Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Abstract: National and regional development is inseparable part of village development activities, given the concentration of population is still dominant in the village; considering the concentration of the population still dominant located in the village, so that the village is the power base of the social economic and political need to get serious attention from the government. Construction of the village is realized in one of the forms of allocation of funds for the village. The allocation of funds village is funds given to the village of financial equalization funds of the central government and regions. This research was carried out in Siak Regenciy, Riau Province, Indonesia with two villages selected the village of Rawang White Water Bay and the villages of Siak District Merbau Dayun Subdistrict. This type of research was designed using the format verification and qualitative design approach of phenomenology (Burhan Bungin, 2007). The process of implementation of the program the allocation of funds for the village is divided into four main lines: The Process of Allocation Planning of Village funds, The process of the Allocation Management of Funds Village, The Process of Administering the Program ADD, The Process of Reporting Allocation Program of Funds Village.
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Abstract: This study aims to: 1) explain the influence of government involvement and resources on the efficiency and performance of Water Supplier Companies; 2) explain the role of non market capability moderation in the relationship between environment, strategies, and the performance of Water Supplier Companies. The data were collected by using a survey on 60 Water Supplier Companies in Sulawesi. From those companies, 54 gave consent to participate in this study, but only 50 questionnaires can be analysed by using PLS. This reserach reveals that: 1) financial support from the local government was on time, and the water production capacity and distribution wereon optimal level; 2) the financial supportwas strengthened by the ability of the Water Supplier Companies to communicate with local government; and 3) the availability of resources - including pipe networks, machines, and pumps – suited the necessity.
Keywords: Government involvement, Resources, Non market capability, Efficiency, and Performance.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Management in Hospitality Multinational Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mohinder Chand |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1041728 ![]() |
Abstract: The increasing liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation (LPG) combined with an ever increasing shortage of professional manpower and advances in technology has resulted in large scale changes to human resource management practices throughout the world and Asia-Pacific region firms are unlikely to be immune from these challenges. An exploratory study was conducted with hospitality multinational enterprises (MNEs), based in India to assess their human resource management practices and comparing these practices with foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in India. A key aim of the study was to establish if the human resource management practices of MNEs that operate in the important hospitality industry, are aligned with global practices. Using data collected from hospitality multinational enterprises located in India, we compare the two groups on specific HRM practices. The aim is to show how HRM practices of Indian MNEs differ from those of foreign MNEs and examine the extent and the way these HRM practices reflect firm specific factors such as nationality, age (years), number of employees and industry sector.
Key words: Human Resource Management, India, Multinational Enterprises, Hospitality industry.
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Abstract: In this study, the roles of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) traditional bodies in curbing obnoxious gender-based societal practices and injustices in Igboland of Nigeria is critically examined. It is occasioned by public complaints that the orthodox legal system is oftentimes weak and slow in addressing this problem. The poor, the weak and the voiceless in society including women and girls who cannot afford the costs of long and tortuous legal battles in court are usually victims of injustices, unjust practices and lack of equal access to the formal justice system. The specific objectives of the study were to: ascertain the length of time it takes to dispense cases in the formal courts; determine the roles of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) traditional bodies in Igboland in correcting social injustices and in dispute mediations and resolutions in Igbo communities; assess their comparative acceptability vis-à-vis the formal court system amongst the Igbo people of Nigeria. In the study methodology, a combination of desk research and survey technique was employed in gathering data, which were statistically analysed through tests of proportions. Results obtained showed that it takes relatively long to dispense cases in Nigerian courts; alternative dispute resolution (ADR) traditional bodies in Igboland contribute significantly in redressing obnoxious traditional practices and in dispute resolutions in Igbo communities. They are significantly more acceptable and patronized by the people more than the formal courts. It was then recommended that the government of Nigeria should recognize these bodies, use conflict-free public relations media to enlighten them better on fair justice resolution styles and integrate them into the country's formal legal system.
Keywords: Alternative dispute resolution, traditional bodies, public relations, oramedia, issues management.
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Abstract: Advocacy is a strategic choice for companies responding to the new reality that customers power increased. Potential customers see information from peers or even strangers as less biased and reliable than those of an economic entity. Thus, the information conveyed by a satisfied customer is more believable than that delivered by the business entity. Customer advocacy is very important in the company's efforts to get new customers. Based on social exchange theory, advocacy can be generated from the satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of satisfaction, trust and commitment to loyalty and its impact on customer advocacy. The hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling using survey data from 178 customers of a commercial bank in Indonesia. Satisfaction and commitment have direct effect on advocacy, but trust hasn't. Loyalty mediates the relationship between trust and advocacy, while commitment has the greatest effect on advocacy. Findings hold implications for future research as well as for managerial practice
Keywords: advocacy, commitment, loyalty, satisfaction, trust.
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Abstract: With the advent of globalization and internationalization of products, the preference is always for the best quality and if not matched then product is out of the competition. Apple being premium product in fruit category would demand very high standards as far as product presentation and variety is concerned, since world wide best quality product is available leading the trade. Fresh and Healthy Enterprise Limited, Subsidiary of Concor India, Ministry of Railways-Government of India , has made a remarkable and unique presence in Logistics and storage technology however on the backend, the fruit quality, quantity, variety and market conditions could limit the progress in a time to come. We are aware of the challenges and solutions therefore as well, so it's the high time that we need to control the links of supply chain and re-map it for the future generations of India and Indian economy on the global platform.
Key Words: Concor India, Fresh and Healthy Enterprise Limited(FHEL), CA(Controlled Atmosphere ), APMC(Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee), Logistics
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Abstract: Organised retail industry is one of the untapped industry sectors in India with huge growth potential. Indian retail sector mainly divided into unorganised and organised retail. Organizes retail has limited market share in this sector. Recently Government of India allowed FDI in single brand retailing and multi brand retail. Due to this decision it will create market opportunity to foreign big retail players to enter into Indian retail market. Organised retailing continues to be the least evolved industries in India and the growth of organized retailing in India much slower as compared to other Asian and European countries. The present paper discusses the competitive advantage of India for FDI in retail sector with the help of National diamond Model suggested by Michael Porter (1990) for competitive advantage of nation. The purpose of the study is to analyse the strategic competitive position of India for investment in retail sector and also analyses the world wide retail market opportunity as compared with Indian retail sector. Analysis of retail industry is done by using various market research reports on retail sector published by market research firm, government publication, and industry news and online resource. Michael Porter's model on competitive advantage of nation is applied here with the help of secondary data and analysed the each determinants of competitiveness of nation. Some of determinant used for analysis from the report published by World Economic Forum. The findings of the study are point out that FDI in retail would undoubtedly enable Indian economy to boost at faster rate than current situation. There are various advantages to foreign retailer to enter into the Indian retail sector. Growth in disposal income and a change in the standard of living of Indian society create demand condition for retail. Absence of bigger organised retail players, largest demand and market size, availability of low cost labour, developing infrastructure, economy of scale and global sourcing are the key market potential indicators for foreign investor to invest in India. It is concluded that foreign direct investment in retail industry will create positive and favourable business opportunity for foreign retailers and all the determinant of competitiveness are positive for retail industry in India.
Key Words – Competitive advantage, FDI, Retail, Porter's diamond model, National competitiveness
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Abstract: The aim of this paper was conducted to investigate the financial performance of Islamic and Conventional banks to support depositors, bank managers, shareholders, investors and regulators by providing true picture of financial position of Islamic as well conventional banks in Pakistan. The ratios often compare financial statement data with stock market trading information for publicly traded companies. Financial ratios are an important tool of economic decision-making for all businesses. . It is important to choose financial ratios that are applicable to the business at hand. There are hundreds of financial ratios available, some of which apply to all businesses and some of which are industry-specific. Financial ratios were estimated from annual reports and financial statements i.e. Income statement and Balance sheet for the period of 2008 to 2011. Twelve financial ratios were estimated to measure these performances in term of profitability, liquidity, risk and solvency, capital adequacy. To determine the significance of mean differences of these ratios, Independent sample t-test and ANOVA was used between and among banks. The study concluded that Islamic banks proved to be more liquid, less risky and operationally efficient than conventional banks
Key Words: Islamic banks, conventional banks, financial performance, Annova, t-test, Pakistan
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Abstract: Purpose –Thepurpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of the corporate governance regulationsimplementation and firm size onthe earning management for food and beverages companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange. Design/methodology/approach –The multiple regression is utilized to test this relationship at 95% confidence.Corporate governance was proxied by board of director, audit quality, and board independence. Firm size was represented by natural logarithm of total assets. Earning management was measured by Jones model withdiscretionary accruals. Findings – Using data from the year 2005 annual reports of 51 food and beverages listed companies,including the composite index, the results showed that twoof the corporate governance variables, namely board of director and audit quality, as well as firm size are statistically significant in explaining earning management measured bydiscretionary accruals. Research limitations/implications – The regulations on corporate governance were implementedin 2005, but not all of food and beverages listed companies implemented the regulations in 2005. Practical implications – An implication of this finding is that regulatory efforts initiated after the1997 financial crisis to enhance corporate transparency and accountability did not appear to result on better corporate performance. Originality/value – This is one of the few studies which investigates the impact of regulatory actionson corporate governance on earning management immediately after its implementation.
Keywords: Corporate governance, Firm size, Earning Management Paper type Research paper
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Road Map to HIPAA Security Rules Compliance: Risk Analysis at Orbit Clinics |
Country | : | United States |
Authors | : | Muhanned Z Alaqili |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1048387 ![]() |
Abstract: The organization, which will be used in this risk assessment report, is a healthcare provider and concealed name "Orbit Clinic" is to protect confidentiality and anonymity of the real clinic's name. This assessment will look at the clinic IT systems only from HIPAA Security Rules point of view. This clinic has chosen because there are various threats and vulnerabilities, which are faced by these kinds of organizations especially regarding the electronic Personal Health Information (e-PHI). They also have sensitive financial data that need to be secured due to the possible threats and vulnerabilities facing them. The analysis approaches that have used are interviews, survey, automated tools like Zenmap and Nessus. In addition, Methodologies such as quantitative, qualitative and Practical Threat Analysis (PTA) were used to conduct the risk analysis. As a result, to this risk assessment, quite a number of vulnerabilities were observed. Furthermore, the project provided countermeasure to all observed vulnerabilities as well as the most cost effective plan to mitigate the risks.
Keywords: Risk Analysis, Practical Threat Analysis, Risk Management, Nessus
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Abstract: The increasing amount of income due to the discovery of oil in Iran has caused a gap between the production and need of agricultural products, causing the increase in the import of agricultural products in Iran's economy. The existing gap caused a drastic increase in the prices, and since the growth of agricultural products needed Infrastructure investment, it has been tried to control the increase in the prices with an increase in the import rate. So capital accumulation has not been done to the required rate and the production in agriculture has not increased to the expected rate. The share of workers in the agricultural sector of Iran has faced a decrease since 1980. This is while in the international level, agriculture for the growth of economy, decrease of poverty, food security, and the stability of environment is of high importance. A general investment can reduce risks in the agriculture and increase efficiency in private sectors, so the motives of farmers for investment will be increased.
Keywords: agricultural sectors efficiency, Iranian agricultural accumulated capital .
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Abstract: The present paper raises these questions that how is the state of knowledge strategy in Iran's public organizations now (Electricity Industry) and how should be the state of knowledge strategy in Iran's public organizations (Electricity Industry) until horizon 2025 and also what is the combination of optimal knowledge strategies to fill the knowledge gaps in the Iran's public organizations (Electricity Industry). The purpose of these questions is to identify and explain knowledge strategies and also make strategic change in the current knowledge management in public organizations in order to fill the gap between the perceived situation of perspective horizon and current situation of knowledge management proportional to prevailing conditions in public organizations. In order to determine the knowledge strategies in public organizations, at first the main assumptions of knowledge strategy design in both areas of internal environment and external environment were considered and by using Fuzzy Delphi method, opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of knowledge were identified and then knowledge strategies were identified by using the experts opinion and prioritized by technique of Network Analysis. Statistical population of this study is public organizations in Electricity Industry that 137 samples were selected randomly and by using questionnaires with help of Gap Analysis, the difference between current and desired situation was identified. According to the Gap Analysis that is done in four axes of knowledge strategy, some actions are proposed in the form of Forty-nine solutions to improve the current situation and reduce the gap.
Keywords: knowledge strategy, knowledge source, Knowledge base, knowledge accumulation, knowledge flow, Gap Analysis,
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