Series-1 (March–April 2019)March–April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Chitosan being the second most abundant polysaccharide available on earth. In the present investigation extraction and optimization on Chitosan from mushroom as a source was carried out. The confirmation for the Chitosan was done using TBA Assay, DNS test and confirmed by FTIR analysis. Food coating was carried out and efficacy was tested comparing with that of non coated one. The firmness of control fruit during the red stage on the 20th day was 31.65N where as for the coated fruit on the same day it was 46.79N. Coating was the most effective treatment for retardation of softening of harvested fruits and vegetables. The titratable acidity of control at the time of red stage on the 20th day was 0.611% whereas for coated fruit on the same day it was 0.559%. Biopolymer as an edible coating with 2% solid percentage remains a viable alternative to delay the ripening of tomato. By optimizing the solid percentage, it could be applicable to other fruits and vegetables..
Keywords: Mushroom, Chitosan, TBA Assay, DNS Assay, FTIR analysis, Food coating
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Intracellular Magnesium and Ionized Calcium in Preeclampsia |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Rama Shouri || Dr. Priyanka Vaitla |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0502011012 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: Pre-eclampsia is one of the major causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality(1). Though the aetiology is obscure, recent studies indicate that levels of magnesium and Calcium may have a role in pre-eclampsia. The aim of this study was to find out the relationship of intracellular magnesium levels and Ionized Calcium levels in pre-eclamptic pregnancies compared to normal pregnancies. Materials and Methods: The blood samples from 100 pre-eclamptic women and 30 controls were analysed for Intracellular( RBC) magnesium levels and Ionized Calcium levels . Outcome of pregnancy was analysed in both the groups and compared. Results : In this study there is a significant decrease in Intracellular Magnesium in preeclamptic pts compared to Normal Pregnant women(p<0.05).In Preeclampsia pts Intracellular Magnesium is 5.21mg/dl,with cut off value being 6.36mg..........
Key Words: Preeclampsia, intracellular Magnesium, Ionized calcium.
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Abstract: Chrozophora belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, the spurge family that includes 7,500 species. Most spurges are herbs, but some, especially in the tropics, are shrubs or trees. The family is distinguished by the presence of milky sap, unisexual flowers, superior and usually trilocular ovary, axile placentation and the collateral, pendulous ovules with carunculate micropyle. In the present investigation the biometrical, palynological and anatomical features of Chrozophora rottleri was studied.The results revealed that the length of pollen grains of Chrozophora rottleri varied slightly, ranging from 19μm to 25 μm. The pollen aperture was in the range of 0.5μm to 0.7μm. P/E ratio was 0.65 to 0.78. The pollen grains were elliptical to rounded. Pollen grains were tricolpate with pentoporate and hexoporate in some specimens and spinose exine. The viability of pollen grains was maximum 72 % to 87%........
Key words: Biometric, Palynology, Anatomy, Chrozophora rottleri, Euphorbiaceae.
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Abstract: Gelatinase as a tool in biotechnological applications has attracted the attention because of the prevalent use in detergents, pharmaceutical and leather industries. The present investigation to search gelatinase activities rested with eight strains of the group SK703, which were isolated in our laboratory from fruit orchard of Muzaffarpur and neighbouring district. The gelatinase activities of 59.6 U/ml on 4th day of incubation at optimum pH of 6.5 and optimum temperature at 350 C was successfully recorded in the group of strains SK703. Thus, microscopical, cultural, biochemical and physiological measures were considered as per Bergey's manual to recognise the strains to be Streptomyces species. Further similarity in 16S rRNA gene sequencing data established its relationship with ten stains which helped to create the phylogenetic tree. The closest member was found to be that of Streptomyces flavoviridis strain ZG084 with 99 % similarity in the 1389 base sequence of 16S rRNA gene, however, the difference of 1% in the sequence.
Key words: Streptomyces; gelatinase; 16S rRNA gene sequencing; NCBI accession no. KF815976 .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Serum Electrolytes in Thyroid Disorders |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Parinita Kataraki |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0502013234 ![]() |
Abstract:Thyroid hormones affect metabolism, brain development, breathing, heart and nervous system functions, blood cell formation, body temperature, muscle strength, bone health, skin dryness, menstrual cycles, weight, and cholesterol levels. Aims and objectives:
• To study the role of thyroid hormones on serum electrolytes viz potassium, sodium
• To study the serum electrolytes status in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism...........
Key words: hyperthyroid, thyroid, serum electrolytes, potassium, sodium, hypothyroid
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Abstract: In the present investigation cytot-genoxicity of aqueous extracts of ten medicinal plants viz. Syzyum aromaticum (Clove), Oxalis corniculata, Solanum nigrum, Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia variegate, Coriander sativum, Anisomeles indica, Terminallia bellerica, Ocimum sanctum and Citrus sinensis was evaluated on newly growing Allium cepa roots at three different concentrations. The results revealed that the aqueous leaf extracts caused a significant inhibition in the number and growth rate of Allium cepa roots in comparison to negative and positive control. The aqueous leaf extracts caused strong inhibition of dividing cells and mitotic index (MI) values. The chromosomal breaks showed the clastogenic effect of aqueous leaf extracts. The occurrence of chromosome fragments showed statistically significant differences...........
Key words: Medicinal plants, Cyto-genotoxicity, Allium cepa, Aqueous extract, Mitotic Index .
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Abstract: Aim:The aim of the study was to assess the status of serum ferritin and iron in preeclampsia. Materials &Method:This case control study was conducted in the Department of Biochemistry, Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore. In this study serum samples from 26 pre-eclamptic women and 26 age matched pregnant normotensive controls at Vani Vilas Hospital, Bangalore, were assessed for ferritin and iron levels and the results were analysed for statistical significance. Results: The mean serum ferritin concentration in cases and controls were 55.35μg/l and 17.19μg/l respectively. Mean serum iron concentration in cases was190.88 μg/dl and that in controls was 83.66μg/dl. Conclusion:This study showed significantly higher level of serum ferritin and serum iron in preeclamptic group as compared to the normotensive control group..
Key words: Preeclampsia, serum ferritin, serum iron .
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