Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Supermarkets Vs Small kirana stores |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ekta Rani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1010107 ![]() |
Abstract: With the emergence of supermarkets, kirana stores have been depleting day by day. Government is in the grave situation to decide whether to allow 50% FDI or not in the retail sector. There are certain retail outlets such as Walmart, Metro which are better in quality, cheaper in rates, and offering a range and variety of products under one roof. These malls have entered in India but they are into cash and carry business only and not in the multi brand retail sector. Many of them have entered through joint ventures. If government allow them to enter in India, it can be said that all the small shops and kirana stores will not be able to stand in the market. They cannot compete with them. Now the question arise how the kirana stores can be saved from these big giants in the market. It is the need of the hour today to save these kirana stores because in a developing country like India where the income of an average man is low, such types of small business can make them able to earn their living. The present research is an attempt to find out the weaknesses of kirana stores as compared to the malls and to find out the solutions for the betterment of the stores. The research is conducted on various kirana stores in Punjab. The study identifies the problems being faced by kirana merchants such as recovery of credit, inventory management, goodwill in terms of quality, low space, and lack of variety etc. But during the research it has been found out that there are certain areas where these kirana stores have an edge over the market such as emotional attachment with the customer, to fulfil the timely need of credit of the customer, easy availability etc. It is concluded that both kirana stores and malls are important to the Indian economy. FDI is important for the growth of the economy but it should come for the rescue of the existing business and not as a threat. Secondly government intervention is seeked to make improvements in the functioning of the kirana stores. If kirana stores starts using their strategic advantages to the optimum level, they can make can make their existence strong in the market.
Key Words: supermarkets, FDI, Strategic advantage
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Abstract: This study sought to analyze the effect of the delegation of authority and responsibility in the decision-making and influence of accounting controls on performance as measured by election staff, planning, supervision, representation, investigation, coordination, negotiation, evaluation and overall performance. The method of analysis used in this study is a multiple linear regression test while the sample used in this study are structural and non-structural Officials existing environment PGRI Adi Buana University Surabaya in 2013, from the Head of School to the Head of Sub Division. On the results of hypothesis testing using Individual Parameter Significance (t-test), indicating that the decentralization of decision-making than the most dominant influence on the performance of accounting control system.
Keywords: Decentralization of decision-making, accounting and control system performance.
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Abstract: This study aims to, knowing what aspects can be developed to increase the service capacity of village government, knowing the role of village and community in carrying out the functions and enhanced customer service and public administration, the factors that affect the improvement of rural public administration system to improve service capacity of village government, get a picture of the service capacity building and development of public administration system at the level of village government. The target to be achieved is to increase public administration system in the country so as to improve the capacity of government services to the rural community.From the study of theory, analysis and discussion on the findings of the field, it was found that the embodiment of the village administration, particularly on the object of research is still not optimal. Not optimal realization of the village administration, mainly reflected in: Still unclear performance standards that can be measured to determine the quality of the resulting output.
Key Words: Program Development, Development, Public Administration System, Service.
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Abstract: Waiting lines and service systems are important parts of the business world. In this article we describe several common queuing situations and present mathematical models for analyzing waiting lines following certain assumptions. Those assumptions are that (1) arrivals come from an infinite or very large population, (2) arrivals are Poisson distributed, (3) arrivals are treated on a FIFO basis and do not balk or renege, (4) service times follow the negative exponential distribution or are constant, and (5) the average service rate is faster than the average arrival rate. The model illustrated in this Bank for customers on a level with service is the multiple-channel queuing model with Poisson Arrival and Exponential Service Times (M/M/S). After a series of operating characteristics are computed, total expected costs are studied, total costs is the sum of the cost of providing service plus the cost of waiting time. Finally we find the total minimum expected cost.
Keywords: Service; FIFO; M/M/s; Poisson distribution; Queue; Service cost; Utilization factor; Waiting cost; Waiting time, optimization.
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Abstract: Conditions of competition between colleges service providers, both private and state, require leaders and college administrators to do everything possible in order to gain competitive advantage compared with other similar institutions. In the perspective of RBV attempt to gain competitive advantage through the utilization of internal resources of the organization consisting of tangible aspects, intangible aspects, as well as the capability aspects. So far, in the research of Competitive Advantage on RBV perspective, in the context of universities has not existed yet that combine the aspects of tangible, intangible, and capability in a research model to study. This study aims to analyze the effect of market orientation, HR Competencies and Territory Management in creating a competitive advantage, as well as its impact on organizational performance. The survey research is conducted at 142 Institutions of Higher Education of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia, represented by the head of each institutions. The research findings indicate that Competitive Advantage is significantly influenced by market orientation and HR (Human Resources) Competence. Meanwhile, HR Competency directly no significant effect on organization performance, but must be mediated by a Competitive Advantage. Meanwhile, the Territory Management can directly affect the performance of organizations, but has no effect on Competitive Advantage.
Keywords - Competitive Advantage, Human Resources Competencies, Market Orientation, Organizational Performance, Territory Management.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 'Indian Agriculture: A Fresh Approach Towards Green Revolution 2.0' |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Amar Kumar Chaudhary |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1015057 ![]() |
Abstract: The agriculture sector which employs more than 55% of the country workforce whereas share of agriculture and allied sector to total GDP is 14.1% (2011-12). The farm sector achieved 3.6% growth during the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12), falling short of the 4% growth target, although it was much higher than growth of 2.5 and 2.4% during 9th and 10th plan respectively. Thus, the sector needs urgent reforms to boost crop yields and private investment in infrastructure so as to motivate farmers and feed the growing population. At the latest Economic Survey (2012-13) points out that "India is at a juncture where further reforms are urgently required to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in agriculture for sustaining growth. There is a need to have stable and consistent policies where markets play a deserving role and private investment in infrastructure is stepped up. An efficient supply chaim that firmly establishes the linkage between retail demand and the farmer will be important"
Keywords: Green Revolution, efficiency, productivity, sustainable grwoth
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among demographics, personality traits and level of confidence. The impact of this paper is twofold, one is to measure the determinants of overconfidence in employees and other is in students. This paper adopts the primary data approach, collected from employees and students through questionnaires .Two diverse populations have been selected and various statistical technique (Pearson correlation, Pearson regression, Chi-square, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests) are used for analysis purpose using SPSS software on a 100 sample size. Research findings shows that in employees when Openness to experience increase , overconfidence level decrease, however all remaining personality traits(conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience) is correlated with overconfidence. In students there is no correlation between overconfidence and any of the personality traits. The regression analysis findings show that no linear relationship exists between independent and dependent variable in employees for individual personality traits except of emotional stability. Only emotional stability has a significant predictor of overconfidence among all five personality traits. However the overall personality is the significant predictor of overconfidence in employees. For students, neither individual personality traits nor overall personality has linear relationship with overconfidence.
Key Words: Behavioral Finance, Personality Traits, Level of Confidence, Demographics variables
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Abstract: The study aimed to analyze the relationship of demographic variables with the investment preferences consisting of stock investment and gambling decisions of salaried individuals of finance teachers and bankers of Gujrat and Sialkot .The questionnaires were distributed to analyze the significant differences in risk level and investment preferences by taking a sample of 120 individuals. Findings of this research indicated that females are more risk averse than males whereas young and educated people are attracted more towards new risky investment opportunities and want to invest their money but they are reluctant because of limited resources and lack of investment opportunities and absence of investment trends. In addition the emergence of frequent religious issues, non conducive economic environment and culture are found to be the main factors having negative relationship with gambling while making investment decisions.
Key Words - demographic factors, gambling, Investment preferences, salaried individuals
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stock Selection Skills of Indian Mutual Fund Managers during 2000-2012 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Joyjit Dhar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1017987 ![]() |
Abstract: Mutual funds work on the basis of two maxims - maximization of returns and diversification of risk, the attainment of which requires healthy operational practices and efficient investment management. Now, systematic investment management involves a wide variety of activities among which selectivity plays the pivotal role in the return generation process. This study is an attempt to evaluate the investment management of Indian mutual funds in terms of selectivity skills of fund managers during May 31, 2000 to March 31, 2012. The results pertaining to the selectivity skills of fund managers, as found in the study, has revealed that although majority of the schemes have shown positive alpha they are not statistically significant. Only some of the fund managers (around twenty five percent) possess superior selectivity skills based on both unconditional and conditional Jensen model. Conditioning on public information however improves the coefficient of determination. JEL classification: G11; G23
Keywords: CAPM, Conditional performance evaluation, Investment management, Mutual funds, Selectivity.
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