Series-1 (May – Jun. 2020)May – Jun. 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Cucumis sativus L is a member of the cucurbit family grown wildly for it edible fruits. Virus infection has been reported to be a major constraint to its production as over 60 plant viruses are known to infect this crop reducing the quality and quantity of yearly production. Symptoms of mosaic and mottle was observed on this crop during the 2019 growing season in Ehom, Cross River State, Nigeria. Infected leaf samples were collected and tested using host rang/symptomatology test, insect transmission test and gene sequence analysis. The virus was found to infect only members of the cucurbit family and was transmitted by Aphis spiraecola. A. citricida did not transmit the virus. ACP-ELISA detected the virus to be a potyvirus and result from gene sequence analysis showed that the virus shared 81 % sequence identity with Algerian watermelon mosaic virus. The virus was considered a strain of Algerian watermelon mosaic virus. This is the first report of this virus infecting Cucumis sativus in Nigeria.....
Key Words: Potyvirus, ACP-ELISA, Cucumis sativus, Aphis sequence
[1]. Abarshi, M. M., Mohammed, I. U., Wasswa, P., Hillocks, R. J., Holt, J., Legg, J. P., Seal, S. E. and Maruthi, M. N. Optimization of diagnostic RT-PCR protocols and sampling procedures for the reliable and cost-effective detection of Cassava brown streak virus. Journal of Virology Methods. 2010;163(2):353-359.
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Abstract: Improving plant productivity still a challenge for researchers and administrations because yield losses caused by pathogenic fungi attacks of plant remains. This situation unfortunately highlights several problems, including food security. Phytopathogenic fungi are responsible of a range of diseases on a wide variety of herbaceous plant species. This study was addressed to test the influence of harvest periods alongside with Essential oil (Eo) from Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) fungi lemongrass plant on the growth inhibition, susceptibility rates and enzymes activity on three phytopathogenic fungi in vitro. Poisoned food technique was used to determine inhibition capacity of mycelial growth, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum fungicidal concentration, susceptibility....
Key Words: fungi; lemongrass; essential oil; pectinase; cellulase; mycorrhiza
[1]. Abbas, H.K., Cartwright, R.D., Shier, W.T., Abouzied, M.M., Bird, C.B., Rice, L.G., Ross, P.F., Sciumbato, G.L., Meredith, F.I. 1998. Natural occurrences of fumonisins in rice with Fusarium sheath rot disease. Plant Disease. 82:22–25.
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[4]. Arici, S. E., Bozat, G., Akbulut, I. 2013: Investigation of potential biological control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by essential oils, plant extract and chemical elicitors in vitro, Pak. J. Bot., 45, 2119-2124.
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Abstract: The present study is aimed to study the diversity of bacterial flora in the rhizosphere and rhizoplane of Abelmuscus esculentus (Okra) and Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis (Cauliflower) and their morphological and biochemical characterization. Rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil that is directly influenced by root secretions and associated soil microorganisms. The microbe- plant interaction in the rhizosphere can be beneficial, neutral, variable, or deleterious for plant growth. Rhizobacteria that exert beneficial effects on plant development are termed plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The rhizobacteria from rhizosphere and rhizoplane were isolated by serial dilution techniques and plating onto Nutrient agar medium. The isolates were subjected to various biochemical test. The results revealed that the population density of.......
Key Words: Rhizosphere, Rhizoplane, Siderophore, Population density, Phosphate solubilization, Abelmuscus esculentus, Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis
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Abstract: Multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria are demonstrating resistance to nearly all currently licensed antibiotics. So, use of medicinal plants which contain the natural bioactive sources for safe and natural therapeutic an alternative to antibiotics is an important point for research because natural remedies should have less toxicity and less costing. The main objective of this study is to find out the antimicrobial activity in Nigella Sativa and Lawsonia inermis (Henna). 62 Gram- negative bacteria samples were collected and identified from patients suffering bacterial infection (33 males and 29 females) .Three different bacterial isolates Klebsiella pneumoniae , Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were obtained from 8 different specimens....
Key Words: Multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative, Lawsonia inermis (Henna), Nigella Sativa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Antimicrobial activity
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Abstract: Diabetes management should involve both systemic and ocular aspects. Regulation of hyperglycaemia, hypertension and dyslipidaemia plays a crucial role in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. Ocular laser therapy is the core treatment for diabetic macular (focal/grid) oedema with severe non-proliferative and proliferative diabetes retinopathy. Combination therapy is strongly encouraged. Diabetic macular oedema management strategy is based on one or two intravitreal injections such as anti-VEGF and steroid therapy decreases the central macular thickness with focal laser or grid laser. Anti-VEGF therapy has been shown to be efficient as a medical treatment in proliferative patients with diabetic retinopathy. Specific pathophysiological manifestations of cognitive disorder in diabetes are not fully understood, but hyperglycaemia, vascular abnormalities, hypoglycaemia and insulin resistance are likely to play a key role. This study demonstrates the correlation between mental disorder and diabetic retinopathy. Patients of diabetes have also been shown to have cognitive dysfunction. The article describes therapies and details relevant to risk factors and signs of diabetic retinopathy. Herbal treatments such as sulfonylureas, metformin, Azadirachtaindica and their modes of action are part of this article.
KEYWORDS: Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic retinopathy, Cognitive dysfunctions, Anti-VEGF, Laser Therapy, Metformin, Sulfonylureas
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Abstract: Background: Local seeds are known for nutritional values and often useful for immense medicinal properties. This study was carried out to investigate the nutritional compositions and in-vitro free radical scavenging potentials of Sesamum indicum seed. Materials and methods:Proximate analysis and antinutrient compositions of the sample was carried out using appropriate methods described by the Association of Official Chemists (AOAC). The mineral and vitamin composition of the sample were determined spectrophotometrically. Percentage free radical scavenging activity, the reducing power activity, the inhibition of lipid peroxidation activity, hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity and in-vitro antioxidant enzyme assay of the sample were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Results: The proximate analysis....
Key Words: Sesamum indicum, proximate analysis, Antinutrient composition, in-vitro Antioxidant scavenging activity.
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Abstract: This study aimed to detect mutation of the gyrA and gyrBgene in Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant ofloxacin with phenotype and genotype test. This study presented by phenotype method with MGIT 960 and genotype method with geneXpert and PCR. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was used as a reference bacteria in this study.Among 42 clinical isolates, the TB-RR, MDR-TB, XDR-TB and Pre-XDR-TB were 42/42 (100%), 41/42 (97,62%), 11/42 (26,1%), and 31/42 (73,90%). All 42 (100%) isolates were ofloxacin- resistant by the phenotype test with MGIT 960 method. In Genotype with gene Xpert, we found that all isolates were MTB detected and RIF resistance detected. In the PCR test, all 42 ofloxacin resistant isolates showed 37/42 (88.09%) mutations in the gyrA gene and 5/42 (11.90%) isolates showed no mutations in the gyrA gene. in the gyrB gene, no mutations were found in the MTB isolates.This study was showed discordance results on 5 isolates, which in phenotype test all isolates showed resistance ofloxacin but in the genotype test, 5 isolates did not show mutations in the gyrA and gyrB genes against mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.
Key Words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gyrA, gyrB, ofloxacin
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[5]. Cui, Z., Wang, J., Lu, J. 2011. Association of mutation patterns in gyrA/B genes and ofloxacin resistance levels in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from East China in 2009. BMC Infectious Diseases 11 (78): 1-5..
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Abstract: The binding of the myosin heads to the muscle actin is a highly regulated process. The thin filament is made of actin, tropomyosin, and troponin. The contraction of skeletal muscle is triggered by nerve impulses that in turn stimulate the release of Ca2+. The release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum causes an increase in the concentration of Ca2+ in the cytosol. Calcium ions then bind to troponin, which is associated with tropomyosin. Binding causes changes in the shape of troponin and subsequently causes the tropomyosin isoform to shift its position on the actin filament. And, globules consists of two lobes separated by a cleft. This structure represents the "ATPase fold", which is a centre of enzymatic catalysis that binds ATP and Mg2+ and hydrolyzes the former to ADP plus phosphate......
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Abstract: Background: Aloe vera, a succulent perennial plant, belonging to Aloaceae family. The presence of bioactive compounds owns to its therapeutic properties and medicinal potential. Aloevera is effectual treatment for rejuvenation and recovery of body as it has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant properties. Catalase, an enzyme present in aloevera protects the cell from oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species. Thus, it helps in maintaining the liver health, as a result optimum conditions to determine maximum catalase activity were studied. The total.....
Key Words: Aloevera Catalase Phytochemicals Flavonoid Phenol
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Abstract: The Paper demonstrates non-destructive testing (NDT) methodology for the purpose of testing and evaluating the parameters of the plant. Data is generated and processed to conclude different crop properties and crop vitals. The data can also be used to predict and monitor the health of the plant. The Presented and demonstrated design and also ensures a low-cost high sensitivity system. The modular design and easy upgradeable sensor interface allow us to tune and set the parameters for the required plant. Further plant classification and plant data assortment can also be added to the system. Data differentiation and classification models can be visualized on monitoring software and then can be used to predict health. The light sensitivity and colour of the leaves being one of the major parameters sets the data produced is classifiable and can be interpreted easily. Further the updated system.....
Key Words: Non-destructive testing, Luminosity, Vitals
[1]. H. Rizk and M. K. Habib, "Robotized Early Plant Health Monitoring System," IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Washington, DC, 2018, pp. 3795-3800.
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[5]. R. Izumi et al., "Biological information (pH/EC) sensor device for quantitatively monitoring plant health conditions," 2017 IEEE SENSORS, Glasgow, 2017, pp. 1-3.
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Abstract: Background:Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is fleshy, large root growing in the plant of the same name. Beetroot ranks in top 10 vegetables with respect to its antioxidant capacity. They possess antimicrobial and antiviral effects.Beetroot exhibits dark crimson red colour pulp which has a sweet taste.They impart this colour due to presence of specific chromophore group which is used in food and cosmetic industries. The present manuscript focuses on the extraction of Beta vulgaris pigment and it's use as an indicator and preparation of pHindicator strips. In this research endeavour, beetrootswere procured, dried, powdered and used as a natural indicator. This indicator can be a substitute forsynthetic indicators. Synthetic indicatorshave teratogenic and carcinogenic effects, allergic effect, hence they possess....
Keywords:Synthetic pigments, Natural dye, Chromophore, Beta vulgaris, Beetroot indicator, Beetroot pH indicator strips.
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Abstract: An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of four local processing methods i.e. sprouting, salt treatment, cooking and roasting with raw African locust bean as control on visceral organs morphometry and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. Two hundred and fifty (250) Anak 2000 unsex broiler chicks were randomly allotted to five treatments, replicated five (5) times in a completely randomized block design (CRBD). The experiment lasted for eight weeks.Results showed that the local processing methods affected organs morphometry and carcass yield (P<0.05). All the local processing methods exerted effects on carcass yield and gut morphometry (P<0.05). However, Salt treatment and cooking proved to be more efficient methods of local processing and should be recommended to farmers wishing to use ALBS as protein source.
Keywords: African locust bean seeds, gut morphometry, carcass yield, cuts of parts
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate nutritional quality of Pachira glabra seeds, food plant an underutilized. Using the standard methods, The contents of moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, fiber and some minerals; as well as the energy value were determined. The results this study, showed that the seeds of Pachira glabra contain a low moisture content (7.21 ± 0.2 %), which would favor their conservation at room temperature. The Pachira glabra seeds contain high contents lipids (39.35 ± 0,25 %), carbohydrates (21.59%) and proteins (24.71±0.50%). The fiber, ash and energy contents are not negligible. The total ashes of these seeds contain the elements minerals such as: Phosphorus (1.46 ± 0.02%), Calcium (1.57 ± 0.04%), Magnesium (0.095% ± 0.003%) and Iron (0.01%), the calcium and phosphorus are the majority minerals. In view of these results, the seeds of Pachira glabra present an appreciable nutritional quality, the consumption of this seed could constitute a solution to the problem of protein-calorie malnutrition. These seeds could also be used in the food industry..
Key Words: Pachira glabra, nutritional quality, seeds, elements minerals.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on Lung Cancer Causes and Treatment Using Modern Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Samba S. Nelson |
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: | 10.9790/264X-0603023744 ![]() |
Abstract: Cancer occurs because of uncontrolled growth of cells within the body, worldwide cancer is a major burden. It is hierarchic second reason for death; this is often in several countries, (American Cancer Society, 2016). At the current time radiation therapy and surgery are the most treatment of many of the approaches to cure cancer although these clinical medicines posses multiple facet effects like canal lesions, suppression of bone marrow, neurological pathology, internal organ toxicity and hair loss. Carcinoma is the main cause of public unhealthiness all over the world is second leading death causes in the USA among other countries. In.....
[1]. Bray, F., Ferlay, J., Soerjomataram, I., Siegel, R. L., Torre, L. A., & Jemal, A., 2018. Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 68(6), 394-424.
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[3]. Chen, R. L., Zhao, J., Zhang, X. C., Lou, N. N., Chen, H. J., Yang, X., Su, J., Xie, Z., Zhou, Q., Tu, H. Y., Zhong, W. Z., Yan, H. H., Guo, W. B., Wu, Y. L., Yang, J. J., 2018. Crizotinib in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with concomitant ALK rearrangement and c-Met overexpression. BMC cancer, 18(1), 1171.
[4]. Norum, J., & Nieder, C., 2018. Tobacco smoking and cessation and PD-L1 inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): a review of the literature. ESMO open, 3(6), e000406.
[5]. Higano, N. S., Hahn, A. D., Tkach, J. A., Cao, X., Walkup, L. L., Thomen, R. P., & Woods, J. C., 2017. Retrospective respiratory self‐gating and removal of bulk motion in pulmonary UTE MRI of neonates and adults. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 77(3), 1284-1295..
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Abstract: The study of soil ecology and the knowledge of its chemical and biological composition is become one of the principal aim of the environmental research. Most recent studies, based on consolidated knowledge, gives a specific analytical framework that allows to start correlating the biochemical composition of the soil with its particular characteristics and uses. For a sustainable agriculture, it must be adopted alternatives to a disproportionate use of non-organic fertilizers and agro-pharmaceuticals. The practice adopted has also an important effect on the soil and its characteristics, particularly on its chemical and microbiological composition, which varies the capacity of the soil to create and provide eco-systemic activity. The chemical and microbiological composition of the soil has also effect on the quantity and quality of the agricultural product. Today we have the.....
Key Word:Agronomical Use; Biomolecular analysis; Nitrogen Cycle
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