Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ability of Box-Jenkins Models to Estimate of Reference Potential Evapotranspiration (A Case Study: Mehrabad Synoptic Station, Tehran, Iran) |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Mohammad Valipour |
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ABSTRACT:The evapotranspiration rate has a vital role in agricultural water management. In this paper, ability
of Box-Jenkins models in forecasting the reference potential evapotranspiration is estimated. For this purpose
meteorological data of Mehrabad synoptic station in Tehran was selected. Using this data and according to
eight famous evapotranspiration equations amounts of evapotranspiration were forecasted by Box-Jenkins
models. Equations of reference potential evapotranspiration that used in this study include: FAO Penman
Monteith (FPM), FAO Blaney Criddle (FBC), Turc, FAO Radiation Macking (FRM), Priestley Taylor (PT),
Hargreaves Samani (HS), Thornthwaite (TW), and Corrected Jensen Haise (CJH). A box-Jenkins model has
found a widespread application in many practical sciences. In addition, evapotranspiration forecasting is done
by some methods such as remote sensing, genetic algorithm, and artificial neural networks. On the other hand,
application of both Box-Jenkins models simultaneously in order to compare their ability in forecast of
evapotranspiration has not been carried out in previous researches. Therefore, this paper attempts to forecast
the evapotranspiration and meteorological data by using Box-Jenkins models while increasing the number of
parameters in order to increase the forecast accuracy to five parameters and comparing them. By comparing
root mean square error of the models, it was determined that Box-Jenkins models are appropriate approaches
to evapotranspiration forecasting..
Key words:Box-Jenkins models, evapotranspiration, meteorological data
Key words:Box-Jenkins models, evapotranspiration, meteorological data
[1] Alexandris, S., P. Kerkides and A. Liakatas, 2006. Daily reference evapotranspiration estimates by the "Copais" approach,
Agricultural Water Management, 28(3), pp: 371–386. DOI:
[2] Alexandris, S. and P. Kerkides, New empirical formula for hourly estimations of reference evapotranspiration Agricultural Water
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[3] Balaguer, E., A. Palomares, E. Sorie and J.D. Martin-Guerrero, 2008. Predicting service request in support centers based on
nonlinear dynamics, ARMA modeling and neural networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), pp: 665–672. DOI:
[4] Bois, B., P. Pieri, C. Van Leeuwen, L. Wald, F. Huard, J.-P. Gaudillere and E. Saur, 2008. Using remotely sensed solar radiation
data for reference evapotranspiration estimation at a daily time step, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(4), pp: 619–630.
[5] Box, G.E.P., G.M., Jenkins, 1976. Series Analysis Forecasting and Control. Prentice-Hall Inc., London.
[6] Casa, R., G. Russell, B. Lo Cascio, 2000. Estimation of evapotranspiration from a field of linseed in central Italy, Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology, 104(4), pp: 289–301. DOI:
[7] Chenoweth, T., K. Dowling, R., Hubata and R. Louis, 2004. Automatic ARMA identification using neural networks and the
extended sample autocorrelation function: a reevaluation. Decision Support Systems, 29, pp: 21-30. DOI:
[8] Chenoweth, T., K. Dowling, R., Hubata, and R. Louis, 2004. Distance and prediction error variance constraints for ARMA model
portfolios. International Journal of Forecasting, 20, pp: 41-52. DOI:
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Agricultural Water Management, 28(3), pp: 371–386. DOI:
[2] Alexandris, S. and P. Kerkides, New empirical formula for hourly estimations of reference evapotranspiration Agricultural Water
Management, 60(3), pp: 157–180. DOI:
[3] Balaguer, E., A. Palomares, E. Sorie and J.D. Martin-Guerrero, 2008. Predicting service request in support centers based on
nonlinear dynamics, ARMA modeling and neural networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), pp: 665–672. DOI:
[4] Bois, B., P. Pieri, C. Van Leeuwen, L. Wald, F. Huard, J.-P. Gaudillere and E. Saur, 2008. Using remotely sensed solar radiation
data for reference evapotranspiration estimation at a daily time step, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(4), pp: 619–630.
[5] Box, G.E.P., G.M., Jenkins, 1976. Series Analysis Forecasting and Control. Prentice-Hall Inc., London.
[6] Casa, R., G. Russell, B. Lo Cascio, 2000. Estimation of evapotranspiration from a field of linseed in central Italy, Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology, 104(4), pp: 289–301. DOI:
[7] Chenoweth, T., K. Dowling, R., Hubata and R. Louis, 2004. Automatic ARMA identification using neural networks and the
extended sample autocorrelation function: a reevaluation. Decision Support Systems, 29, pp: 21-30. DOI:
[8] Chenoweth, T., K. Dowling, R., Hubata, and R. Louis, 2004. Distance and prediction error variance constraints for ARMA model
portfolios. International Journal of Forecasting, 20, pp: 41-52. DOI:
[9] Cryer, D. and J.C. Kung-Sik, 2008. Time Series Analysis: With Applications in R, 2nd Ed. Springer, ISBN: 0387759581
[10] Douglas, E.M., J.M Jacobs, D.M., Sumner and R.L. Ray, 2009. A comparison of models for estimating potential evapotranspiration for Florida land cover types, Journal of Hydrology, 373(3-4), pp: 366–376. DOI:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of Moringa Oleifera Seed |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adejumo, B. A., Abayomi, D. A |
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: | 10.9790/2380-0151221 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:The effect of moisture content on some physical properties of shelled and unshelled Moringa Oleifera
seed was investigated at 6.8%, 10%, 15% moisture content (wet basis). The mean values of the physical
properties of the seeds were determined as length 8.3 – 8.7 mm and 12.7 – 13.4 mm, width 7.4 – 7.6 mm and
10.3 – 11.0 mm, thickness 6.5 – 7.3 mm and 10.4 – 10.9 mm, geometric mean diameter 133.1 – 160.1 mm and
453.5 – 535.6 mm, sphericity 16.0 – 18.4 mm and 35.7 – 40.0 mm, thousand seed mass 316.8 – 326.7g and
318.3 – 329.3g, bulk density 0.031 – 0.032 g/cm and 0.041 – 0.047 g/cm³, true density 0.221 – 0.632 g/cm³ and
0.300 – 0.289 g/cm³, porosity 85.9 – 94.9% and 86.3 – 83.7%, surface area 3.19 – 2.21 cm³ and 3.56 – 5.32
cm³ for shelled and unshelled seeds respectively. The coefficient of friction as measured on glass was 0.466 –
0.445% and 0.510 – 0.404%, sheet metal 0.425 – 0.466% and 0.481 – 0.547%, plywood 0.740 – 0.597% and
0.525 – 0.594% for shelled and unshelled seeds respectively. The physical properties of the seeds increased with
increase in moisture content but porosity however, decreased. This information will provide engineers and
designer the relevant data for efficient process handling and equipment design.
Key words:Moisture content, Moringa Oleifera, physical properties, shelled, unshelled
Key words:Moisture content, Moringa Oleifera, physical properties, shelled, unshelled
[1] Folkard, G. K. And J. P. Sutherland, (1996). Moringa oleifera a tree and a litany of Potential: In Agroforestry Today, July –
September, 1996 edition.
[2] Moringa tree of life. Date accessed 1/9/2012
[3] Sampson, W. (2005). Studying herbal remedies. New England Journal of Medicine 353(4): 337- 339.
[4] Monzon, R. B (1995). Traditional medicine in the treatment of parasitic diseases in the Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of
Tropical Medicine and Public Health 26(3): 421-428.
[5] ECHO (1996). Moringa Recipies. Echo Technical Note. Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization.,N.Ft.Meyers,FL.
[6] Barminas, J. T. and M. Charles (1998). Mineral composition of non-conventional leafy vegetables. Plant Foods for Human
Nutrition Dordrecht 53(1): 29-36.
[7] Esref, I. and Halil, U. (2007). Moisture-dependent physical properties of white speckled red kidney bean grains. Journal of Food
Engineering, 82, 209–216.
[8] Irtwange, S. V. and J. C. Igbeka. (2002). some physical properties of two African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) accessions
and their interrelations with moisture content. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 18(5), 567-576.
[9] Kachru, R. P., R. K. Gupta and A. Alam (1994). Physico-Chemical constituents and Engineering properties of food crops. Jodhpur
Scientific Publishers. Bansai, Jodhpur. India. Loading Machine", The Nigerian Engineer, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 26–31.
[10] Deshpande, S. D., S. Bal and Ojha T.P. (1993). Physical properties of soybean. Journal Agricultural Engineering Research, 56:
September, 1996 edition.
[2] Moringa tree of life. Date accessed 1/9/2012
[3] Sampson, W. (2005). Studying herbal remedies. New England Journal of Medicine 353(4): 337- 339.
[4] Monzon, R. B (1995). Traditional medicine in the treatment of parasitic diseases in the Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of
Tropical Medicine and Public Health 26(3): 421-428.
[5] ECHO (1996). Moringa Recipies. Echo Technical Note. Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization.,N.Ft.Meyers,FL.
[6] Barminas, J. T. and M. Charles (1998). Mineral composition of non-conventional leafy vegetables. Plant Foods for Human
Nutrition Dordrecht 53(1): 29-36.
[7] Esref, I. and Halil, U. (2007). Moisture-dependent physical properties of white speckled red kidney bean grains. Journal of Food
Engineering, 82, 209–216.
[8] Irtwange, S. V. and J. C. Igbeka. (2002). some physical properties of two African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) accessions
and their interrelations with moisture content. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 18(5), 567-576.
[9] Kachru, R. P., R. K. Gupta and A. Alam (1994). Physico-Chemical constituents and Engineering properties of food crops. Jodhpur
Scientific Publishers. Bansai, Jodhpur. India. Loading Machine", The Nigerian Engineer, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 26–31.
[10] Deshpande, S. D., S. Bal and Ojha T.P. (1993). Physical properties of soybean. Journal Agricultural Engineering Research, 56:
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ABSTRACT:Fishing is activity which is rarely carried out all alone and is often required management system
which has to be formed between people and community. In the present study, five villages around the Loktak
lake of Manipur were selected by adopting a case study cum survey method to analyse the fisheries management
system existing in the Loktak lake and the problems faced by the fishers in the region during fishing. After
catching the fishes, the fishers marketed it immediately to the middlemen either in fresh condition or in
processed form as there is no icing facility for storage. Smoking of fishes using the local wood such as Sahi and
Kui were found to be the main mode of preservation. Gear and craft mainly operating in the Loktak lake
consisted of gill nets and dugout canoes respectively. It was observed that banned seasons are so far does not
exist in Loktak lake. Using Rank Based Quotient techniques, the problems of the fishermen were analysed.
Strong waves leading to the movement of the phum was reported as the major problem. The construction of
Ithai barrage on Loktak lake leads to the reduction in fish productivity.
Key words:barrage, fisheries, gear, management, survey
Key words:barrage, fisheries, gear, management, survey
[1] FAO, 2010. World review of fisheries and aquaculture. In: The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2009. FAO, Rome, pp. 3-87.
[2] Anon, 2006. Indian Fisheries Resources and Production. In: Handbook of fisheries and Aquaculture. Published by Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, New Delhi, ISBN: 81-7164-061-3: pp.1- 31.
[3] Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Manipur, 2009-2010
[4] H.T. Singh, 1991a. Study on the biology and Culturable Possibilities of the Indegenous fishes of Manipur, Osteobrama belangiri
and Monopterus albus Technical Report, ICAR, New Delhi.
[5] H.T. Singh, 1993. Impact of Loktak National Hydroelectric project on the Environment of Manipur. Technical Report, Department
of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Manipur.
[6] P.K. Biaklun, A. Ngangbam, and N. Basavaraja, 2009. Status of aquaculture and fisheries in Manipur. Fishing Chimes, 29(1):102-
[7] H.T. Singh, and R. K. Singh, 1994. Ramsar sites of India Loktak lake of Manipur. Published by World Wide Fund For Nature,
[8] V.E Sabarathanam, 1988. Manuals of Field Experience Training for ARS Scientists. Hyderabad: NAARM.
[2] Anon, 2006. Indian Fisheries Resources and Production. In: Handbook of fisheries and Aquaculture. Published by Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, New Delhi, ISBN: 81-7164-061-3: pp.1- 31.
[3] Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Manipur, 2009-2010
[4] H.T. Singh, 1991a. Study on the biology and Culturable Possibilities of the Indegenous fishes of Manipur, Osteobrama belangiri
and Monopterus albus Technical Report, ICAR, New Delhi.
[5] H.T. Singh, 1993. Impact of Loktak National Hydroelectric project on the Environment of Manipur. Technical Report, Department
of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Manipur.
[6] P.K. Biaklun, A. Ngangbam, and N. Basavaraja, 2009. Status of aquaculture and fisheries in Manipur. Fishing Chimes, 29(1):102-
[7] H.T. Singh, and R. K. Singh, 1994. Ramsar sites of India Loktak lake of Manipur. Published by World Wide Fund For Nature,
[8] V.E Sabarathanam, 1988. Manuals of Field Experience Training for ARS Scientists. Hyderabad: NAARM.
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ABSTRACT:The study was carried out to investigate the effect of Maxigrain® enzyme supplementation of sugarcane scrapping meal-based diets on the nutrient digestibility and serum biochemical variables of laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) in ant 8 week experiment. Six experimental diets tagged T100, T10100, T10200, T150, T15100 and T15200 were formulated to be isonitrogenous (20%CP) and isocaloric (2786.72 Kcal/kg ME). Diets T100, T10100 and T10200 contained 10% crude fibre and 0, 100 and 200 ppm enzyme while T150, T15100 and T10200 contained 15% crude fibre and 0, 100 and 200 ppm enzyme, such that T100 and T150 function as the control for T10100 and T10200, and T15100 and T15200, respectively. Three hundred and sixty 6 weeks old laying quails were randomly allocated to the dietary treatments at the rate of 60 birds per diet. Each treatment was replicated 4 times in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement having 15 birds per replicate. The results showed that enzyme supplementation improved (P<0.05) significantly the digestibility of dry matter (62.21 vs.63.03 and 63.28%), crude protein (67.25 vs. 67.87 and 69.14%), crude fibre (70.19 vs.78.14 and 81.66%),
Key words:Laying quails, sugarcane scrapping meal, fibre, enzyme supplementation, carcass characteristics, blood parameters and nutrient digestibility
Key words:Laying quails, sugarcane scrapping meal, fibre, enzyme supplementation, carcass characteristics, blood parameters and nutrient digestibility
[1] Yakubu, A. Ayoade, J.A. and Dairu, M. (2010). Effect of genotype and population density on growth performance, carcass characteristics and cost-benefits of broiler chickens in north central Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health Production (2010) 42:719-727
[2] Ademola, S.G., Isah, A.T. and Kuranga, A.O. (2011b). Comparative effects of Roxazyme G® on performance and selected haematological parameters of hens fed wheat offal, corn bran and brewery spent grain diets. Proc. 16th Annual Conf., Animal Sci. Ass. of Nig. (ASAN). Sept. 12th-15th 2011 Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. Pp 78-81.
[3] Adenkola, A.Y. and Tuleun, C.D. (2011). Erythrocyte osmotic fragility and haematological parameters of growing Japanese quails (Cortunix cortunix japonica) fed different levels of protein diets. Proc. 36th Conf., Nig. Soc. for Anim. Prod. March 13th-16th 2011, University of Abuja, Nigeria. Pp 114-116.
[4] Adeola, O. and Olukosi, O.A. (2008). Opportunities and challenges in the use of alternative feedstuffs in poultry production. Nig. Poult. Sci. J. 5(4) 147-155.
[5] Aduku, A.O.(2004)Animalnutritioninthetropics;Feedsandfeeding,pasture management, monogastric and ruminant nutrition Pp. 17-18.
[6] Allen, V.M., Fernandez, F. and Hinton, M.H. (1997). Evaluation of the influence of supplementing diet with mannose or palm kernel meal on salmonella colonization in poultry. British Poultry Science 38:485-488.
[7] Alu, S.E., Kaankuka, F.G. and Oluremi, O.I.A. (2009). Effects of Nutrase Xyla® enzyme supplementation on nutrient digestibility by weaner pigs fed low or high fibre diets. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal, PAT 5(2):327-334.
[8] Alu, S.E., Adenkola, A.Y., Oluremi, O.I.A. and Kaankuka, F.G. (2011). Effects of Nutrase xyla(R) enzyme supplementation on haematological parameters of growing pigs fed low and high fibre diets. Journal of life and physical sciences, actaSATECH 4(1):15-24.
[9] A.O.A.C. (1984). Official methods of Analysis 14th ed. Arlington, V.A. Association of official Analytical chemists.
[10] A.O.A.C. (1990). Association of official analytical chemists. 15th ed. William Tryd Press. Richmond Virginia, V.S.A.
[2] Ademola, S.G., Isah, A.T. and Kuranga, A.O. (2011b). Comparative effects of Roxazyme G® on performance and selected haematological parameters of hens fed wheat offal, corn bran and brewery spent grain diets. Proc. 16th Annual Conf., Animal Sci. Ass. of Nig. (ASAN). Sept. 12th-15th 2011 Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. Pp 78-81.
[3] Adenkola, A.Y. and Tuleun, C.D. (2011). Erythrocyte osmotic fragility and haematological parameters of growing Japanese quails (Cortunix cortunix japonica) fed different levels of protein diets. Proc. 36th Conf., Nig. Soc. for Anim. Prod. March 13th-16th 2011, University of Abuja, Nigeria. Pp 114-116.
[4] Adeola, O. and Olukosi, O.A. (2008). Opportunities and challenges in the use of alternative feedstuffs in poultry production. Nig. Poult. Sci. J. 5(4) 147-155.
[5] Aduku, A.O.(2004)Animalnutritioninthetropics;Feedsandfeeding,pasture management, monogastric and ruminant nutrition Pp. 17-18.
[6] Allen, V.M., Fernandez, F. and Hinton, M.H. (1997). Evaluation of the influence of supplementing diet with mannose or palm kernel meal on salmonella colonization in poultry. British Poultry Science 38:485-488.
[7] Alu, S.E., Kaankuka, F.G. and Oluremi, O.I.A. (2009). Effects of Nutrase Xyla® enzyme supplementation on nutrient digestibility by weaner pigs fed low or high fibre diets. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal, PAT 5(2):327-334.
[8] Alu, S.E., Adenkola, A.Y., Oluremi, O.I.A. and Kaankuka, F.G. (2011). Effects of Nutrase xyla(R) enzyme supplementation on haematological parameters of growing pigs fed low and high fibre diets. Journal of life and physical sciences, actaSATECH 4(1):15-24.
[9] A.O.A.C. (1984). Official methods of Analysis 14th ed. Arlington, V.A. Association of official Analytical chemists.
[10] A.O.A.C. (1990). Association of official analytical chemists. 15th ed. William Tryd Press. Richmond Virginia, V.S.A.
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ABSTRACT:This experiment was designed to compare the effect of spraying wheat straw aqueous extracts to control broad and narrow leaf weed plants in wheat fields with some common used herbicides in the region. The study consisted of five treatments; wheat straw aqueous extract; grass weeds herbicide clodinafop-propargyl (Topik); broad leaf herbicide tribenuron-methyl (Granstar); zero control (no weed control) and zero or no- weed treatments , chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll were indicated for all treatments after 48 hours from herbicide application. Results illustrated significant differences between all treatments, minimum wheat yield was recorded in zero control plots then plots that was treated with wheat straw aqueous extracts, Broad leaf weed herbicide (Granstar), narrow leaf weeds herbicide (Topic) and maximum yield was recorded with zero weed treatments, results of this study elucidate the potentiality of using wheat aqueous extracts for controlling some weed plants due to its obvious effect on reducing the weed plants height and the levels of chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll in treated wheat plants.
Key words:Allelopathy, Dicot, Monocot, weed plants.
Key words:Allelopathy, Dicot, Monocot, weed plants.
[1] Ismail, B. K. (2006). Effect of water stress on growth, yield, and quality characteristics of eight bread wheat cultivars. MSc. Thesis. College of Science .University of Salahadin. Iraq.
[2] Marof, S. M. (2007). Competititive Interference Between Triticale x Triticosecale rimpaui Wittmac and Wheat Triticum spp . L. under two different environmental conditions. Ph D. Dissertation. College of Agriculture .University of Salahadin
[3] Al-ali, Aziz. (1980). Guide of agricultural pest control. Agricultural ministry. Institute of plant protection.
[4] Hassawy, G. S., S. A. Tammimi., H. Al-izzi.(1968). Weeds in Iraq. Technical bulletin. Iraq.
[5] Robson, T. O., P. J. Americanos., and B. E. Abu-irmaileh. (1991). Major weeds of the near east. FAO plant protection and production paper.
[6] Gooding, Mike. J., W. Paul. Davies. (1997). Wheat production and utilization system, quality and environment. CBA International. Cambridge. UK.
[7] Labrada, R., J. C. Caseley., and C. Parker. (1994). Weed management for developing Countries. FAO plant protection and production paper.
[8] Macias, F. A., J. C. G. Galindo., D. Castellano., and R. F. Velasco. (1999). Sesquiterpene lactones with potential use as natural herbicide models (1): trans,trans-Germaacranolides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 47: 4407- 4414.
[9] Macias, A. F., D. Castellano, and J. M. G. Molinillo. (2000). Search for a Standard Phytotoxic Bioassay for Allelochemicals. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 48: 2512-2521.
[10] Bhatti, M. Q., Z. A. Cheema., and T. Mahmood. (2000). Efficacy of Sorgaab as Natural Weed Inhibitor in Raya. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(7): 1128- 1130.
[2] Marof, S. M. (2007). Competititive Interference Between Triticale x Triticosecale rimpaui Wittmac and Wheat Triticum spp . L. under two different environmental conditions. Ph D. Dissertation. College of Agriculture .University of Salahadin
[3] Al-ali, Aziz. (1980). Guide of agricultural pest control. Agricultural ministry. Institute of plant protection.
[4] Hassawy, G. S., S. A. Tammimi., H. Al-izzi.(1968). Weeds in Iraq. Technical bulletin. Iraq.
[5] Robson, T. O., P. J. Americanos., and B. E. Abu-irmaileh. (1991). Major weeds of the near east. FAO plant protection and production paper.
[6] Gooding, Mike. J., W. Paul. Davies. (1997). Wheat production and utilization system, quality and environment. CBA International. Cambridge. UK.
[7] Labrada, R., J. C. Caseley., and C. Parker. (1994). Weed management for developing Countries. FAO plant protection and production paper.
[8] Macias, F. A., J. C. G. Galindo., D. Castellano., and R. F. Velasco. (1999). Sesquiterpene lactones with potential use as natural herbicide models (1): trans,trans-Germaacranolides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 47: 4407- 4414.
[9] Macias, A. F., D. Castellano, and J. M. G. Molinillo. (2000). Search for a Standard Phytotoxic Bioassay for Allelochemicals. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 48: 2512-2521.
[10] Bhatti, M. Q., Z. A. Cheema., and T. Mahmood. (2000). Efficacy of Sorgaab as Natural Weed Inhibitor in Raya. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(7): 1128- 1130.
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ABSTRACT:Six fungicides at three rates i.e. one and half, one and half of recommended rates (1.5x, 1.0x and 0.5x mg a.i/ml) were evaluated on the spores of Fusarium pallidoroseum isolated from castor (Ricinus communis) in vitro. It was observed that the fungicides (Benomyl, Benomyl + Thiram, Mancozeb, Metalaxyl-M + Thiomethoxan + Difenoconazole, Tricyclazole and Carbendazim + Mancozeb) at all the concentrations tested it inhibited sporulation of the fungus. Benomyl, Benomyl + Thiram and Tricyclazole completely inhibited sporulation at 1.5x, 1.0x and 0.5x mg a.i/ml. Metalaxyl-M + Thiomethoxan + Difenoconazole, Carbendazim + Mancozeb partially inhibited sporulation only at 1.5x mg a.i/ml, not at 1.0x and 0.5x mg a.i/ml. The inhibitory effect of all the fungicides on sporulation was greatest at 1.5x mg a.i/ml.
Key words:fungicides; castor; Ricinus communis; Fusarium pallidoroseum; in vitro, Mycelia, Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
Key words:fungicides; castor; Ricinus communis; Fusarium pallidoroseum; in vitro, Mycelia, Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
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[3]. Anjani K, Raoof M A, Ashoka P, Reddy V, Hanumanta Rao C. (2004). Sources of resistance to major castor (Ricinus communis) diseases. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 137:46–48.
[4]. Anonymous. (1971). Castor seed: Growing and milling in Nigeria: Feasibility report to the Federal Ministry of Industries. p. 60.
[5]. Bawa A. (1992) Studies on the midrib spot disease of millet in Nigeria. M.Sc Thesis. Ahmadu Bello Univeristy, Zaira 105pp.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The overview of Government subsidies to agriculture sector in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harshal A. Salunkhe Dr.B.B.Deshmush |
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: | 10.9790/2380-0154347 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:The agriculture subsidies are integral part of the farmers life in India. The agriculture subsidies plays very important role in agriculture sector in every country. The every year's government of India spends lot of money in various agriculture subsidies for growth of agriculture sector. The total arable & permanent cropland is 169,700 thousand hectors in India. The authors used only secondary data for research. This paper basically focuses on overview of agriculture subsidies in India with help of provisions of funds for agriculture in five years plans and annual budget. The authors also study types of agriculture subsidies and distribution criteria in India. Last few years the percent investment in agriculture sector is increases & percent of agriculture subsidies is decreases in India. To know the percentage agriculture subsidies in developed countries and developing countries, also number of dependent on agriculture sector.
Key words:Agriculture, Annual budget, Five years plan, Investment & Subsidies
Key words:Agriculture, Annual budget, Five years plan, Investment & Subsidies
[3] A Train4Dev / OECD DAC POVNET Joint Learning Event: Promoting Pro-Poor Growth, Policy Instrument Note # 1, Farm Input Subsidies 23 June. 09.* FEWSNET reports of MoAFS estimates published By OECD Page No.8
[4] Rajwinder Kaur1 , Dr.Manisha Sharma Sep-Oct. 2012 "Agricultural Subsidies in India Boon or Curse" in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS) ISSN No-: 2279-0837, ISBN: 2279-0845, Volume- 2 Issue- 4, page no.43 & 46
[5] L.N.S. Prasad, WTO norms & Indian agriculture published by Indian liberal group page no.2
[6] Capital investment in agriculture rises to 20% in India Infoline News Service / 08:37 , Apr 11, 2012
[7] Government of India, Fertilizers Association, Fertilizer Statistics, various issues, New Delhi.
[8] Government of India, State Electricity Boards, Annual Reports, Various Years.
[9] Government of Punjab, Statistical Abstract, Various Years
[10] Dr. K. T. Chandy--Indian Agriculture Under the Five-Year Plans, Booklet No. 539, Agricultural Situation in India: ASIS-10 Page No.2
[3] A Train4Dev / OECD DAC POVNET Joint Learning Event: Promoting Pro-Poor Growth, Policy Instrument Note # 1, Farm Input Subsidies 23 June. 09.* FEWSNET reports of MoAFS estimates published By OECD Page No.8
[4] Rajwinder Kaur1 , Dr.Manisha Sharma Sep-Oct. 2012 "Agricultural Subsidies in India Boon or Curse" in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS) ISSN No-: 2279-0837, ISBN: 2279-0845, Volume- 2 Issue- 4, page no.43 & 46
[5] L.N.S. Prasad, WTO norms & Indian agriculture published by Indian liberal group page no.2
[6] Capital investment in agriculture rises to 20% in India Infoline News Service / 08:37 , Apr 11, 2012
[7] Government of India, Fertilizers Association, Fertilizer Statistics, various issues, New Delhi.
[8] Government of India, State Electricity Boards, Annual Reports, Various Years.
[9] Government of Punjab, Statistical Abstract, Various Years
[10] Dr. K. T. Chandy--Indian Agriculture Under the Five-Year Plans, Booklet No. 539, Agricultural Situation in India: ASIS-10 Page No.2
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ABSTRACT:Fishing is an ethnic occupation of the inhabitants around the Loktak lake of Manipur. Study of fishers' socioeconomic and cultural profile around the Loktak lake of Manipur was carried out in five villages around the Loktak lake of Manipur which were selected by adopting a case study cum survey method. The study revealed that 44 percent of the fishermen belonged to the old age, 58.67 percent had family size of more than 5 members, 88 percent had medium level of scientific orientation, 36 percent had annual income between Rs 20001-30000, 38.67 percent had 11-20 years of fishing experience, 34 percent of the fishers had middle school and 34 percent had high school level of education. Gender disparities and early marriage system were not found. Fishers were also found to have rich traditional knowledge regarding fishing. Religious institutes dominate the social structure and the fishers had given most important consideration on respect for old age among all other social values. The fishers spent highest annual expenditure i.e 30.96 percent for fishing activities. About 46 percent of the fishers were found to have credit amount of less than Rs. 5000 where poor fishermen act as borrowers and relatively well off fishermen as lenders
Key words:socioeconomic, Loktak lake, Manipur, fishers, ethnic.
Key words:socioeconomic, Loktak lake, Manipur, fishers, ethnic.
[1] Anjulika, T. 2010. There is nothing you didn't get from Loktak. Infochange News & Features, available at
[2] FAO, 2010. World review of fisheries and aquaculture. In: The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2009. FAO, Rome, pp. 3-87.
[3] FAO, 2011. Fishing people. In: FAO,fisheries and aquaculture department available at
[4] Sabarathanam, V. E., 1988. Manuals of Field Experience Training for ARS Scientists. Hyderabad:NAARM.
[2] FAO, 2010. World review of fisheries and aquaculture. In: The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2009. FAO, Rome, pp. 3-87.
[3] FAO, 2011. Fishing people. In: FAO,fisheries and aquaculture department available at
[4] Sabarathanam, V. E., 1988. Manuals of Field Experience Training for ARS Scientists. Hyderabad:NAARM.