Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact du modèle Shareholder sur la stratégie de croissance de la firme globalisée |
Country | : | Tunisie |
Authors | : | Mme Fatma Braham1 |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1050108 ![]() |
Abstract: Compte tenu d'un environnement économique globalisé – privatisations, financement sur fonds propres et exacerbation de la concurrence internationale – les modalités de croissance, de contrôle et de gestion des entreprises, ainsi que les stratégies d'internationalisation qu'elles vont mettre en oeuvre se sont, sensiblement transformées. Le propos du présent papier n'est pas seulement d'envisager l'évolution de l'étroite relation entre la sphère productive et la sphère financière ou de décrire l'ampleur prise par la financiarisation de l'économie au cours des dernières années, il témoigne au contraire d'une profonde transformation au sein de l'organisation productive de l'entreprise globalisée, on souligne une reconfiguration de ces organisation qui a été dictée par un nouveau modèle de gouvernance de ces entreprises. Ainsi, ce papier montre un impact loin d'être négligeable de l'adoption d'un nouveau modèle de gouvernance de l'entreprise globalisée sur les stratégies de croissance interne et externe. Cet impact renforce la contradiction entre, d'une part, la société d'actionnaires représentant les intérêts de la finance et d'autre part, l'entreprise et ses finalités productives.
Mots clés : globalisation financière, économie financiarisée, gouvernance d'entreprise.
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Abstract: This study explores the accounting values of Javanese traditional market and the potential extinction of those values that now are being marginalized by modern accounting. Modern accounting notions that only focus on economic value have lack meaning to a society whose need not only economic but also non economic value. This study uses grounded theory method to explore the Javanese traditional market values. This study found that tolerance which is consisted of hesitate and trust among traders in Javanese traditional market are the values that can be used in accounting as a concept to challenge the marginalization and domination of modern accounting notions.
Keywords: Javanese traditional market, tolerance, hesitate, trust, grounded theory
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the conditions of farming and institutional in supporting the empowerment of coffee farmers and to formulate strategies for the empowerment of coffee farmers in the Pasrujambe Village, Pasrujambe Subdistrict, Lumajang through institutional reinforcement. This study uses a qualitative approach as the type of descriptive study by using observations and interviews to assess the institutional development of community empowerment efforts. The results show that the conditions of farming community of coffee farmers have three limitations: the ability to enhance the quality and production; the lack of venture capital and the low skill. These three limitations affect the condition of existing institutional farmers' groups and eventually impact on low institutional performance. In order to overcome the limitations, Institutional development strategy is drafted in the empowerment of farmers, expected to be a reference to increasing the ability of independent community of coffee farmers, namely: human resource development strategy in the group of farmers, development of production quality, and reinforcement of capital sources.
Keywords: Coffee Farmers, Institutions, Empowerment
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Abstract: This research aims to provide information about the effects of industrial environment on business performance, industrial environment on business performance with innovation as moderating variable, innovation on business performance and innovation on business performance with government policy as moderating variable. The population of this research is all small industries especially Tenun Songket Riau in Pekanbaru City, Bengkalis Sub District, and Siak Sub District, as many as 330 business units. Sampling method used is proportional sampling with total sample of 110 business units. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used as data analysis and to be processed with AMOS 16 software. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) the more dynamic industrial environment results better business performance of small industry of Riau Songket Weaving; (2) the more dynamic industrial environment supports innovation capability and impacts better business performance of small industry of Riau Songket Weaving; (3) the higher innovation capability of the business results better business performance of small industry of Riau Songket Weaving, and (4) the higher innovation capability and to be supported by conducive government policy impacts better business performance of small industry of Riau Songket Weaving.
Keywords: Industrial Environment, Innovation, Government Policy, Business Performance.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ratio as a tool of financial analysis for Indian Retail sector companies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Vani R Kamath , Sharmila Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1053234 ![]() |
Abstract: In financial management ratios act as a major tool for comparison of financial results. This research paper attempts to compare three retail giants of India listed with Bombay Stock Exchange. The study covers a period of one year i.e., 2011-12. The inter firm comparison also recommends the investors as well as the researchers to understand the liquidity, profitability, activity and capital structure position of the three retail companies. For the purpose of study, the ratios are selected randomly which would clearly demonstrate the results and the financial position of the company over a period of one year.
Keywords: Ratios, liquidity, capital structure, profitability.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding International Business in the Context of Cultural Lenses |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Tega Douborapade Ogbuigwe (Mrs.) |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1053544 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is based on the premise that for business organizations to succeed in our globalized, competitive international environment without a "globalized‟ culture, business managers need to have a sound and practical knowledge of cross boarder cultures. Believing, as Dewey (1938) long ago recognized that "there is nothing more practical than a good theory", the paper identified from the professional literature and discussed seven theories of culture. The understanding of these cultural models would help the business manager to become more intelligent, culturally more sensitive to cultural differences, develop cultural competence and became more effective and efficient as he/she works to overcome cultural complexities that can negatively affect business and business profits. Keywords: Cultural dimensions, cultural lenses, cultural models, cultural sensitivity, international business management, national cultures, theories of national cultures
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Abstract: The study is aimedat procuring optimalsolutions to challenges faced in the physical distribution system of consumer goods in Nigeria context also the need to minimize cost especially in Physical distribution is inevitable as increased cost of transport and poor transport infrastructure imposes strain on the physical distribution system. The researcher applied network optimization models to develop optimal solutions to real life problems in physical distribution system. Using questionnaires the researcher was able to explain how various service variables influence the service level.The researcher identified trends in warehousing operations, the nature of the relationship between physical flow and distribution cost and how various service variables influenced the service level. Afterwards, he recommended ways to benefit from these opportunitiesand steps to take to cub the impact of its challenges of the physical distribution system.
Keywords: Warehouse, Physical distribution system, network optimization, distribution channel, physical flow.
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Abstract: The research aims to dig and explain the practice of Tri Hita Karana (THK) cultural values implemented at LPD in relation to the agency costs. Ethnomethodology method is used in the research to understand principle's and agent's behavior with respect to THK cultural values. Research result shows that indexicality of THK cultural values such as parahyangan, pawongan and palemahan form reflexivity of agency cost items. The reflexivity of agency cost of parahyangan raises cost of pura development, ceremonial and donation for ceremonies. The reflexivity of agency cost of pawongan raises cost of education, health, ngaben-nyekah and funeral charity. The reflexivity of agency cost of palemahan raises cost of market, village hall, and sport facilities development, and beach arrangement. THK values and agency cost are important aspects to be considered in company management in order to maintain a balance relationship between God, Human and Environment to create harmonization in an organization.
Keywords : Agency cost, Tri Hita Karana, LPD, Harmony
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