Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Abstract: This study is investigated Earning manipulation or Income Smoothing by Timing of asset sales in listed companies of Iran Stock Exchange (ISE). Objective of this study is recognition of earning manipulation by Timing of fixed asset sales and investments sales in ISE. The variables of research (Income/Loss of fixed asset sales, Income/Loss of investments sales and Earning/Loss before Interest and Tax) are analyzed in SAS statistical software from 2010 to 2013. when "Earnings before interest and tax" minus (plus) income (loss) from sale of fixed assets and investments, as compared to last year are increasing, managers try to reduce profit with selling fixed assets and investments to loss or with delaying their sales so as to control that profit and in this way they can achieve their objectives .In other words, it appears to be a negative relation between "Earnings before interest and tax minus (plus) income (loss) of fixed asset sales and investments" and "income (loss) of fixed asset sales and investments. The results of study show that Managers of ISE companies try to attract users of financial statements to increase their confidence in the company in other to achieve their intended objectives. Also, there are instruments or methods by which numbers and digits related to earning are smoothed or controlled. It means that when companies encounter income fluctuations, their managers try to reduce these fluctuations to the expected level so as to show results and actions for financial statements' users desirable.
Key words: earning manipulation, Income Smoothing, Financial Statements and Accounting Information.
[3]. Rakhshani M.H, 1998, analytical study of timing asset sales and earning manipulation, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad department.
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[7]. Gordon, M. J. 1964. Postulates, principles and research in accounting. The Accounting Review 39.
[8]. Bartov, E., and P. Mohanram. 2004. Private information, earnings manipulations, and executive stockoption Exercises. The Accounting Review 79.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Psychosocial Factors on Doctors Prescribing Behaviour - An Empirical Study in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Neeti Kasliwal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1320510 ![]() |
Abstract: Prescribing behaviour is a dynamic and multifaceted process involving the intermediate customers who follow the norm of reciprocity as one of the fundamental guiding principle for taking decisions. The past studies have shown that the prescriber's decisions could depend upon factors from core aspects of drugs to their habitual aspects. The aim of the present study is to find out the impact of psychosocial factors on different age groups and different area of specialty of doctors in Rajasthan, India. A total of 431 doctors responses were gathered through a questionnaire method from different cities of Rajasthan. The results showed that the Paediatricians rated psychosocial (nonmedical) factors as least important factors influencing prescribing as compared to other specialties. Moreover senior doctors who are looked upon as KOL (key opinion leaders) to make rational prescribing decisions based on clinical facts also rated these psychosocial factors as less influencing as compared to younger doctors. The pharmaceutical marketing and doctors relationship is always a debate which raises not only ethical issues but also social issues. The findings of the study would be helpful to the pharmaceutical industry to curb any wasteful expenditure on the marketing of drugs to the doctors and indicate the factors that can act as a meaningful segmentation tool for the pharmaceutical marketers influencing the prescribing behaviour.
Keywords: Doctors prescribing behaviour, Doctors prescribing pattern, Non medical factorsPharmaceutical marketing, psychosocial factors
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Abstract: The essence of a Mutual Fund is the portfolio of investment, which diversifies and reduces the risk by spreading out the investor's money across available different types of investments. Through our study we have analyzed how few selected Mutual Fund Schemes behave during the period of December 2008 to December 2012, i.e. during the global meltdown and the period thereafter. We have analyzed the coefficient of variation of the return generated by the Sensex, Company Scrips and the Mutual Fund Schemes to determine a more stable series, the Managerial Efficiency of the selected Mutual Fund Schemes in stock selection, the Sharpe ratio and the pattern of return generated by the selected Mutual Fund Schemes before 2008 and after 2008.We found that the variability in the return of the Mutual Fund Schemes are between moderate to high and thus these Mutual Fund Schemes may not be as stable as they seem to be. The investors should weigh their options carefully before deciding to invest in a Mutual Fund Scheme.
Key Words: Equity Diversified Mutual Fund Schemes, Sensex Return, Variability in return.
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Abstract: Every businesses main motive is to earning profit, to earn or maximize profit companies are chasing various practices which are significantly influence on company's profit strength. Some companies in the core of earning profit with shorter period forget the ethics of their business and adopt the unethical practices which can maximize their profit but simultaneously harm to the society. The unethical practices adopted by companies pessimistically influence on various fractions of society such as customers, Government, Environment etc. The unethical practices not only negatively influence on society but in forthcoming days it also threatens the growth of the organization and threatens on the credibility of the company. This paper evaluates and examines how the ethical practices moderately and unethical practices unduly influence on Company's Credibility.
Keywords: Credibility, Ethical, Marketing, Optimistic, Pessimistic, Relationship, Unethical
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Taxation and Balance of Payments in Nigeria (1970 – 2008) |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Johnson A. Atan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1322332 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the implication of using taxation to manage the Nigerian Economy and the influence of such measure on macroeconomic aggregates, especially balance of payments over the period 1970 – 2008. The analysis was carried out using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was used for the estimations. Our findings indicate that the historical trends in balance of payments showed no significant response to tax policy. A positive relationship between tax policy and balance of payments was obtained, which is in line with the theory, but with insignificant coefficient. Further, we found that taxation was not effective in tackling balance of payments problems in the economy during the period of study largely because of inconsistency in the use of tax measures. Among other recommendations, the paper submits that Nigeria should apply tax measures much more carefully than was observed over the period studied.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cooperative Empowerment Strategy in the Keerom Regency, Papua Province |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dolf Eduard Mitteboga |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1323342 ![]() |
Abstract: During this time, many cooperative development programs have been implemented in the Keerom Regency, but its impact is only visible to the growing number of cooperatives, and have not been able to touch the main targets, namely poverty reduction and employment growth. This is an indication of unsuccessful implementation of the empowerment programs. Starting from this reality, it is necessary to understand the implementation of cooperative empowerment programs in the Keerom Regency; identify the constraints faced; and to formulate strategies for the empowerment of cooperatives.
Keywords: cooperative, empowerment, institutional aspects, environmental aspects, phenomenology.
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10. Yustika, Ahmad Erani. 2006. Ekonomi Kelembagaan; Definisi, Teori dan Strategi. Penerbit Bayumedia, Malang.
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Abstract: The purpose of this report is to define the quality, productivity and improvement problems that face Wahda Bank considered it as one of the banks operating in Tripoli - Libya, which seeks to provide the best administrative services. The Total Quality Management takes a form of approach or a comprehensive management system within the wahda bank based on the radical changes for all the processes that take place in the bank in which include changes thought, behavior, values, beliefs ,organizational, management concepts, management leadership style, systems and work procedures and performance in order to improve and development of all the components in the organization to reach the highest quality in their output of services, in order to achieve the highest degree of satisfaction to its customers by satisfying their needs and desires according to their expectations. This report aim to study and examining the gains of apply total quality management with particular reference to wahda bank in Tripoli and also to see how TQM can prevent future threats in the bank.
Keywords - Total Quality Management, human resource, Definition, impact.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sleep Deprivation and workplace deviance: a mediation approach |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Usmani, Sania, Kumari Kalpina, Husain, Javed |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1325063 ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper examines the effect of sleep deprivation on workplace deviance through self- regulatory mechanism. The self- regulatory mechanism includes state hostility and self-control. Sleep deprivation decreases individual's self-control while increasing state hostility leads to increased workplace deviance. The sample has been taken from medical residents from 6 hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. Findings suggest that self-control does not mediate the relation between sleep deprivation and workplace deviance but state hostility fully mediates the relationship between sleep deprivation and workplace deviance.
Keywords: Workplace Deviance, Sleep deprivation, Structural Equation Modeling, Mediation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Behaviour |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Humaira Naznin |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1326467 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyse how emotional intelligence and transformational leadership are interrelated. Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence are defined and critically discussedexploring the components of both the leadership theories. Following theoretical perspective the paper constructs the coherent linkage among the competencies of transformational leadership and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behavior are found interconnected and complementary.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Transformational leadership.
[1]. Abraham, R., 2000. The role of job control as a moderator of emotional dissonance and emotional intelligence outcome relationships. The Journal of Psychology, 134, 169-84.
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[5]. George, J. nM. (2000). Emotions and leadership: The role of emotional intelligence. Human Relations, 53(8), 1027-1055.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Government Taxes on Nigerian Unemployment |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ogunmakin, Adeduro Adesola |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1326873 ![]() |
Abstract: Taxes do not only provide sustainable revenue for government to carry out its activities and provide development to its citizens, it also puts citizens in the role of stakeholders who are directly contributing to national development. In this way, wealth and employment opportunities can be created for those who are currently outside the tax net, due to low or no income, so, that they in turn also earn income on which taxes are paid and the circle of growth and development in the economy is sustained. It was based on this premise that, this study sought to examine the effect of government taxes on Nigerian unemployment, in doing this ,the weighted least square regression techniques was utilised. The result showed that a positive relationship exist between unemployment, company income tax and custom and excise duty, while a negative relationship exist between the unemployment, petroleum profit tax and value added tax. The study therefore recommended that proper and adequate attention should be given to revenue generated through company income tax and custom and excise duty to reduce waste and enhance productivity towards job generations in Nigeria.
Keywords: Unemployment, Taxes & Tax Evasion and Avoidance
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[6]. Ibrahim, Y. (2011). The impact of tax management on the economic growth of Kano State. M.Sc. thesis work: Department of Accounting & Finance, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
[7]. Ogbonna, G. N. & Ebimobowei, A. (2012). Impact of tax reforms and economic growth of Nigeria: A time series analysis. Maxwell Scientific Organisation: Research Journal of Social Sciences. 4(1): 62-68. ISSN: 2041-3246.
[8]. Ogbonna, G. N. (2007). Burning issues and challenges of the Nigerian tax systems with analytical emphasis on Petroleum profit tax.
[9]. Ohaka, J. & Agundu, P. U. C. (2012). Tax incentives for industry synergy in Nigeria: A pragmatic proprietary system advocacy. An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Ethiopia. 6(3): 26. ISSN 1994-9057.
[10]. Okafor, R. G. (2012). Tax revenue generation and Nigeria's economic development. European Journal of Business and Management. 4(19). ISSN 2222-1905.
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Abstract: Indian families of the 21st century are experiencing a revolution due to increased modernization and globalization. Women are making an entry into the paid occupations for acquiring independence and growth in career. But the career women of the 21st century are challenged at every front of modern life. This paper tries to explore the complexities of majority of women struggling to achieve work-life balance i.e. handling multiple responsibilities at a time. This paper also tries to explore the perception of women professionals of the major barriers in their advancement towards a flourishing career. The sample taken for study is professional women in the age group between 25 -40 years. The sample size is 92 women professionals. The study used in depth qualitative interviews with the sample under consideration and a 5 point Likert scale is used to cumulate the results ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The study highlighted that overload of multiple roles, responsibility of dependents, lack of proper family support and above all time management are the major constraints.
Keywords: Professionals, Modernization, Work-life balance, responsibility, Perception
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