiation (UVC) which have (9) number of mice and duration of exposure one hour, the fourth group laser (5, 10 and 15 min) + UVC (1h) which have (27) number of mice, with ½ hour time interval between the two irradiations and the finally group UVC (1h) + laser (5, 10, 15 min) which have (27) number of mice, with ½ hour time interval between the two irradiations was monitor the effect of radiation on mice according to the classification totals above after various time periods (7, 14, 21 days). Mitotic index as shown increase the percentage of Mononucleus and less increase of Dinucleus after exposure of the radiation according to the classification totals above. The He-Ne laser per-irradiation show a protection properties, which appeared the DNA damage against UVC light irradiation. But the He-Ne laser pre-irradiation against UVC irradiation farther more reduce the DNA testis damaging. UVC shows a damaging effect on the DNA. This damage was reduced by the He-Ne laser pre- irradiation. Thus Laser pre-irradiation may be attributed to the induction of endogenous of radio protectors or which may be involved in DNA damage repair. Key words: Mitotic Index , DNA profile, He-Ne laser , UVC , radiation and mice.
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