Version-1 (Jan-2017)
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ABSTRACT: The present experiment was conducted to study variations in milk Somatic Cell Count( SCC), pH and activity of whey enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) in relation to different udder health status of sheep. The average values of milk SCC, pH, and LDH differed significantly (P<0.01) among various udder health status of sheep. The mean difference for SCC of milk showed significant (P<0.01) differences varying from 2.89 to 35.45 x 105. The average milk pH values ranged from 6.44 ± 0.006 to 7.22 ± 0.03. Also, LDH showed significant (P<0.01) differences among various udder health status of sheep.
Keywords: Lactate dehydrogenase, pH, Sheep, Somatic Cell Count.
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ABSTRACT: This study investigated the impact of agriculture output volatility on economic growth in Nigeria using time series data from 1970 – 2013. It employed the ordinary least square technique and Exponential generalized Autoregressive conditional hetroscedasticity (EQARCH) analysis. Generalized Autoregressive conditional Hetroscedasticity (GARCH) model has been applied in this study to calculate volatility of agriculture output. Augmented dickey fuller is applied for unit root test while the Eigen value test are used to capture the long term effect of there variables on economic performance..........
Keywords: Output volatility, Economic growth, GARCH, & EGARCH.
[1]. Akram, W., Hussain, Z., Sabir, H.M. Hussain (2008). Impact of Agricultural Credit on growth and poverty in Pakistan (Time Series Analysis). European Journal of Scientific Research, 23(2), 243-251.
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ABSTRACT: Pig livestock is one of the superior livestock among people in Papua, thus it is expected that this livestock could become one alternative to alleviate poverty and improve domestic food security where pig livestock has important value in social, cultural, religious and economy manner. Lembaga Pengem bangan MasyarakatAmugmedanKamoro (LPMAK) is community institution in Mimika Papua that has social responsibility to improve their people well-being, particularly for pig farmer in seven ethnics in Mimika, that are in Dani, Damal, Amungme, Moni, Nduga, Kamoro and Mee. Objectives of this study is to found out contribution of pig livestock for well-being improvement among pig farmer in Mimika through............
Keywords: Income Contribution of Pig Farmer, Poverty, Factors Influencing Pig Livestock and Mimika, Papua
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ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study was to characterize commercial fir honey produced in different regions in Greece and investigate the possibility of geographical classification using data sets of physicochemical parameters, colour attributes, and volatile compounds using multivariate analysis techniques. For this purpose, 43 fir honey samples were collected during harvesting periods 2010-2013 from five different regions in Greece. Physicochemical parameters (electrical conductivity, ash, pH, moisture, free acidity, lactonic acidity, total acidity, lactonic to free acidity ratio) were determined using official methods of analysis...........
Keywords: Characterization, commercial honey, physicochemical parameters, colour, browning index, volatiles, chemometrics
[1]. P. Chaikham, V. Kemsawasd, and A. Apichartsrangkoon, Effects of conventional and ultrasound treatments on physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of floral honeys from Northern Thailand, Food Bioscience, 15, 2016, 19-26.
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ABSTRACT: The main interest of researchers is focused on the microbiology of the industrial poultry beddings. In this study the microbiology and the microbial resistance of strains isolated from composite samples of poultry (gallus gallus domesticus) beddings originating from rural households has been investigated. In the area of Arta (Epirus, Greece) samples were collected from 300 rural households. These samples were classified regarding the following 4 criteria: (a) the size of the chicken flock, (b) the presence of different poultry species in the same household, (c) the presence of small ruminants in the same household and (d) differences in feeding practices.............
Keywords: Chicken, Salmonella, Listeria, microbial, resistance
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the effect of different inoculan of the physical quality and nutritional quality of fermented palm fronds. The experimental design used in this study is a randomized design complete (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, namely: T1 (palm fronds with molasis), T2 (palm fronds with strabio), T3 (palm fronds with M4 organic) and T4 (estrak palm frond with local fruit). The variables measured were: characteristics (smell, texture, color and pH), content of nutrients (PK, and SK) and in-vitro digestibility..............
Keywords: Fermentation, characteristics, digestibility, palm fronds
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to know firstly about the prevalence of different mycoflora or weed molds associated with the substrate of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) and to evaluate the performance of different plant extracts against the isolated mycoflora. Ten weed molds including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium italicum, Penicillium notatum, Rhizopus stolonifer, Absidia sp., Fusarium sp., Chaetomium globosum, Chaetomium elatum, and Trichoderma harzianum were isolated and identified. From a number of 400 contaminated spawn packets Average 63.25% spawn packets were found contaminated with T. harzianum and remaining 36.75% spawn packets were found contaminated by other isolated mycoflora.............
Keywords: Mycoflora, Oyster mushroom, Plant extracts.
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ABSTRACT: Amongst all the irrigation systems, Drip Irrigation System (DIS) offers highest application efficiency greater than 90% and it can be used for most of the crops in most of terrain. For better design, operation and control of DIS, division of field into several sub-units is best option. However, little information is available on division of field into sub-units. Sub-units are very useful in simplifying the DIS design for field as only for one sub-unit we need to design and then we can apply the same design to each and every sub-units...............
Keywords: Drip Irrigation System, Best / Worst Sub-units, Hydraulic analysis, Economic Analysis, Rectangular Field
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ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this study was to convey a more precise explanation of the arterial supply of the intestinal tract of the goat. Fifteen adult healthy goats were used. Immediately after slaughtering of the goat, the thoracic part of the aorta (just prior to its passage through the hiatus aorticus of the diaphragm) was injected with gum milk latex (colored red) with carmine. The results showed that the duodenum was supplied by the cranial pancreaticoduodenal and caudal duodenal arteries...............
Keywords: Anatomy,Arteries, Goat, Intestine
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ovarian development in Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Richard P. Uzakah |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1001015458 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to determine the ovarian development of banana weevils. Results indicated that female banana weevils have a meroistic and telotrophic ovariole. Four (4) stages of ovarian development were observed. Newly emerged females belonged to stage I, characterized by virtual absence of oocytes in female germarium; while fully mature adult females belonged to stage IV, characterized by the presence of mature, chorionated eggs in female calyces. The intermediate stages II and III were characterized by presence of small, undeveloped oocytes..............
Keywords: Meroistic, telotrophic ovariole, ovarian development, pre-oviposition period, reproductive phenology
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ABSTRACT: This paper analyzed the resource-use efficiency of small-scale Maize production in Tafawa-Balewa local government area of Bauchi State. Data were collected from a sample of 120 Maize farmers selected through multi-stage sampling procedure using questionnaire and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, double-log function and marginal value productivity analysis. The result showed that 90.17% had formal education; 51.67% were males; 90.17% were between the ages of 21-50. Majority 72.50% were married. In terms of farming experience, majority (86.67%) of the respondent had farming experience between 5-20 years. 75.00% had no contact with extension..............
Keywords: Resource Use Efficiency, Profitability, Small Scale, Maize, Tafawa Balewa
[1]. Abdu, Z. (1997). Economics of resource-use in small-scale soybean production system in Bauchi state. Unpublished M. Sc Thesis, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. 83 Pp.
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ABSTRACT: Heavy metals are natural constituents of the environment, but indiscriminate use for human purposes has altered their biochemical and molecular genetic balance. Prolonged exposure and higher accumulation of such heavy metals can have deleterious health effects on human life. Impact of heavy metals pollution may be effect on plant in the DNA molecular genetics level. In the present investigation we focus to evaluate the pollution of heavy metals among three plant species from two sites of polluted and non polluted regions based on analysis of molecular genetics level of ISSR, AFLP..............
Keywords: Heavy metals pollution, molecular genetic, ISSR, AFLP and wild plants The present research aimed to study the effects of metal pollution stress among three wild plants response on two sites of polluted and non polluted regions and changes in its profile by using molecular analysis, which provides additional information
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ABSTRACT: Marek's disease virus (MDV), a highly transmissible cell-associated neuropathic oncogenic alphaherpes virus affecting poultry health, resulting in considerable economic losses in poultry industry worldwide.Until now MDV still emerging and re emerging causing great economic losses in chicken despite of intensive vaccination and management policy used in poultry farms. However, cytokines and its role in MD pathogenesis and immunity had been described by some workers under certain experimental conditions by using different MDV strains challenge, they need to be more clarified during the more progressive lymphoma transformation stage..............
Keywords: MDV; lymphoma, Cytokine; Th1; Th2; q-PCR.
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ABSTRACT: One of the pollutants that can effect on the life of living animates is lead in different ways; it has toxic problem for human and animals and is gathered in the tissues and guide to harmful effects in their. The current study was carry out to investigate the histological effects caused by lead in the rat. The study was performed on 30 rat, they were divided into 3 groups. The first group was control group that received distilled water. The second groups were orally administered lead acetate 9 mg/l of body weight for 10 days. The third groups were orally administered solution of lead..............
Keywords: Lead, Histological changes, kidney
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ABSTRACT: The experiment on African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings 3.55±0.01g average weight and 4.09±0.05cm average length, was to know the effect of feeding frequencies on the nutritive value on the carcass, the were fed with commercial feed (Coppens) of 58% crude protein level at 5% body weight, once (at 11:00 am), twice (9:00am and 4:00pm), thrice (9:00am, 1:00pm and 4:00pm), and four times (9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm and 4:00pm), daily to satiation for 14 weeks. The Mean Feed Consumption show that Treatment D had the highest total feed consumption of 54.10g, while the lowest feed consumption value of 43.20g was noted Treatment A which was the fish fed once per day...............
Keywords: Feeding Frequency, Nutritive Value, Feed Utilization, African Catfish.
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ABSTRACT: The current study was conducted during the growing season (2014 – 2015), at a private orchard at Safwan area in Basra province-Iraq; to study the effect of several concentrations of maize silks, their application methods and their interaction on some indicators of growth and yield of tomato plants cv. Wijdan. The experiment was factorial and included (24) factorial treatments (4*2*3) resulted from: four levels of maize silks and two application methods, each in three replicates. The results showed a superiority of (60 ml. L.-1) of maize silks extract on most studied characteristics..............
Keywords: Stigmata maydis, Zea mays ( L.), Tomato, chlorophyll, productivity.
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