Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Intrinsic Value A Base to Pick Scrip |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Haritha, Ravi V., Dr. O. Ravisankar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1530105 ![]() |
Abstract: Investment means sacrificing some money value in the present with the expectation of making gains in the future. Every investor is interested in knowing the appropriate timing for investment, as well as the best avenue for investment. For investing the surplus money, the investor should be willing to pay the certain value for the stock. To know about the real value of the stock is not easy for the investor. At a same time, it is not so easy to find out the real worth for the company stock. Certain analysis can be used to select the stock for investment, like Fundamental analysis and Technical analysis. Thus, this research work is done for facilitating the investor to know about the worth able value of the stock for investment. This research paper is aims to arrive at the intrinsic value of shares.
Keywords: Dividend per share, D/P ratio, Price Earning ratio, Intrinsic value, Fundamental Analysis.
[5]. Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, 4th Edition, 2008, Prasanna Chandra, Himalaya Publishers.
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Abstract: Operating a business without advertisement is just like "winking at a beautiful girl in the dark" where we know what we are doing but she doesn't know anything. The actual enormous advertisement of all time has captured the emotional instant, has wrapped their brands in the words and images of that emotional moment and their served that package up for sale to those alike emotions. The cost efficiency becomes the driven force of increasing wealth in the Indian context through integrated marketing communication. The diversified cultural practices of Indians are creating opportunities for the corporate to take on emotional advertisement to communicate. The primary objective of the research is to understand the concept of integrated marketing communication, emotional advertisement and its impact on purchaser behavior.
Keywords: Advertisement, Cost efficiency, Diversified cultural practice, Emotional, Purchaser behavior.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Entrepreneur In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Yogita Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1530914 ![]() |
Abstract: Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to take good new ideas to market and make the right decisions to make the idea profitable. The reward for the risks taken is the potential economic profits the entrepreneur could earn. Technically, a "women entrepreneur" is any women who organizes and manages any enterprise, usually with considerable initiative and risk. However, quite often the term "women-owned business" is used relative to government contracting. In this instance, the entrepreneur (a woman) owns (more than 50%), controls and runs the enterprise. Data has been collected from number of articles, books, periodicals and websites. The present study has been an attempt to generate awareness and to understand meaning, rationale for diversification. An extensive literature review is done on women entrepreneur. At the end some major problems faced by Indian women entrepreneurs, success stories of Indian women entrepreneurs, factors influencing women entrepreneurship and steps taken by the government for upliftment of Indian women entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Meaning of women entrepreneur, rationale for diversification, problems faced by Indian women entrepreneurs, success stories of Indian women entrepreneurs ,factors influencing women entrepreneurship, steps taken by the Indian government[1]. Bowen, Donald D. & Hirsch Robert D. (1986), The Female Entrepreneur: A career Development Perspective, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11 no. 2, Page No. 393-407.
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Abstract: Despite recent global economic downturns around the world, but Luxury goods still the popularity as some of the most popular products in the world. Now-days, more and more people know about Luxury goods and interested with Luxury goods. China has become the largest Luxury goods purchaser market. From the report 2013 it shows that Chinese people have buy 25% of the Luxury goods in the world(Husband, P,2010). Luxury goods to be researched in my report were only included expensive accessory which are watches, bags, shoes, apparel, perfumers and so on. This article discussion about the facts that the attitude, motivation influence Chinese people buying Luxury goods. However, there mainly are three luxury consumer groups in China: the rich flaunting fortune and manifesting identity, the young people gaining a sense of satisfaction and the bribers for mutual collusion and commercially "hidden rules."( Wood, Zoe,2011) With the rapid development of national economy and the enhancement of the purchasing power, the luxury consumption Chinese people also got a certain development. The consumer perception of the people to the luxury goods needs to be guided and showing off the wealth to prove their self-esteem shows a lack of intrinsic value.
Keywords: Luxury Goods, customer Psychology, buying behavior, buying motivation.
[1] Alexander, P., Ryan, R., &Deci, E. (January 01, 2000). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 1.
[3] Chadha, R., & Husband, P. (2010). The cult of the luxury brand: Inside Asia's love affair with luxury. London: Nicholas Brealey International.
[4] Charles EdouardBouee.(2012) A brand awareness upgrade “Welcoming a new era in the Chinese luxury market”
[5] "China revises 2007 GDP growth rate to 13%". Xinhuanet. 2009-01-15. Retrieved 2009-01-15.
[6] Copper, Donald R & Schindler Pamela, S. (2006), Business Research Methods, The McGraw-Hill Companies.
[7] Nstructional Conversations in Native American Classrooms (1994). Center for Applied Linguistics: Online Digests (5).
[8] Park, Jung-Dong (2004). The Special Economic Zones of China and Their Impact on Its Economic Development. Greenwood Press.
[9] Roland Berger - Chinese consumers report – Luxury; A brand awareness upgrade. Welcoming a new era in the Chinese luxury market, October 2012.
[10] The Boston Consulting - The Age of the Affluent Group, November 2012.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting profitability of fish farming under Economic Stimulus Programme in Tigania East District of Meru County, Kenya. In 2010, Economic Stimulus Programme was initiated by the Government of Kenya with the aim of encouraging fish farming in the region. The government spent more than 8 millions in fish farming in the district. The study was set to determine the influence of marketing on profitability of fish farming in Tigania East, establish the importance of related extension services on fish farming; determine the host's community cultural practises that influence fish farming and explore ways in which pond management skills influences fish farming.
Keywords: Economic stimulus, Marketing, Extension services, Management skills.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Motivational Factors |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sapna Singh, Deepak Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1533739 ![]() |
Abstract: As in my opinion each employee is different rather each individual is different. In this paper I have categorized employees in three parts according to their needs and behavior and have set different motivational factors for each type. Like American psychologist, Abraham Maslow gave his Hierarchy of needs model, he has suggested that human has five level of needs. Given below is the pyramid of needs by Maslow: Maslow argued that people try to satisfy their lower order needs before their higher level needs [2]. Therefore, each employee falls in different level of needs in my opinion and needs are responsible for different behavior and attributes of employees and thus leader has to act differently in order to meet individual's needs. Therefore, the motivational factors for different employees should be different. I have emphasized on the fact that different set of motivational factors work for different employee in this paper and categorized employees in three different types but I would also like to emphasize on the fact that leader should not differentiate between his employees as clearly stated in Equity theory of motivation, developed in the early 1960's by J. Stacey Adams, motivation can be affected through an individual's perception of fair treatment in social exchanges.
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[8]. Introduction to Human Resources Management by Marius Meyer & Monica Kristen.(page101 and page 103)
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Abstract: The study investigated the impact of foreign direct investment in Nigeria. The study employs the cointegration ad error correction mechanism to verify the nature of long run and short run relationship between growth of Nigeria and foreign direct investment. The result indicates that foreign direct investment has both long run and short run significant impacts on the growth of Nigeria. However, among all the variables used exchange rate also proved to have a short run significant impact on the growth of Nigeria and the relationship indicates that currency appreciation might not promote the growth of Nigeria at least in the short run. The policy implication is that efforts to stimulate growth of Nigeria through FDI should be supported with exchange rate policy that will make naira to be over-valued as this may squeeze out the tradable sector of the economy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Reporting By Indian Banks and Foreign Banks- A Comparative Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pallavi Sethi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1534553 ![]() |
Abstract: The study provides the level of corporate social responsibility disclosure of the Indian Banking Sector. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting information of Indian Banks in public as well as private sector as well as foreign banks operating in India and explores the potential effects of financial characteristics on CSR disclosure.The annual reports of all the banks for the year 2009-2010 are examined to analyse the banks' CSR reporting practice. An index comprising of 27 indicators is prepared and each bank's annual report is analysed for the items under the different categories. If a banking company discloses an item of information in the annual report, then "1" will be awarded and if the item is not disclosed then "0" will be awarded. Thereafter each bank's corporate social responsibility reporting index (CSRRI) is measured. It also considers the impact of three financial characteristics viz. profitability, gearing and size. The multiple regressions were used to measure the impact of financial characteristics on banks' CSR reporting initiatives. The results of the study demonstrate that though voluntary, overall CSR reporting by Indian Banks are rather moderate. The results also displayed no significant relationship between gearing and CSR reporting in Indian Banks. Profitability and size of the bank have been found to have significant impact on the CSR reporting. Whereas in case of foreign banks all the factors have a role to play. The study is the primary to investigate CSR reporting practices coupled with the impact of financial characteristics in the specific context of banking sectors in the developing country such as India.
Keywords: Social Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Characteristics, CSRRI.
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