Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2014)
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Abstract: The consumer psychology is a very complex phenomenon, which changes from time to time, and depends on fast changing applications of science &technology and ever fascinating management skills. The present research paper highlights the key factors in retailing world that play an important role in influencing the perceptual processing of the buyers' black box in selecting the retail store and retail brands. The changes in the perceptions about store brands and retail store may influence the purchase attitude of shoppers .These variables are studied extensively in order to assess their role in changing the purchase behavior of the store brand consumers.The study focuses on what-if analysis exclusively in analyzing the black box phenomena.
Keywords: consumer behavior, store brands, decision making, purchase interest, food and grocery.
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Abstract: Here the researcher has presented a comparative measurement of financial elements that motivates employees. Like other organizations it is important for the related parties to know what motivates the employees to work. The study on motivation has to determine two major things. First, the degree of need satisfaction of each category as desired by the employees and second, the extent of which such needs are currently being met effectively. These two figures may help in finding out the deficiency, if any in the area of need satisfaction. Motivation theory prescribes us that compensation packages must be designed with employees needs in mind, if the rewards are to create satisfaction and stimulate them to high levels of job productivity. Otherwise, high levels of productivity in job and job satisfaction will not be sustained. Here the researcher has attempted to determine the level of motivation of the employees to the various financial motivators existing in their organization. Thus he has tried to know, whether the employees of the selected companies are motivated or not. To measure the motivation level, Likert's five-point scale has been used. The total number and percentage of respondents belonging to each level of satisfaction have been shown separately.
Keywords: Correlation, Domestic company, Motivation, Multinational Company, Pharmaceutical.
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Abstract: The management of nine year compulsory education of open junior high school, the principal as the educational manager is required to perform his perserverance and skill in running the school education system. This research applies qualitative research approach with the design of multy-sites research and applies the technique of data. Assembly through deep interview, observation and document. To coincide with the research goal, the research focus is as follow: (a) The school plan in running open Junior High School during the nine years compulsory education programme in Malang. (b) The organizing of executing open Junior High School during the nine years compulsory education programme in Malang. (c) The development of the executor source in running of open Junior High School during the nine years compulsory education programme in Malang. (d) The management audit system of open Junior High School during the nine years compulsory education programme.
Keywords: Management open Junior High School during the nine years compulsory education programme.
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Abstract: This study aimed to identify time wasters related to decision-making in the Saudi Telecom Company (STC) as a model for the rest of the private companies in Saudi Arabia. In this study deductive approach, analytical and descriptive methods were used (questionnaire, interview, observation). A questionnaire was distributed to the sample of the study (n= 75 individuals). Fifty completed questionnaire were recovered which represent a response rate of 67 %. The data were uploaded into tables especially prepared for this purpose, where the nominal variables (strongly agree, agree, agree to a certain extent, I do not agree, do not agree at all) were converted into numerical variable (5, 4, 3, 2, 1), respectively. The study revealed that high percent (p<0.02) of the respondent resort to committees to make decisions in STC. Furthermore, the percent of those who suffer hesitancy in decision-making is high (52%), however it is not significant (p>0.05). It is concluded that minor time wasters exist in the STC.
Keywords: time wasters, decision– making, hesitancy, resort to committees.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Selection of stock: A Practical study on Nationalised Banks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Radha Krishna Nayak, Kishor Salian |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1554347 ![]() |
Abstract: Most people would agree that they want to make and have money, but very few people would agree to the level of risk they are willing to take on to make that money. Therefore, risk must be first issue an investor address when he is looking at choosing his investment. India is a developing country. Traditionally there was limited investment avenues access for the people. With the development of an economy different investment alternatives came into existence. Share market investment placed in superior position among all. One can success here only when he is able to select right script in right entry time. Present paper aims at guide an investor in respect of selection of securities using different evaluation criteria respectively supported with practical study.
Keywords: Investment, Beta, CAPM, Return, Risk, Expected Rate of Return (ERR).
[1]. Khan, M Y, Financial Service, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2007.
[2]. Pndian, Punithavathy, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House Private ltd, Noida,2011.
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Abstract: There is high unemployment and high inflation in developing countries like Pakistan. These countries can attract foreign direct investment by improving their infrastructure and education facilities. But they do not have huge amounts to finance these projects. So they have to turn to IMF, World Bank and other international financial institutions for expensive loans with strict terms and conditions. This paper presents an alternative to these costly loans with no strict condition. A model has been adopted to express the working of this financing mode. Qualitative approach has been used to collect data from different articles. By following the examples of Malaysia, UAE, Qatar and Indonesia, Pakistan and many other developing countries can easily attract huge funding for infrastructure projects as there is a high demand for Sovereign Sukuks in the international market. The basic requirement of Sovereign Ijarah Sukuks is underlying assets.
Keywords: Sovereign Sukuks, Rate of Return, Economic Development.
[1]. Faruqui, P. M. (n.d.). Sukuks: Shariah-Western Law Matrix.
[2]. Hamza, Q. H. (2006). Islamic Sukuks Securities as Financing Instruments: An Examination of Bond Pricing in the Conventional and Islamic Setting and a Survey of Literature on Alternative Benchmarks to the Interest-Based System .
[3]. House, K. F. (2011). Sukuks "Back on Track".
[4]. ICM, M. (2009). Quarterly Bulletin of Malaysian Islamic Capital Market by the Securities Commission Malaysia.
[5]. Market, I. I. (2011). Sukuks Report: A Comprehensive Study of the Global Sukuks Market.
[6]. Mohamad Zaid Mohamad Zin, A. A. (2011). The Effectiveness of Sukuks in Islamic Finance Market.
[7]. Mohamad Zaid Mohamad Zin, N. H. (2011). The Implementation of Sukuks in Islamic Finance.
[8]. News, I. F. (2011). The World's Global Islamic Finance News Provider.
[9]. News, I. F. (2012). The World's Global Islamic Finance News Provider.
[10]. Radzi, N. A. (2011). Implication of Sukuks Structuring: The Comparison on the Structure of Asset Based and Asset Backed Ijarah Sukuks.
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Abstract: This paper tries to observe the liquidity position and the profitability of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. during the study period. The study is based on secondary data. Secondary data were collected from the audited financial statements and liquidity statements of DBH for the year 2008-2009 to 2012-2013. During the study period, current ratio, quick ratio, super quick ratio, cash ratio and net working capital position are so poor which are not reached the conventional standard. The profitability ratios of DBH such as net interest income ratio, NOPAT ratio, net profit ratio, return on total assets ratio, return on capital employed ratio and return on equity capital ratio are highly satisfied and covered stakeholders interest during the study period. Net operating profit after tax ratio is proved that the DBH has good control over operating expenses. So the researchers comment regarding the liquidity condition of DBH is unacceptable and the profitability condition of DBH is appreciable during the study period.
[1]. Pandey, I. M., (2006-2007) Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., Delhi.
[2]. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K, (2002) Financial Management, prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
[3]. Banerjee, B., (Tenth Revised Edition) Cost Accounting, The World Press Private Limited., Calcutta.
[4]. Kothari, C.R., (Second Edition-2005) Research Methodology-Methods & Techniques, Published by New Age International (P) Ltd.,
[5]. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, Study Manual-Business And Finance.
[6]. Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., Annual Audited Financial Statements and Liquidity. Statement from 2008-2009 to
[7]. Abedin, M.M.M.,(2011), Liquidity and Profitability of Grameen phone Ltd. in Bangladesh: An Evaluation, Rajshahi University
Journal of Social Science And Business Studies, Volume -19, RU Publication No-151, ISSN: 1681-0716.
[8]. Islam, M.A.,(2011), Liquidity and Profitability Analysis : A case Study of Rajshahi Jute Mills Ltd., Rajshahi University Journal of
Social Science And Business Studies, Volume -19, RU Publication No-151, ISSN: 1681-0716.
[9]. Rahman, T. and Hossain, M.M.,(2013), Analysis of Investment Cost : The case of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh, Journal of Islamic
Economics Banking and Finance, Volume -9 Number -1, ISSN:2070-4658.
[10]. Bari, M.A.,(2004), Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh : Some Selected Issues, Rajshahi University Journal of Business
Studies, Volume - 1.
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Abstract: Successful recruitment and selection practices are key components at the entry point of human resources in any organization .Efficient recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The main objective of this paper is to identify general practices that organizations use to recruit and select employees .The study also focus its attention o to determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect the organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that can help to different companies located in Krishna.. The data was collected through well structured questionnaire. The source of data was both primary and secondary and the Sample size was 150. Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs, pie charts, bar diagrams etc.
Keywords: Experience, qualification, external recruitment, internal recruitment, written test, group discussion, interview, reference, identification, growth, relocation, ,formal interview, structured interview, job security, decent salary etc.
[1] Essential of human resource management and industrial relations, subbarao Mumbai, Himalaya publishing house, 1996.
[2] Achieving Excellence in Human Resources Management: An Assessment of Human Resource Functions Edward E. Lawler Iii; John W. Boudreau. Stanford Business Books, 2009
[3] Reinventing Human Resources Management: Challenges and New Directions ,Ronald J. Burke; Cary L. Cooper. Routledge, 2005
[4] Understanding Human Resource Management ,Ken N. Kamoche. Open University Press, 2001
[5] Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management Ronald R. Sims. Quorum Books, 2002
[6] How to Develop Essential HR Policies and Procedures ,John H. McConnell. AMACOM, 2005
[7] Strategic Human Resource Management: A Three-Stage Process Model and Its Influencing Factors Krishnan, Sandeep K.; Singh, Manjari. South Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 18, No. 1, January-March 2011
[8] A Balanced Approach to Understanding the Shaping of Human Resource Management in organisations** Boselie, Paul. Management Revue, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 1, 2009
[9] Strategic Human Resource Management in Small and Growing Firms: Aligning Valuable Resources Hargis, Michael B.; Bradley, Don B.,, III. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, July 2011
[10] Implementing Human Resource Management Successfully: A First-Line Management Challenge** Nehles, Anna C.; van Riemsdijk, Maarten; Kok, Irene; Looise, Jan Kees. Management Revue, Vol. 17, No. 3, July 1, 2006.
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Abstract: Teachers at the undergraduate level play an important role in shaping the lives of students who stand at the crossroads of their career. The commitment and dedication of teachers, among other factors depend upon their level of satisfaction with their job. No empirical research has been done regarding the level of satisfaction in teachers engaged in one of the most prestigious universities of the country, University of Delhi. The present study was designed to assess the job satisfaction level of Delhi university faculty and to find out whether level of job satisfaction was influenced by position in organisational hierarchy. Little is known about faculty job satisfaction in higher education as well as in the developing countries like India. The present study was designed to assess the job satisfaction level of Delhi university faculty and to find out whether level of job satisfaction was influenced by the seniority in the hierarchy. The study makes a comparison between satisfaction of Assistant professors and Associate professors across three disciplines namely Arts, Science & Arts. The study was a descriptive study and made use of standardized job satisfaction scale as a research tool. 163 faculty members working in Delhi University in 18 different colleges were selected. The findings of study showed that most academic members of Delhi universities were satisfied with their job. However, there were different in satisfaction at the same level across academic streams.
Keywords: Assistant, Associate, Delhi university, Faculty, Satisfaction, Science.
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Abstract: The Internet is a global communication medium that is increasingly being used as an innovative tool for marketing goods and services. The Internet has added a new dimension to the traditional nature of retail shopping. The internet offers many advantages over traditional shopping channels and the medium is a competitive threat to traditional retail outlets. Globally, consumers are rapidly adopting Internet shopping and shopping online. It is becoming popular in China. If online marketers and retailers know and understand the factors affecting consumers' buying behavior, they can further develop their marketing strategies to attract and retain customers.
Keywords: Online Shopping, Electronic Market, China.
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