Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Financial Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka Aggarwal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1330105 ![]() |
Abstract: Corporate governance is the new buzz-word in corporate world these days. It is viewed as a moral duty. It involves promoting the compliance of law in letter and spirit and demonstrating ethical conduct. The relationship between corporate governance and financial performance has caught wide attention of researchers in the last decade. Numerous researches have been conducted in past to investigate this linkage, but there has been lack of conclusive evidence. The results obtained from existing researches have been mixed. In this paper, we attempt to investigate the impact of corporate governance on corporate financial performance in an Indian context, using a sample of 20 companies listed on S&P CNX Nifty 50 Index. Various tests like – regression, correlation, t-test and F-test have been performed using secondary data over a period of two years from FY 2010-11 to FY 2011-12 to study this linkage. We have also controlled for size of firm. We find that governance ratings have positive and significant impact on corporate financial performance. But like any other research, the present study is also subject to certain limitations, which should be considered while using the results of this study and the future researchers should attempt to overcome these limitations.
Keywords: Business Ethics, Compliance, Corporate Financial Performance, Corporate Governance, Stakeholder Engagement, Value Creation.
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Abstract: The objective of research is to analyze the influence of Relationship Closeness, Service Quality and Religiosity through Trust, Word of Mouth, and Attitude on Interest to Saving at Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil in The Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. There are 210 customers of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil taken as the sample through accidental sampling technique. Data analysis method uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Result of data analysis indicates that Relationship Closeness influences Trust, Attitude and Word of Mouth. In addition, Trust, Word of Mouth and Religiosity have influenced Attitude. Moreover, Trust and Religiosity influence Interest to Saving at Baitul Maal Wat Tamwi. Furthermore, Attitude influences Interest to Saving. Meanwhile, Service Quality has no significant relationship with Word of Mouth and Attitude of customers. It is suggested that the management shall use market share strategy with high Religiosity and build more intensive relationship with customers.
Keywords: Relationship Closeness, Service Quality, Religiosity, Trust, Word of Mouth, Attitude, Interest to Saving, Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil, Micro Finance, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Yogyakarta.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of job stress on job satisfaction among the employees of small scale industries in Madurai. The correlation analysis indicates that the employee job satisfaction is negatively and significantly associated with work load and role conflict, while the employee job satisfaction is positively and significantly correlated with physical environment in small scale industries. The regression analysis shows that the job stress factors of workload and role conflict have the negative impact on employee job satisfaction while, the job stress factor of physical environment have the positive impact on employee job satisfaction at one per cent level of significance. It is very important that the small scale industries understands the needs of its employees and provide what is best for the employees. Constant appraisal programmes and appreciation should be given to reinstate and motivate the employees. In order to enhance the satisfaction of their jobs and lives of employees should compensate with equitable incentives.
Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, Small Scale Industriesn.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of job satisfaction, affective commitment, and felt obligation in relationship of perceived organizational support toward work positive behavior among postal employees. There are 128 from 163 postal employees was surveyed, and the response rate is about 78,52 %. Data was analyzed by using Partial Least Square, which the result shown that from 5 hypothesis proposed, 1 hypothesis was rejected. The main findings are that there are mediating role of job satisfaction, affective commitment, and felt obligation between POS and work positive behavior. Result show that here that affective commitment not founded as the most important among the mediating variables. Job satisfaction has founded as strongest impact on the mediating relationship among them. Implications for future research are discussed.
Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Felt Obligations, Positive Work Behavior.
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Abstract: Agropolitan is one of the rural development strategies whose area brings all components of the agricultural industrial aspect into an integrative agricultural area. The aim of the research was to determine the spatial structure of agropolitan development in Tomohon (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) and identify the crucial component for agropolitan development. The result of the study confirms that the potential agropolitan area of East Tomohon consists of settlement, forest, plantation, orchards and paddy field. The agropolitan area of East Tomohon consists largely of plantation area. Shrub areas were dominant and it becomes the opportunities to convert such barren land into productive lands (i.e. agroforestry). The abundance resources of agropolitan area in Tomohon opens opportunities for the area to maximize the agricultural product based on agroforestry systems. Every component has its special characteristics and roles that should be linked in order to build an integrated agropolitan area. In such a case, network is important.
Keywords: agriculture conservation, sustainable agriculture, agropolitan, landscape management
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Abstract: This paper cover part of the larger survey undertaken in three public secondary schools in Dodoma, Tanzania abbreviated S1 (urban), S2 (semi-urban) and S3 (rural) as an agreement with respective schools. The study determined general satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction, extrinsic satisfaction and organizational commitment levels in public secondary school teachers. The relationship between intrinsic satisfaction, extrinsic satisfaction and organizational commitment was explored meanwhile the impact of selected demographic characteristics (age, education and gender) on teachers organizational commitment scores were sorted out as well. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire and backed up with basic interviews. Results indicated moderate general, intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction in teachers meanwhile teachers reported very low general organizational commitment. The study also found that there was strong, positive correlation between intrinsic satisfaction and organizational commitment while it revealed medium, positive correlation between extrinsic satisfaction and organizational commitment. It was evident that both intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction made unique contribution on teachers' organizational commitment variations while intrinsic satisfaction showed strongest contribution. There was no statistically significant difference in teachers' organizational commitment associated with gender, educational level and age groups though younger teachers showed slightly lower commitment than older groups. Implications and strategies for improvement relevant to school managers, educational stakeholders and Government were produced.
Keywords-Extrinsic satisfaction, general satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, Tanzania
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Abstract: Different people with different organizational culture have different interpretations of quality work conditions and prefer special conditions for their work and life; therefore, it is necessary that leaders recognize these differences and take appropriate and reasonable way based on the contingency principles of management. In this paper, organizational culture has been considered as one of the factors relating to the quality of working life.Statistical population in this study is all of Saipa Diesel Company's staff that 278 people of population were randomly identified as the sample by using a relative - stratified sampling and based on Morgan table. The research method was descriptive – correlational and data was collected through two questionnaires in 5 - scale Likert and their reliability was estimated by using Cronbach's alpha that the questionnaire of organizational culture contained 30 questions and 83% credibility and questionnaire of working life quality questionnaire contained 35 questions, and 93% credibility. The data from the study was analyzed by SPSS software in two parts of descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics including means and standard deviations Pearson correlation coefficient and the results indicate that there is a significant relationship between the components of organizational culture (leadership style, risk taking, responsibility, organizational identity, individual initiative and creativity, tolerance of differences in tastes) and working life quality of employees.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership, Responsibility, Risk taking, Creativity, Tolerance of differences in tastes, indicators of working life quality.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Critical Analysis of Organizational Knowledge Theory |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Munshi Samaduzzaman, Musrat Mou, Farah Rezwan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1335860 ![]() |
Abstract: A good theory provides strong basis and powerful grounds for wisdom and comprehension of essential and imperative relationships in diverse humanitarian as well as societal disciplines. A good theory is truly vital for achieving and keeping a successful organization and management through valuing disciplines. Theory is a core element when dealing with science through efficiency, design and structures of which there are advancements in knowledge development and sharing. The relevance of a good theory lies in its practical assumption that will help us in determining as well as recognizing what specific factors are to be reviewed or studied and how and why they are connected, of which this good theory asserts relationship boundaries and conditions that can advance an individual in generating innovative theories within their field of study or research.
Keywords: Knowledge, Nokia, Nonaka, Organizational, Theory
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Abstract: In order to improve the companies, it is important to know what is its present situation and types of barriers firms face when entering or exiting markets. So the firms need to plan and know strategic management. Nowadays, rapidly changing environment has caused strategic management has become one of the primary strategic topics in management of organizations. This paper explains the concepts of strategic, strategic management, Importance of strategic planning, how to do strategic management, its benefits and etc. Keywords: Strategic management, management tools, strategy, planning
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Abstract: The main objective of the present research is to study the role of school culture on teachers' participation in school decision-making in Tehran, district 2, Iran. The research method is a descriptive survey and the statistical population consists of school teachers and principals of Tehran, district 2 who have more than three years experience in a school that their number is1325 people. The sample size was calculated based on Cochran formula and 310 people were considered for more confidence that were selected by using simple random sampling. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data containing 32 questions. Its validity by teachers and its reliability by using Cronbach alpha has been confirmed 0.794 for 30 pretest people. Data collected from the chi-square test (chi-square), binomial test and Friedman test was analyzed by using SPSS software. Our findings indicate that school culture is effective on teachers' participation in decision making. The most important factor among its aspects is leadership style.
Keywords: school culture, participation, sense of identity, Individual Initiative and Creativity, Tolerance of differences in tastes, Risk, Leadership style, Responsibility and trust.
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