Version-1 (January 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exact Solutions of Axially Symmetric Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model in Lyra Geometry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. Asgar, M. Ansari |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0560105 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we have obtained axially symmetric Bianchi type-I cosmological models for perfect
fluid distribution in the context of Lyra's manifold. Exact solutions of the field equations are obtained by
assuming the expansion in the model is proportional to the shear . This leads to the condition
A Bn
where A and B are scale factors and n( 0) is a constant. Some kinematical and physical parameters of the
model have been discussed. The solutions are compatible with recent observations.
Key words: Bianchi type models, Cosmology, Lyra geometry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A General Relativity Primer |
Country | : | London |
Authors | : | Salvish Goomanee |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0560631 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the underlying principles about the theory of relativity are briefly introduced and reviewed. The mathematical prerequisite needed for the understanding of general relativity and of Einstein field equations are discussed. Concepts such as the principle of least action will be included and its explanation using the Lagrange equations will be given. Where possible, the mathematical details and rigorous analysis of the subject has been given in order to ensure a more precise and thorough understanding of the theory of relativity. A brief mathematical analysis of how to derive the Einstein's field's equations from the Einstein-Hilbert action and the Schwarzschild solution was also given.
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Abstract: The detection and measurement of radionuclides in feed coal, bottom ash and fly ash samples collected from Barapukuria 2×125 MW coal-fired thermal power plant in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh, have been performed by gamma ray spectrometry technique. The average activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in feed coal, bottom ash and fly ash samples were 10.46±5.24, 23.50±10.88 and 232.23±131.94 Bqkg-1; 56.91±2.77, 69.22±4.26 and 189.79±64.65 Bqkg-1; and 70.91±2.90, 115.26±5.79 and 205.53±65.56 Bqkg-1; respectively. These measured values were compared with other literature values.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the two dimensional dose distribution techniques in pituitary adenoma patient treatment in order to provide 2D dose coverage to the target volume while sparing organs at risk (OARs). The CT simulator was used to radiograph 300 patients of pituitary adenomas to conform 2D dose distribution planning inside the tumour bed , and its structures were delineated; including gross target volume (GTV), clinical target volume (CTV), and planning target volume (PTV)], as well as organs at risks (OARs) .
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Abstract: This study is aimed at investigating the characteristics of various slot sizes of microwave antenna suitable for ablation of hepatic and other tumors. The single slot antenna for hepatic MWA was designed using COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS 4.3b software. A total number of 140 antennas models were designed out of which one was selected based on the variation in its reflection coefficient, total power density and Specific Absorption Ratio. The three antennas have different geometry parameters based on the effective wavelength in liver tissue at 2.45GHz. The inner and outer conductors of the antenna were modeled using perfect electric conductor (PEC) boundary conditions. The model was simulated at multiple discrete lengths of slot between 2.5mm and 4.5mm, using 0.1mm increment to determine the antenna efficiency. The antenna has a reflection coefficient as low as -44.67618 dB, with a corresponding total power dissipation of 9.47744 W at slot size 3.5 mm. The results show that the antenna operates with low reflection coefficient which at high power levels prevents overheating of the feedline. Feedline overheating may damage the coaxial line, thereby making it is suitable for ablation of hepatic and other tumors.
Keywords: Microwave ablation, Reflection coefficient, Total power dissipation, tumor, Antenna.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A new universal formula for atoms, planets, and galaxies |
Country | : | Sweden |
Authors | : | Tony Barrera, Bo Thelin |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0566371 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper a new universal formula about the rotation velocity distribution of atoms, planets, and galaxies is presented. It is based on a new general formula based on the relativistic Schwarzschild/Minkowski metric, where it has been possible to obtain expressions for the rotation velocity - and mass distribution versus the distance to the atomic nucleus, planet system centre, and galactic centre. A mathematical proof of this new formula is also given. This formula is divided into a Keplerian(general relativity)-and a relativistic(special relativity) part. For the atomic-and planet systems the Keplerian distribution is followed, which is also in accordance with observations.
Keywords: Atomic Physics, Astrophysics, Planetary physics, Spiral galaxies, Theory of Relativity, and Universal Formula[1]. Freeman, K. C. ,(1970), Ap. J.,160 , 811
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Abstract: A beam data modelling algorithm was developed by solving the linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE). The Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE) is a form of the Boltzmann transport equation that assumes that radiation particles only interact with the matter as they are passing through matter and not with each other. This condition is only valid when there is no external magnetic field. The numerical method proposed by Lewis et al., [9] was used to solve the LBTE. A programming code was computed for the LBTE and run on CMS XiO treatment planning system to generate beam data, the generated beam data were compared to experimentally determined data. The calculated percentage depth dose (PDD) completely overlap the measured PDDs for the small field sizes while there is a shift in the PDD tail for large field size. However the shift is negligible. For the wedge PDDs, the shift between the measured PDDs and the calculated occurs at the Dmax region and it increases with increase in field size. The calculated wedge profiles have a slight shift at the shoulder compared to the measured ones and this decreases with increase in field size, unlike the PDDs. There is also a slight shift between calculated in-plane profiles and measured ones. There is a good agreement between the measured beam data and the calculated ones using the algorithm. This algorithm can be implemented as an in-house algorithm for beam data modelling and also as an independent quality assurance tool for checking the accuracy of clinical TPS algorithms with regards to beam data modelling during quality assurance and TPS commissioning tests.
Keywords: linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE), treatment planning system, algorithm, beam profile, percentage depth dose.[1]. Podgorsak EB. Radiation Oncology Physics: A handbook for Teachers and Students. Vienna: IAEA publication. 2005.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kasibhatla Surya Narayana |
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: | 10.9790/4861-05687132 ![]() |
Abstract: This theory is an attempt to describe the universal phenomena like space, time, matter and energy as an inter-relationship bound by a newly discovered force named as the universal force. The universal force is shown to be the force of gravitation, electricity, magnetism, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces. I believe any other force, hitherto fore not discovered; also, can be explained in terms of this universal force.
Keywords: Space, Time, Matter , Energy, Universal Force.[1]. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker : Fundamentals of Physics Extended, 8th Edition. (Book)
[2]. Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett : Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. (Book)
[3]. Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Moses, Curt A. Moyer : Modern
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[4]. B.V. Rama Rao : A Text Book of Modern Physics.
[5]. Orient Longman : © Oliver & Boyd 1971 : Clark's Tables Science Data