Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Trend Analysis of Oil Revenue and Oil Export in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Greg. E. Edame, Effiong, Charles Efefiom | ![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1030108 ![]() |
Abstract: The oil sector has generated huge revenue to the Nigerian Economy, yet the prevalence economic situation rather than showcasing the benefits from this economic driver of Nigeria, depicts a divergence view about the economy. The question is what happens to the manufacturing sector, human capital development and the agricultural sector of the economy? This paper attempted to descriptively analyze the trends of oil revenue and oil export as it relates to other potential economic variables required for the transformation of the Nigerian economy. The paper also make a comparative analysis of how such chosen variables behave before and after democracy to determine the period where oil revenue management impacted positively on the economy as a means of enhancing the standard of living of the ordinary Nigerian, their health status, infrastructural facilities like power etc. However, recommendations has been proffer for policy makers and the stakeholders, which if adequately implementated will enhance efficient and effective management of Nigeria oil revenue with the broad aim of transforming the economy and positioning it for global relevance.
Key Words: Oil Revenue, Export, National development, Nigerian economy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Attendance of Tunisian Supermarkets and Hypermarkets |
Country | : | Tunisia |
Authors | : | Basma Amamou Yaich | ![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1030920 ![]() |
Abstract: In this research, we examined the relationship between determinants of satisfaction (environmental factors, price, utilitarian criteria, factors of atmosphere and peripheral services) and satisfaction, on one hand, and the relation between satisfaction, access and the level of attendance on the other hand. So, we used in this research, simple linear regression and logistics regression. We chose conveniently, the customers of Tunisian supermarkets and hypermarkets to answer our quiz.
Keywords – access, level of supermarkets and hypermarkets's attendance, logistic, regressions, satisfaction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reverse Mergers: The Way Forward |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Samiksha Ojha, Richa Maheshwari, Star Jain | ![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-01032129 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper explains the mechanism of Reverse Mergers in great detail. It deals with an explanation of Reverse Mergers, their advantages over traditional IPO route, the actual process involved in a reverse merger and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of this method. Further, the paper discusses the global scenario with respect to this mechanism, particularly in countries like United States and China where it is highly preferred for public listing. The paper also details this concept with respect to its acceptance in our country, India, where traditional methods like IPOs are losing relevance and newer faster methods for public listing and fund raising are gaining importance with each passing year. For greater understanding, some case studies have been used spanning various companies which have taken this route for public listing and have reaped great benefits from it. The paper also highlights the ill effects attached with Reverse Mergers if not done properly and without enough checks and audits.
[1] Full Speed Reverse! The Reverse Merger: Backing into Wall Street's Worst Idea By JAMES MOLLOY (Associate) and MICHAEL FUNG (CFA) Mirus' Technology Group.
[2] details about a shell company [3] : article revealing the benefits of reverse mergers
[4] UNDERSTANDING REVERSE MERGERS: A FIRST APPROACH , By: Augusto Arellano-Ostoa and Sandro Brusco
[9] : Future Prospects of reverse mergers
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Abstract: Fire Department Employee Performance Jakarta Indonesia was marked by people had not been maximized yet since in the fire cases always come late. Society always expected the performance of the fire department in carrying out their duties on time. The purpose of this research was to measure and describe the extent to which performance of the Jakarta Fire Department when it was affected by the variable of organizational commitment and strength of organizational identity and organizational citizenship behaviour. The method used in this research was quantitative. Data analysis techniques used was SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with the help of AMOS program. The data were collected by using a research instrument that was distributed to the sample of 355 employees. The results showed that organizational commitment was significantly influence organizational citizenship behaviour, but having no significant effect on employee performance. While organizational citizenship behaviour had a significant effect on employee performance. Organizational citizenship behaviour was mediating the relationship between commitments to employee performance. On the other hand, it did not significantly influence organizational identity on organizational citizenship behaviour, and also no significant effect on the employee performance. The implication of research was organizational citizenship behaviour of Fire Department employee to be important in improving employee performance.
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Organizational Identity, OCB and Employee Performance.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | APEC and Trade Liberalization |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Dr Rummana Zaheer | ![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1033756 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper aims to see the effect of Nominal, Real (External) and Effective Exchange rates (EER) of the U.S dollar on its Terms of Trade with two of its APEC trading partners Australia and New Zealand for the period 1991 to 2010. For analysis, the whole values, percentage changes and relationships between Nominal, Real, EER and Terms of Trade of U.S with the two countries has been taken into consideration. In order to fully access the relationship between the EER and TOT of the U.S with the two trading partners, the Classical Regression analysis is used. It was found that the Real Exchange rate was overvalued as compared to the Nominal Exchange Rate. It was also found that when compared to Nominal exchange rate, Real exchange rate is more effective in explaining the TOT. The Real AUD/USD had both short run and long run impacts on the TOT of U.S.A with Australia but the Real NZD/USD had no impact on the TOT of U.S.A with New Zealand. The EER has been found to be the most effective in determining the TOT balance. The regression analysis showed a regression function of "Terms of Trade= -122.026 + 2.1 Effective Exchange Rate". The relationship is found by coefficient correlation (r) and there is found to be a positive and strong relationship between the two variables. The 𝑟2 value shows that although some values of the TOT are caused by the EER, there are also other variables that might be influencing the EER as well. The t-values show that the values of β0 and β1 are significant. Also the F-test confirms the overall significance of the model and terms the results as authentic.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of Housing Loan of HDFC and ICICI Bank |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Inderbir kaur | ![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1035759 ![]() |
Abstract: Purchasing the home of your dreams is not an easy task. Especially when you plan to buy a home on loan. Home loans means that you buy a house on installments. In simpler terms when you want to own a home and cannot afford to pay the amount in lump sum, you can pay it in monthly installments with an interest rate. There are number of companies offer cheap loans at a low interest rate You can avail loan against existing house for renovation or expansion etc. The demand for home loans will not sag much. The reason is a substantial rise in the income-generating capability of Indian youth. So this particular section will keep the housing loan demand high and increased lending rates can only shelve their plans for some time.
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the influence of behavioral biases on investment decisions made by students and employees. This objective was achieved by administering a questionnaire and collecting empirical data from graduate & post graduate students and employees about their own perceptions of biases. Questionnaire was distributed among the sample of hundred students/employees from which 45% were students and 55% were employees. Two statistical techniques were used to analyze collected data. Correlation was used to analyze the relationship of overconfidence bias with illusion of control bias, familiarity bias, loss aversion bias and confirmation bias. Chi-square was used to determine the significant difference between the responses of male and female about overconfidence bias. Results of this study reports weak negative correlation between overconfidence bias and other behavioral bias discussed in the study. This study concludes there is no significant difference between the responses of male and female decision making regarding overconfidence bias.
Keywords: Confirmation bias (CF), Decision making, Familiarity bias (FB), Illusion of control (IOC), loss aversion bias (LAB), Overconfidence (OC).[1]. Adetiloye, K. A. (2012). Investors' Behavioral Biases And The Security Market: An Empirical Study Of The Nigerian Security Market . Accounting and Finance Research, Vol. 1,No. 1.
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[6]. J. Park, P. Konana, A. Kumar and R. Raghunathan. (2010). Confirmation Bias, Overconfidence, and Investment Performance: Evidence from Stock Message Boards.
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[10]. Paluch, D. (2011). Overconfidence Bias In Decision Making At Different Levels Of Management . Gorden Institute of Business Science.
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Abstract: Investment decision is an important part of strategic decision making. This is because such decision has involves the allocation of money as is known currently over a period of time, in order to make a profit in future and also be subject to different degrees of risk and uncertainty. However, this paper has an objective to validate the measurements of investment decision in the banking sector in Libya. Moreover, this paper provides comprehensive information on the investment decision in Libyan commercial banks, as well as gaining an understanding on the dimensions of customers' decisions to invest. Structural equation modeling using 2nd order CFA was employed to validate the measurements. The findings confirmed financial ability, perceived usefulness, product and company attributes and knowledge and past experiences as dimensions of investment decision. The present study has a fundamental contribution as a role model for the investment decision measurements in Libya.
Keywords: Investment Decision, Libyan commercial banks, Construct Validity, Structural Equation Modeling.
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Abstract: It is an interactive paper which has been made to explain the association between leadership and its impact on employee's work-life and employee retention. Both the expressions have gained a lot of magnitude in these day's Organizations. Leadership has been taken up as a foundation in the study as it builds up the essence of our Organizations; Work-life balance has also been addressed as a basic issue for the employees as well the employers. The study undertaken tries to explain in a theoretical and a very interactive way how effective leadership can help balancing the work-life of employees and consecutively leads to help the Organization identify its quality employees and tap their efficiencies for a long-term through employee retention.
Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Focus, Work-life Balance, Employee Retention, Leadership Continuum.
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Abstract: Rate of failed projects in information technology system project remains high in comparison with other infrastructure or high technology projects. The objective of this paper is to determine and represent a broad range of potential failure factors during the implementation phase and cause of IS/IT Project defeat/failure. Challenges exist in order to achieve the projects goal successfully and to avoid the failure. In this research study, 12 articles were studied as significant contributions to analyze developing a list of critical failure factors of IT projects.
Keywords: Project failure, IS/IT projects.
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Abstract: The primary objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of E-advertisement on customer purchase intention. Beside, this study examined the effect of mediating and moderating demography factors on customer purchase intention in Malaysia. Data from 570 respondents with previous experience on online purchasing products and services were collected. To do so, SPSS 19 was applied to analyze the collected data. Our findings revealed that service quality, social network and brand recognition can highly influence customers' perception toward web-based advertisement. Consequently, consumers who are more optimistic in web-based advertisement (E-advertisement) have most likely higher intention to online purchase. In other words, the effectiveness of E-advertisement is undoubtedly highlighted in this study. Besides, the results of this study showed that the demography factors cannot mediate the customer perception toward advertisement nor the effectiveness of E-advertisement toward customer purchase intention. On the basis of our results, companies must stress the intrinsic attributes of online advertisement to attract highly-involved consumers and must present a benevolent corporate image for consumers.
Keywords: Quality of website, Social network, Brand recognition, Effectiveness of E-advertisement, and Customer perception toward E-advertisement.
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