Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Abstract: This study aims at examining the perception of local community toward the incentive system which was applied in the tourism industry in Linow Lake. The results of the study show that Linow Lake is a natural tourism object which is potential to be developed to support local government revenue and local community welfare. Linow Lake is a geological phenomenon having high natural resources and biodiversity thus; its development needs to consider the nature preservation aspects. The local government has developed an incentive system in order to accelerate sustainable tourism at Linow Lake. However, local community feels that the system does not run well. The local people think that non-physical aspects, such as management, need to be improved more professionally. In addition, intensive training and education related to the management of tourism objects, like Linow Lake, is indispensable.
Keywords: conservation, incentive system, lake conservation, tourism development
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Women Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth In Benue State-Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kpelai, S. Tersoo |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1310712 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the impact of women entrepreneurs on economic growth in Benue State, North-Central Nigeria. An exploratory survey method employed and the questionnaire used for data collection. A sample of Sixty (60) respondents was drawn from 244 registered businesses in Benue state. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Analysis of Co-variance and Regression and Correlation were employed as tools for testing hypotheses. Findings revealed that the operations of women entrepreneurs have not significantly impacted on the growth of Benue State economy due to the numerous operational challenges faced by them over the years. It was also observed that a weak positive relationship exist between public policy support and women entrepreneurs in Benue State. This implies that, government programmes and other support services have not helped them surmount the inhibiting operational challenges. In order to help the women entrepreneurs overcome their operational hardships in Benue State, it is recommended among others: capacity building programmes on entrepreneurship education, provision of effective and realistic support services for women entrepreneurs, promoting of gender neutral environment in all policy measures to help women entrepreneurs impact significantly on economic growth. Key Words: Benue State, Economic Growth, Impact, Support Services and Women Entrepreneurs.
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Abstract: Environmental Sustainability is the need of the hour. It has the potential to influence overall profitability of organization. The organizations should take accountability for the impacts of their operations on environment and should disclose the same in their annual and sustainability reports. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between environmental responsibility and financial performance of firm through review of extant literature, so as to find answer to the research question 'whether going green is profitable for firm or not'. Various theoretical, review and empirical researches have been conducted in past years for examining this relationship. But the results are mixed, inconsistent and often contradictory; ranging from positive, to negative, to statistically insignificant relationship; depending upon the choice of measure of environmental responsibility, measure of financial performance, sample composition, time-period and control variables. We, however, observed that majority of studies indicate positive relationship. This paper attempts to critically analyze prior studies in order to build up scope for further research, so that future researchers may reach to better and more consistent results.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Sustainability, Environmental Disclosure, Environmental Performance, Environmental Responsibility, Financial Performance, Sustainability Reporting
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women entrepreneurship in the rural informal sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rekha Priya Dharshini A., Reeves Wesley J. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1312326 ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigated the reason behind the rural women entering into entrepreneurship and the challenges faced by them. A qualitative study has been done with 21 rural women entrepreneurs who are doing entrepreneurship in the informal sector. The findings reveal that rural women enter into entrepreneurship due to some external circumstances such as divorce, widow or gender discrimination. They are using entrepreneurship as a coping strategy to overcome their problems. This study will be admissible in present scenario. Keywords: Women entrepreneurship; Rural informal sector.t
[1]. Barhate,G.H and Patgaonkar, M.S. (2012). Rural Women Entrepreneurs in the Informal Sector of India. The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, Vol.IX, No. 1, 2012.
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Abstract: This research paper is centered on the role of Audit committee in enhancing financial reporting in Nigeria which has now become a very important issue in the accounting profession in light of the various accounting scandals. The objectives of this research is to examine the extent to which the inclusion of the audit committee report in the financial statement significantly affects the quality of financial reporting, examine the extent to which the qualification of audit committee member affects its report and examine the extent to which audit committee multiple directorships affect the function of the committee. To answer the research question put forward in this paper sample size of 50 respondents was selected. The data was analyzed using the Z-Test with the computer software known as SPSS and it was found out that audit committee report in the financial statement significantly affects the quality of financial reporting, the qualification of audit committee members, according to users' perception, adds to the quality of the financial statement and Audit committee multiple directorship have positive effect on the function of the audit committee. It was concluded that the importance of audit committee is immerse and as such stakeholders of public limited companies should take extra care in setting up the committee. Keywords: Audit Committee, Audit Committee Multiple Directorship And Financial Reports
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Carbon Disclosure Practices in Turkey: A Study on ISE Listed Companies |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | N. Nalan Altintas |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1313542 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the climate change and carbon disclosure practices of Turkish listed companies for the 3-year period before the ratification of Kyoto Protocol in 2009. This study evaluates the climate change and carbon emission information disclosed by companies in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)-100 Index. The study is based on disclosures made in the annual reports of 27 companies across ten carbon intensive sectors (iron and steel, energy, cement, oil and gas, pulp and paper, chemicals, glass, compost, dye, airline) covering the period of 2006–2008. Content analysis is used to measure the changing levels of information provision. The results indicate that companies in carbon intensive sectors in ISE-100 Index for the period mentioned above were disclosing limited carbon emission information, and the relative volume of such information in annual reports were increasing from 2006 to 2008, but not at an expected level. Moreover, these companies revealed almost no information related to climate change.
Keywords: Climate change, GHG emmission, Carbon disclosure, Emission abatement, ISE-100 Index
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Abstract: The purpose of this study are: to describe and analyze the accountability standards of criminal investigations by the authorities of detectives in the East Java Regional Police This research design using a model participant action research, action research and empirical diagnosis of action research, while the object of research is the investigation of Performance Accountability Implementation in the East Java Police, with research sites and the General Office of Special Direskrim East Java Police. Analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of interactive models The results showed that in the East Java Police, Criminal Ditserse tasks in the East Java Police, from year to year indicates declining performance in the process of crime prevention (Crime Clearence). On the other hand are more qualified crime patterns, with the use of technology to eliminate evidence various also by increasingly sophisticated criminals.
Keywords: Public Accountability Standards, The Performance Of Forces
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Abstract: The study assesses bank reforms impact on the growth Nigerian economy between 1972 and 2011. The period was chosen because it ecompasses virtually all notable bank reforms that have beem implemented so far in Nigeria. Using cintegration and error correction model, it was discovered that various policy reforms have more of transitory effect on growth of Nigeria than permanent of long-run effect. Again, money supply and exchange rate are major variables that drive bank policy reforms in Nigeria as they are the only variables thave significant and positive impact on economic growth of Nigeria. It is recommended that policy makers should work towards making bank reforms to have sustainable impact on growth while, attaching more importance to factors that affect money supply and exchange rate as key in their policy mix.
Key Words: money supply, exchange rate, bank reforms, economic growth.
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[7]. Fries, S. and Taci, A. (2002), "Banking Reform and Development in Transition Economies", EBRD Working Paper No. 71, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London
[8]. Iganiga, B.O. (2010), "Evaluation of the Nigerian Financial Sector Reforms Using Behavioural Models", Journal of Economics, 1(2), 65-75
[9]. Ikhide, S.I. and Alawode, A.A. (2001), "Financial Sector Reforms, Macroeconomic Instability and the Order of Economic Liberalization: The Evidence from Nigeria", AERC Research Paper 112, African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi
[10]. Jegede, C.A. and Mokuolu, J.O. (2004), "Financial Sector Reform: A Panacea to Capital Market Growth", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Financial Research on Financial Liberalization and Growth in Developing Countries: A Reassesment, University of Lagos, November 10-12, 102-107
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brand Awareness and Retailer Perception of the Packaged Flour Brands |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smitha Nair |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1315460 ![]() |
Abstract: The packaged flour market is growing at about 40% per annum, according to the Ministry of Food Processing Industries. This paper studies the factors which lead to brand awareness, by a random sampling of 100 customers and 20 retailers. The paper analyses the brand awareness of a particular packaged atta brand – Elite atta, and also includes insights from the retailers. Recommendations to improve customer satisfaction are put forth.
Keywords: Branded Flour, customer satisfaction, brand awareness, attributes ranking, retailer study
[1] Ministry of Food Processing Industries website accessed on 15.07.2013.
[2] Anon (2012), "Is Modern Trade the future growth driver for FMCG?", Equitymaster Agora Research Pvt Ltd,, accessed on 15.07.2013.
[3] Kumar,R. (2010), "The healthy choice", Cover story, Consumer Trends, Pitch, April, pp. 17-24.
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Abstract: A retrospective study was conducted from January 2010 until December 2010 , before the implementation of SE-The KPJ Way program and from January 2011 until December 2012 after the implementation of the program. Collection of data was done using customer survey forms which were distributed on daily basis to all patients admitted to KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital. Forms were collected from patients upon discharges. Data collected will be tabulated and for this study only excellent rating was taken for analysis. In May 2012 , a survey was conducted to find out the satisfaction level of employees. Questionnaires were distributed to all employees. However only 257 of employees returned the questionnaires which is 60% of the total staff strength. After tabulation and analysis of the data it was found that 79% of employees were satisfied with their current jobs and only 3% were not satisfied due to various reasons. With the positive outcome of employees satisfaction and the increase excellent rating of customers feedback after the implementation of SE-The KPJ Way program , we can see the positive growth of revenue and PBT for year 2011 and year 2012.Therefore we can conclude that satisfied staff and customers will enhance business growth.
Key Words: SE-The KPJ Way, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, profitability
[1]. Eugene W. Anderson, Claes Fornell, Roland T.Rust,Customer satisfaction, productivity and profitability: Differences between goods and services,Institute for operations research and the management sciences,Vol. 16, No.2, pp.129-145, 19
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[3]. Faizan Mohsan et. Al., Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty and Intentions to Switch: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 16;pp.1-8,September 2011
[4]. Oladele, Patrick Olajide, Akeke, Niyi Israel, effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty among selected bank customers in Ado-Ekiti metropolis, Nigeria, Vol 3, No 11, March 2012
[5]. Heiner Evanschitzky, How Employer and Employee Satisfaction Affect Customer Satisfaction: An Application to Franchise Services,Journal of service research, 2011
[6]. KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital, SE-The KPJ Way Secretariat Report, vol .12, 2011
[7]. KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital, SE-The KPJ Way Secretariat Report, vol, 12, 2012
[8]. KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital,Customer Survey Report, Vol. 12, 2010
[9]. KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital, Customer Survey Report, Vol. 12, 2011
[10]. KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital, Customer Survey Report, Vol. 2012
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Abstract: Given the rise in small and medium businesses in India and the increase in entrepreneurship, the need for cloud management services is increasing. The growth and increased adoption of cloud computing mak-ing heavily impact and changing the way businesses are conducted in the country. Open House is quite in syn-chronising with cloud computing accepting market. This research is having contribution to society like finding out Target Drunk Drivers, Exam results through mobile "SMS Examination results". This research would help to mobile solution providers to get an insight on various perceptions of small, medium & scale enterprises and to redesign effective strategies that will enable them to increase sales.
Key Words: Mobility Solutions, Cloud computing, Open house
[1]. A Comprehensive Guide to Enterprise Mobility Jithesh Sathyan (Author), Anoop N. (Author), Navin Narayan (Author), Shibu Kizhakke Vallathai (Author)