Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Innovation and Sustainable Development: The Question of Energy Efficiency |
Country | : | Tunisia |
Authors | : | Iyad Dhaoui |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1060110 ![]() |
Abstract: This article aims to examine the conditions in which technological innovation can foster and promote sustainable development. It takes into account all forms of technological innovation potential for sustainable development: process innovations, product innovations, organizational innovations, market innovations. It is also interested in the whole chain of innovation and pays particular attention to the plurality of devices innovation. This Research continues scientific representations which are guided by operational concerns. This paper will attempt to discern the relationship between innovation and energy efficiency. Thus, we will describe the technology and process innovation for sustainable development and where energy consumption is minimized for a service rendered identical. We will put the findings into perspective in relation to the Tunisian context.
Keywords: Energy efficiency, Innovation, renewable energy, Tunisia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Building Consumer Loyalty through Servicescape in Shopping Malls |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shashikala R., Dr. Suresh A. M. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1061117 ![]() |
Abstract: India is experiencing exponential growth in retail sector and Global Retail Development Index consecutively ranked as one of the most promising retail destinations of the world. Due to this reason lot of investments are happening in India and new players are entering the market. Shopping Mall being the latest organized retail format entering the market witnessed huge popularity and consumer attention, luring mall developers going all out to launch their projects. However the mushrooming growth of shopping malls has posed lot of challenges. Recent studies have revealed that 45% of the malls in cities are vacant. Poor mall management and poor tenant mix have resulted in poor mall traffic and low conversion rate. This paper attempts to explore the possibility of building consumer loyalty through effective use of servicescape (physical environment) in a shopping mall to attract and retain serious buyers. Study revealed that seven servicescape dimensions considered i.e., ambient factor, aesthetic factor, layout, variety, cleanliness, signs, symbols & artifacts, and social factor are all relevant in shopping mall context and capable of inducing significant variations in consumer loyalty.
Key Words: behavioural intentions, consumer loyalty, environment, servicescape, shopping mall.
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Abstract: Customers have become crucial for every organization. Due to the competitive environment, customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the important business strategy for companies. Banks can benefit from focusing and concentrating on Customer Relationship Management . There is a stiff competition in the banking industry in Iran . So Iranian banks try to reform their strategies and process to achieve competitive advantage. The customers are an important element that helps the bank to achieve this objective . Banks try to notice the customers requirements and needs for satisfying their customers . Iranian Banks went through reform from product orientation to customer orientation. More importantly, the banks realized that building long-term relationship with their customer is crucial for achieving sustainable competitive advantage and improving performance. This study examined the link between customer relationship management and different measures of performance on the banking sector. Data were collected from the bank sectors in Iran. Based on extensive review of literature, the sub processes in implementing CRM were extracted and also four measures of Balanced scorecard applied to performance. The results indicated that CRM processes are associated with bank performance.
Key words: Customer Relationship Management, Organizational Performance, Initiantion Relationship, Maintenance Relationship
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Time As an Allay Of Attenuating Stress to Ameliorate Employee Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ekta Chakravarty |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1062731 ![]() |
Abstract: Time is the factor under which everything runs. Growth to end of any material or non material depends on time. It may sound platitudinous but is nevertheless true that a country that wants to make economic progress must be wedded to the doctrine of the organisational growth. Economic progress is not possible without it. However, much organisational development is cherished and achieved still various complex problems do arise in the field of the employees and their performance. The dynamics such as group behaviour, team building, organisational conflicts and negotiation, communication, job frustration, power and policies gives birth to the psychological term stress. Stress is simply a fact of nature -- forces from the inside or outside world affecting the individual. Because of the nimiety of stress in the modern lives, the thought follows a negative experience. The biological view of stress on the other hand can be a neutral, negative, or positive experience. The purpose of this study was to examine whether time management behaviours moderated relations between stressors and strain. It was further predicted that the use of time management behaviours would attenuate stress-strain relations. Data collected from 346 employers constituted both men and women and indicated the use of time management behaviours as an allay to stress attenuation. The relations between the stress and strain to be reduced by time management were partially mediated by feelings of control over time.
Keywords: employee, performance, strain, stress and time
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Abstract: In government governance of Regency and City in East Java, Region Head is assisted by local instruments that are accommodated in secretariats and Local Government Task Force/ Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (LGTF/SKPD). LGTF as the assistant of local region head becomes important phenomenon to be explored due to the mediation role of transformational leadership and organizational culture toward the relationship between organizational politic and strategy implementation. This research is aimed to examine and describe (1) the mediation role of transformational leadership toward through organizational politic toward organizational culture, (2) the mediation role organizational culture on the effect of organizational politic toward strategy implementation, (3) the mediation role of transformational leadership on the effect of organizational politic toward strategy implementation, and (4) the mediation role of organizational culture on the effect of transformational leadership toward strategy implementation, and (5) the mediation role of transformational leadership and organizational culture on the effect of organizational politic toward strategy implementation. The populations of this research are those LGFTs in the form of Departments, Institutions, or Offices in Regencies/Cities at East Java Province; there are 936 LGTFs. The sample is 150 LGTFs that are taken using multi-stage sampling technique. This research reveals that: (1) there is the mediation role of transformational leadership on the relationship between organizational politic and organizational culture, (2) there is no mediation role of transformational leadership on the relationship between organizational politic and strategy implementation, (3) there is no mediation role of organizational culture on the relationship between organizational politic and strategy implantation, (4) there is mediation role of organizational culture on the relationship between transformational leadership and strategy implementation, and (5) there is mediation role of transformational leadership and organizational culture on the relationship between organizational culture and strategy implementation.
Keywords: organizational,politic,transformational,leadership,organizational,culture,strategy,implementation.
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Abstract: In today's times, mergers and acquisitions have attained high level of acceptance in corporate across the globe. The phenomenon of globalization has provided a big impetus to mergers and acquisitions. Also, mergers and acquisitions have increased due to rapid technological developments as well as immense competition. The main objective of mergers and acquisitions is to restructure the entire organization and it is beneficial to both of the organization. Expansion in this field is what the government is trying to achieve. M&as are also getting an impetus by the LPG model attained by the Indian economy. There have been a series of consequences of M&As in Indian economy pertaining to both local and international implications. Mergers and acquisitions, corporate development has the necessary tools and an attractive means by which to develop an enterprise are. Now a day's M&A activity is recognized as a weapon in this competitive world and a run for globalization. This study deals with the M&A activity of Tata Corus, and it will give the whole in and out of this acquisition and the benefits that consumers are getting with this deal. This acsscoiation provides very good quality products to the consumers at very lower prices. This deals got successful because the value and ethics of both the companies are same and aligned with the objectives
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Abstract: Culture plays an important role in many aspects such as the way employees perform their job, productivity of organization as well as the relationship among employees in the workplace. Therefore, it is important to understand cultural dimensions among individuals to predict their behaviour that will lead to organizational success. This study was conducted to identify whether gender and ethnicity will influence people's cultural dimensions. In short, this study intends to understand the cultural dimensions among Sabah communities which involve three major ethnic groups in Sabah namely Malay-Brunei, Bajau and Kadazan-Dusun. The sample of this research was selected based on purposive convenient sampling whereby all respondents are located in Kota Kinabalu. A questionnaire was administered for data collection with a sample of two hundred and nineteen employees from both the public and the private sector. The data was analyzed using the one way ANOVA and it showed that three major ethnic groups in Sabah appear to be not significantly different on Hofstede's cultural dimensions. However the t-test found that the males differ from females on three out of four cultural dimensions namely power distance, individualism-collectivism and masculinity-femininity. The findings of this study can be considered as very interesting since a majority of Malaysians perceive that the values of the three ethnic cultures of the Malay-Brunei, Bajaus and Dusuns are different but the study proved otherwise.
Keywords- Cultural dimension, Ethnic groups, Gender, Malaysia
[1]. Abdullah, A. 2001. Influence of ethnic values at the Malaysian workplace, in Abdullah, A. and Low, A, (Eds), Understanding the Malaysian Workforce: Guidelines for Managers, Malaysian Institute of Management, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-24.
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[4]. Fontaine, R., and Richardson, S. 2005. Cultural values in Malaysia: Chinese, Malays and Indians compared. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal. Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 63-77.
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[6]. Hofstede, G. 1980. Culture‟s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage, Beverly Hills, CA.
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[10]. Kennedy, J.C. 2002. Leadership in Malaysia: traditional values, international outlook. Academy of Management Executives, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 15-26.
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Abstract: Service recovery is very crucial in maintaining long-term relationship with customers. In this regard, most scholars argue that customer listening ability and perceived justice are very important in service recovery. This is because they can lead to customer trust, satisfaction and other behavioral intentions. However, not much research has been conducted to investigate the effect of customer listening ability and perceived interactional justice. This is simultaneously so on relationship quality and customer loyalty under service recovery condition. This article attempts to fill this gap by proposing customer listening ability and perceived interactional justice as predictors of relationship quality, while loyalty as outcome of relationship quality.
Keywords- Customer listening ability, perceived justice, service recovery, relationship quality.
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[9] Blodgett, J. G., Granbois, D. H., & Walters, R. G. (1993). The effect of perceived justice on complainants: negative word of mouth behavior and repatronage intentions. Journal of Retailing, 69(4), 399-428.
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Abstract: Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) implementations in the context of small medium size enterprises is discussed in this paper. It is essential for small businesses to success implementation an ERP system to maintain control of their risks. ERP implementation is costly and risky for small and medium enterprises. Paper identified from archived literature, ERP implementation risk in selecting and implementing an ERP system. Authors hypothesized a relationship between two elements of organizational risk factors, adequate system and business processes re-engineering. The study also examines the relationship between ERP implementation cost and ERP project success in order to better manage enterprises ERP projects in context of SMEs.
Keywords – ERP, ERP Implementation, ERP Organizational Risk, Cost of Implementation ERP, SME
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determining Tax Literacy of Salaried Individuals - An Empirical Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Puneet Bhushan, Yajulu Medury |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1066771 ![]() |
Abstract: In personal financial planning, tax management plays a very important role. An individual should have thorough knowledge of various aspects of taxes and tax policies, which would help him to understand how much he can save even after paying taxes. Those people who have not taken any formal course on taxation finds it difficult to understand and comprehend the issues related to determination of tax liability, tax filling and tax saving. An attempt has been made through this paper to determine tax literacy level of salaried individuals based on various demographic and socio-economic factors. Findings of the study suggest that overall tax literacy level of respondents is not very high. The results suggest that level of tax literacy varies significantly among respondents. Also tax literacy level gets affected by gender, age, education, income, nature of employment and place of work whereas it does not get affected by geographic region. Findings of this paper suggest that government should adopt more aggressive approaches to educate taxpayers, thereby raising the level of tax literacy among them.
Keywords - Tax literacy, Salaried individuals, Taxpayers, Indian Taxation System, and Government.
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[3] Eriksen, K., and Fallan, L., Tax knowledge and attitudes towards taxation: A report on a quasi experiment, Journal of Economic Psychology, 17,1996, 387–402.
[4] Fallan, L., Gender, exposure to tax knowledge, and attitudes towards taxation; an experimental approach, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.18, No. 2,1999, pp 173-184.
[5] Singh, V. , Malaysian Tax Administration, 6th ed,2003. Kuala Lumpur: Longman.
[6] Loo, E.C., and Ho, J.K, Competency of Malaysian salaried individual in relation to tax compliance under self assessment system, eJournal of Tax Research, 3(1),2005, 45-62.
[7] Madi, N., Kamaluddin, A., Janggu, T., Ibrahim, M.B.A., Samah, A.B.A., Tax Literacy among Employees: Sabah and Sarawak's Perspective, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 2, No.1, 2010, pp 218-223.
[8] Natrah, S., , Fairness Perceptions and Compliance Behaviour: The Case of Salaried Taxpayers in Malaysia after Implementation of the Self-Assessment System, eJournal of Tax Research Vol. 8, No. 1, 2009, pp. 32-63.
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Abstract: The possession of industrial capabilities by an economy is considered an important potential for improved economic development. Indeed one of the distinguishing factors between developed and developing economies is the acquisition of industrial know-how. The emerging pattern of the institutional framework for the Nigeria which brought the capital market into existence has through the succeeding centuries continued to support the institution and justify its existence. The capital market is viewed as a major catalyst to industrial growth and indeed economic development. The benefit of appropriate industrial base for an economy lies in its combination of suitable technology management techniques and other resources in order to move the economy from a traditional and low level of production to a more automated and efficient system of mass processing and manufacture of goods and services. Unfortunately, the problem with industrial growth in Nigeria is largely due to the inability of firms to access long-term funds which the Nigerian capital marked should be providing. This unfortunately is stemmed from the fact that the Nigerian capital market has not been fully developed to adequately provide enough of such funds to the needy organizations. It was in line with the above that the study sought to determine the impact of the Nigerian capital market on the industrial sector component of the Nigerian gross domestic product, ascertain the impact of the Nigerian capital market on industrial loans issued by stock exchange and determine the impact of the Nigerian capital market on average capacity utilization rates of the Nigerian manufacturing sector. An ex-post facto research design was adopted using secondary data to determine the level of impact on the growth of the Nigerian industrial sector for the period 1990 – 2009. The ordinary least square (OLS) estimation technique was adopted using SPSS version 16.0) statistical computers software to evaluate the three objectives. The results showed (i) a positive significant impact of the market capitalization on industrial sector component of the gross domestic product and (ii) a positive significant impact of the market capitalization on average capacity utilization rates of the manufacturing sector. The result however showed (iii) a positive but non- significant impact of the annual market capitalization on industrial loans of the stock exchange. It was therefore concluded that every effort must be made by government and market operators to make the market viable and result oriented to further improve the economy
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