Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wage Differentials and Industrial Disputes in Nigerian Hospitals |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Agba, A. M. Ogaboh , Ushie, E. M. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1150112 ![]() |
Abstract: The study examined medical and Para-medical staff perception of the impact of wage differential on industrial disputes in Nigerian hospitals. A sample of 1109 respondents were purposively selected from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hospitals in South-South Geo-political Zone of Nigeria (SSGZN). Information was elicited from respondents via structured questionnaire. Elicited data was analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) and multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that wage differentials in terms of basic salary, hazard and fringe benefit allowance significantly influenced industrial disputes in Nigerian hospitals. The study further revealed that socio-demographic predictors such as sex, age, category of staff, educational qualification and rank could also influence the incidence of industrial disputes in Nigerian hospitals. We recommended among others policy reform options and the upward review of medical and para-medical staff wages in Nigeria.
Keywords: Wage differentials, industrial disputes, wage determination and wage discrimination.
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[10]. Bassey, C. O. (2002). Political Parties and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria: Towards an Analysis of Basic Trend and Pattern in the South-South Zone. Nigerian Journal of Social and Development Issues, 2 (20), 79-96.
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Abstract: It is commonly believed that entrepreneurs are one of the main pillars of nation economic growth or development due to their ability to create jobs. Entrepreneur as a career choice has known since ancient time along with career as non-entrepreneur. Research on entrepreneurship is increasingly performed in last period along with the decrease in employment opportunities. This research aims to analyze the personal characteristics that influence university graduates to choose entrepreneur as their career option. Based on previous research, five factors were identified, i.e: risk taking, competitive aggressiveness, proactiveness, innovativeness, and autonomy. Data were collected from 76 respondents. Data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis, cross tabulation, confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant analysis, and logistic regression to test how those factors relate to career choice as an entrepreneur. The analysis shows that only three factors significantly influenced the choice of entrepreneur as career choice, i.e. proactiveness, risk taking, and competitive aggressiveness. While the other two factors – innovativeness and autonomy – were found to be basic characteristics required for both an entrepreneur and non-entrepreneur.
Key words: career choice, entrepreneur, non-entrepreneur, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness, proactiveness, innovativeness, autonomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Competitiveness of Pakistan's Agricultural Export Commodities |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muhammad Rizwan-ul-Hassan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1152934 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper analyzes the global competitiveness of Pakistan's agricultural exports, rice, fish and fish preparations, vegetables and fruits, meat and meat preparations, vis-a-vis major Asian competitors using the approach of revealed comparative advantage (RCA), during the period 2001-2010. The results indicate that rice exhibits very strong comparative advantage while increasing trend has been observed in all other commodities reflecting heavy potentials for export growth in global market. There is a need for Pakistan to strengthen the competitiveness in all these sectors.
Keywords: Agricultural commodities, Competitiveness, Revealed Comparative advantage
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of the Demand for Eggs in City Of Malang |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Nanang Febrianto, Budi Hartono, Dan Hari Dwi Utami |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1153539 ![]() |
Abstract: This research was aimed at determining the factors that influence the demand for eggs in the City of Malang and knowing the elasticity of demand in relation to the changes in price of the eggs in the City of Malang. Data collection was conducted from November 2012 to December 2012 from the consumers who purchase eggs at the traditional markets in the City of Malang (Dinoyo market and Pasar Besar market). The research method being employed in this study was a survey method. Sampling was conducted through purposive sampling method. The data collected included the primary data from 200 respondents through direct observations and interviews and the secondary data that were obtained from certain relevant agencies. Data were then analyzed by using multiple linear regressions in logarithms. Regression analysis result showed that the independent variables together significantly affected (P < 0.01) the dependent variable with a value of R ² was 0.731. Partially that each of the prices of the eggs, household income, the family members, and education, affected the demand for eggs in the City of Malang. The price elasticity of demand for eggs is elastic with a value of -2.824. The value of the income elasticity of demand for eggs was 0.022 which was inelastic, which means that eggs are normal goods or commodity. The value of cross-price elasticity of demand for eggs to broiler meat was -4.451, which means that the broiler meat are not as substitutes (commodity) for eggs of egg-laying chickens.
Keywords : eggs, demand, elasticity of the prices, elasticity of the demands
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | HR Challenges of Project Managers |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Hadi Minavand, Sepideh Farahmandian, Vahid Minaei |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1154045 ![]() |
Abstract: Project-based works, cause of their temporary nature involve some particular problems and challenges that are not normally experienced by operational and functional activities. Project manager, as the highest authority of a project, is exposed to these challenges more than anyone else. This study takes into consideration "authority", "cross-functional team", and "workforce motivation challenge" as the three main challenges that are faced by a project manager in interaction with project human resources. Also some solutions are recommended to avoid undesirable effects of mentioned challenges.
Keywords - project, project manager, authority, cross-functional, workforce motivation: career choice, entrepreneur, non-entrepreneur, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness, proactiveness, innovativeness, autonomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Amount of e-banking fulfillment |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Farshad havasi, Fattaneh Alizadeh Meshkany, Reza Hashemi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1154652 ![]() |
Abstract: The comprehensive development of information and communication technology in the recent decades has made human face wonderfulevolution in all aspects of his life. Indeed, this evolution has had undeniable effects on economy general structure and social and cultural parts at the international level. Also, this evolution includes financial and banking services of the current century economy. They are so efficient that they have created some innovations on the kind, quality and quantity of the presented services. Technological revolutions creating high speed and low cost systems of electronic exchanges have seriously evolved financial and banking market structure. Thus this research considers e-banking fulfillmen.
Key words: substructure, electronic banking
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