Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modern Management in the Biblical Context: An Exploration |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Peter John, Dr Joseph James V., Miss Kochu Tresya M. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1430108 ![]() |
Abstract: All disciplines are rooted in their past. The conceptual framework of the discipline, theory and principles of the same has evolved historically from different social events and necessities. Our Great Epics like Bhagavat Gita, Vedas and Upanishats are treasures of knowledge; reflect the social organizations, events and social philosophies of that time and at the same time having multidimensional implications both in social and individual life and in different disciplines. The disciplinary relevance of such epics is one of the least explored research areas. The management as a separate discipline has evolved and developed only in the beginning of the 20th Century. But the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of the same are rooted from the time immemorial. This paper analyses and evaluates the Biblical events and narrations having modern managerial theoretical and practical implications. For this, the modern management principles suggested by Henry Fayol are subjected for evaluation in the light of Bible in order to explore the contributions made by the Biblical events and narrations in the construction of theoretical and conceptual foundations for modern management theory and practice.
[1]. Holy Bible
[2]. Bible encyclopedia
[3]. Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
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[8]. Harold Koontz – "Management", Mc Graw – Hill Book Company, 1988
[9]. Ramaswamy – "The Principles of Management", Himalaya Publications, 1962
[10]. Claude S. George – "The History of Management Thought", printice Hall 1968
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Variant Deterministic Model of Classical EOQ Formula |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Nafish Sarwar Islam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1430911 ![]() |
Abstract: Inventory management and transportation have been the principal areas of focus in industrial engineering and management for a long time. Inventory management attracts considerable attention in logistics and supply chain management today because new supply chain models have become more integrative and complex. New market forces have introduced many complex elements which affect the performance of the supply chain in general and inventory level in particular. Inventory decisions are high risk and high impact for supply chain management. Hence, this paper compiles all the derivations of classical deterministic lot size economic order quantity models and proposes a new method to verify the formula.
Keyword: Inventory Management, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
[1]. Nafish, S. I. (2011), "Developments & Evaluation of SCM System", Lambert Academic Publishing [ISBN # 978-3-8465-2490-9]
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[3]. Harris, F. W. (1990, reprint from 1913) "How Many Parts to Make at Once", Operations Research 38 (6): 947–950.
[4]. Wilson, R. H. (1934), "A Scientific Routine for Stock Control", Harvard Business Review, 13, 116-128.
[5]. Hax, AC and Candea, D. (1984), "Production and Operations Management", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 13
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Abstract: This article divided into several section whereas section introduction, section covers theory, previous research and developing research hypothesis, section research method, section contains research results and discussion. The researches was conducted in North Sulawesi due to its fascinating development. This research uses an explanatory research design by applying a survey approach. This method enables research findings to be generalized across persons, settings, and time. Selected respondents are invited respondent for sake of suceeding this research. Invited respondent as many as 300 home industry owners or manager from several home industry in Manado city and Minahasa county. From 300 phase one survey invitations only 207 invitation attended and asked to fill in the provided questionnaire sheet. Then second phase survey sent to 207 invitation attended in phase one and only 123 attended. Data collection and compiling report also article writing in this research costs one and a half year, from March 2012 till August 2013. The resuls show that all hypothesis that testing are accepted. This research result can also be interpreted to confirm the results of research which contradicts copy that has been described in the previous section.
Keywords: Innovation Aptitude, Knowledge Sharing, Home Industry
[1] Wuryaningrat, N.F. 2012. Knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity and Innovation Capabilities: Empirical Study on SMEs at Province Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business. 15: 61-77.
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[5] Darroch, J. 2005. Knowledge Management, innovation, and firm performance. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9: 101-115.
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Abstract: This research examines the impact of individual characteristics, organizational culture implementation toward performance and career improvement of the employees at Five Star Hotels Surabaya in Indonesia. This research was conducted at five star hotels in Surabaya which covered 100 employees as respondent. This research by utilizing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the technique was processed with AMOS program to analyze some hypothesis. The result of this research were empirical date of the development of the theoretical of human resources and practice management. The inter-correlations models between these variables in this study revealed that five hypothesis have significant correlation.
Keywords: individual characteristics, Organizational Culture, Performance and career improvement.
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[10] Robbins, Stephen.1996. Organization Theory, Third Edition. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emerging Profile of Commerce and Management Education in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. M. Gandhi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1432830 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper emphasizes that Business and Commerce are performing arts requiring inculcation of professional operative skills. However, every art and skill requires scientific knowledge as basic foundation in theory. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge sharpens human faculties of mind and intellect. Thus, a system of business and commerce education should equip the student with the knowledge of theory which he should apply in performing and practicing art, and getting knowledge from experience. A person should be made capable of thinking independently and should not depend on borrowed concepts or thorough. Similarly, he should develop a problem - oriented approach based on experience and not on a study of hypothetical situation. The paper stresses that training in applied business-science is a part of social responsibility of business.
Keywords: Business and Commerce Education, managerial economics, performing art, skill, employability, HRD, ICT, research, training, extension work, performance appraisal
[1]. Anchison T J, Hill WW, 'Management Today', Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1978;
[2]. Brahmankar Dr. AB, 'Commerce and Business Education, some thoughts' (Marathi), Sunita pub., Nashik, 1986;
[3]. Chugh KL, 'Managing Change' his speech as Chairman, at the 43rd Annual General Meeting of Tribeni Tissues, Ltd., Calcutta, advt. Indian Express, July 14, 1990, p10;
[4]. Drucker PF, 'Management : Tasks, responsibilities, Practices', W. Heinemann Ltd., London, 1974;
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "The Importance of Work-Life-Balance" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. S. Pattu Meenakshi, Mr. Venkata Subrahmanyam C. V., Dr. K. Ravichandran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1433135 ![]() |
Abstract: Balance in work and family life is an emerging challenge for both employees and employers. This conceptual paper on WLB gives a framework on the meaning and importance of WLB in current scenario. It throws light on the effects of poor WLB and also gives suggestions to overcome those obstacles. Also views on WLB by both the organization and the employees are highlighted in this paper. This pays way for the reader to have an in-depth knowledge about the necessity of balancing one's own work life and personal life and there by gives opportunities to bring out further research on this topic.
Keywords: Work-Life Balance;WLB in India; Work Life Balance; WLB; Organization; Family; Policies; Management;
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Abstract: Many years of deprivation, marginalization and cheating of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria led to the youth in attempt to find solution to the neglect formed themselves into groups which became aggressive as a result of the use of arms in approach and operation that brought about a near chaos environment in the region. As a response to curb the deplorable security situation in the region, the federal government of Nigeria initiated and pronounced the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme (NDAP). This study attempted to assess the success of the amnesty programme to deliver a sustainable livelihood for the repentant ex-militants and restore peace and security in the region. The study employed questionnaire and interview methods randomly administered in three of the nine states of the region. The study observed reoccurrence of crime, high consumption of illicit drugs, threat to local government council executives and intra/inter cult conflicts among others in the region. Its recommendations included decentralization of the amnesty rehabilitation camps and adoption of definite goals for the amnesty programe in order to achieve sustainable peace and livelihood in the region.
Keywords: Amnesty, Sustainable Livelihood, Sustainable Development, Niger Delta, Nigeria
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Abstract: Human resource management is an important phenomenon which encompass the very important role and responsibilities of any organization especially in the service sectors, the changing context in the economy after globalization accentuated the importance of quality of service in the banking sector became very crucial as the globalization has demolish the monopoly of the public sector banks, in this context the role and responsibilities of the human resource management on the banking obtained special consideration, against this backdrop the present study examined the human resource management strategy adopted in ICICI banks in order to engage the employees at the optimum level to unleash the good quality of service, the study conducted among the ICICI human resource managers and mangers across Chennai, the study found that various innovative options have been followed by the managers to make the employees to render their good output thereby ensure the good quality of service to the customers.
Key words: Bank, Employees, Human Resource, Management, Strategies.
[1.] Abraham E.S.J. (1988), "HRD Climate in Banks", in A.K. Khandelwal (eds.), HRD in Banks, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 49-65.
[2.] Agarwal Ashok and UdaiPareek (1997), "The Role of HRD in Service Sector", in D.M. Silvera, C.M. Srivastava, R. Vidyasagar and T.V. Rao (eds.), HRD in the New Economic Environment; Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 190-198.
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[7.] Wang, Greg G ; National HRD a new paradigm or re invention of the wheel : Journal of European Industrial Training, 2008, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p303-316, 14p
[8.] Yukl ,Bass and McCali, Combardo (1989) .Managerial Leadership : A review of theory and research. Journal of management , 15 (2) , 251-289.
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Abstract: With the wave of globalization across the countries, the capital markets got integrated, this integration led to new developments in the securities market of both developed and developing countries. The emerging economies specially witnessed a metamorphosis in their markets probably due to new initiatives of liberalisation,privatization,globalization,de-materilisation,transparency and so on. All this helped the flow of information from companies to market and vice-versa, faster and efficient, which determine the investor's decision making in the capital market. The present study is an attempt to investigate the efficiency of Efficient Market Hypothesis in the context of Indian securities market. The aim of this study is to analyses whether prices in stocks in capital market follow a random walk process or not. The study is based on the six most significant indices of Indian stock market viz. Sensex 30,BSE 100,BSE 200,BSE 500,BSE Midcap and BSE Small cap.The behavior of these indices has been observed during the period (Jan 1991-August 2013).
Key Words: Efficient Market hypothesis, Random Walk Theory, Indian Capital Market, Bombay Stock Exchange.
[1] Chia-Han Chang, Chu V. Nguyen, Thai D. Nguyen (2012),Testing the Weak-Form Efficient Market Hypothesis: Using Panel Data from the Emerging Taiwan Stock Market, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No.18.
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[5] Mitra.S.K,2000,Profitable Trading Opportunity in Indian Stock Market: An empirical Study with BSE-Sensex, Applied Finance,Vol.6(3),36-52.
[6] Pant and Vishnoi 2002,Testing Random Walk Hypothesis for Indian Stock market Indices, Available at
[7] Ramasastri,2001, Stock market Efficiency-Spectra Analysis, finance India Vol. XV (3). 885-890.
[8] Rutterford, J., 1993, Introduction to Stock Exchange Investment, Second Edition, 281-308, The Macmillan Press Ltd., London.
[9] Saqib& Hanif, 2012, Testing Weak Form of Efficient Market Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence From South-Asia, World Applied Sciences journal 17(4),414-427.
[10] Sunil.P 1996,"Evidence on Weak Form Efficiency and Day of the Week Effect in the Indian Stock Market", Finance India, Vol X No.3,605-616.
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Abstract: India being an agro based economy with the second highest farm output in the world needs more sustainable growth in this area. The public private partnership is one step towards attaining holistic growth. The government alone is not the answer to everything, the need is more than the capital investment. This paper is an effort to propose the possibilities of PPP in the field of agriculture.
Key Words: Agriculture, inclusive growth, Public private partnership, sustainable growth
[1] OECD "Better policies" Series INDIA-Sustaining high and inclusive growth ; October 2012. National PPP Policy 2011- Draft for Consultation.
[2] The Economic Times, Agricultural Ministry release on PPP under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, August 17, 2012.
[3] Vijay Paul Sharma, Accelerating agriculture development for inclusive growth: Strategic issues and policy options; Vikalpa, Vol. 37, No.1, January- March 2012 Proceeding Papers
[4] S. Mahendra Dev, Policies for raising Agricultural growth and Productivity in India, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development and Research, Mumbai, IGIDR proceedings, January 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "A Study on Magnum Equity Fund" At SBI Mutual Fund Tirupati |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shaik Mahaboob Basha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1436672 ![]() |
Abstract: "Mutual fund is a common pool of money in which investor place their contribution that is to be invested in accordance with the stated objective. The fund belongs to all the investors depending on the proportion of his contribution to the fund."
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Abstract: This study was conducted with the objective of comparing the impact of the fixed and flexible exchange rate systems on the Nigerian economy from (1960-2007). This period has been split into two, namely the period of the fixed exchange rate system (1960-1985) and the period of the flexible exchange rate system (1986-2007). The impact of these two exchange rate systems on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Balance of Payments (BOP) which have been taken to represent the economy has been the focus of this study. The methodology adopted for this study has been the ex post facto research design which enabled the researcher makes use of secondary data on GDP and Balance of Payments for the period to test the four hypotheses stated in this study.
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Abstract: The study was designed to investigate the influence of Milk brand rating and different dimensions of milk brand. The study covers the population includes 325 consumers from Tamilnadu, who are all using branded milk. The questionnaires were given to 500 consumers who are all using branded milk. Out of 500 consumers contacted, 325 questionnaires were received with required coverage and details. The participants completed the two sets of self-reported questionnaires, including Background characteristics and variables chosen for this study in order to measure the influence of branded milk are the Salience, performance, Imagery, Judgment, Feelings and Resonance. The collected data were computed and analyzed via Descriptive statistics and one - way ANOVA.The findings of the study were generalized as follows: Statistically significant differences were found in the Milk brand rating and the different brand dimensions like Salience, Imagery ,Judgment, feelings and resonance and there is no statistically significant difference in dimension performance and Milk brand rating. In the end of the study implications and conclusion were provided.
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Abstract: Over the last few years, the Niger Delta region has witnessed a climate of persistent insecurity. The high rate of unemployment among the youths, and poverty has helped to drive and sustain high levels of violence and criminality throughout the region. This has adversely affected sustainable development. This paper looks at the relationship between justice, security and sustainable development in the Niger Delta, and concludes that without justice and security, the prospects for sustainable development remain a mirage. The paper further argues that sustainable development and security in the Niger Delta region will depend on the right government policy and the willingness of the citizens to cooperate with the law enforcement agencies in preventing crime. It recommends that development, skills acquisition and constructive engagement should be the choice weapons for addressing the problem of justice and security in the Niger Delta.
Key Words: Human capital, Justice, peace, security, sustainable development.
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Abstract: This paper will discuss the case study about the Australian airlines industry globalization and labor relations and talks about the pilot experience by defining the issues and disagreement faced by the pilots, then, generating alternative solutions to these issues and selecting the perfect alternative among those and why its chosen for this application.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dilemma in Relationship of Consultant and Client |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Amber Qureshi, Mubashir Qureshi, Subtain Rathore |
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: | 10.9790/487X-143109113 ![]() |
Abstract: Consultants are hired to solve problems, develop strategies, overcome hurdles, and meet goals. Accordingly, most consulting projects will be judged by the success or failure of their strategic or financial objectives. A number of Interrelated issues can arise in consultant-client relationship in O.D activities and they need to be managed appropriately if adverse effects are to be avoided. Relationship between client and consultant depends on: Consultant competence : the longer the consultant are able to provide innovative and productive intervention the more longer the relationship will be Clients resourcefulness and capabilities in OD Organizational factors like: Internal power struggle Crisis Top management support. There are certain issues of O.D in consultant-client relationship that have been explained in this paper. This is a review based study. On the basis of past research researcher has proposed certain myth to deal with these issues.
Key words: consultants, clients, Entry & Contracting, client system
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Abstract: Retrospective study on customer satisfaction index(CSI) was conducted in KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital ,Malaysia for a period of five years from 2009 to August 2013.Data for customer satisfaction were collected using customer survey forms which were distributed to all patients admitted to this hospital and collected by customer services officers upon patients' discharge. Data were tabulated according to the rating of excellent, good, average and need improvement. The analysis was done based on the excellent rating to see the increase in the rating. Quality journey in this hospital began in year 2006 with the certification given by Moody International for ISO 9001 followed by hospital accreditation by MSQH(Malaysia standards) in year 2009 and recertification in year 2012.Further enhancement of quality standards was done through JCI certification(American standards) in year 2012. Based on the analysis of excellent rating compared to two literature review as benchmarking ,it was found that the customer satisfaction index for KPJ Seremban was higher and this is an indication that the quality programs had given the impact on the customer satisfaction index.
Keywords: customer satisfaction index, excellent rating, quality standards of ISO 9000, MSQH and JCI
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