Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Equity Based Mutual Funds in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sahil Jain |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0210104 ![]() |
Abstract : The last decade has seen a tremendous growth in the mutual fund industry. As per the latest data the assets under management in this industry is more than Rs 6.8 thousand billion. Today the Indian market is flooded with more than a thousand mutual fund schemes, promising better returns than others. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the performance of equity based mutual funds. A total of 45 schemes offered by 2 private sector companies and 2 public sector companies, have been studied over the period April 1997 to April 2012 (15 years). The analysis has been made using the risk-return relationship and CapitalAssetPricingModel (CAPM). The overall analysis finds that HDFC and ICICI have been the best performers, UTI an average performer and LIC the worst performer which gave below- expected returns on the risk-return relationship.
Keywords: Comparison, India, Mutual funds, Performance and risk-return,
Keywords: Comparison, India, Mutual funds, Performance and risk-return,
[1] Soongswang Amporn, Open-Ended Equity Mutual Funds, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 17. [2] Vaidyanathan R., Capital Asset Pricing Model The Indian Context, The ICFAI Jornal of APPLIEDFINANCE , Vol 1 No. 2 (July)
[3] Debasish Sathya Swaroop (2009), Investigating Performance of Equity-based Mutual Fund Schemes in Indian Scenario, KCA Journal of Business Management. VOL. 2, ISSUE 2.
[1] SigmanKarl(2005),CapitalAssetPricingModel.
[2] Agrawal, Deepak, Measuring Performance of Indian Mutual Funds, Social Science Research Network.
[3] Harvey Campbell R. and Stephen Gray (1997), Asset pricing Models, Global Financial Management.
[1] Soongswang Amporn, Open-Ended Equity Mutual Funds, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 17. [2] Vaidyanathan R., Capital Asset Pricing Model The Indian Context, The ICFAI Jornal of APPLIEDFINANCE , Vol 1 No. 2 (July)
[3] Debasish Sathya Swaroop (2009), Investigating Performance of Equity-based Mutual Fund Schemes in Indian Scenario, KCA Journal of Business Management. VOL. 2, ISSUE 2.
[1] SigmanKarl(2005),CapitalAssetPricingModel.
[2] Agrawal, Deepak, Measuring Performance of Indian Mutual Funds, Social Science Research Network.
[3] Harvey Campbell R. and Stephen Gray (1997), Asset pricing Models, Global Financial Management.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis on Women Empowerment Programs in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. S. Ramananda |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0210510 ![]() |
Abstract: Literally empowerment denotes to invest with power. But women's empowerment is much broader in connotation. It is not limited to a specific area which has stretched the biological differences to in equalities in the culture and strengthened the prejudices by the erroneous socialization process. In physical empowerment might be superior to women but this has been wrongly utilized to consider women as inferior in every respect Physical as well as psychological. The concept of empowerment of women aims at rectifying such misperceptions and gene rate an environment where women will have the psychological potency to overcome the discrimination's simultaneously it is directed to transform the prejudiced norms guiding the society. The psychological domain is strengthened by physical capabilities and empowerment includes social, economic, legal and political dimensions. The present study makes an attempt to find out the variation of growth and performance of the women empowerment programmes and major activities of women empowerment in India. The data reference period was 2002-03 to 2007-08. The study clearly establishes that access to micro finance, secure full employment; improved housing with access to water and sanitation; preventive and low cost curative health care at the doorstep can empower the large weaker sections of a society and in turn improve the health of all community members. These emerge as the best determinants of health from the SEWA study while capacity building, partnership, networking and self-reliance remain the primary instruments of change.
[1.] G. Sandhyarani (2008), "Role of sewa in women‟s deployment", Southern Economist, 47, No. 9, September, 2008.
[2.] B.V. Chalapathi, B.r. Ragyarulu &P. Hari Prasad (2008), "Empowerment of women", Southern Economist, 47 year of Publication, vol.No. 47. No6, July 5, 2008.
[3.] M. sumathy & k. Nagendran (2007), "Women Empowerment-Ethics &logics", Southern Economist, 46 year of publication, vol. No.46, No.6, July 15, 2007.
[4.] Patel, Ila. (1998), "Contemporary Women‟s Movement and Women‟s Education in India‟.International Review of Education‟. Vol. 44. No. 2/3. Social Movements and Education. PP 155-175.
[5.] Rosintan, D.M., Panjaitan- Drioadisuryo, Kathleen Cloud, (1999), "Gender, Self Employment and Micro-Credit Programmes. An Indonesian Case Study‟, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol.39. pp. 769-779.
[6.] Sawhney, A., (1994),"Women‟s empowerment and Health Experiences from Rajasthan‟, Social Scientist, Vol. 22 (Sep.-Dec.) pp.9-12.
[7.] Schuler, S.R., (1999), "Gender and Community Participation in Reproductive Health Projects: Contrasting Models from Peru and Ghana‟ Reproductive Health Matters, Vol.7, No.14. Access to Reproductive health: A question of distributive Justice (Nov.1999) pp.144-157.
[8.] Fonjong, L., (2001), "Fostering Women‟s participation in Development through Non-Governmental Efforts in Cameroon‟, The Geographical Journal, Vol.167. No.3. (Sept.2001) pp 223-234.
[2.] B.V. Chalapathi, B.r. Ragyarulu &P. Hari Prasad (2008), "Empowerment of women", Southern Economist, 47 year of Publication, vol.No. 47. No6, July 5, 2008.
[3.] M. sumathy & k. Nagendran (2007), "Women Empowerment-Ethics &logics", Southern Economist, 46 year of publication, vol. No.46, No.6, July 15, 2007.
[4.] Patel, Ila. (1998), "Contemporary Women‟s Movement and Women‟s Education in India‟.International Review of Education‟. Vol. 44. No. 2/3. Social Movements and Education. PP 155-175.
[5.] Rosintan, D.M., Panjaitan- Drioadisuryo, Kathleen Cloud, (1999), "Gender, Self Employment and Micro-Credit Programmes. An Indonesian Case Study‟, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol.39. pp. 769-779.
[6.] Sawhney, A., (1994),"Women‟s empowerment and Health Experiences from Rajasthan‟, Social Scientist, Vol. 22 (Sep.-Dec.) pp.9-12.
[7.] Schuler, S.R., (1999), "Gender and Community Participation in Reproductive Health Projects: Contrasting Models from Peru and Ghana‟ Reproductive Health Matters, Vol.7, No.14. Access to Reproductive health: A question of distributive Justice (Nov.1999) pp.144-157.
[8.] Fonjong, L., (2001), "Fostering Women‟s participation in Development through Non-Governmental Efforts in Cameroon‟, The Geographical Journal, Vol.167. No.3. (Sept.2001) pp 223-234.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resources Responsibility on Job Satisfaction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mallikarjuna NL |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0211114 ![]() |
Abstract: Job satisfaction means sense of inner fulfillment and pride achieved when performing a particular job. Job satisfaction occurs when an employee joyously feels that he has accomplished something which is having importance and value worthy of recognition. Job satisfaction plays very vital role in terms of retention of employees in an organization and retention of talented employees is a big challenge in today's competitive and dynamic business environment. Hence, it is important to understand why employees get dissatisfied? Employees have been forced to take on larger workloads; employees have experienced significantly added stress without receiving compensatory rewards. HR regularly has to chart out the plans and providing ways to reduce dissatisfaction among employees. This paper attempts to focus on the reasons of employee's dissatisfaction & the ways to improve employee's job satisfaction.
Keywords: Job enrichment, Job Satisfaction, Retention, Reward systems, Work life Balance.
Keywords: Job enrichment, Job Satisfaction, Retention, Reward systems, Work life Balance.
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[4.] Chhabra T. N. (2009) , "Job satisfaction , Alienation and Stress " , Human Resource Management , Fifth edition (2009) , ISBN 8177000268 , Page No 690 - 711
[5.] Chowdhary, Abhishek Roy (2011) , "Why Employees get Demotivated? " , HRM Review - An IUP Publication ,Vol XI, No. 10, Oct-Dec 2011, Pages 46-40.
[6.] D a v i d s o n , W.L.1979 How to develop and conduct successful employee attitude surveys. Horsham, PA: The Dartnell Corporation., 1979.
[7.] D e l a n e y, J. T., H u s e l i d, M. A., 1996 The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. The Academy of Management Journal, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 949-969, 1996.
[8.] E d g a r , F., G e a r e , A., 2005, HRM practice and employee attitudes: Different measure s- different results. Personnel Review, Vol.34, No.5, pp. 534-549,
[9.] G a r c i a , M., 2005, Training and business performance: The Spanish case. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.16, pp.1691-1710,
[10.] G o u l d -Wi l l i a m s , J., 2003, The Importance of HR practices and work Place trust in achieving superior performance: a study of public-sector organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 28-54,.
[2.] . Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2005, Vol.43, No.3, pp.332-360, .
[3.] B u d h w a r , P. S., D e b r a h , Y. A. (Eds.) 2001 Human resource management in developing countries. London: Routledge,.
[4.] Chhabra T. N. (2009) , "Job satisfaction , Alienation and Stress " , Human Resource Management , Fifth edition (2009) , ISBN 8177000268 , Page No 690 - 711
[5.] Chowdhary, Abhishek Roy (2011) , "Why Employees get Demotivated? " , HRM Review - An IUP Publication ,Vol XI, No. 10, Oct-Dec 2011, Pages 46-40.
[6.] D a v i d s o n , W.L.1979 How to develop and conduct successful employee attitude surveys. Horsham, PA: The Dartnell Corporation., 1979.
[7.] D e l a n e y, J. T., H u s e l i d, M. A., 1996 The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. The Academy of Management Journal, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 949-969, 1996.
[8.] E d g a r , F., G e a r e , A., 2005, HRM practice and employee attitudes: Different measure s- different results. Personnel Review, Vol.34, No.5, pp. 534-549,
[9.] G a r c i a , M., 2005, Training and business performance: The Spanish case. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.16, pp.1691-1710,
[10.] G o u l d -Wi l l i a m s , J., 2003, The Importance of HR practices and work Place trust in achieving superior performance: a study of public-sector organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 28-54,.
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Abstract : The objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of economic variables on automobile sales in five ASEAN countries. The long term and short term correlation between these variables are implemented using the panel error-correction model. Annual data from 1996 to 2010 involving five variables from five ASEAN countries namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Thailand were accumulated as sample for this research. Result from the test shows that gross domestic product (GDP), inflation (CPI), unemployment rate (UNEMP) and loan rate (LR) have significant long term correlation with automobile sales in these ASEAN countries. The value of error correction in the short term to achieve long term stability based on ECT parameter is found to be significant in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. On the other hand, each country is influenced by different variables in the short term period.
Keywords - Automobile sales, macroeconomic variables, ASEAN, dynamic relationship, panel error correction
Keywords - Automobile sales, macroeconomic variables, ASEAN, dynamic relationship, panel error correction
[1] Sturgeon, Timothy J. and Van Biesebroeck, Johannes (2010), Effects of the crisis on the Automotive Industry in Developing Countries, Policy Research Working Paper 5330, The World Bank, pp. 1-31.
[2] McAlinden, S., Dziczek, K., Menk, D.M. and Cregger, J. (2010), The Impact of the U.S. Economy of the Successful Automaker Bankruptcies, Center for Automotive Research, U.S.: Michigan, pp. 1-12.
[3] Abu-Eisheh, S.A. and Mannering, F.L. (2002), Forecasting automobile demand for economics in transition: a dynamic simultaneous equation system approach, Transportation Planning and Technology,25:4, pp. 311-31.
[4] Litman, T. (2011), Transportation Affordability Evaluation and Improvement Strategies, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, pp. 1-35.
[5] Sean, P. McAlinden, Kim Hill and Bernand Swiecki (2003), Economic Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the U.S Economy-An Update, A report for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Center for Automotive Research (CAR), h. 1-47.
[6] McAlinden, S., Dziczek, K. and Menk, D.M. (2008), The Impact on the U.S. Economy of a Major Contraction of the Detroit Three Automakers, Center for Automotive Research, U.S.: Michigan, pp. 1-7.
[7] Yap, J.T., Reyes, C.M., and Cuenca, J. S. (2009), Impact of the global Financial and Economic Crisis on the Philippines, Discussion Paper Series No. 2009-30, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDC), pp. 1-77.
[8] Vu Long (2004), Tax increases fuel car, beer price hikes, Vietnam Investment Review, , 12 December 2011.
[9] Hamilton, J.D.(1988), A neoclassical model of unemployment and the business cycle. Journal of Political Economy, 96, pp. 593–617.
[10] Pindyck, R.S. and Rotemberg, J.J. (1983), Dynamic factor demands and the effects of energy price shocks, American Economic Review, 73, pp. 1066–1079.
[2] McAlinden, S., Dziczek, K., Menk, D.M. and Cregger, J. (2010), The Impact of the U.S. Economy of the Successful Automaker Bankruptcies, Center for Automotive Research, U.S.: Michigan, pp. 1-12.
[3] Abu-Eisheh, S.A. and Mannering, F.L. (2002), Forecasting automobile demand for economics in transition: a dynamic simultaneous equation system approach, Transportation Planning and Technology,25:4, pp. 311-31.
[4] Litman, T. (2011), Transportation Affordability Evaluation and Improvement Strategies, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, pp. 1-35.
[5] Sean, P. McAlinden, Kim Hill and Bernand Swiecki (2003), Economic Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the U.S Economy-An Update, A report for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Center for Automotive Research (CAR), h. 1-47.
[6] McAlinden, S., Dziczek, K. and Menk, D.M. (2008), The Impact on the U.S. Economy of a Major Contraction of the Detroit Three Automakers, Center for Automotive Research, U.S.: Michigan, pp. 1-7.
[7] Yap, J.T., Reyes, C.M., and Cuenca, J. S. (2009), Impact of the global Financial and Economic Crisis on the Philippines, Discussion Paper Series No. 2009-30, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDC), pp. 1-77.
[8] Vu Long (2004), Tax increases fuel car, beer price hikes, Vietnam Investment Review, , 12 December 2011.
[9] Hamilton, J.D.(1988), A neoclassical model of unemployment and the business cycle. Journal of Political Economy, 96, pp. 593–617.
[10] Pindyck, R.S. and Rotemberg, J.J. (1983), Dynamic factor demands and the effects of energy price shocks, American Economic Review, 73, pp. 1066–1079.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of Wellness by Physical Activities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Hemadri I. Tikawala || Mr.Mukesh R.Goyani || Mr. Jignesh Vaghela |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0212225 ![]() |
Abstract : Man is a basic unit of society. In society everyone has to live and generally cooperate with others. A physically well or fit member of society, instead of being a burden on it, will be able to contribute his might in the achievement of its particular goals and objectives. A physically well individual can prove a better worker, technician, doctor, engineer or a parent and can contribute towards the betterment of self, family or the institution where every works. Physical wellness is an ideal concept of physical fitness and includes both external as well as internal component of a person's fitness or wellness. The external factor of wellness or fitness may be misleading because a person may not be as fit as one appears to be outwardly. In some cases, person having some mental problems appear to be very healthy. Similarly, the achievement of a particular task mayn't reveal the real status of his health. Therefore, the internal component of well being i.e., physical, mental, and social well being is very important in management of wellness. Such factors are the foundations of health. Therefore, proper health is an essential part of wellness also includes the health factor and is therefore something more than mere wellness for a particular task. A state of well being can only help a person in leading a better quality life. Physical fitness is one aspect of wellness. Wellness isn't only concerned with physical fitness but also concerned with mental fitness; social fitness and emotional fitness are also its essential aspect. In fact, wellness is the capacity of an individual by which he leads a well balanced life.
[1]. Pork, K (1994), Text Book of Preventive & Social medicines
[2]. Kunsal D.K.(1999) Test & Measurement in Sports & Physical Education.
[3]. Sharma V.D. (2003) Introduction to Physical Health Education.
[4]. Kamlesh M.L. (2001-02) Health & Physical Education
[5]. Times of India, National News Paper (31st Aug. 2011).
[2]. Kunsal D.K.(1999) Test & Measurement in Sports & Physical Education.
[3]. Sharma V.D. (2003) Introduction to Physical Health Education.
[4]. Kamlesh M.L. (2001-02) Health & Physical Education
[5]. Times of India, National News Paper (31st Aug. 2011).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Islamic Ethics in Accounting Environment |
Country | : | Bahrain |
Authors | : | Dr. Farooq Salman Alani || Dr. Haris Kareem Alani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0212630 ![]() |
Abstract: Accounting organizations continue to develop various forms of moral laws in order to maintain its reputation and credibility and thus support the pillars of those organizations in the market. There have been Islamic accounting organizations that depend on the foundations ofIslamic lawethics as well as the traditional pillars. These institutions have emerged to give new momentum accounting environment to get the best results that enhance the confidence of individuals and organizations working. This harmony between the goals has led to the framing of accounting environment at the application level frameworks and powerful sound that will address all the bottlenecks and respond to faults that may occur in the application of Accounting.
[1]. Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1989). The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary
[2]. Clements, C., Neill, J. D., & Stovall, O. S. (2009). An Analysis of International Accounting Codes of Conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 173-183.
[3]. Code of Ethics for Accountants and Auditors of Islamic Financial Institutions, Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institution, 2010
[4]. Elias, R. Z., & Farag, M. (2010). The relationship between accounting student's love of money and their ethical perception. Managerial Accounting Journal, 25(3), 269-281.
[5]. Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1989). The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary
[6]. Clements, C., Neill, J. D., & Stovall, O. S. (2009). An Analysis of International Accounting Codes of Conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 173-183.
[7]. Code of Ethics for Accountants and Auditors of Islamic Financial Institutions, Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institution, 2010
[8]. Elias, R. Z., & Farag, M. (2010). The relationship between accounting student's love of money and their ethical perception. Managerial Accounting Journal, 25(3), 269-281.
[9]. Halbesleben, J. R., Wheeler, A. R., & Buckley, R. M. (2005). Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we? Pluralistic Ignorance and Business Ethics Education. Journal of Business Ethics, 385-398.
[10]. Huss, H. F., & Patterson, D. M. (1993). Ethics in Accounting: Values education without Indoctrination. Journal of Business Ethics, 235-243.
[11]. International Federation of Accountants. (2010). Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. New York.
[12]. Jackling, B., Cooper, B. J., Leung, P., & Dellaportas, S. (2007). Professional accounting bodies' perception of ethical issues, causes of ethical failure and ethics education. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(9), 928-944.
[13]. Lewis, M. K. (2006). Accountability and Islam. Fourth International Conference on Accounting and Finance in Transition. Adelaide.
[14]. Sarbanes - Oxley Act 2002
[15]. Yunanda, R. A., & Majid, N. b. (2011, December). The Contribution of Islamic Ethics towards Ethical Accounting Practices. Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 5(1), 124-137.
[2]. Clements, C., Neill, J. D., & Stovall, O. S. (2009). An Analysis of International Accounting Codes of Conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 173-183.
[3]. Code of Ethics for Accountants and Auditors of Islamic Financial Institutions, Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institution, 2010
[4]. Elias, R. Z., & Farag, M. (2010). The relationship between accounting student's love of money and their ethical perception. Managerial Accounting Journal, 25(3), 269-281.
[5]. Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1989). The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary
[6]. Clements, C., Neill, J. D., & Stovall, O. S. (2009). An Analysis of International Accounting Codes of Conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 173-183.
[7]. Code of Ethics for Accountants and Auditors of Islamic Financial Institutions, Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institution, 2010
[8]. Elias, R. Z., & Farag, M. (2010). The relationship between accounting student's love of money and their ethical perception. Managerial Accounting Journal, 25(3), 269-281.
[9]. Halbesleben, J. R., Wheeler, A. R., & Buckley, R. M. (2005). Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we? Pluralistic Ignorance and Business Ethics Education. Journal of Business Ethics, 385-398.
[10]. Huss, H. F., & Patterson, D. M. (1993). Ethics in Accounting: Values education without Indoctrination. Journal of Business Ethics, 235-243.
[11]. International Federation of Accountants. (2010). Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. New York.
[12]. Jackling, B., Cooper, B. J., Leung, P., & Dellaportas, S. (2007). Professional accounting bodies' perception of ethical issues, causes of ethical failure and ethics education. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(9), 928-944.
[13]. Lewis, M. K. (2006). Accountability and Islam. Fourth International Conference on Accounting and Finance in Transition. Adelaide.
[14]. Sarbanes - Oxley Act 2002
[15]. Yunanda, R. A., & Majid, N. b. (2011, December). The Contribution of Islamic Ethics towards Ethical Accounting Practices. Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 5(1), 124-137.
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Abstract: Manufacturing and trading concentration, elevated economic activities and rise in urban population are the driving forces of city growths in the central part of Japan. Toyohashi city, locating between Tokyo and Nagoya, Osaka, is facing rapid growth for its industrial and port related economic concentration. As a result, use of natural resources and energy in the city is increasing. Recent trends show that to ensure economic growth, the City level energy use increased significantly. On the other hand, after the great disaster of 2011, Japan is concentrating more on natural resources to produce energy. The outcome would end in a higher use of natural resources like fossil fuels and natural gas. Finding an optimum solution to address energy-economy interactions is, therefore, becoming complex and difficult. Under the circumstances, this paper attempts to study the growth of Toyohashi city over time and resultant increase in consumption level of electricity and gas. Another objective of the paper is to find features of effect of technological yield in use of energy. The results of the study show that manufacturing and trading sector of the economy are causing expansionary pressure on use of combustion energy. The study also finds that contribution of technology to reduce use of energy in production side of the economy yet a dormant factor. Hence, introduction of technology to ensure improved and efficient use of energy has been recommended by the findings of the paper. The limitation of the study can be described as the limitation in research sample and data influence on the results coming out from market orientation. Difference in technology and direction toward the energy use was not taken care of by the study too.
Keywords: Economic growth of city, energy use, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Toyohashi city.
Keywords: Economic growth of city, energy use, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Toyohashi city.
Journal Papers:
[1] Sansoni, M., Bonazzi, E., Goralczyk, M. and Stauvermann, P. J., RAMEA: How to Support Regional Policies towards Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development, 18, 2010, 201–210.
[2] Shukla, V., and Parikh, K., The Environmental Consequences of Urban Growth: Cross-national Perspectives on Economic Development, Air pollution and City size, Urban Georg , 13, 1992, pp. 422–449.
[3] Beckerman, W., Economic Growth and the Environment: Whose Growth? Whose Environment?, World Development, 20, 1992, pp. 481-496.
[4] Stern, D.I., Common, M.S., and Barbier, E.B., (1996). Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: the environmental Kuznets Curve and Sustainable Development, World Development, 24 (2), 1996, pp.1151–1160.
[5] Stern, D.I., and Common, M.S., Is there an Environmental Kuznets Curve for Sulfur? Journal of Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, 41, 2005, pp.162-178.
[6] Dinda, S., (2004), Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: a Survey, Ecological Economics, 49 (2), 2004, pp. 431-455.
[7] Grossman, G.M., and Kreuger, A., Economic Growth and the Environment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110 (5), 1995, pp. 353-377.
[8] Vincent, J., Testing for Environmental Kuznets Curves within a Developing Country, Environment and Developmental Economics, 2, 1997, pp. 417-433.
[9] Sugiyama, N., and Takeuchi, T., Local Policies for Climate Change in Japan; The Journal of Environment and Development, vol. 17 (4), 2008, pp.424-441.
[10] Kuznets, S., Economic Growth and Income Inequality, American Economic Review, 45 (1), 1955, pp.1-28.
[1] Sansoni, M., Bonazzi, E., Goralczyk, M. and Stauvermann, P. J., RAMEA: How to Support Regional Policies towards Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development, 18, 2010, 201–210.
[2] Shukla, V., and Parikh, K., The Environmental Consequences of Urban Growth: Cross-national Perspectives on Economic Development, Air pollution and City size, Urban Georg , 13, 1992, pp. 422–449.
[3] Beckerman, W., Economic Growth and the Environment: Whose Growth? Whose Environment?, World Development, 20, 1992, pp. 481-496.
[4] Stern, D.I., Common, M.S., and Barbier, E.B., (1996). Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: the environmental Kuznets Curve and Sustainable Development, World Development, 24 (2), 1996, pp.1151–1160.
[5] Stern, D.I., and Common, M.S., Is there an Environmental Kuznets Curve for Sulfur? Journal of Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, 41, 2005, pp.162-178.
[6] Dinda, S., (2004), Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: a Survey, Ecological Economics, 49 (2), 2004, pp. 431-455.
[7] Grossman, G.M., and Kreuger, A., Economic Growth and the Environment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110 (5), 1995, pp. 353-377.
[8] Vincent, J., Testing for Environmental Kuznets Curves within a Developing Country, Environment and Developmental Economics, 2, 1997, pp. 417-433.
[9] Sugiyama, N., and Takeuchi, T., Local Policies for Climate Change in Japan; The Journal of Environment and Development, vol. 17 (4), 2008, pp.424-441.
[10] Kuznets, S., Economic Growth and Income Inequality, American Economic Review, 45 (1), 1955, pp.1-28.
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Abstract: In today's highly competitive situation, hospitals are increasingly realizing the need to focus on service quality as a measure to improve their competitive position. In this research paper, the researcher presents a service quality perception study undertaken in two hospitals in Salem city. In the study the SERVQUAL questionnaire was used for measurement of Gap 1 Viz., difference between management's perception of patients' expectations & patients' expectations. An analysis covering a sample of 400 patients and 50 doctors revealed that a gap between managements' perception about patients' expectations and patients' expectations of service quality exists.
Keywords: Doctors, Health care, Hospitals, Patients, SERVQUAL
Keywords: Doctors, Health care, Hospitals, Patients, SERVQUAL
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- Abstract
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Occupational Hazards of Medical Group of Women Employees in Healthcare Units in Tamil Nadu, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. D. ASHOK |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0214455 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, the author focused on the medical group of jobs like 'Doctors and Nurses' employed in health care units. The myriad of occupational hazards to which healthcare workers may be exposed can be classified into five broad categories: biological, chemical, physical, and ergonomic/safety and psycho-social hazards. Based on above hazards sources and the proposition of women employment in nursing related jobs, the researcher had identified women session of employment in medical as their profession as the target group and the research objectives were framed accordingly to explore the details of personnel profile, organizational profile, employment profile, safety and health profile, training programs profile, personal treatment profile and personal occupational experience of women employees in their workplace. This article is focused on the cause and effect relationship between various factors associated with women employees' occupation in nursing homes and their influence in their occupation.
Keywords: Physical disablement, health care units, Occupational hazards, Ergonomics, psychosocial working conditions
Keywords: Physical disablement, health care units, Occupational hazards, Ergonomics, psychosocial working conditions
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[2]. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), (2009), "Guidelines for Nursing Homes: Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders".
[3]. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), (2008), "Exposure to stress: Occupational hazards in Hospital".
[4]. Papp, E.M (2007), "Occupational Health and Safety Management Programme for Nurses", ICHRN eNewsletter, Vol.1 (2).
[5]. Agnihotram, R.V (2005), "An overview of Occupational Health Research in India," Indian journal of occupational and Environmental medicine, Vol.9 (1), 10-14.
[6]. Ramsay, J.D (summer 2005), "A new look at nursing safety: The development and use of JHAs in the Emergency Department", The Journal of SH&E Research, Vol.2 (2).
[7]. E-Fact 18 – "Risk assessment in Healthcare" (2007), European Agency for safety and health at work.
[8]. Cox (2000), "Research on Work-related Stress", Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
[9]. World Health Organization, (2005), Protection of Health Care Workers.
[10]. CRISIL (1999), CRISIL is grading for healthcare institutions.
[11]. Chad J. Roy, (1995), Occupational Health and Safety in the Nursing Home Industry, WORKSAFE IOWA - Occupational Medicine Associates Network, Vol.4 (3).