Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2013)
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Abstract: Using history to teach important business concepts such as having a vision, strategic thinking, problem solving, effective communication and team building can make these concepts not only much more accessible and comprehensible, but also interesting, relevant and memorable. Renowned writer Robbin Sharma considers the concept of leadership begins within, by having the self discipline to lead & know oneself. It will not be wrong to say that in order to go ahead it is important to look back. It is more necessary than ever before to tap the wisdom & experience of some of history's greatest leaders. They may be long gone however their unique achievements still stand & today's executives can gain valuable insight & direction from them. Leadership lessons from the past masters can be useful in handling the high-tech & fast changing world.
Keywords: Values, communication, courage, history, experience
[1]. Sharma, Robbin, Leadership Wisdom,, Mumbai, Jaico Publishing House,2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality of Work-Life practice in chemical industries – Cuddalore (SIPCOT) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Elamparuthi, Dr. S. Jambulingam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1230407 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the relation between employees perceived Quality of Work Life (QWL) with life domains using spillover theory. For this study the subjects were employees from chemical industries at Cuddalore (SIPCOT). The QWL was measured using need satisfaction variables. The questionnaire was developed as to capture the needed information of the study variables. The sample size for this study was 227. The questionnaire was administered and reliability test was used to validate it. The regression analysis was done to find the level of influence on the dependent variables. The results showed that the employees who sensing higher level of QWL were sensing high level of job satisfaction, life satisfaction and general well-being. Fulfilling the needs of the employees by the organization can achieve higher level of QWL and organizational commitment from the employees.
Keywords: Quality of work Life (QWL), Job Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, General Well-being, spill over.
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Abstract: This paper analyzed the impact of trade and debt on Nigeria agribusiness sector output from 1970-2010. Trend analysis was used to examine the trend of agribusiness sector output, trade and debt. The study employed OLS estimates and found that import, external debt and domestic debt had influence on the agribusiness output but the OLS estimates was not the blue-best linear unbiased estimator, hence the need for unit root analysis on the series. It was found that the series was stationary at second difference using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test, with three cointegrating equations existing among the linear combinations using Johansen's Multivariate Cointegration Test. The error correction estimates indicates that the variables had no short run and long run relationship between the Agribusiness sector output except for external debt that had a long run relationship. Overall, external debt, domestic debt and export accounted for 70.4, 97.2, 85.9 and 74.9 percent of the variation in agribusiness sector output. Based on the findings it is recommended policy maker should adequately consider the variables as they were found to have influence on the agribusiness sector.
Keywords: impact, trade, debt, agribusiness, output
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Empirical Study on the Satisfaction Level of Women Lawyers towards Their Work Life Balance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Kannan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1231619 ![]() |
Abstract: Legal profession is one of the growing and lucrative professions all over the world. It is one of the most adventurous as well as exciting career. Lawyers are held in high esteem in our society, and there remains the faith that when all else fails, one can still take recourse to the legal system. In such a valued profession women doesn't occupy a valuable space. Though participation of Women in legal profession has grown in the recent years, women were not given equivalent power and opportunities. Less frequently given the opportunity to move onto the occupational fast track, women face subtle but often self-perpetuating cycles of gender bias that limit their career choices. Although women qualify in equal proportions to men at the entry point of professional courses, there is a progressive decline in the number of women as one move up the hierarchy. Our legal structure should be modified wherein women are encouraged to get into legal profession and gender specific issues are to be eliminated in order to reduce the attrition rate of women lawyers.
Keywords: Women lawyers, Satisfaction level, work life balance
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Abstract: QWL is a very important concept of favorable situation in a working environment. QWL helps the management and employees by facilitating training opportunities, job satisfaction and working condition. A satisfied employee is one who has a career growth along with the organization growth. Sample of 826 respondents were collected from IT industry. The factor analysis was applied to find out the underlying variance among the variables. the results of exploratory factor analysis confirmed that the measurement scales used in this study satisfactorily met the standards of validity and reliability analyses. This study used empirical research methods to explore the correlation between QWL factors. That provided a new way of thinking and measures how to improve the QWL of IT professionals and the organization Performance. Conclusion of this study is elaborated.
Keywords: Quality of Working Life; Job Satisfaction; Working condition; General well-being; Work life balance
[1]. Abigail Opoku Mensah, Asamani Lebbaeus The Influence of Employees' Self-Efficacy on Their Quality of Work Life: The Case of Cape Coast, Ghana, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(2), 2013, 195 -204
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[5]. Alireza Bolhari, Ali Rezaeean, Jafar Bolhari, Sona Bairamzadeh, and Amir Arzi Soltan, The relationship between QWL and demographic characteristics of Information Technology Staffs, International conference on Computer communication and management 5, 2011
[6]. Chris Obisi, Employee Training and Development in Nigerian Organisaitons: Some Observations and Agenda for Research, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1(9), 2011, 82-91
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Image Quality Service and Schools Parents of Satisfaction in Surabaya. |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Wiwik Retnaningsih |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1232936 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of Quality of Service (X1), the image of School (X2) either partially or simultaneously to the satisfaction of Parents' (Y) in the School of Surabaya. This study has four hypotheses, namely: (1) there is an allegation of a positive and significant relationship between service quality in partial satisfaction of the Parents' School in Surabaya. (2) there are allegations about a positive and significant relationship between the partial image of the Parents 'Satisfaction (Y) in the School of Surabaya, (3) there is a suspicion of a positive and significant relationship between service quality and image simultaneously on Parents' Satisfaction in School Surabaya, (4) there is suspicion between the two independent variables and the image and quality of service, quality of service is the most significant effect on increasing Satisfaction Parents' School in Surabaya? .. The subjects of this study were parents of students with a sample of 100 respondents (stratified random sampling). Data was collected using a modified Likert scale. The data obtained and analyzed with the help of Program Statistics for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.00 for Windows with multiple regression analysis. The results showed that, the partial effect of Service Quality on job performance 4.336 (the t-table 1.980). Based on hypothesis testing a significant difference between Service Quality with Parent Satisfaction, because t-count more than t-table,. Effect of the partial image of the school to the 2440 performance (on t-table 1.980). Based on hypothesis testing a significant difference between the image of the School Parent Satisfaction, for t-count more than t-table., Along the influence of two variables and images Schools and Quality Service to the satisfaction of the parents are at 0.815 or 81.5%. Based on the hypothesis can be concluded, that the image of the school and the quality of service simultaneously significant effect on Parent Satisfaction, Service Quality (X1) and Parents' Satisfaction (Y) with a value of 0.802 linkages and higher than the value of the image of School 0774. So the quality of service that most significantly affect parental satisfaction.
Keywords: Quality Service, School Parents, effect of image, Satisfaction.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inventory Management Models with Variable Holding Cost and Salvage value |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. Mohan, R.Venkateswarlu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1233742 ![]() |
Abstract: Inventory management models are developed for deteriorating items when the demand rate is assumed to be linear function of time and the deterioration rate is proportional to time. The model is solved when shortages are allowed. The salvage value is used for deteriorated items in the system. A numerical example is taken to discuss the sensitivity of the models.
Key words: Deterioration rate, linear demand, salvage value, shortages, Time-dependent models,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Investigation into the Antecedents of International Business Operations in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Olufemi A. Akintunde |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1234349 ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigated whether known international business theories available in the literature are meaningful enough to explain the role of international companies in Nigeria. The research examines factors that are likely to influence Nigeria's cultural and ethical values. The study found that understanding cultural and ethical values is important for international companies. Questionnaires were distributed across four separate shopping centers to 120 international company's customers. The results indicate that success of international business operating in Nigeria is positively related to their local cultural awareness and responsiveness. Along this line, this study covers some vital elements of culture and ethic.
Keywords: culture, ethic, international business operations, multinational companies, values
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Abstract: Efficient performance of Agricultural Market Committees (AMCs) is considered to be the sine quo non for the economic development of an agrarian country like India. Though the number of AMCs has been steadily increasing in India, still the farmers are being exploited by one form or another in transacting the agricultural commodities. In view of this, several apprehensions and concerns were raised fearing about the performance of AMCs in discharging the regulatory provisions for efficient transaction of agricultural commodities. Various enactments have been formulated by Government from time to time to revamp the agricultural marketing system in the country and presently, Model act 2005 (The State Agricultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2005) has been under implementation. In this context of exploring the agricultural marketing system with a farmers ended approach, the present paper aims at analyzing the performance appraisal of AMCs in Coastal region of AP in India through Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) approach. The analytical findings revealed that 53% of selected AMCs are being operated at Scale Efficiency <1. The remaining 47% AMCs are being operated at constant return to scale (CRS) and this directs the Government to continue the existing support even in the future.
Keywords: Agricultural Market Committees, Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency, Return to Scale.
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Abstract: Occupational stresses and causes work load and job nature that produced stresses among the insurance employees seek to identify in the present scenario of the insurance industry. The present study is about measuring the satisfaction level of females in an insurance sector and to evaluate the relationships between occupational stress, health and job satisfaction. The main aim of this study to measure the influence of age factors on occupational stress among insurance employees. And to evaluate the impact of occupational stress level on job satisfaction among the insurance employees. For this purpose a structured questionnaire was designed to collect information and statistical tool was applied on the data. The purpose of this study is occupational stressors among females in an insurance company.
Key words: occupational stress, insurance employees.
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