Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Abstract: Employee Performance Management is a process for establishing a shared workforce understanding about what is to be achieved at an organisation level. Many factors affect the performance of the employees, in which performance of the employees affected attitudes, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and this study focuses on employee engagement work services sector. Data was collected from employees in Lawang Medica one of Hospital, in Malang Indonesia. The survey questionnaire was designed to collect information concerning three areas of management constructs: Leadership, Corporate Culture, Engagement and Performance. In order to minimize the potential bias, There were intelligence, maturity and breadth of social relationships, self motivation and encouragement of achievement, attitudes human relations questions pertaining to leadhersip, questions about functional culture, process - driven culture, time - based cultures, network cultures, for corporate culture, 3 questions: Career Roadmap (Planning and Tracking, Career Coaching on Demand, Internal Mobility (Jobs and Gigs, Networking and Community, Company Groove for engagement, and 3 questions: Timeliness in completing the task, Completion of employment , work without error for performance, to refine the analysis, the research comes with a Sony voice recorder type ICD-UX512F used to search for the clarity of the argument to the informant on the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. The result is a leadership influence on engagement, corporate culture and employee performance. This leadership influence will increase if the variables included engagement of employees. Interesting finding of this study is the high performance of employees can not be said to be due to the influence of culture ccorporate, but because of variable engagement, corporate culture influences the performance will be meaningful. This suggests that the importance of engagement in an organization.
Keywords: Leadhersip, Corporate Culture, Engagement, Performance
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Abstract: Quite a reasonable number of practitioners and scholars in advertising and sales promotion hold the view that there is no more dynamic and fascinating a field to either practice or study. Media advertising seems to be the most visible part of a firm's promotional program. Our television screens are full of advertisements. Promotion, especially using advertisement, gulps large chunk of many companies budget. Unfortunately, most marketing managers that engage in product advertisement find it difficult determining the effect, impact or contributions of huge advertisement expenditure on the overall business growth and performance of their organizations. Going by the fact that purchase action can be initiated when the brain retrieves and releases product information acquired and stored during advertisement, we therefore postulate that the ability of an individual to take rigorous purchase decision based on advertisement exposure is dependent on his/her recollection and retention skills. This study, therefore, attempts to determine the recollection skills of television advertisement among secondary school students in Nigeria. Specifically the study seeks to find out if the length (in this case, duration) of a television advertisement has significant relationship with its recollection. The study equally attempts to ascertain if the repetition of a television advertisement has any direct relationship with its retention. Findings from the study show that the duration of a TV advert has significant relationship with its recollection and that repetition of TV adverts enhances their retention.
Key words: Advert message, memory, recollection skill, repetition. retention, television advertisement.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "The Rural Women Entrepreneurial Problems" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manjunatha K. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1441821 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present globalized era, there has been a radical progress in the field of economy. In this progress women's participation is of greater importance. These women entrepreneurs have generally gained potential from the Self Help Groups. In fact these SGHs are making women as economically independent if not a sound one. They are emancipating their voice in all the spheres including the field of economy. Women Entrepreneur‟, in a larger sense, therefore is a woman who accepts challenging role to meet her personal needs and become economically self-sufficient. A woman faces numerous problems to reach her familial needs. At last, a women entrepreneur becomes economically self-sufficient after facing challenges. By identifying herself a successful entrepreneur, she shines in the two faces of her life i.e. society and family.
Key words: Rural women entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, problems of rural women entrepreneurs.
[1]. VIJAY KUMBHAR, Some Critical Issues of Women Entrepreneurship in Rural India, EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH, VOL. I, ISSUE 2/ MAY 2013.
[2]. Anitha D.Pharm, Dr. R.Sritharan, Problems Being Faced By Women Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (Ijes) Volume2, Issue 3, Pages 52-55, 2013.
[3]. Sujata Kumari, Vandana Kaushik and Neeta Lodha, Problems Faced by Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Rajasthan, Stud Home Comm Sci, 4(2): 115-119 (2010).
[4]. Sreenivas Rao Behara, K.Niranjan, Rural Women Entrepreneurship in India, IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, Vol. 15 Issue 6, November 2012.
[5]. Jyoti Bahl, Status of women entrepreneurship in rural India, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research Vol.1 Issue 2, July 2012.
[6]. Kishor N. Choudhary, Dr. Arvind P.Rayalwar, Opportunities and Challenges for Rural women Entrepreneurship in India, Variorum Multi- Disciplinary e-Research Journal Vol.-01, Issue-III, February 2011.
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[8]. Brijesh Patel, Kirit Chadva, Rural Entrepreneurship in India: Challenge and Problems, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2013.
[9]. Dr. A.B. Siddiqui, Problems Encountered by Women Entrepreneurs in India, International 9Journal of Applied Research & Studies ISSN 2278 – 9480
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Abstract: To help ease the problem of un-employment in Africa, a study on the impact of entrepreneurial training and early retirement was carried out in a number of African countries. The study targeted what roles early retirement intervention and entrepreneurial training can do to help boost the percentage of employed population. The study focused on the analysis of un-employment levels, retirement age, demographic characteristics, investment levels among retirees of different ages, wage bills in the public service organizations, employee performance versus experience and a comparative study of those indices among the first world economies. Data was basically got from secondary sources except the data from Kenya, and analyzed by use percentages, time series, trends, ratios, correlation analysis and ANOVA. It was presented using population pyramids, bar charts, graphs, linear regression graphs and pie charts. The study revealed that these countries have a huge proportion of population being youthful, the government or public service is a major employer, there is a high rate of un-employment, there is poor investment patterns among those retiring at the normal retirement age, the public services are faced with huge wage bills, there is low correlation between experience and performance and there is a big difference between the demographic patterns of these countries and those of the western countries.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Training, Early Retirement, Youth Un-Employment, Investment
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Abstract: This article intends to explore the impact of Word of Mouth communications on customer acquisition in the construction industry. Its main objective was,to find the extent of applying incentives in Word of mouth communications as used by building contractor.This was due to the fact that Word of Mouth communications have been emphasised in many different industries and have achieved positive results especially when incentives were paid as a deliberate plan for marketing complex services and products. This article sought to find the extent of using word of mouth strategy in the construction industry since this industry is complex especially to new house owners.The study involveda sample of one hundred and twenty respondents whowere randomlypicked from a list of contractors registered with theMasvingo City Council. The researcher got personal details of contractors from City Council house inspectors, that is addresses, cell phones and company names and it was easy to conduct them. The researcher used a self-administered questionnaire to gather primary data required. The major findings of the research were that Word of Mouth communication method, customer to customer referrals, business cards, and cell phones were mainly applied in most contractor firmsto acquire new customers, but surprisingly most contractors although they appreciated the role of referrals and word of Mouth communications, they did not want to pay incentives to motivate satisfied customers who refer others to them. This implies that contractors have an attitudinal problem caused by lack of knowledge of the benefits of Word of Mouth and referrals to the companies. It is therefore essential for contractor managers to deliberately embrace the idea of paying incentives as a strategy for business growth and survival since competition is intensifying in the construction industry.
Key terms: Word of Mouth, Communication, Customer Acquisition, Services, Construction industry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Advertising in Consumer Decision Making |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. D. Prasanna Kumar, K. Venkateswara Raju |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1443745 ![]() |
Abstract: Advertising is a form of communication intended to convince an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, information or services etc. The purchase process is a decision – making process under risk. This paper investigates the relationship between independent variables which are emotional response with attitudinal and behavioral aspect of consumer buying behavior, by tapping the responses of 110 respondents. The basic objective of this research is to assess the influence of advertising through attitudinal buying behavior of consumer (male & female) and analyze the influence of Advertising between male and female.
Key Words: Advertising, Consumer behavior, Consumer buying behavior.
[1]. European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol 3, No.3
[2]. Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior Zain-Ul-Abideen.
[3]. THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN THE PURCHASE DECISION PROCESS Gîrboveanu Sorina-Raula University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 13 A.I.Cuza Craiova,, 0723-577-164
[4]. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9): 1517-1524, 2011 ISSN 1991-8178 The Effectiveness of Online Advertising in Purchase Decision: Liking, Recall and Click1Yet-Mee Lim, 2Ching-Seng Yap and 1Teck-Chai Lau
[5]. Factors Influencing Through Television Advertisements on the Buying Decision of Rural People *Dr. S. Kamala saravanan.
[6]. Impact of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior V.Prabakaran
[7]. The Impact of Advertisements on Children and Their Parents' Buying Behavior: An Analytical Study
[8]. Sultan Singh and Jaiman Preet Kaur
[9]. Examining Celebrity Expertise and Advertising Effectiveness in India Meenakshi Aggarwal-Gupta and Vriya Jha Dang
[10]. Kotler, Marketing Management – Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-603432-2, Ontario
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Executive Compensation – An Internationl Perspective" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. T. Rajasekar, DR. K. Mohan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1444648 ![]() |
Abstract: Executive Compensation has become a matter of hot debate and discussion in the industrial, business and academic arena. It has invariably attracted the attention of the industrialists, academicians and the policy makers all over the world. The recessionary trend experienced in the USA and the European Union and the slowing down of economic activity in Asia has intensified the review of executive compensation awarded to the top management in general and the CEOs in particulars. The present study is an earnest attempt on the part authors to present an international perspective of executive pay trends. The study aims to review the trends in executive compensation in the USA, the UK and in Asia. The study is significant in the sense that it will be helpful to understand the rationale behind hefty executive compensation, the repercussions of excessive compensation and the remedial measures recommended.
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[2]. The Economic Times, February 7, 2011. p.1.
[3]. Fortune, November 18, 2002. p.22.
[4]. Checking the excesses, Rajeev Dubey, Business World, September 20, 2011. p.17.
[5]. Franklin Strie, "Runaway CEO Pay? Blame the Bounds". The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance, October 2003. p.43.
[6]. Editorial, Deccan Chronicle, September 7, 2010. p.10.
[7]. The Economic Times, September 1, 2011. p.16.
[8]. The Economic Times, April 23, 2012. p.6.
[9]. The Business Standard, September 6, 2011. p.9.
[10]. Business Line, August 23, 2012. p.6.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find a model of the implementation of CSR programs in its role to empower SMMB. In this model independent institutions were established at certain government levels - from the levels of the district to the regency. At the district level a forum was formed to facilitate the implementation of CSR and the administrative operation was headed by the company staff. While at the regency a permanent secretariat for the team of CSR program facilitation was formed and the managerial staffs were the regency officials with their leading sector - BAPPEDA. It was highly expected that overlapping or social conflicts among the government, companies and people could be avoided through the establishment of independent institutions. Thus the vision and mission of each party can be achieved in a mutual symbiosis manner.
Keywords : CSR , Microeconomics.
[1]. Anonim , Pusat Studi Pedesaaan dan Kawasan UGM, 2010 , anda mengalami masalah dengan corporate social responsibility
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[5]. Anonim , Karakteristik CSR di Perusahaan Besar laboratorium pengembangan ekonomi pembangunan fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis unair, pemetaan perusahaan besar dan menengah kabupaten sidoarjo" 2012
[6]. Budiartha, ketut, 2008, Cara pandang undang-undang ri no. 40 tahun 2007 dan undangundang ri no. 17 tahun 2000 terhadap corporate social responsibility (csr) buletin studi ekonomi volume 13 nomor 2 tahun 2008 jurusan akuntansi fakultas ekonomi, universitas udayana, denpasar
[7]. Bungin, Burhan, 2001, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial, Airlangga University Press,
[8]. Irianto, Heru, Edit Bungin, 2001, Metode Penelitian Kulaitatif , PT RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta
[9]. Lingkar Studi CSR, 2007,, e-mail: 16 Juli 2007 Dikutip 20 Pebruari 2012
[10]. Lubis, Rissalwan Habdy, 2011, Transformasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan kepada Kewirausahaan Sosial, Manajemen Usahawan Indonesia Vol.40 No.6 Nopember-Desember 2011
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Abstract: This study was a survey carried out to establish the factors that influence the decision of high school students to choose between conventional or open and distance learning. The study targeted schools in Marondera urban in which advanced and ordinary level students in their final years responded to questionnaires. The study aimed at tapping the respondents' opinions on how they perceived conventional education visa viz open and distance learning. The questionnaire was administered to 5 out of 12 secondary schools randomly selected in Marondera Urban. All the targeted 100 pupils successfully returned their questionnaires and the collected data were collated and analysed. Results from the study indicate that most high school students are aware of the existence of the modes of learning: the ODL and the conventional mode. The older high school students are more appreciative of the ODL mode than the younger learners. The majority of these high school students shun ODL in favour of the conventional mode of education. Due to lack of more face to face interaction which facilitates more contact time as well as socialisation with peers, the bulk of high school learners would rather opt for the conventional system of education. High school students are computer literate making them potential targets for enrollment in ODL institutions which make extensive use of ICTs. There are poor perceptions of ODL among the learners due to misconceptions about the mode of education. The study therefore recommended that more and vigorous marketing should be undertaken to lure the older high school students who are more appreciative of the ODL mode than the younger learners. There was need for more face to face interaction which facilitates more contact time and socialisation with peers so that the bulk of high school learners would rather opt for the conventional system of education. Block release programmes should be introduced for the young learners to improve on contact time to enhance social interaction and also accord learners more learning time.
Key words: Distance education, conventional education, High school students, decision making
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[6]. Ojo, D, A. and Olakulehjin, F. K.(2006). "Attitudes and Perceptions of Students to Open and Distance Learning in Nigeria". International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning Volume 7, Number 1. National Open University of Nigeria.
[7]. Ponzurick, T., Russo France, K., and Logar, C. (2000). Delivering Graduate Marketing Education: An analysis of face-to-face versus distance education. Journal of Marketing Education 22(3), 180 – 187.
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[10]. Hiltz, S.R. (1998). Impacts of college-level courses via asynchronous learning networks: some preliminary results. Journal of Asynchronous Learning.
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Abstract: The market and store shelves today, are flooded with n number of products and countless brands, giving number of choices for the consumers to buy. Increase in literacy levels, high increase of women joining the workforce have made people more aware and conscious towards hygiene and beauty. The growing concern for a perfect skin and a perfect body has become the goldmine for the skincare industry all over the world. This paper focuses on an effort to determine consumer buying behavior through the awareness of product ingredients in skin care products by Women users living in Madhya Pradesh. Questionnaires were distributed and self administered to 250 respondents. Chi-square was used in the study. The sample includes women skin care users both working & non working. The findings of the study indicated women buyers have an awareness regarding the presence of product ingredients in skin care products. Women skincare users are conscious about the Product quality of the skin care products. The research is on consumer behavior, certain degree of subjectivity can be found among sample respondents was the limitation of the study. Its suggests that Companies should strive hard to explore new natural ingredients which are safe and effective in usage.
Keywords: Product ingredients, women skincare users, consumer buying behavior.
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[5]. Brown, M. (1996) Environmental policy in the hotel sector: ""green‟‟ strategy or stratagem. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 8(3), 18–23.
[6]. Laroche, M., Bergeron, J. and Barbaro-Forleo, G. (2001) Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. Journal of Consumer Marketing 18 (6), pp.503–520
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[8]. Anne Marie Todd. (2004). The aesthetic turn in green marketing: Environmental consumer ethics of natural personal care products .Ethics of natural personal care products .Ethics and the environment, 9(2), 86-102).
[9]. Fong sheing yee, Susan chin yee Suan. (2012).Analysis of the Purchasing behavior on skincare products among the young generation. International Journal of Undergraduate studies, 1 (1), 8-14.Retreived from
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Abstract: Gender equality is a fundamental human right. At the same time it also makes good economic sense because it means using the country's human capital more efficiently. It can have profound benefits not just for women themselves but also for families, communities and national economies. As such, this study delved into the effect of sectoral gender employment on the total number of SME's in Nigeria. The study employed secondary data from SMEDAN on the sectoral employments by SME's and also the total number of SME's in Nigeria by sector. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and the Pearson's correlation coefficient. The multiple regression analysis result showed that female employment at commencement was significant at 5% and positively contributed to total number of SME's while; female employment later was also significant at 5% but negatively contributed to the total number of SME's in Nigeria. On the basis of the results, the study suggested that more women should be employed at the startup of new SME's and subsequently after infancy stage more males should be then be introduced as a panacea to the decrease in SME's and also survival of already existing ones in Nigeria.
Keywords: Sectoral gender employment, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's), Nigeria.
[1]. Anyanwu, S.O. 2009. ‗Assessing the Business Environment for Women Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria', prepared for the International Labour Organisation, Abuja, Nigeria: University of Abuja.
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[3]. Federal Republic of Nigeria. 2010. Nigeria Vision 20:2020, The First National Implementation Plan (2010-2013), May, Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Republic of Nigeria.
[4]. ILO, 2011. Assessment of the environment for the development of women's entrepreneurship in Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda and Senegal / Lois Stevenson, Annette St-Onge ; International Labour Office, Employment Sector, Small Enterprise Programme, Job Creation and Enterprise Development Department. - Geneva: ILO, 2011 1 v. (Employment report ; No.15) ISBN: 9789221255246; 9789221255253 (web pdf) International Labour Office; Job Creation and Enterprise Development Dept women workers / entrepreneurship / small enterprise / Cameroon / Mali / Nigeria / Rwanda / Senegal 14.04.2
[5]. —. 2005. Assessing the Enabling Environment for Women in Growth Enterprises: An AfDB/ILO Integrated Framework Assessment Guide, Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office and Tunis, Tunisia: African Development Bank.
[6]. —. 2003c. Jobs, Gender and Small Enterprises in Africa, Tanzanian Women Entrepreneurs: Going for Growth, ILO Regional Office and Ministry of Industry & Trade, SME Section, Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization.
[7]. Islam, A.M, Khan A.M, Obaidullah M.Z.A and Alam S.M, (2011). Effect of entrepreneurship and firm characteristics on the business success of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SME's) in Bangladesh. International journal of business and management. Vol.6, No3.
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Abstract: Women with enormous potential were being underutilized to their capacity in Business. And most boards say they want more diversity but the percentage seems to be very less attractive and still confront challenges in reaching business leadership positions. According to the latest reports women hold only 16.6 percent of Fortune 500 board's seats in 2012. The purpose of the present paper is to identify and examine the key leadership competencies of women managers working in the IT (Information Technology) sector and understand why still women have not made greater inroads. This research is an exploratory one; it is designed to explore the leadership competencies of women managers. The competency questionnaire with 29 competencies was designed and administered to 100 women managers of 5 software companies in Hyderabad. The respondents are the women managers who are having experience of minimum one year and maximum of fifteen years in managerial position leading a team of members. The data collected was analysed by a multivariate analysis technique (Factor Analysis) reducing the factors to the minimum of five commonalities and to the maximum of ten commonalities. And also an attempt was made to find out whether Age and Experience of women in the similar field will have any significant variance with leadership competencies. This study is contributed to and enhances the knowledge on the key leadership competencies for women to be successful in getting sponsored to the leadership positions.
Keywords: Competencies, Diversity, Emotional, Sponsor
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Abstract: Numerous policyholders are indispensable for insurers for their survive and prosperity in today‟s competitive business environment. Customers can purchase different and more policies from the same providers and renewal their agreements before expiry date if they have trust on their respective providers Insurers provide to customers promises so that trust is more essential for insurance sectors. "Trust is particularly important within service industries because of the abstract nature of most service products"(Coulter and Coulter3,2003). It is observed that Ethiopian insurance industry faces a challenge of high customer churn rate. Customers are lapsed increasingly from the existing providers in which the defect customer damages the company by spreading company bad experiences to others and decreasing income of the company as they may not renewal one or two or three of the policies. An empirical insurance survey (Ernst & Young 2012) made on Indian life insurance shows that 33% of customers explained price is a factor in their insurance provider selection, company trustworthiness (69%), customer service (43%) and convenience (38%). This means that trustworthiness is uniquely essential in insurance sector as insurance company is selling promises. Thus, this study aims at to analyze the role of trust in building customer loyalty in the insurance sector. In order to achieve this objective, non –experimental study was designed for this study and to elicit policyholders‟ attitude, structured questionnaires were designed, and then analysis is made and results are explained. Pearson correlation and Regression analysis were used to examine the relationships between customer trust and customer loyalty using SPSS 16.0 and the result of the study indicates that customer trust has direct and positive relationships to customer loyalty.
Key words: Customer trust, customer loyalty, insurance, insurers, customers (policyholders)
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