Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2014)
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Abstract: Being the regulatory body of Commodity market ,the Forward Market Commission has not taken any steps to create awareness among the public since liberalization . After More than a decade of introduction of a Commodity Derivative market in India , FMC has taken some constructive steps to open themselves to the general public with regard to regulation, system of operation , players of the market, FMC's Organizational Chart and major initiations taken by the government and commission. This paper is attempt to take the initiatives taken by the central government and and FMC to the common public and better understanding of the operation of FMC towards Commodity Derivative Market in India after Liberalization.
Keywords: Forward Market Commission, Commodity Derivative Market.
[1] FMC (2010) Market Review, Forward Markets Commission, GoI,
[2] Ministry of Civil Supplies (1980): Report of the Committee on Forward Markets,(Chairman: A M Khusro),
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Abstract: The contemporary marketers all over the world are shifting their centre of attention into event marketing due to its intense reputation as a mode of promotion. However, the efficiency of event marketing as a promotional tool over the common advertising practices is yet to be measured. Hence, this article provides a hypothetical analysis via a two-sample proportionate test to measure the effectiveness of event marketing over the usual marketing promotion. The result evidently exhibits that; event marketing is relatively more effective mode of promotion compared to other conventional methods of advertising for developing goodwill, building customer-company relationship and ensuring further re-purchasing tendency.
Keywords: Event Marketing; Hypothetical Analysis; Two Sample Proportionate Test.
[1] Schmitt B. H. (1999) Experiential Marketing. New York: The Free Press, P.26
[2] Keith J. Tuckwell (2009) "Canadian Advertising in Action" Pearson Education Canada Inc. C.14, P.6-8
[3] Desmet, P. M. (2005) Seminar notes from a seminar on Measuring and Understanding Product Emotions he taught at Copenhagen Business School, October 13, 2005. Copenhagen, Denmark: Centre for Marketing Communication, Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School
[4] Belch, G. E., and M. A. Belch. (2007) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 7th Ed New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, P.12
[5] Gupta, S. (2003) "Event Marketing: Issues and Challenges" IIMB Management Review 15, 2: 87–96
[6] MPI FOUNDATION. (2005) "Fourth Annual Trends Study, Event- View '05/'06." Press: July 11 [URL:]
[7] MPI FOUNDATION. (2004) "AS Events Unfold: Event Trends 2004" The George P Johnson Company Report on the Changing Role of Events in Corporate America's Marketing Mix: [URL: http://]
[8] Sneath, J. Z., R. Z. Finney, and A. G. Close. (2005) "An IMC Approach to Event Marketing: The Effects of Sponsorship and Experience on Customer Attitudes" Journal of Advertising Research: 373–381
[9] Close, A. G., R. Z. Finney, R. Z. Lacey, and J. Z. Sneath (2006) "Engaging the Consumer through Event Marketing: Linking Attendees with the Sponsor, Community, and Brand" Journal of Advertising Research: 420–433
[10] Martensen, A., L. Gronholdt, L. Bendtsen, and M. J. Jensen. (2007) "Application of a Model for the Effectiveness of Event Marketing" Journal of Advertising Research: 283–301.
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Abstract: Governing government sector is not quite different with managing a company. When the purpose of private sector is to corporate stability and long-lasting profit ability, in fact the purpose of public sector is not much different. The purpose of public sector is to improve community welfare and community trust to government. Welfare itself could be accomplished if the implementation of the development program itself gives positive impact for the society. (Sifia from Aswanto, 2010). When regional autonomy law is applied, Regional Government-owned Enterprise (BUMD) has potential which should be developed more through professional management by merging the characteristic of public service and profit orientation. Realizing good BUMD requires commitment from all parties from Regency/City Government as the owner and the manager of BUMD. From profit oriented aspect, BUMD (Malang Regency's PDAM) is one of the support and source of district own revenue (PAD), on the other hand PDAM is one of public organization which function is to provide clean water as one of public's commodity.
Keywords: corporate governance, assymetric information, transaction cost.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consumers' Satisfaction with 7up Packaging: an empirical Analysis |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Akabogu, Okey Christopher |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1562836 ![]() |
Abstract: This study focuses on the lacuna apparently extant because of the, probably, insufficient use of theoretical frameworks to measure and analyze packaging influences on consumers' satisfaction with 7up soft drink in Nigeria. The "VIEW" theory of packaging is the operationalized theoretical framework on which this study rests. Using a structured questionnaire, the influences of the "VIEW" packaging variables on consumers' satisfaction with 7up soft drink were obtained through a survey of a convenience sample of 300 consumers of 7up in Awka, capital city of Anambra State, Nigeria. The data obtained were computer analyzed using multiple regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures. The study found that the "VIEW" theoretical framework explained about 46% of the variability in consumers' satisfaction with 7up in the study area. Only the Visibility (V) and Information (I) components of the "VIEW" theoretical framework significantly influenced consumers' satisfaction with 7up in the study area. Except for the education segments, the study found significant differences in satisfaction across the age and income segments of consumers of 7up in the study area.
Keywords: "VIEW", packaging, 7up, consumers' satisfaction, Nigeria.
[1] Akabogu, O.C. Application of the "VIEW" concept of packaging in evaluation of promotional effectiveness. Business Management Dynamics 3(1), July, 2013, 47-57
[2] Akabogu, O.C. Promotional influence of packaging on consumers‟ retrials of bottled water in Nigeria. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(15), 2013, 250-268.
[3] Akabogu, O.C. Application of the "brand-choice sequences" theory to measure brand loyalty to toothpaste brands in Nigeria, Business Management Dynamics. 2(12), 2013, 33-46.
[4] Twedt, D. W. How Much Value can be added through Packaging. Journal of Marketing, 1, 1968, 55-61.
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[8] Underwood, R.L. (2003). The communicative Power of Product Packaging: Creating Brand Identity via lived and mediated Experience. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 11 (1), 2003.
[9] Young, S. Packaging and the Environment: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Design Management Review, 19(4), 2010, 42–48
[10] Laforet, S. (2011). Brand names on packaging and their impact on purchase preference. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10(2), 2011, 8–30.
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Abstract: This study is aimed to study the relationship between school culture and learning among female high school students in the schools of Saveh Province. In order to achieve the goal of study, the sample size based on scientific principles and sample size formula was 125 persons who were selected among 3710 female high school students by using relative stratifiedrandom sampling method. The toolsused in the research include Neefe's learning questionnaire and school culture questionnaire and descriptive, analytical statistics, Pearson correlation test, Spearman correlation test and t test were done and the following results were achieved: Findingssuggest that there is a significant positive relationship between school culture and students' learning and there is no significant difference between students of public and private schools in terms of school culture and learning.
Keywords: school culture, learning, Teamwork.
[1] Schmitt B. H. (1999) Experiential Marketing. New York: The Free Press, P.26
[2] Keith J. Tuckwell (2009) "Canadian Advertising in Action" Pearson Education Canada Inc. C.14, P.6-8
[3] Desmet, P. M. (2005) Seminar notes from a seminar on Measuring and Understanding Product Emotions he taught at Copenhagen Business School, October 13, 2005. Copenhagen, Denmark: Centre for Marketing Communication, Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School
[4] Belch, G. E., and M. A. Belch. (2007) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 7th Ed New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, P.12
[5] Gupta, S. (2003) "Event Marketing: Issues and Challenges" IIMB Management Review 15, 2: 87–96
[6] MPI FOUNDATION. (2005) "Fourth Annual Trends Study, Event- View '05/'06." Press: July 11 [URL:]
[7] MPI FOUNDATION. (2004) "AS Events Unfold: Event Trends 2004" The George P Johnson Company Report on the Changing Role of Events in Corporate America's Marketing Mix: [URL: http://]
[8] Sneath, J. Z., R. Z. Finney, and A. G. Close. (2005) "An IMC Approach to Event Marketing: The Effects of Sponsorship and Experience on Customer Attitudes" Journal of Advertising Research: 373–381
[9] Close, A. G., R. Z. Finney, R. Z. Lacey, and J. Z. Sneath (2006) "Engaging the Consumer through Event Marketing: Linking Attendees with the Sponsor, Community, and Brand" Journal of Advertising Research: 420–433
[10] Martensen, A., L. Gronholdt, L. Bendtsen, and M. J. Jensen. (2007) "Application of a Model for the Effectiveness of Event Marketing" Journal of Advertising Research: 283–301.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | VoIP Implementation Using Asterisk PBX |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Nafish Sarwar Islam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1564753 ![]() |
Abstract: The ability to transmit and process voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) networks has important implications for technology users especially by the using Asterisk PBX. Many companies nowadays are rushing to bring different VoIP products to market with a wide variety of features. This article will focus on the introduction of VoIP and its implementation by the use of Asterisk PBX. Firstly, the paper presents the project objective with some introductory theory about VOIP. Secondly, the project includes report on the viability of utilizing the Asterisk PBX as a foundation for conducting research performance studies for VoIP. Finally, the project is showing on live experimental studies of SIP voice traffic. The article experimentally studied the performance of voice calls initiated using SIPp simulator for testing SIP protocol performance and found much more stability and accuracy using Asterisk PBX. The purpose is to suggest those VoIP technology attributes that best meet users' needs. Asterisk, the open source PBX of choice is used to show that this is maturing fast and ready for main stream VoIP implementation.
Keywords: VoIP, SIP, PBX, GSM, ISDN, TCP, RTP.
[1] Davidson, J., Peters, J., Gracely, B. 2000, Voice Over IP Fundamentals, CISCO Press, Indiannapolis, IN, pp 56-120.
[2] Ghita, B.V., Furnell, S.M., Lines, B.M., Le-Foll, D., Ifeachor, E.C. (2001), "Network quality of service monitoring for IP
telephony", Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, Vol. 11 No.1, pp, 26-34.
[3] Thorne, D.J. (2001), "VoIP-the access dimension", British Telecom Technical Journal, Vol. 19 No.2, pp.33-43.
[4] Camp, Ken. 2002. IP Telephony Demystified. McGraw-Hill Professional, pp, 222-254.
[5] Bourreau, M., Dogan, P. (2004), "Service-based vs. facility-based competition in local access networks", Information Economics
and Policy, Vol. 16 No.2, pp.287-306.
[6] Qadeer, Mohammed A & Ale Imran, 2008, "Asterisk Voice Exchange-An alternative to conventional EPBX" in Proc. IEEE ICCEE
2008, pp 20-22.
[7] Jim Van Meggelen, Leif Madsen , Jared Smith 2007, "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" Second Edition, Harvard Journals, pp 99-
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Higher Education, Infrastructure and Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | SaqibUsman |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1565459 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to check the correlation between higher education, infrastructure and foreign direct investment in randomly selected countries. Data on higher education and infrastructure have been taken from World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Indicators. Data on foreign direct investment have been taken from the World Bank. Correlation between the selected variables has been checked through SPSS v.16. Both higher education and infrastructure are significantly correlated with foreign direct investment inflows in selected countries.
[2] Barry, F. (2005). Third-Level Education, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Boom in Ireland. Dublin: Centre for Economic Research .
[3] Behname, M. (2012). Foreign Direct Investment and Urban Infrastructure: An Evidence from Southern Asia. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 2(4), 253-259.
[4] Berg, A. G. (2006). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: A Time-Series Approach. Global Economy Journal, 6(1), 1-19.
[5] Chauvin, D. N. (2013). FDI Flows in the MENA Region: Features and Impacts. IEMS Emerging Market Brief, 13(1), 1-26.
[6] Dlamini, M. B. (2009). Determinants of foreign direct investment inflows in Swaziland. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics , 1(5), 177-184.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Supply chain management concepts: literature review |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Aziz Muysinaliyev, Sherzod Aktamov |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1566066 ![]() |
Abstract: Supply chain Management has assumed a significant role in firm's performance and has attracted serious research attention over the last few years. In this paper attempt has been made to review the literature on Supply Chain Management. A literature review reveals a considerable spurt in research in theory and practice of SCM. We have presented a literature review for 29 research papers for the period between 2005 and 2011. The aim of this study was to provide an up-to-date and brief review of the SCM literature that was focused on broad areas of the SCM concept.
[1] Ganeshan, R, and Harrison Terry P., "An Introduction to Supply Chain Management," Department of Management Sciences and Information Systems, 1995
[2] Lee Hau L., and Corey Billington, "The Evolution of Supply-Chain-Management Models and Practice at Hewlett-Packard. Interfaces", (25), pp. 42-63, 5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September5 September-October, 1995
[3] Christopher M., Logistics & supply chain management: strategies for reducing costs and improving services (Pitman Publishing, London, 1998)
[4] Mentzer J. T. , DeWitt V, Keebler K. S., Min S., Nix N. W. and Smith. C. D., Defining Supply Chain Management, Journal of Business Logistics, (22:2), 2001
[5] Trkman P., Stemberger M. I., and Jaklic J., Information Transfer in Supply Chain Management, Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Slovenia, 2006
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Green Marketing In India: Emerging Opportunities And Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Babita Saini |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1566773 ![]() |
Abstract: Environmental issues have gained importance in business as well as in public life throughout the world. As society becomes more concerned with the natural environment, businesses have begun to modify their behavior in an attempt to address society's "new" concerns. Some businesses have been quick to accept concepts like environmental management systems and waste minimization Eco-friendly products, and have integrated environmental issues into all organizational activities. Green marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular important in the modern market and has emerged as an important concept in India as in other parts of the developing and developed world, and is seen as an important strategy of facilitating sustainable development.
[2]. J.A Ottman,. et al, "Avoiding Green Marketing Myopia", Environment,
[3]. Pavan Mishra and payal sharma, green marketing in India: emerging opportunities and challenges.
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Abstract: The concept of marketing is going throughout the orientation is providing the organization a much better understanding for their competitors, customers and practices of business. This paper is exploring the relationship between the business performance and the market orientation in the variety of small sized banking organizations. The major focus of this study is to explore the concept of marketing in the small sized banking organizations. This study is also examining the level of the orientation in the market with the relationship of organization culture and its size.
[1]. McCarthy, E., & Perreault, W. (1984). Basic marketing. Homewood, IL: Irwin, retrieved from:
[2]. Kohli, A. J., Jaworski, B., & Kumar, A. (1993). MARKOR: A measure of market orientation. Journal of Marketing Research, 30, 467- 477, retrieved from:
[3]. Cooper, R, D., & Schindler, P. S. (2003). Business research methods (9th ed). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, retrieved from:
[4]. Blankson, C., & Cheng, J. M. (2005). Have small businesses adopted the market orientation concept? The case of small businesses in Michigan. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 20, 317, retrieved from:
[5]. Kotler, P. (1984). Marketing management (5th ed). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, retrieved from:
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Abstract: It is generally recognised that the development of relevant skills is an important instrument for improving productivity and working conditions, and the promotion of decent work in the informal economy, which represents the major employer in Africa. The increasing recognition that higher technical and vocational skills are crucial in enhancing competitiveness and contributing to social inclusion, decent employment, and poverty reduction has been a strong incentive for reform.
[1] Afyenyandu, D, King, K, Mcgrath, S, Oketch, H, Rogerson, C and Visser, K (1999). Learning to Compete;
Education, Training and Enterprise in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa; Education Research Paper No 42. Center for African Studies; University of Edinburgh
[2] Armstrong, M. (2003) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Pages
[3] Atchoarena, D and Andre Delluc (2002): "Revisiting technical and vocational education in Sub-Saharan Africa". IIEP-UNESCO, Paris.
[4] Beardwell, I.and Holden (2001) Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach.Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited
[5] Botha, M. G.H. Nieman and J.J. van Vuuren (2006). Evaluating the women entrepreneurship
training program: A South African Study. International Indigenous Journal of Entrepreneurship, Advancement, Strategy and Education, ISSN 1177-0317, University of Pretoria, South Africa. Accessed through on 5th April 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | FDI in India's Retail |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | CMA JayashreeRamanan, Dr. K.P.V.Ramanakumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1568891 ![]() |
Abstract: The retail industry in India is being hailed as one of the sunrise sectors in the economy. According to AT Kearney, international management consultancy identified India as the "second most attractive retail destination" .According to Deloitte report Jan 2013, The Indian retail industry is expected to be around 850 billion USD by 2015 and is expected to be over 1.3 trillion USD by 2020. The share of organized retail is estimated to be 20% by 2020. The recent wave of reforms by the Government of India to intensify FDI in retail has brought about a new outlook on the business climate in India. This paper attempts to outline the government‟s policy on FDI in retailing and tries to examine its pros and cons while examining the voices of small retailers on the government‟s decision. This paper is based on the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP, Government of India, Ministry of Commerce & Industry‟s) Press Note on the "guidelines and policy as to FDI in Single brand and multi brand retail, various journals, relevant news articles and opinion of experts and press reports in‟ The Hindu Business Line‟. This paper analyses the issues involved in effective implementation of the policy. A SWOT analysis has been made on the FDI policy.
Key words: FDI , retail, policy
[1] DIPP ,Ministry of Industry and Commerce Press Note No. 4, 5 and 6 (2013) series on FDI policy on single and multi-brand retail
[2] retail-with-riders/article 389775.ece
[3] A review of the impact of FDI on Indian Retailing by Dr. SheetalMundraamnd others published in the International Journal of sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2013) Volume 10, No1, pp 01-18
[4] FDI and unorganized retail sector – a case study by Sameer Ahmad Shalla and others in IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR_JBM) Vol 8, Issue 3 (Mar-April 201.) pp 01-05
[5] FDI in Indian retail sector: Groundwork for Effective implementation by Roshan Deshpande 2257227
[6] FDI in India;s retail sector More Bad than Good? By Mohan Guruswamy and others, Centre for Policy Alternatives, New Delhi