Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Abstract: This article investigates organic farming of snake fruit and arrowroot. Those plants are expected to contribute to the farmer household's income improvement. In fact, it gives less contribution to their income. This condition causes those farmers are not interested in this farming business. Consequently, it emerges a problem about how to develop women farmer's entrepreneurial intention at Wonokerto village. In general, this research observed the initial stage entrepreneurship. Therefore, it focused on the entrepreneurial intention. The main objective of this research was analyze the role of women farmers' entrepreneurial intention as the mediator of production factors (entrepreneurship, skill, and natural/land resource) on income improvement of the farmers' household. The analysis tool utilized in this research was path model as the form of advanced regression model. Data collection is conducted by arranging interview and distributing structured questionnaire to 39 respondents whom are women farmers at Wonokerto. The result indicates that entrepreneurial intention is the mediating variable between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. Thus, the main focus during initial stage of business is to enhance entrepreneurial intention. This research expects if organic snake fruit and arrowroot-based processed food business is able to be implemented, then the existence of Wonokerto's salacca and arrowroot species will be conserved. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Developing Business Intention, Female Farmer, Organic snake fruit and Arrowroot Based Processed Food, Wonokerto
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Abstract: This article discusses the implications of organizational culture on the performance of business organizations in Nigeria. The first objective of the paper is to elaborate on organisational culture as a determinant of organisational performance. The second objective is to identify four dimensions of African culture as bases for more effective organization culture in the Nigerian context. Works of well known authors in the fields of Culture and Management were reviewed for perspectives and evidence. It is shown from the reviews that a relationship exists between organisational culture and performance of business organisations. In addition, the review suggests that relationship is mediated by reward perception and role perception. Social support, accommodation at work places, religious referencing, supervisor-subordinate age ratio and ethnic diversification are identified as culture factors likely to have positive impact on the performance of business organisations in Nigeria. It is recommended that business organizations in the country should give adequate attention to the development of corporate cultures that integrate the above factors in order to enhance their performance.
Keywords: Organisational Culture, Performance, Business Organisations.
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Abstract: The misplacement of official interest for personal benefit that has characterized the Nigeria bureaucratic settings has in no small way curtailed the extent to which national development is achieved. Blue ocean strategy represents an alternative approach to the conduct of public business in such a way it blocks all the major avenues for looting public treasury as well as the enhancement of effective and efficient service delivery. Exploring the current failures in our health institutions it appears that numerous factors have continued to militate against their effective service quality. Despite the huge amount of money voted yearly for the development of the health sector in the national budget, the sector has remained a mere shadow of itself. This paper adopts a stratified sampling technique and use questionnaire to extract response from the respondents. The result of the analysis reveals that the level of corrupt practices in the health sector has led to the diversion of fund from the procurement of medical equipment to private pockets, hence the inadequacies of medical equipment in the various public health institutions.). It is therefore recommended that stewardship function and improved management support system should be incorporated in the activities of the public service.
Keywords: Blue-ocean Strategy, Bureaucracy. Bureaucratic Corruption, Health Systems and ServiceDelivery
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of International Businesses in a Global Economy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Grace Malachi Brown |
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: | 10.9790/487X-01112730 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is an analysis of the impact of international businesses in the world economy. It examined the effect of globalization in the economic growth of international businesses and the world economy; and the organizations that act as alliances in international business, such as the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund. The study observed that while some countries may be favoured by particular changes in international business, others may be adversely affected. This does not mean that international business does not have unfavorable effects. Major changes in international business will also produce major adjustments. The process of adjustments may be a gainful one. The study concludes that in spite of the national economic policies of each country, politics and law play important role in international business, which does not tend to restrict its views to the interest of one country, but it tries to analyze the different national interests which are relevant to the national level of decision-making.
[1]. Cox, Ronald W, 1994, Power and Profits: US Policy in Central America, Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
[2]. Crafts, March 2000, "Globalization and Growth in the Twentieth Century", IMF Working Paper, WP/00/44, Washington, DC, International Monetary Fund.
[3]. Diaz, Jean, Latin American Perspectives 21 June 2001,
[4]. Gartside, L, 1987, Commerce – A Guide to the Business World, London: Pitman Publishing.
[5]. Gbosi, Augustine N., 1999, Principles of International Trade: Theory and Policy, (Aba, Nigeria: Isaeco Press & Ind. Ltd).
[6]. Kluyver, de, "Global Trade", The Political Imperative in International Business. 21 June, 2001.
[7]. Mussa, Michael, 25 August, 2000, "Factors Driving Global Economic Integration", IMF Working Paper, Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
[8]. Reid, Cynthia, 19 March, 1999, Journal of Multinational Financial Management. 21 June 2001, http/
[9]. Sussman, Joshua 1997, "The International Financial Market, Organised Crime and International Law", US Department of Justice, 21 June 2001.
[10]. Wei, Annie, 21 June, 2001, International Business and Globalization.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Satisfaction Level of Islamic Bank and Conventional Bank in Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muslim Khan, Suhail Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-01113140 ![]() |
Abstract: Islamic banking has been started function in 1970s. The speed of the growth of Islamic banking all over the world including Pakistan has been expedited since 2002. The objective of this study is to explained/find the phenomenon that conventional banking, which has been operating for the last three centuries have started tumbling steeply in the last few decades while Islamic banking has been extend their function all over the world specially in Muslim countries with quickly. This study shows the customer satisfaction level of both Islamic and conventional Banking in Pakistan. The population of this study is consists of customer of Islamic banking and conventional banking in Pakistan. Three Islamic banks i.e., Bank of Khyber, Almeezan bank and Albaraka bank and three conventional banks i.e. Habib bank limited, united bank limited and Allied bank limited were selected for this study. And 100 questionnaires were distributed among employees of these banks. Islamic banks are getting popularity due to interest free products, risk sharing activities and strong ties with the religion. Islamic banks work as welfare organization to promote trade and economic activities in line with the instructions of Islam to provide a number of Interest-free products and service. The existence of Islamic and conventional banks in Pakistan created stiff competition among banks to attract and retain greater number of customers by the provision of quality services. This study examined the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction and bank performance by comparing Islamic and conventional banks operating in Pakistan.
Key Words. Bank performance, customer satisfaction, conventional bank, Islamic bank, service quality
[1]. Abdus Samad(2004), "Performance of interest-free Islamic banks vis-a-vis interestbased conventional banks of Bahrain" Journal of Economics and Management 12, no.2 (2004):
[2]. Ahasanul Haque, Jamil Osman and Ahmad Zaki Hj Ismail (2009) "Factor Influences Selection of Islamic Banking: A Study on Malaysian Customer Preferences." American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (5): 922-928, 2009 ISSN 1546-9239
[3]. Khan, M.S.N., Hassan, M. K., & Shahid, A I. (2008). "Banking behavior of Islamic bank customer in Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance", 159-194.
[4]. Mamunur Rashid and M. Kabir Hassan(2009), "Customer Demographics Affecting
[5]. Bank Selection Criteria, Preference, and Market Segmentation: Study on Domestic Islamic Banks in Bangladesh.". International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 4 No. 6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of the Impact of Merger and Acquisition of Corus by Tata Steel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manoj Kumara N. V., Dr. Satyanarayana |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1114147 ![]() |
Abstract: Merger and Acquisition have became exclusive trend in steel industry globally since the beginning of the 21st century. Corporate integration in the corporate world is accomplishing significance and concentration especially with an exciting undertaking of intense globalization. This is the clear evidence from the importance and increasing growth of deal values and resulted with more corporate integration in recent times. These studies examine the key motive drivers and evaluate the impact of mergers and acquisition in steel industry on event study approach. This event study focused on Tata steel – Corus Acquisition during the year 2007. The study used a published financial statement which consists of secondary data. The financial statements are analysed and tested by using correlation co-efficient and t- test. The outcome of the analysis disclosed that there is a significant difference between pre – post merger and acquisition in capital base and level of returns. There is a significant difference between pre – post merger and acquisition EPS. The finding of this study evolves those synergies, increased capitalization with the proof of changes in returns, profitability based on the research findings. It can be summarized that the corporate integration has increase the organizational performance also contributed to the growth of the steel industry.
Keywords – Mergers and Acquisitions, Profitability, EPS, Steel Industry, Key drivers
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Note that the journal title, volume number and issue number are set in italics.
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Abstract: This study is to highlight the hassles being struggled by the industry in view of the compliance requirement focusing theimpact of the requirement of prior approval from the Central Govt. under Section 297 of the Indian Companies Act 1956. The impact of the said section on the industrial development is evaluated in this study based on the core issue of opportunity cost involved in this regard.
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Abstract: Organisations are recognised as legal and corporate entities. They have an image, and they can sue and be sued. To that extent therefore, this paper posits that organizations can also learn, and asserts that the absence or dearth of adequate organisational learning culture denies organizations the much needed competitive edge necessary to survive and remain viable in the contemporary and highly globalised world. The paper x-rays the technical and social perspectives of organisational learning and argues that the learning process is context and culture-driven. Conceding that effective organisational learning practice enhances performance, it highlights some hindrances to the learning process, suggests remedies and concludes with a case study of the organisational learning problems of a Nigerian public sector organization.
Keywords - Corporate organisations, globalised world, learning culture, organizational learning
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian Telecom Sector – Witnessing a Revolution |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. H. R. Uma, Dr. A. C. Kiran Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1116267 ![]() |
Abstract: According to the Human Development Report, 2000, the contribution of services to the GDP was 45%. In the year 2010, service industry accounts to 55% of countries GDP while the industrial and agricultural sectors contribute 28% and 17% respectively. As a result of this structural economic transformation, it has become apparent that we focus more on services and at a micro level we need to develop expertise in managing these service companies. In the backdrop of changing global scenario, Indian telecom sector is witnessing a tremendous growth and increased up to date services at a cheaper rate have certainly brought in tremendous revolution in the society
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[8]. Mohanasundaram, V. Significant Contribution of Telecommunication Sector. In P. G. P. Jagadish Gandhi, Services sector in the Indian Economy. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Relation in Knowledge Process Outsourcing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akansha Sen, Vivek Kumar, Chinnappa Reddy Avula, Vikas Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1116871 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present scenario KPO has made a great progress in terms of supporting role of leading firms to newly established one. According to evalueserve, the share of the Indian KPO sector is expected to increase to 71 percent with revenues of USD 12 billion, by 2013.Evalueserve estimates that the Indian KPO market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 49.5 percent between 2003 and 2013, compared to a CAGR of 30.6 percent for the Indian BPO market, and a CAGR of 44.5 percent for the global KPO market, over the same period. The services sector accounted for about 51 percent of India's GDP in 2003, a figure that was much higher than 28 percent in 1950, and also one of the highest among the developing economies. Outsourcing of high-end jobs is a win-win situation for both the end client and the KPO vendor. This paper presents basically a case study report on KPO. It includes the process of KPO, customer's relation, study and analysis of working of KPO. At the end it has been presented that how KPO maintains their customer relation and finally customer's satisfaction level is concluded.
Keywords - KPO, BPO, GDP, CAGR, Customer relation and satisfaction.
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