Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Satisfaction: A Comparison of Public and Private Banks Of Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Waqar ul Haq || Bakhtiar Muhammad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0150105 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of conducting this research is to compare public and private sector banks of Pakistan by evaluating their customer satisfaction. This research is mainly based on primary data which has been collected through a well-structured questionnaire (adapted from three different studies). The questionnaire has been distributed to 351 different respondents on different chosen locations. This paper makes a useful contribution as there are very low number of studies has been conducted in Pakistan on such areas like price, technology, reliability, customer service, location and infrastructure. This research shows that customer satisfaction varies from person to person and, bank managers need to conduct more researches in order to evaluate customer satisfaction more strongly.
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, customer services, technology, reliability
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, customer services, technology, reliability
[1]. B. K. Tiwary (2011). Consumer Perception and Satisfaction of Banking Products and Services – A Comparative Study of Select Indian Public and Private Sector Banks. Indian Streams Research Journal Vol - I. Chennappa, D; Eliat, M.J (2009). Satisfaction of the Credit Card Holders of the Public, Private and Foreign Sector Banks. European Journal of Management Volume: 9, ISSN: 1555-4015.
[2]. Colin Beasty (2005). Private Banks Rate High in Customer Satisfaction. CRM Magazine (Article# 43360).
[3]. Farzad Asgarian(2009). A Comparative Study on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Public Banks and Private Banks in Iran. Las Vegas International Academic Conference. Jitendra Kumar Mishra (2007). Constitute Dimensions of Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Nationalized and Private Banks. Revista Tinerilor Economisti (The Young Economist Journal)vol. 1, issue 8, pages 40-47.
[4]. Khaled Al-Hashash and Abdulrasoul HussainBahzadi (2008). Bank"s Customer Satisfaction In Kuwait: An Exploratory Study. Open University Malaysia.
[5]. Mohammad Khodaei Valahzaghard, Parinaz Koozehgar, Hassan Khodaei Valehzagharad & Mostafa Memarzade (2012).The Comparison of Private State Banks and Other Banks in Iran.European Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 1450-2267 Vol.27 No.4.
[6]. Monica Bedi (2010). An Integrated Framework for Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral responses In Indian Banking Industry a Comparison of Public and Private Sector Banks. Journal of Services Research Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 157-172.
[7]. Muhammad Naveed (2009). Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector. National University of Modern Languages.
[8]. M.J. Vidhyaa (2009). A Comparative study of customer services in ICICI (Industrial Credit And Investment Corporation Of India) and SBI (State Bank of India). ICFAI National College, KEELKATTALAI.
[9]. N. Senthikumar, A.Ananth and A. Arulraj (2011). Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction in Banking Service. African Journal of Business ManagementVol.5 (7), pp. 3028-3039.
[10]. Peter Kangis & Vassilis Voukelatos (1997). Private and Public Banks: A Comparison of Customer Expectations and Perceptions. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 15 ISSN: 7, pp.279 - 287.
[11]. Puja Khatri & Yukti Ahuja (2010).Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Indian Public Sector and Private Sector Banks. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences Vol. 1: 42-51.
[12]. Pooja Mengi (2009). Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality: An Empirical Study of Public and Private Sector Banks. The IUP Journal of Management Research, Vol. VIII, No. 9, pp. 7-17.Rengasamy Elango and Vijaya Kumar Gudep (2006). A Comparative Study on the Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction among Private, Public and Foreign Banks. The IUP Journal of Marketing ManagementIJMM10608.
[13]. Surabhi Singh &Renu Arora (2011). A Comparative Study of Banking Services and Customer Satisfaction in Public, Private and Foreign Banks. Kamla- Raj, J Economics J Economics, 2(1): 45-56.
[14]. Uma Sankar Mishra, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, Swagat Praharaj & Ramchandra Mahapatra (2011). CRM in Banks: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sectors in India. European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 24.
[15]. Dr. Vijay M. Kumbhar (2011). Service Quality Perception and Customers Satisfaction in Internet Banking Service: A Case Study of Public and Private Sector Banks. Cyber Literature Volume 4 Issue 2 ISSN 0972-0901.
[2]. Colin Beasty (2005). Private Banks Rate High in Customer Satisfaction. CRM Magazine (Article# 43360).
[3]. Farzad Asgarian(2009). A Comparative Study on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Public Banks and Private Banks in Iran. Las Vegas International Academic Conference. Jitendra Kumar Mishra (2007). Constitute Dimensions of Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Nationalized and Private Banks. Revista Tinerilor Economisti (The Young Economist Journal)vol. 1, issue 8, pages 40-47.
[4]. Khaled Al-Hashash and Abdulrasoul HussainBahzadi (2008). Bank"s Customer Satisfaction In Kuwait: An Exploratory Study. Open University Malaysia.
[5]. Mohammad Khodaei Valahzaghard, Parinaz Koozehgar, Hassan Khodaei Valehzagharad & Mostafa Memarzade (2012).The Comparison of Private State Banks and Other Banks in Iran.European Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 1450-2267 Vol.27 No.4.
[6]. Monica Bedi (2010). An Integrated Framework for Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral responses In Indian Banking Industry a Comparison of Public and Private Sector Banks. Journal of Services Research Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 157-172.
[7]. Muhammad Naveed (2009). Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector. National University of Modern Languages.
[8]. M.J. Vidhyaa (2009). A Comparative study of customer services in ICICI (Industrial Credit And Investment Corporation Of India) and SBI (State Bank of India). ICFAI National College, KEELKATTALAI.
[9]. N. Senthikumar, A.Ananth and A. Arulraj (2011). Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction in Banking Service. African Journal of Business ManagementVol.5 (7), pp. 3028-3039.
[10]. Peter Kangis & Vassilis Voukelatos (1997). Private and Public Banks: A Comparison of Customer Expectations and Perceptions. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 15 ISSN: 7, pp.279 - 287.
[11]. Puja Khatri & Yukti Ahuja (2010).Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Indian Public Sector and Private Sector Banks. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences Vol. 1: 42-51.
[12]. Pooja Mengi (2009). Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality: An Empirical Study of Public and Private Sector Banks. The IUP Journal of Management Research, Vol. VIII, No. 9, pp. 7-17.Rengasamy Elango and Vijaya Kumar Gudep (2006). A Comparative Study on the Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction among Private, Public and Foreign Banks. The IUP Journal of Marketing ManagementIJMM10608.
[13]. Surabhi Singh &Renu Arora (2011). A Comparative Study of Banking Services and Customer Satisfaction in Public, Private and Foreign Banks. Kamla- Raj, J Economics J Economics, 2(1): 45-56.
[14]. Uma Sankar Mishra, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, Swagat Praharaj & Ramchandra Mahapatra (2011). CRM in Banks: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sectors in India. European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 24.
[15]. Dr. Vijay M. Kumbhar (2011). Service Quality Perception and Customers Satisfaction in Internet Banking Service: A Case Study of Public and Private Sector Banks. Cyber Literature Volume 4 Issue 2 ISSN 0972-0901.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Marketing: A Classic Case of Sustainability Model by Hindustan Unilever Ltd. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Laxhminarayan Das |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0150608 ![]() |
Abstract: Growing consumer and increasing income growing of consumer opens many avenues for modern marketers to serve consumers. Market and society are the two sides of a single coin. To develop the society, marketers have a greater role of sustainability. While manufacturing new product for the consumer group, companies should take every precaution and necessary steps to protect the interest of the consumers as well as safeguard the consumer's priorities. A better and sustainable earth is also the concern for Govt. as well as many companies of the globe, who are using resources of earth like water, minerals, trees etc for further processing of their products. This paper focus on several steps initiated by HUL for their forthcoming as well as current products, where company plans to launch many eco-friendly products which save mother earth as well as protect consumer from any hazards.
Keywords: Sustainability, HUL, Consumer, Market. Social Marketing
Keywords: Sustainability, HUL, Consumer, Market. Social Marketing
HUL Bets on innovations to Reach Sustainable goal, The Economics Time, 25th April 2012
HUL Bets on innovations to Reach Sustainable goal, The Economics Time, 25th April 2012
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Empirical Study of Servqual as a Tool for Service Quality Measurement |
Country | : | Chittagong |
Authors | : | Sabrina Tazreen |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0150919 ![]() |
Abstract: To survive and excel in today's competitive market organizations must realize the significance of customer-oriented business philosophies and quality management approaches in managing the business. Customers are becoming more aware of their requirements. Their expectations and perceptions are continually evolving making it more difficult for the service providers to measure and manage services effectively and efficiently. Implementation of total quality in the service industry is comparatively more complex and difficult due to the fact that quality of services cannot be defined objectively. Additionally, service industry by nature has less control over factors which affect quality. Very few methods are considered to be effective measurement tools for services so far while a number of methods have been introduced and practiced for measuring the quality of physical goods. This paper attempts to highlight the implication of SERVQUAL, one of the widely accepted methods for measuring service quality. The SERVQUAL methodology is briefly demonstrated by a small survey conducted on a randomly selected bunch of customers regarding the service quality provided by a particular commercial bank. The paper concludes with some recommendations regarding further research topics related to service quality measurement.
[1]. Bexley, James B. (1999), Service quality: an empirical study of expectations versus perceptions in the delivery of financial services in community banks, University of Stirling, December 2005
[2]. Parasuraman, A., Valarie A. Zeithaml , and Leonard L. Berry (1985), "A Conceptual Model of Service Quality in its Implications for Future Research," Journal of Marketing, 49 (Fall), 41-50.
[3]. Zeithaml, Valarie A., Mary Jo Bitner (1990), Services Marketing, New York, Irwin McGraw Hill.
[4]. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., and Berry, L.L. (1988): SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, 64, 41-50.
[5]. Peter, J. P., Churchill, G. A., & Brown, T. J. (1993). Caution in the use of difference scores in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(1), 655-662.
[6]. Paul R. Messinger, A Service Quality Audit: An Application of the Gap Analysis Model, (University of Alberta, 1990
[2]. Parasuraman, A., Valarie A. Zeithaml , and Leonard L. Berry (1985), "A Conceptual Model of Service Quality in its Implications for Future Research," Journal of Marketing, 49 (Fall), 41-50.
[3]. Zeithaml, Valarie A., Mary Jo Bitner (1990), Services Marketing, New York, Irwin McGraw Hill.
[4]. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., and Berry, L.L. (1988): SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, 64, 41-50.
[5]. Peter, J. P., Churchill, G. A., & Brown, T. J. (1993). Caution in the use of difference scores in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(1), 655-662.
[6]. Paul R. Messinger, A Service Quality Audit: An Application of the Gap Analysis Model, (University of Alberta, 1990
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Law Enforcement In Malaysian Securities Markets |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Asmah Laili Yeon || Faridahwati Samsuddin |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0152027 ![]() |
Abstract : The objective of this paper is to discuss issues of law enforcement in Malaysian Securities Markets. This survey was conducted among 107 principal and representative licensees registered with the Securities Commission of Malaysia. They consist of licensed dealers, investment advisers and fund managers. The majority of the respondents were capital markets and services representative licensees (CMSRL), while only 17 respondents were capital markets and services licensees. On a scale of one to five, respondents were found to be generally satisfied with the roles and responsibilities of enforcement bodies i.e. Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia (mean of satisfaction = 3.660 to 3.952). The study shows that there is a positive relationship between the views and attitudes of respondents towards the implementation of the legal philosophy by the enforcement bodies (r= .524, r= .480). As the main enforcement agencies, Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia should further enhance efforts to monitor and enforce the law of capital markets. In conclusion, this paper provides useful information in relation to factors contributing to non compliance of participants of the capital markets. The enforcement bodies can implement measures on how to curb the unethical behaviour by carrying out ethics training and introducing new rules and regulations for the industry.
Keywords - enforcement of law, investor protection, non-compliance, securities law, securities commission
Keywords - enforcement of law, investor protection, non-compliance, securities law, securities commission
[1] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012)
[2] Securities Commission, Compliance with IOSCO principles, Securities Commission, 2008. Available: http// (June 24, 2012)
[3] International Organization of Securities Commission,The MMoU: Ten years of Enhancing Cross-border Enforcement Cooperation, Proc., The Annual Conference of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), Beijing, 2012 at pp 3.
[4] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[5] Asmah Laili Yeon, Nurli Yaacob and Rohana Abd Rahman, Non compliance of public listed companies in Malaysia, research report, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 2002. The research is financed by Universiti Utara Malaysia.
[6] Securities Commission, Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011, A Blue Print report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[7] Securities Commission, Capital Markets Plan 2, A Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[8] International Law Books Services, Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (Kuala Lumpur: ILBS, 2012).
[9] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[10] International Law Books Services, Companies Act 1965 (Kuala Lumpur: ILBS, 2012).
[11] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[12] Bursa Malaysia, Business Rules of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Market Misconduct) (Kuala Lumpur, 2011).
[13] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[14] Bursa Malaysia, Listing Requirement of Public Listed Companies (Kuala Lumpur: Bursa Malaysia, 2012).
[15] Asmah Laili Yeon & Faridahwati Mohd Shamsuddin, Pelaksanaan Kerangka Perundangan Penzahiran dalam pasaran Industri Sekuriti di kalangan pemegang-pemegang lesen di Malaysia. Research Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 2011. The research is financed by Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia.........
[2] Securities Commission, Compliance with IOSCO principles, Securities Commission, 2008. Available: http// (June 24, 2012)
[3] International Organization of Securities Commission,The MMoU: Ten years of Enhancing Cross-border Enforcement Cooperation, Proc., The Annual Conference of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), Beijing, 2012 at pp 3.
[4] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[5] Asmah Laili Yeon, Nurli Yaacob and Rohana Abd Rahman, Non compliance of public listed companies in Malaysia, research report, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 2002. The research is financed by Universiti Utara Malaysia.
[6] Securities Commission, Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011, A Blue Print report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[7] Securities Commission, Capital Markets Plan 2, A Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[8] International Law Books Services, Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (Kuala Lumpur: ILBS, 2012).
[9] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[10] International Law Books Services, Companies Act 1965 (Kuala Lumpur: ILBS, 2012).
[11] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[12] Bursa Malaysia, Business Rules of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Market Misconduct) (Kuala Lumpur, 2011).
[13] Securities Commission, Law Enforcement by Securities Commission, Annual Report, Securities Commission, 2011. Available: http// (June 24, 2012).
[14] Bursa Malaysia, Listing Requirement of Public Listed Companies (Kuala Lumpur: Bursa Malaysia, 2012).
[15] Asmah Laili Yeon & Faridahwati Mohd Shamsuddin, Pelaksanaan Kerangka Perundangan Penzahiran dalam pasaran Industri Sekuriti di kalangan pemegang-pemegang lesen di Malaysia. Research Report. Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 2011. The research is financed by Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Evaluation of Urban Cooperative Banks In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.V.S.N JAWAHAR BABU |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0152830 ![]() |
Abstrac: Urban co-operative banks (UCBs) are one of the vital segments of the banking industry of India. They essentially cater to the credit needs of persons of small means. Co-operative Banks are organized and managed on the principals of co-operation, self-help, and mutual help. These have been playing imperative role in Indian financial system with broad network in both urban and rural areas. Co-operative sector plays a very important role in fulfilling the directive principles and the objectives of Five Year Plans. The co-operative sector seeks to remedy the economic inequality and evils of concentration of income and wealth and thereby prevents the exploitation of the weaker sections by the stronger. Co-operation is a noble ideology and it aims at establishing a just civilized society. It lays the road to peace and abundance of wealth, both material and moral for all the citizens.
[1]. Zulkhibri A Majid and Habibullah S Muzafar (2005): Determinants of 24 Deposit Taking Co-operatives' Failure in 1986: An Empirical Evidence, Asian-AfricanJournal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 5, No 2, 2005
[2]. Ramesha K (2003): Co-operative Banking and Financial Sector Reforms in IndiaAgenda for Future Research, International Conference on Mapping Co-operativeStudies in the New Millennium, British Columbia Institute for Co-operative Studies,
[3]. University of Victoria and International Co-operative Alliance, Victoria BC, Canada,May 28-31, 2003
[4]. Ramesha K (2004): Economic Reforms and the Performance of Co-operative Sector in India – Lessons for Future, International Association for the Economicsof Participation, 12th Biannual Conference, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada,July 8-10, 2004
[5]. Ramesha K, Chipalkatti Niranjan and Rishi Meenakshi (2006): Who Failed Whom? An Empirical Assessment of Prudential Standards and Co-operative Banks inIndia, AEA-ASSA Annual Conference, January 6-8, 2006, Boston MA, USA
[6]. Reserve Bank of India: Report on Trend & Progress of Banking in India (1993-94to 2004-05), RBI, Mumbai
[7]. Government of India (1998): Report of the Committee on Banking SectorReforms, RBI, MumbaiReserve Bank of India (1999): Report of the High Power Committee on UrbanCooperative Banks, RBI, Mumbai
[2]. Ramesha K (2003): Co-operative Banking and Financial Sector Reforms in IndiaAgenda for Future Research, International Conference on Mapping Co-operativeStudies in the New Millennium, British Columbia Institute for Co-operative Studies,
[3]. University of Victoria and International Co-operative Alliance, Victoria BC, Canada,May 28-31, 2003
[4]. Ramesha K (2004): Economic Reforms and the Performance of Co-operative Sector in India – Lessons for Future, International Association for the Economicsof Participation, 12th Biannual Conference, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada,July 8-10, 2004
[5]. Ramesha K, Chipalkatti Niranjan and Rishi Meenakshi (2006): Who Failed Whom? An Empirical Assessment of Prudential Standards and Co-operative Banks inIndia, AEA-ASSA Annual Conference, January 6-8, 2006, Boston MA, USA
[6]. Reserve Bank of India: Report on Trend & Progress of Banking in India (1993-94to 2004-05), RBI, Mumbai
[7]. Government of India (1998): Report of the Committee on Banking SectorReforms, RBI, MumbaiReserve Bank of India (1999): Report of the High Power Committee on UrbanCooperative Banks, RBI, Mumbai
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leveraging Technological Capabilities for Competitive Advantages: Giving Samsung Way a Glance |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Nader Arvand |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0153136 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the serious problems confronting developing and developed economies is the management and preservation of energy sources. While modern technologies (systems, tools, and machines) are being developed, demands for computing and telecommunication systems grow to adapt people with new business environment. Current electricity users comprise new generation of heavy electricity users such as portable electronic systems which have been boosted rapidly over span of happening years, whereas their main energy sources such as batteries have been improved in energy density and capacity at a much slower pace.
Keywords: Battery, Technology, Competitive advantage
Keywords: Battery, Technology, Competitive advantage
[1] Mikko, V. H., Jukka, K. N., Timo, S., & Heikki, H. (2012). Energy efficiency of mobile handsets: Measuring user attitudes and behavior. Telematics and Informatics.
[2] Robinson, S. (2009). Cellphone energy gap: desperately seeking solutions, Strategy Analytics.
[3] Benini, L., Paleologo, G., Bogliolo, A., & De Micheli, G. (1999). Policy optimization for dynamic power management. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, 813-833.
[4] Peng, R., & Pedram, M. (2010). A Markovian Decision-based Approach for Extending the Lifetime of a Network of Battery-Powered Mobile Devices by Remote Processing. Low Power Electronics, 6(2).
[5] Burgelman, R., Christensen, C., & Wheelwright, S., Strategic management of technolog and innovation.(New York: McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2009).
[6] Wright, L. M. (1998). Mobile phone takeback and recycling: analysis of the ECTEL project. Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, IEEE, pp. –59.
[7] Meskers, C. H. (2009). Closed loop WEEE recycling? Challenges and opportunities for a global recycling society. In: Howard, S.M. (Ed.), EPD-TMS congress 2009. Proceedings of Sessions and Symposia Sponsored by the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), (pp. 1049–1054.). San Fransisco, California, USA.
[8] Ongondo, F., & Williams, I. (2011). Greening academia: Use and disposal of mobile phones among university students. Waste Management, 1617–1634.
[9] Amitabha, G., & Sajal K., D. (2008). Coverage and connectivity issues in wireless sensor networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 303–334.
[10] Xiuxiao, Y., Jianhong, F., Hongxing, S., & Charles, T. (2009). The application of GPS precise point positioning technology in aerial triangulation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 541-550..........................
[2] Robinson, S. (2009). Cellphone energy gap: desperately seeking solutions, Strategy Analytics.
[3] Benini, L., Paleologo, G., Bogliolo, A., & De Micheli, G. (1999). Policy optimization for dynamic power management. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, 813-833.
[4] Peng, R., & Pedram, M. (2010). A Markovian Decision-based Approach for Extending the Lifetime of a Network of Battery-Powered Mobile Devices by Remote Processing. Low Power Electronics, 6(2).
[5] Burgelman, R., Christensen, C., & Wheelwright, S., Strategic management of technolog and innovation.(New York: McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2009).
[6] Wright, L. M. (1998). Mobile phone takeback and recycling: analysis of the ECTEL project. Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, IEEE, pp. –59.
[7] Meskers, C. H. (2009). Closed loop WEEE recycling? Challenges and opportunities for a global recycling society. In: Howard, S.M. (Ed.), EPD-TMS congress 2009. Proceedings of Sessions and Symposia Sponsored by the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), (pp. 1049–1054.). San Fransisco, California, USA.
[8] Ongondo, F., & Williams, I. (2011). Greening academia: Use and disposal of mobile phones among university students. Waste Management, 1617–1634.
[9] Amitabha, G., & Sajal K., D. (2008). Coverage and connectivity issues in wireless sensor networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 303–334.
[10] Xiuxiao, Y., Jianhong, F., Hongxing, S., & Charles, T. (2009). The application of GPS precise point positioning technology in aerial triangulation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 541-550..........................
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Service Quality Management on Health Care Industry in Bangalore |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | H. S. Murthy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0153744 ![]() |
1. Introduction
Since the 90s and more recently, the healthcare sector has witnessed corporatization in a big way .The private hospitals inBangalore are competing with best Government hospitals as also the best private hospitals of the world.
2. Objective
To measure the quality of healthcare products and service being delivered and to identify factors that influence the patients’ and beneficiaries’ confidence and comfort level. The key hypothesis is: Relationship management plays a vital role.
3. Methodology
We measure service quality using the Servqual model of Parasuraman ,on 5 dimensions :Tangibles, Responsiveness Reliability, Assurance.Empathy by survey method, on a 5 point Likert scale, of sample size 500, on Non random (convenience) Snow Ball sampling method and then analysed using SPSS.
4. Findings
“Did the Nurse come”,a measure of empathy came out as the most important, “Hospital Equipped”(Tangibles), and “Rate your Doctor”.(Reliability) as the 2nd and 3rd factors.
The above variables are statistically significant (p=.001) with t values more than twice the standard error.
5. Suggestions & Conclusion
Empirical survey showed that the three dimensions of Empathy (Did the nurse come), Tangibles (Is the Hospital Well Equipped) and Reliability (Rate your doctor) are key factors.
The main recommendation is to take care in the recruitment and training of nurses, on basis of their affection towards people. Nurses, who are highly skilled, should be upgraded as Nurse Practioners and treated and paid on par with doctors.
This study shows how macro and micro factors affect the health care situation and identifies Empathy as a key factor on which private hospitals score over public hospitals. Thus, the main hypothesis of the study, which is that relationship management plays a vital role in the health care system, is validated.
1. Introduction
Since the 90s and more recently, the healthcare sector has witnessed corporatization in a big way .The private hospitals inBangalore are competing with best Government hospitals as also the best private hospitals of the world.
2. Objective
To measure the quality of healthcare products and service being delivered and to identify factors that influence the patients’ and beneficiaries’ confidence and comfort level. The key hypothesis is: Relationship management plays a vital role.
3. Methodology
We measure service quality using the Servqual model of Parasuraman ,on 5 dimensions :Tangibles, Responsiveness Reliability, Assurance.Empathy by survey method, on a 5 point Likert scale, of sample size 500, on Non random (convenience) Snow Ball sampling method and then analysed using SPSS.
4. Findings
“Did the Nurse come”,a measure of empathy came out as the most important, “Hospital Equipped”(Tangibles), and “Rate your Doctor”.(Reliability) as the 2nd and 3rd factors.
The above variables are statistically significant (p=.001) with t values more than twice the standard error.
5. Suggestions & Conclusion
Empirical survey showed that the three dimensions of Empathy (Did the nurse come), Tangibles (Is the Hospital Well Equipped) and Reliability (Rate your doctor) are key factors.
The main recommendation is to take care in the recruitment and training of nurses, on basis of their affection towards people. Nurses, who are highly skilled, should be upgraded as Nurse Practioners and treated and paid on par with doctors.
This study shows how macro and micro factors affect the health care situation and identifies Empathy as a key factor on which private hospitals score over public hospitals. Thus, the main hypothesis of the study, which is that relationship management plays a vital role in the health care system, is validated.
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[8]. Caha H: Service Quality in Private Hospitals in Turkey. Journal of Economic and Social Research 2007, 9(1):55-69
[9]. Choi, K.S., Lee, H., Kim, C., and Lee, S. (2005), Service Quality Dimensions and Patient Satisfaction Relationships in South Korean: Comparisons Across Gender, Age, and Types of Service, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 140-149.
[10]. Dariul J. Messine, Denims J Scotti, Rodney Ganey & Genevieve Pinto, Joumal of health can Mangaement, May June 2009. The relationship between patient satisfaction and inpatient admissions
[11]. Fornell, C. (1992), A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: the Swedish Experience, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56, p. 6-12.
[12]. GrÖnroos, C. (1984), A Service Quality Model and its Marketing Implications, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 18, No.4, pp. 36-44.
[13]. GrÖnroos, C. (1990), Service Management and Marketing, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA Hasin, M.A.A., Seeluangsawat, R., and Shareef, M.A. (2001), Statistical Measures of Customer Satisfaction for Health Care Quality Assurance, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol.14, No. 1, pp. 6-13.
[14]. Parasuraman, A, Berry, L.L., and Zeithaml, V.A. (1990), An Empirical Test of the Extended Gaps Model of Service Quality, working Paper, No. 90-122, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, MA.
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- Citation
- Abstract
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Abstract: Priority sector lending is a scheme guided by govt. and RBI to commercial banks about obligatory deployment of credit to preferred and desired sectors and sections of the economy. Preferred sectors and sections are agriculture, small scale industries, small businessman, education, housing finance etc. and sections of the society are below income persons. The object behind PSL (Priority Sector Lending) is equitable and sustainable economic development at desired direction. To attain the said objectives, banks were nationalized in India in1969. Since in this scheme banks were entrusted to fulfill some targets and sub-targets of deployment of credit such as 40 per cent for domestic banks and 32 per cent for foreign banks was fixed for priority sector lending of their total advances. Though public sector banks have progressed remarkably and achieved their targets, private sector banks are lagging behind in this respect.Now on invent of some new schemes like PSL banks in India are shaping the economy and are providing an impetus to the economy. Despite various qualities and goodness, the scheme is not free from problems. Author has made an attempt through this treatise to highlight these problems and suggested some ideas for effective formation of the scheme. The over all future of this scheme in India is bright but needs a regular review process.
Keywords: Credit deployment, Micro credit, Nationalization, Non-performing assets, vital sectors of the economy, Weaker sections.
Keywords: Credit deployment, Micro credit, Nationalization, Non-performing assets, vital sectors of the economy, Weaker sections.
[1]. Mithani, D.M. Money, Banking, 'International, Trade And public Finance' – Himalaya Publishing House Bombay.
[2]. Niranjana. S, and Anubumani,V 2002 'Social Objectives And Priority Sector Lending, Banking And Financial Sector Reform In India', Deep And Deep Publications, PP-231.
[3]. Patel, S.G.1996,'Role of Commercial Banks' Lending to Priority Sector in Gujarat-An Evaluation, Finance India' X (2):389-393.
[4]. RBI Internal Working Group (2005) Priority Sector Lending, Rural Planning and Credit Department Central Office, RBI, Mumbai, September.
[5]. RBI's report on trend and progress of banking in India (various issues).
[6]. Sooden, M and Kumar, S. 2007. Priority Sector Lending in Post Reform Period, Finance India, December, XXI (4): 1389-1404
[7]. Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India (Various Issues), Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. URL: (
[2]. Niranjana. S, and Anubumani,V 2002 'Social Objectives And Priority Sector Lending, Banking And Financial Sector Reform In India', Deep And Deep Publications, PP-231.
[3]. Patel, S.G.1996,'Role of Commercial Banks' Lending to Priority Sector in Gujarat-An Evaluation, Finance India' X (2):389-393.
[4]. RBI Internal Working Group (2005) Priority Sector Lending, Rural Planning and Credit Department Central Office, RBI, Mumbai, September.
[5]. RBI's report on trend and progress of banking in India (various issues).
[6]. Sooden, M and Kumar, S. 2007. Priority Sector Lending in Post Reform Period, Finance India, December, XXI (4): 1389-1404
[7]. Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India (Various Issues), Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. URL: (
- Citation
- Abstract
- Reference
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to determine the consumer satisfaction of service quality offered at supermarket in Mysore city. The data was collected from 200 respondents through structures questionnaire by using five point likert scale and was analyzed using one sample t test and multiple regression. The five dimensions such as tangibles, customer knowledge, responsiveness, convenience (dependent dimension) and competence. The finding showed that the dimensions of service quality such as tangibles, customer knowledge, convenience Competence were positively related to customer satisfaction. The management should focus on competence dimensions to be ahead of the competitor
Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, apparel retailing, Mysore city
Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, apparel retailing, Mysore city
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[5]. Cronin, J.J. & Taylor, S.A. (1992). Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension. Journal of Marketing, 56(July), 55-68
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[10]. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. & Berry, L.L. (1985). A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research. Journal of Marketing, 49 (Autumn), 41-50.
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