Version-1 (Nov–Dec 2013)
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Abstract: Food is the basic necessity of life. One works hard and earns to satisfy our hunger .But at the end of the day, many of us are not sure of what we eat. We may be eating a dangerous flavors and dyes. Often, we invite diseases rather than good health. The purpose of this article is to detect the presence of food adulterants in some common foods and to create awareness about the artificial tests and dyes. A study of the IR spectra and the optical activitiy of two natural and artificial most common used flavor and colors (Vanilla and Strawberry) were detected. IR spectra of synthetic Vanilla were dominated by specific peaks that attributed to corresponding synthetic pigments (specific spectral band of stretching C=0 ester of aldehydic and ketonic groups in synthetic flavor at1744.87cm-1 with a weak shoulder at1700 cm-1 .And stretching CO of sucrose at (990.49 and 923,70) cm-1.The synthetic Strawberry characterized with specific spectral bands of (C=O stretching at 1634.96 cm-1 in ester and CO stretching of sucrose at 925 cm-1), while these functional groups disappeared in natural. Vanilla and Strawberry extracts. The natural Flavoring extracts posse's levorotatory property; they are optically active, while the synthetic extracts not rotates the plane of polarization of the light which passes through the material, they are said to be; not active optically. The obtained results indicated that, Infrared spectrum and Optical activity could be adapted to detect adulterants added products, and to differentiate between natural and artificial food flavoring extracts.
Key Words: Adulteration, Food dyes, Flavors, Vanilla, Strawberry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Stability Equilibrium Analysis of Endemic Malaria |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | I. I. Raji, A. A. Abdullahi, M. O. Ibrahim |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0530713 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper considers the stability equilibrium of malaria in a varying population. We established the
Disease free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium and carried out the stability analysis of the Disease free
equilibrium state (the state of complete eradication of malaria from the population).
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Abstract: This paper examines Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Export (EXP) of Nigeria between 1970
and 2007 using data from Central Bank of Nigeria's Statistical Bulletin of 2008 for cointegration. Applying
Autocorrelation Function (ACF), we find that each of the variables (GDP and Export) is non-stationary.
Augmented Engle-Granger reveals that the regression of GDP on Export is actually cointegrated and not
spurious. An error correction model shows that GDP does not adjust to change in EXP in the same time period.
The regression model obtained also shows that the short-run changes in EXP have a positive impact on the
short-run changes in GDP.
Keywords: Autocorrelation function, Export, Gross Domestic Product, stationarity, trend.
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Abstract: Mixed crystals of alkali halides find applications in optical, optoelectronics and electronic devices. In the present study the pure and mixed crystals of NaClx NaBry-x KCl1-y were grown from the aqueous solution. The grown crystals were characterized by taking XRD, TG/DTA and Vicker's hardness measurement. The Debye temperature is an important parameter of a solid. Several methods of evaluating Debye temperature are available. In the present study Debye temperature were calculated from the Debye- Waller factor, melting point and microhardness. The results were compared with the Kopp-Neumann relation.
Keywords: Mixed crystals, Alkali halides, Debye temperature
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Abstract: Geo-electric soundings were made in Stella Maris Secondary School, in Uyangha, Nigeria to image the subsurface and obtain thicknesses and resistivities of different layers. A quantitative interpretation of the data obtained clearly reveals the presence of four (4) geo-electric sections which are interpreted to be dry laterite, moist laterite, weathered basement, and saturated basement. The depth probed is about 100m. The saturated basement is the aquifer unit. Depth to aquifer unit in the area is at about 65m to 80m.The thickness of the aquifer unit ranges from 20m to 35m. For ground water exploitation, boreholes in the area should therefore be drilled to the depth of 91m, for reasonable groundwater yield. The lateritic layer makes the study area suitable for building construction in the area.
Keywords: 2-D imaging, electrical resistivity, vertical electrical sounding, pseudo-section, saturated basement.
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Abstract: In this paper, we show theoretically that the reflectance spectra of one dimensional multilayer metal-organic periodic structure (1D MOPS) can be enhanced due to the addition of the organic constituents. We have used simple transfer matrix method to calculate the absorption, transmittance and reflectance of the 1D MOPS systems. The organic component like N,N'-bis-(1-naphthyl)-N,N'diphenyl-1; 1biphenyl-4; 4diamine (NPB) absorbs the light in ultra-violet, visible and infrared electromagnetic region and the structure with Ag-metal also having the tendency to absorb the light by the plasmaonic action and their refractive can be calculated from Drude equation.
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Abstract: The effect of electromagnetic field of different intensities on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (as gram-negative bacteria) and Bacillus subtilis (as gram-positive bacteria) was investigated to find out the effective magnetic field strength that alters the running physiological processes of every microorganism. Equal volumes of P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis suspensions were exposed for one hour at their maximum rate of active growth to the electromagnetic field (2 - 10 mT, 50 Hz). The results indicated that no remarkable differences were found in the growth of exposed P. aeruginosa. Moreover, a remarkable inhibition in the growth of exposed relative to unexposed B. subtilis cells was achieved at (4 mT) as compared with other intensities which may indicate that this magnetic field induction had a great effect on the biological activity of the cells, so more investigations were made at this magnetic field induction. Remarkable changes in the growth characteristics could be easily detected as the absorbance decreased which indicate a decrease in the cells number and consequently an inhibition case for the bacteria. Also, the antibiotic sensitivity test of B. subtilis cells indicated either inhibition or stimulation case for the bacteria depending on the drug mode of action.
Keywords: electromagnetic field, microorganism, Bacillus subtilis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dosimetric evaluation of the MLCs for irregular shaped radiation fields |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Omar Kotb , Khaled M. Elshahat, Nabil Mohamed Eldebawi, Nassif Abd Elazim Mansour |
Abstract: The three-dimensional planned conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), and image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) are the most advanced techniques in radiotherapy, which use irregular fields–using multileaf collimators (MLC) in a linear accelerator. The accuracy of these techniques depends on dosimetric characteristics of the multileaf collimators. There is an option for optimizing the jaws to the irregular MLC field to reduce the scattered radiation and intra- and inter-leaf radiation leakage beyond the field. In this study, 80 leaf MLC system has been taken to compare and differentiate their characteristics with 6 and 10 MV photon beams.
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[2]. L. Boyer and S. Li, "Geometric analysis of light-field position of a multileaf collimator with curved ends," Med. Phys. 24, 757–762.
[3]. L. Boyer, T. G. Ochran, C. E. Nyerick, T. J. Waldron, and C. J. Huntzinger, ""Clinical dosimetry for implementation of a multileaf collimator,‟‟Med. Phys. 19, 1255–1261.
[4]. C. Burman, C. S. Chui, G. Kutcher, S. Leibel, M. Zelefsky, T. LoSasso, S. Spirou, Q. Wu, J. Yang, J. Stein, R. Mohan, Z. Fuks, and C. C. Ling, "Planning, delivery, and quality assurance of intensity-modulated radiotherapy using dynamic multileaf collimator: A strategy for large-scale implementation for the treatment of carcinoma of the prostate," Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., Biol., Phys. 39, 863–873.
[5]. C. Ling et al., ""Conformal radiation treatment of prostate cancer using inversely-planned intensity-modulated photon beams produced with dynamic multileaf collimation,‟‟ Int. J. Radiat. Oncol., Biol., Phys. 35, 721– 730 .
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Abstract: The sample of manganite perovskite oxide La0.7Ca0.2Sr0.1MnO3 has been prepared by solution combustion synthesis. The synthesized sample has been pelletized and further sintered at 8000C for 8 hours. The XRD pattern reveals that the samples are of single phase nature with orthorhombic structure and the diffraction patterns can be indexed with the pbnm space groups. The crystallite sizes calculated from broadening of XRD peaks using Scherrer's formula were about 18 nm. Resistivity measurements were performed in the temperature range 2K under 3, 5, 10 and 14 T field using PPMS. Magnetoresistance shows a shift in metal-insulator transition temperature from ~213 K at zero field to ~250 K at 14T. MR value decreases as the temperature increases and at 300 K maximum value of MR is found to be ~ 22% for an applied field of 14 T. MR of ~ 28% is observed at 230 K. MR of ~ 35% is observed at 150 K in an applied field of 14 T and MR has negative sign.
Keywords: Manganites, Perovskite, Magnetoresistance, Magnetotransport and Combustion Synthesis.
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