Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Corporate Governance of Capital Market of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Siraz Meah. Lecturer |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1250104 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper outlines the conceptual, contextual and disciplinary scope of the rapidly evolving area of corporate governance of capital market of Bangladesh. As a basis for improving the rigor of research and analysis, some definitions, principles, theories and legal frame work of corporate governance are examined. This study also investigates the extent to which the capital market of Bangladesh comply with the corporate governance guidelines of Securities and Exchange Commission Bangladesh(SECB) and it also indicates that only sound corporate governance practices are the foundation upon which the trust of investors(stakeholders, banks, and non bank financial institutions) and other stakeholders is founded.
Key words: Corporate governance, capital market of Bangladesh, SECB
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Abstract: As the pursuit of knowledge becomes increasingly central to firms' competitiveness, we argued that knowing what the customer expects of product offerings is a prerequisite for sustaining the delivery of value. Thus, this paper seeks to provide a theoretical contribution to the growing recognition of researches on customer as a source of firms' competence. By building on extant literature of value creation, customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction, and the theories of firm knowledge creation, we proposed a framework of how firms can sustain value creation through knowledge of customer expectations. We argued that sustaining firms' value creation resides in the ability of firms to continuously anticipate, integrate and configure knowledge of customer expectations to create product offerings that meet or exceed customer expectations and generate better economic returns than other competing alternative firms. Keywords: Customer Expectations, Customer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction, Knowledge of Customer Expectations, Product Offerings, Value creations.
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Abstract: The focus of this study is to determine the extent to which the roles of trade associations foster entrepreneurial traits in Nigeria's road transport industry. This paper offers an analytical assessment of the contribution of trade associations towards development of entrepreneurial traits. To do this, the survey method was adopted for the study and questionnaires were used as data collection method. A random of one hundred and forty four (144) trade associations in Nigeria's road transport industry were selected for the study out of a population of two hundred and twenty four (224) trade associations with seven hundred and twenty (720) respondents. For completeness, a sample of six hundred and fifty seven (657) related organizations (infinite population) were included in the study. Therefore a total of one thousand, three hundred and seventy seven (1377) questionnaires were used for the study. The data collected were measured in 5-point likert scale with a hypothesized mean of 3.00. data analysis revealed that overall mean scores of trade associations' pro-competitive and anti-competitive roles on entrepreneurial traits were 1.9346 and 4.4188 respectively. The test of hypothesis using two sample z-test showed that the Z- calculated value for differences in the two mean scores was 216.0147 with significance probability of ˂ 0.0001 which is less than 0.05. Thus the test was significant at 5% level of significance (P˂0.05). We therefore reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Consequently we conclude that the effect of anticompetitive role is significantly higher than that of pro-competitive role of trade associations on the development of entrepreneurial traits in Nigeria's transport industry
Key words: Trade associations, Entrepreneurial, Traits, Transport, Industry
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Global Perspective and Issues Relating to Product Recall |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Richa Sinha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1252226 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the various issues related to a product recall in the globalized world where the market has become a single trading place. A recall acts like an alarm that makes the company realize that it is the time to take corrective action by reviewing and making changes in the required areas. It is very important to understand the various issues related to the product recall like the factors related to costing, legal framework, recall planning, and management's perspective and so on. The paper aims to discuss the issues identified with recall with the examples of global companies that have faced a recall. Further the paper also focuses on the recall framework with respect to India. The paper has a practical implication both for the academicians and for the readers in terms of their concern with the aspect issues regarding product recall.
Keywords: Product Recall, Recall, Recall Strategy, Consumerism, Consumer Protection
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Abstract: Demographic variables are the most popular bases for segmenting the customer groups. One reason is that consumer needs, wants, preferences and usage rates often highly associated with demographic variables. Another is that demographic variables are easier to measure than the most of other type variables. Marketers are keenly interested in the size and growth rate of population in different cities, regions, nations; age distribution; educational levels; household patterns; and regional characteristics and movements. Because, on the basis of these measures only, marketers have to formulate their marketing strategies in order to fulfil the needs, wants and preferences of consumers. Moreover, demographic variables make known the ongoing trends, such as shifts in age, sex and income distribution that signal new business opportunities to the marketers. Demographic trends are highly reliable for the short and intermediate run. This paper, with a strong backing of literature, explains the role of educational qualification of consumers on recognizing a need for car.
Key words: Demographic Variables, Educational Qualification, Consumer Purchase Decision, Need Recognition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Artificial Neural Networks: Applications In Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ayushi Sharma, Akshit Chopra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1253240 ![]() |
Abstract: With the advancement of computer and communication technology, the tools used for management decisions have undergone a gigantic change. Finding the more effective solution and tools for managerial problems is one of the most important topics in the management studies today. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are one of these tools that have become a critical component for business intelligence. The purpose of this article is to describe the basic behavior of neural networks as well as the works done in application of the same in management sciences and stimulate further research interests and efforts in the identified topics.
Key words: Artificial Neural Networks, Management Applications, Management, Marketing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of Branded Grains in Indian Retail Markets |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. S. Franklin John, Mr. J. Anand Christopher, Ms. S. Senith |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1254145 ![]() |
Abstract: The study was designed to investigate the Relationship between Rice Branding Dimensions and Brand Rating. The study covers the population includes 780 consumers from Tamil nadu, who are all using branded rice. The questionnaires were given to 900 consumers who are all using branded rice. Out of 900 consumers contacted, 780 questionnaires were received with required coverage and details. The participants completed the two sets of self-reported questionnaires, including Background characteristics and variables chosen for this study in order to measure the influence of branded milk are the Salience, performance, Imagery, Judgment, Feelings, attitude and Resonance. The collected data were computed and analysed using multiple regressions. The findings of the study were generalized as follows: Statistically significant differences were found in Brand rating by the different brand dimensions like Salience, Performance, Imagery, feelings, attitude and Resonance. In the end of the study implications and conclusion were provided.
Index Terms: brand, commodities, influence
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Abstract: This paper focuses on the impact of reforms on port performance using Onne and Rivers ports as a reference point. It analyses the pre and post reform eras of the ports in terms of their performance. The reforms took effect from 1996 after the Federal Government of Nigeria concessioned the ports to private investors. Parameters such as Ship traffic, Cargo throughput, Ship turn round time, Berth Occupancy and personnel were used as variables for the assessment. Secondary Data were collected from the Nigerian Ports Authority and Integrated Logistic Services Nigeria (Intels) for the period 2001 to 2010 and analyzed using Data Envelopment Analysis to assess the efficiency of the port. Analysis revealed a continuous improvement in the overall efficiency of both Ports Since 2006 when the new measure was introduced. Average Ship turn-around time improved in the ports due to modern and fast cargo handling equipment and more cargo handling space which were provided. There is an increase in Ship traffic calling at the ports, resulting in increased cargo throughput and berth occupancy rate at ports of Onne and Rivers. The reform also led to more private investment in the ports' existing and new facilities and the introduction of a World Class service in port operation. This study concludes that the Ports of Onne and Rivers are performing better under the reform programme of the Federal Government of Nigeria. It finally recommends the urgent need for a regulator to appraise the performance of the reform programme from time to time as provided by the agreement and for the full adoption and utilization of management information system (MIS) to aid performance efficiency.
Keywords: Performance, Ports, Reforms, ship Traffic, Cargo throughput, Ship Turnaround time, Efficiency.
[1]. Adebayo, O, (2005): Nigerian Economy needs functional port system. Daily Champion, Friday October 14, 2005.
[2]. Akinwale,A.A and Aremo, M.O, (2010): Concession as a Catalyst for crisis management in Nigerian ports. The African Symposium: An online Journal of the African Educational Research Network. Vol. 10, no.2, December, 2010.
[3]. Amit, S.R, (2004):"Managing Port Reform in India" case study of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Mumbai, New Delhi.
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Abstract: Within a century after the emergence of the initial theories in leadership area, several theories have tried to explain the different styles of leadership and the extent to which leaders' styles can affect the overall success of the teams or the organizations being led by them. Regardless of the different ways in which these theories explain and address the styles of leadership, two concepts of 'task' and 'individual' are focused by most of them. Leaders, depending on their personal traits, attitudes, and situational considerations may show different levels of concern for tasks and individuals. Also, the environment in which a leader operates may affect the leader's concern for tasks or individuals. Project environments, regarding the temporary nature of project-based activities, basically differ from operational environments in several aspects. Consequently, leadership in project environments may require a different style in comparison with operational environments. The current study has applied 'concern for tasks' and 'concern for individuals' as two dependent variables to make a comparison between project managers and operations managers based on the style of leadership. An online survey in a global context helped us to collect data from 159 project managers and 171 operations managers. The respondents were from different countries and various disciplines. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS using 'independent sample t-test'. The results of the analysis revealed that project managers in general show a balanced concern for tasks and individuals, whereas operations managers have a high concern for tasks and a lower concern for individuals.
Keywords - Project manager, Operations manager, Leadership style, Tasks, Individuals
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Abstract: One of the factors in success of the developed countries is considering the efficiency of units. Efficient units not only do not waste the energy but also they obtain the resources properly. As, in every economy, bank are important institutions and essential posts and have a determinant role in developing the economy, their performance assessment has always been important. In todays world, considering the limitation of resources and excessive cost of providing them, proper decisions about the strategy of applying resources are significant. For the time being, domestic banks use transactional mass–based methods and methods based on performance operations, on the amount of equipment, and on obtaining resources in order to assess the performance & ranking of branches. So efficiency index reflects the process of activity between inputs & outputs of a branch which can be a more suitable criterion in assessing the branches performance. Data envelopment analysis is a theoretical framework in assessing, analyzing, & measuring efficiency which do the function of evaluating Decision making units via solving its own models. In this study, for assessing relative efficiency of Agriculture Bank branches in Lorestan Province, two basic models in Data Envelopment Analysis have been used: input–oriented CCR, BCC. The results of this research show that, among 23 branches under evaluation in CCR model, 6 branches are efficient and 17 are inefficient and among 23 branches in BCC model, 15 branches are efficient and 8 are inefficient. By applying AP model, branches have been ranked and a model has been presented for inefficient branches.
Keywords: Performance assessment, Data Envelopment Analysis, Input-oriented CCR, BCC models, Agriculture Bank.
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Abstract: This research developed an integrative model to explain the impact of the ethical dimension and bonding on value relationship in the field of services to morocco SMES on inter organizational context. In this article, the authors provide a thorough conceptualization of value relationship and its possible antecedents, i.e., bond relationship; equity drawing on an empirical base of 240 SMEs questionnaires, Structural equations modeling (SEM) is used to evaluate the simultaneous effects of the predictive variables. Implications for marketers' academicians and managers are discussed, and areas for future research are presented.
Key word: Equity, social bond, structural bond, value relationship.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the choice of promotional practices of agricultural equipment manufacturers and its influence on annual sales of agricultural equipments. The consumer focus, demand creation, exposure, familiarity, encouragement, reputation, existence and value creation are the factors determining the choice of promotional practices of agricultural equipments by the manufactures. Besides, the consumer focus, demand creation, familiarity, reputation and value creation are positively influencing the annual sales of agricultural equipments. The manufacturers should formulate the promotional measures not only attract the farmers and also dealers in order to increase the dealership and also sales. The manufacturers should create demand for their equipments through proper promotion mix strategies in order to make stakeholders familiar with their equipments and also keep their reputations.
Key Words: Agricultural Equipment,, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Promotional Practices, Regression
[1] Bridges, Eileen, Briesch, R.A., and Yim, C.K., (2006). Effects of Prior Brand Usage and Promotion on Consumer Promotional Response, Journal of Retailing, 82(4):295-307.
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[4] Shahriar Ansari Chaharsoughi(2011). The Affect of Sales Promotion on Consumer Interest to Purchase in IKCO Automotive Company, Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, 4(1):1-17.
[5] Singh, Gyanendra and D. De. (1999). Quantification of a Mechanization Indicator for Indian Agriculture, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE, 5(3): 197-204.
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[8] Srinivasan, S. S. and Anderson, R. E., (2010). Concepts and Strategy Guidelines for Designing Value Enhancing Sales Promotions, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 7(5):410-420.
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Abstract: An employee is said to be engaged when that employee uses discretionary effort. This means the employee works that extra mile without being asked. The engaged employee leads to better customer service, which leads to better customer satisfaction, which leads to increase in Revenue. This shows that to win the customer, we need to win the employee first. The key challenge lies in linking employee morale and bottom line, which means organizations not only have to retain employees but also engage them. The study attempts to identify the Engagement drivers in a Technology Outsourcing firm at Hyderabad. The objective of the research is to identify key factors that contribute to Employee Engagement and analyze the level of Employee Engagement. The Secondary Research was carried out by studying several research papers. A Questionnaire was designed with 25 Questions based on a revised model. A pilot study was conducted and findings were analyzed. The trends of the responses have been plotted and five factors that contribute to employee engagement have been derived. The categories of disagreement among the employees have been noted and recommendations have been made.
Key Words: Engagement, Engagement Drivers, Discretionary Effort, Employee Motivation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Revisiting A Panicked Securitization Market |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. P. K. Malik |
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: | 10.9790/487X-125100107 ![]() |
Abstract: With the passage of Finance Bill 2013 on April 30 in Lok Sabha proposing to Levy a 30% distribution tax on the investors in securitization deals through special purpose vehicles, there is a stir in the securitization market. The principal investors (banks) were paying the tax on their net income from the securitization transaction through SPVs. Now, they will be taxed on the gross income as per the new Finance Bill. The new securitization guidelines issued in May 2012 dipped the volume of fresh issue to Rs. 28,400 crore from Rs. 44,500 crore in the preceding fiscal.
Keywords: Securitization, Financial Markets, Banks, Non-banking Finance Companies, Securitized instruments.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Relationship between Spirituality and Job Satisfaction |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Hojjat Taheri Goodarzi, Mostafa Kaviani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-125108116 ![]() |
Abstract: This study have been conduction to consider the relation of spirituality and job satisfaction of pipe and telecommunication company' personnel of Lorestan region . Spirituality have been considered as a variable with significant and purposeful working, humanism , honesty and sacrifice and life sanctification as method of correlation type , at statistical society (N=218) by using Morgan sampling table (n=140) . To collecting the data we have also organizational spirituality and job satisfaction with final coefficient % 736 and % 769 and % 843 resections base on Cronbach Alpha. The collected data have been analyzed by SPSS statistical soft ware and Pierson correlation test and other devices at descriptive and deductive static matter. We can conclude base on analyzing the finding of the study that spirituality and job satisfaction of the personnel have a significant statistical relation and are the basic indexes on job satisfaction variable . Results show the importance of this relation which is invisible in sense of relation of mentioned variables and it show that we must pay attention to that more than ever at the organizations.
Keywords: Spirituality, Subjective Spirituality, Organizational Spirituality, Job Satisfaction
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Abstract: The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves people and people make up market. Fragmentation of the mass market into numerous micro markets differentiated by age, sex, education, life style, geography and so on. Because each group has strong preferences and consumer characteristics that can be easily reached through increasingly targeted communication and distribution channels. Most of marketers' strategic decision making heavily depend on the demographic variables of people in the region where they focus on marketing their products. This study makes known the vital demographic structure of premium car owners in Chennai city and provides models for predicting the consumer's decision to buy a car when his exact demographic profile is known. The relationship established between the demographic variables and the different stages of consumer's purchase decision process further helps identifying the significant demographic variables. This will be definitely helpful to the marketers of cars to know their target group and to evolve marketing strategies to make them becoming a car owner.
Key words: Demographic Variables, Consumer Purchase Decision, Logistic Regression
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Abstract: This study aims at representing the results of study conducted in Markazi province of Iran. In this study four patterns of occupational ethic (morals) is considered and their relation with organizational commitment of staffs of Social Security Organization is investigated. Subjects are 152 staffs of Social Security Organization in year 2013 that they are selected base on the Morgan sampling chart. Questionnaire is used as tool for gathering data that 0.90% reliability is obtained. The research method is measuring-descriptive method and descriptive statistic, Pearson's correlation inferential test and Freedman's test are used to analysis the data. In addition to introducing the methodology of research, the obtained results that indicate there is relation between the every patterns of occupational ethic and organizational commitment of staffs are represented here.
Keywords: staffs' relational behavior, interpersonal pattern, occupational ethic- based management, respect to staffs' rights, organizational commitment.
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