Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Virtual teams versus face to face teams: A review of literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shikha Gera |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1120104 ![]() |
Abstract: Today, concept of a team transcends the boundaries of distance, time, organizations and cultures. There has been an increasing emphasis on distributed work teams that operate in a virtual environment in a 24 hour cycle and tap the strength of diversity in terms of skills, experience, knowledge and expertise, all round the globe. Globalization and advances in Information and Communication Technology are a direct cause to it. The trend of distributed teams will not go way and will become the permanent work structures of the organizations. These global teams will profoundly reshape our world. But how effective are these teams compared to face to face teams? What are the differences between virtual teams and traditional teams? The paper extends knowledge on the growing importance of dispersed teams. The paper also builds on a comparison between virtual teams and face to face teams on the basis of certain dimensions such as group style, performance, satisfaction, trust, cohesion and conflict.
Keywords: Face to face teams, collocated teams, dispersed teams, traditional teams, virtual teams
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Abstract: Human resources (HR) that talented employees are the foundation of an organization in a competitive advantage. A strong foundation for an organization to improve performance is the main one of which comes from the quality of Employment Performance. Basically Human Resources (HR) refers to people in the organization. Without effective people, it seems impossible for the organization to achieve its objectives. Human resources to make the resources with other organizations to run optimally. Quality employees working in an organization can be influenced by the cultures that are in the organization. Organizational culture is a reflection of the behavior of the employees from the application of values prevailing in the organization. Quality performance can likewise sourced from spiritual intelligence and leadership qualities of being a model of supervision that worked by employees. In this study, used the organizational culture Culture and Leadership Tri Hita Karana Astra Brata as variables tested to determine its effect on Employment Performance through Cultural Tri Hita Karana in Badung Regency Village Credit Institutions of Bali. Results showed that that the Spiritual Intelligence and Astra Brata Leadership have an influence on the culture of Tri Hita Karana, but the The Culture of Tri Hita Karana can not be mediating the effect of Spiritual Intelligence and Astra Brata Leadership. Astra Brata proven leadership directly affects the performance displayed by employees at Village Credit Institutions of Bali Badung regency. Total R2 value of 88.4% indicates that the diversity of data that can be explained by the model is equal to 88.4%. While the remaining 11.6% is explained by other variables (which is not contained in the model) and error.
Keywords: Spiritual Intelligence, Astra Brata Leadership, The Culture of Tri Hita Karana, and Employment Performance.
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Abstract: The marvelous kinds of innovation in technology and hard line blend of it with information technology made a paradigm shift in the banking industry. Technology itself created its world in the globe of human beings. The beginning of E- banking created a phenomenal system- Internet banking. Internet banking is a kind of systems that enable financial institution customers, individuals or businesses, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial products and services through the Internet. The main objectives of the paper are: understand the profile of Internet banking users in Pathanamthitta District. 2 .to identify the most widely used application of Internet banking. 3. to understand the influence of gender on various dimensions of risk in the usage of Internet banking. 4. to understand the influence of gender on various dimensions of trust in the usage of Internet banking. It is found that the popular internet banking services are; balance enquiry, followed by recharging mobile phones, banking service information and payment to other account. Most of the users are in the age group of 20-30 either employed or student with a monthly income of below 40,000 with educated with an average or advanced level of computer knowledge. The Chi-square test revealed that there is no statistically significant difference between the opinion of males and females towards risk are found. There is significant difference between males and females towards trust is found.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of the Fatality Rates of Boat and Ferry Accident on Inland Waterways in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ibeawuchi C. Nze. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1121720 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims at quantifying the boat and Ferry accident fatality rates on Inland waterways in Nigeria, with a special focus on the waterways of Port Harcourt. With the aid of Simple percentile analysis, a comparative study was carried out to reveal the fatality rate between Boat and Ferry accidents. It was found out that more fatal accidents occurred with the use of Boats than Ferries on the waterways. A total fatality rate of 19% and 6% was derived for Boat and Ferry accidents respectively. The economic effect will be a rise in the patronage of Ferry services on the waterways.
Keywords: Inland waterways, Boat, Ferry, Fatality rate, Economic.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Integrating ICT in Re-Branding Nigerian Youths for Constructive Empowerment and Mental Reengineering |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | U. F. Eze |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1122135 ![]() |
Abstract: Today, there is need to reposition our youths mental reasoning and economically empower them in order to certify the demands of the modern world. Rebranding Nigerian is one of the veritable tools to achieve this objective. Unless rebranding directs the power and energy of Nigerian youths towards academic and productive goals, the country keeps on experiencing social vices,moral and academic degradation. Gladly enough, Nigeria has joined the rest of the world in deploying ICT to ensure easy and quick enlightenment and empowerment of its populace. Obviously, ICT has grossly engaged most of the Nigerian teenagers and youths in performing educational, social, economical, governmental or religious activities in different dimensions nowadays. Therefore, this paper highlights the impact and areas where ICT has yielded positive change in rebranding Nigerian youths in achieving better mental capacity building. Key Word: ICT, Rebranding, Nigerian youths empowerment, mental reengineering.
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Abstract: a Project is considered as a core element in any organization and its continuity can be guaranteed through a successful change management. Confronting merciless challenges at the current time particularly at the market field, the emergency need has been raised to overcome those obstacles and step ahead on rivals. One way that most organizations have moved towards its capabilities and put the pressure on it to produce quality and optimal outcomes is ICT. Thus, various types of IT projects with variant intended objectives have been conducted. As being witnessed recently and noticed previously, that a lot of IT projects turned to fail due to several reasons. Additionally, way of life changes from time to time and people requirements have changed and become so complicated recently with the exposure to advanced technology that has been attached with our daily life activities. A survey has been conducted among some Malaysian Government departments and agencies to elicit the main factors which participate in the success of projects and what the importance level of implementing an effective change management over projects that lead to sustainability and productivity of the organizations. This survey results have been received as a quantitative feedback that makes it clear to make a conclusion.
Keywords: Project, Project Management, Project success, Change Management,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adoption of Internetbanking |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Bamanh Saeidipour, Hojat Ranjbar, Saeed Ranjbar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1124651 ![]() |
Abstract: The advent of internet has great impact on the electronic banking. By using internet, banking is no
time limit and geographic. Customers worldwide can within 24 days of the week and all have access to their
accounts. Internet banking by using internet and web technologies enable customers to finance their activities in
a virtual environment to do this is the difference between internet banking and home banking that for achieving
banking services via the internet, there is no need to install proprietary software rather banking services but
also can be accessed via a internet public network and the customer is linked to your bank account via the
internet. This type of banking is partially web-based banking subsidiary with the difference is that web banking
services bank was considered first introduced bank and service. Internet banking also expanded with the
development of web applications. With increasing internet access to people who provide these services to be
developed and banks that are unresponsive to this issue will disappear from the market.
Keywords: Internet Banking, Adoption
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Abstract: This particular study tries to assess the nature of relationship of Working Capital Management (WCM) and liquidity with firm's performance. Most important issue for the firms is to decide the best suitable level of working capital which can satisfy both motives f liquidity and profitability. Financial performance is measured by return on capital employed while determinants of working capital and liquidity includes inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, current and quick ratio. A sample of 19 cement companies listed on Karachi Stock Exchange for a period of 2005 to 2010 has been taken out off 29 firms on the basis of availability of data. Finally outcomes of bivariate analysis suggested that efficient management of working capital and liquidity leads to financial success.
Keywords: Accounts Receivable Turnover, Current Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Karachi stock exchange (KSE).
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[5] M. Deloof, Does Working Capital Management Affect Profitability of Belgian Firms?, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 30, 2003, 573-587.
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Abstract: The objective of this research is to empirically examine both direct and indirect relationship of the strategic human resource management practice role on knowledge management, service quality, and organizational performance. The utilized research approach is positivistic paradigm based on the quantitative method. Twenty three 23 public and private hospitals in South Kalimantan (Indonesia) are involved as the unit analysis of this research. There are 115 respondents who work as hospital' managers, physicians, and nurses. The primary data are obtained through questionnaire; further, data analysis method utilizes Partial Least Square (PLS). The results demonstrate that strategic human resource management practice significantly influences knowledge management; knowledge management significantly influences service quality and organizational performance. Service quality influences organizational performance significantly. Strategic human resource management practice, as mediated by knowledge management, brings significant effect on the service quality and organizational performance. Limitation of this research shows that the strategic human resource management practice variable includes only three indicators such as training, job opportunities, and job security so that it affects on the estimation result which is not yet optimum. Therefore, for further research, it is suggested to involve other strategic human resource management practice indicators to make the result more optimum. This research utilizes service quality and organizational performance variables that are measured from internal organization perspective; this measurement source possibly results in bias information. To obtain more objective information, further research is suggested to involve external parties or the customers/patient
Keywords: strategic human resource management practice, service quality, organizational performance
[1] Assauri, San, 2003. "Customer Service yang Baik Landasan Pencapaian Customer Satisfaction" dalam Usahawan, No. 01, Tahun XXXII, Jakarta.
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Abstract: The present study discussed and analyzed a number of issues concerning the operational risk faced by Islamic Financial Services, for example concepts of operational risks, risk management approaches and risk mitigation techniques and standards as these exist in the financial industry, unique operational risks of the Islamic Financial Services industry and the perceptions of Islamic Financial Services about these risks, regulatory concerns with respect to operational risks and their management, and Shari'ah related challenges concerning risk management has been identified and discussed. This study is an exploratory study therefore, based on the literature review relating to operational risk, risk management approaches and risk mitigation techniques. Guidelines on Stress Testing, issued by State Bank of Pakistan including sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis were also studied. The major part of the data consisting of secondary source was collected through research journals, internet and relevant books. Citation and literature discussion have been the major approach of this study. Banks should aim to develop a framework for operational risk management particularly for collecting operational loss data. In respect of designing operational risk stress tests, key indicators, like human errors, frauds, or failure to perform in timely manner, breaching limits, failure of information technology systems or events such as major fires or other disasters may be identified against the business lines. Shocks may be given to these risk events, their frequency and severity of losses. Once the operational loss events are identified, the level of shocks may be designed by looking into both the historical as well as hypothetical level of losses under those risk events.
Keywords: Risk Management Process, Operational Risk, Risk Mitigation Techniques, Risk Assessment.
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[10] Fiennes, Toby. (2007). "Supervisory Implications of Islamic Banking: A Supervisor‟s Perspective", in Simon Archer and R.A.A.Karim (eds.), Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Accounting, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Interface |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Rafiu Akinpelu Olaore, Nafisat Toyosi Adebisi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1128084 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines an interface between accounting system and purchasing/supply chain management. It explains how professional purchasing/supply management and accounting personnel contribute at least as much to the success of their organisation in areas such as supplier sourcing, or substitute materials, price determination, value analysis, outsourcing, make or buy analysis, invoice settlement and payment. At the most fundamental level, supply management concerns quick execution of work expeditiously, without fault in a cost effective manner. The paper details efficacy of goods inspection and reception procedure for the right quality and quantity through the association of purchasing and accounting department. The findings suggest that a cooperative relationship between purchasing and accounting/finance clearly can impact the development of a good supplier relations and cost reduction for the benefit of an organisation.
Keywords: Purchasing, Supply chain management, Accounting, Outsourcing, Value Analysis, Invoice.
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Abstract: Innovation is regarded as the driving force of rapid changes in the modern world and one of the key success factors in the competitive market. Firms have to innovate, to survive in the market. The disruptive wave of innovation every year makes so many businesses disappear from the market. On the other hand, successful implementation of innovation programs can guarantee profitability and an acceptable overall performance for any firm. In addition, strategic planning for human resources plays a key role in innovation practices and helps firms achieve their long-term objectives. This paper intends to assess a linkage between strategic human resource management, innovation, and overall performance within a firm. In order to examine such a linkage, an online survey was applied and data were collected from 54 managers of product development projects in Malaysian manufacturing companies. Analysis of the collected data using correlation analysis techniques proved that there is a strong correlation between the three mentioned concepts. Keywords -Innovation, SHRM, Firm Performance
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