Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study about Management and Business Issues of Ecommerce |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0220105 ![]() |
Abstract: Electronic Commerce is the execution of business processes using Internet technologies continues to be a significant, pervasive issue for both enterprises and customers. Management of relationships between enterprises and customers has often been referred to as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This paper considers such challenges, linked to the consumer's understanding and the usability of the security features. electronic business brings about profound impacts on a country's taxation system, taxation policy and taxation methods as well. In this paper we study about B2B ecommerce and B2C ecommerce.
Keywords – eCommerce, security, threats, B2B ecommerce, B2C commerce, taxation policy
Keywords – eCommerce, security, threats, B2B ecommerce, B2C commerce, taxation policy
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[3]. Keen, P., et al., Electronic Commerce Relationships - Trust by Design. 2000, Upper Sadle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[4]. R. Kalakota, A. B. Whinston, Electronic Commerce, A Manager's Guide, 1st ed., Addison Wesley Professional, 1997,
[5]. Aïmeur, Esma; Brassard, Gilles; Fernandez, José M. and Mani Onana,"A privacy-preserving recommender system for electronic commerce,"International Journal of Information Security, v 7, n 5, 2008.
[6]. Zheng Dafu, "Taxation policy under e-commerce", Contemporary Economics, n 11, 2008.
[7]. Timmers, Electronic Commerce: Strategies and Models for Business to Business Trading. 1999, Chichester: Wiley.
[8]. Hackney, Ray, "E-Business Strategies: The Nature of Customer Attention." Journal of Global Information Management, 2005,
[9]. Schneider, Gary P, Electronic Commerce. USA: Course Technology, 2003,
[10]. Turban, E., et al., Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. 2002, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
[11]. Tian Zhiyong, and Wang Yu.The Strategic Analysis of the Mass Customization Marketing. Value Engineering ,No.4, 2007 ,
[1]. D.Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy,Implementation and Practice. Financial Times / Prentice Hall, 2001.
[2]. Shen, Shirmohammadi, Desmarais, Georganas, Kerr, "Enhancing e-Commerce with Intelligent Agents in Collaborative e-Communities" EEEConference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and EServices,San Francisco, CA, U.S.A, IEEE, June 2006.
[3]. Keen, P., et al., Electronic Commerce Relationships - Trust by Design. 2000, Upper Sadle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[4]. R. Kalakota, A. B. Whinston, Electronic Commerce, A Manager's Guide, 1st ed., Addison Wesley Professional, 1997,
[5]. Aïmeur, Esma; Brassard, Gilles; Fernandez, José M. and Mani Onana,"A privacy-preserving recommender system for electronic commerce,"International Journal of Information Security, v 7, n 5, 2008.
[6]. Zheng Dafu, "Taxation policy under e-commerce", Contemporary Economics, n 11, 2008.
[7]. Timmers, Electronic Commerce: Strategies and Models for Business to Business Trading. 1999, Chichester: Wiley.
[8]. Hackney, Ray, "E-Business Strategies: The Nature of Customer Attention." Journal of Global Information Management, 2005,
[9]. Schneider, Gary P, Electronic Commerce. USA: Course Technology, 2003,
[10]. Turban, E., et al., Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. 2002, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
[11]. Tian Zhiyong, and Wang Yu.The Strategic Analysis of the Mass Customization Marketing. Value Engineering ,No.4, 2007 ,
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Abstract: Dwarka scheme part of the Urban Extension of MPD–2001 of National Capital Territory of Delhi, has been planned to cater to the ever increasing housing requirements of Metropolitan Delhi. Dwarka Sub-City with a total geographical area of 5648 Ha is located in South-Western part of Delhi. The area is envisaged to become a model Sub-city of the 21st century and to house 13 lakhs people. The area is developing fast with more than 400 Group Housing Societies & 11000 DDA Residential Freehold Flats (in Four and Multistory Buildings), 3100 Residential Plots, housing colonies apart from commercial complexes, District centers, public places etc. The area with present population of 5 lakhs roughly is in severe grip of shortage of the supplied water, as it receives only Rs 2.8 MGD from the concerned water supply agency, against the requirement of 10 MGD. In view of this the balance water demand of its residents for domestic & non-domestic uses is mostly met from the Ground Water. The rampant extraction of Ground Water by Government & private authorities, has led to the depletion of fresh water layer and decline in the water table at very fast pace in last few years, raising questions about its future availability.
[1]. Rabidyuti Biswas, Deepak Khare and Rama Surbramaniam Shankar, Paper on "Water Demand Management for an Urban Area : The case Study of Dwarka , a Sub-city of Delhi‟ Published in Water Utility Management International June 2009.
[2]. K.B.Rajoria, Fellow & V.K. Sharma Fellow, Paper on" Rainwater Harvesting for Ground Water recharging –A Case Study‟ Vol. 88, Feb.2008, IE(I) Journal-CV (Page 48-60)
[3]. B.N Maleswara Rao, Paper on‟ Preparation of Action Plan for Water Resources Management using GIS- Case Study‟ Presented in "Hydro 2008‟.
[4]. Delhi Development Authority, "Draft Zonal Development Plan, K-II, Dwarka " dated 30.10.2007 (Page 1-17)
[5]. Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, Technical Report (September 2007) "Manual on Artificial recharge of Ground Water‟ (Page 41-59) .
[6]. Central Ground Water Board, Faridabad (Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India), Technical Report "Rainwater Harvesting Techniques to augment Ground water‟ (Page 4-12).
[7]. Delhi Development Authority, "Zonal Development Plan, Zone –K (Part) Dwarka Sub-city" dated 7.8.2006 (Page1-9)
[8]. Central Ground Water Board ( Sept..2006) "Ground Water Year book 2005-2006, NCT Delhi"(Page 9-31)
[9]. Central Ground Water Board ( Feb.2006) "Hydrogeological Framework & Groundwater Management Plan of NCT Delhi"(Page 1-5, 12-38, 61-62)
[10]. Peter Dillona et al, February 2006, Role of Aquifer Storage in Water Reuse, Desalination Vol. 188, issues 1-3,5 pages 123-134
[2]. K.B.Rajoria, Fellow & V.K. Sharma Fellow, Paper on" Rainwater Harvesting for Ground Water recharging –A Case Study‟ Vol. 88, Feb.2008, IE(I) Journal-CV (Page 48-60)
[3]. B.N Maleswara Rao, Paper on‟ Preparation of Action Plan for Water Resources Management using GIS- Case Study‟ Presented in "Hydro 2008‟.
[4]. Delhi Development Authority, "Draft Zonal Development Plan, K-II, Dwarka " dated 30.10.2007 (Page 1-17)
[5]. Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, Technical Report (September 2007) "Manual on Artificial recharge of Ground Water‟ (Page 41-59) .
[6]. Central Ground Water Board, Faridabad (Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India), Technical Report "Rainwater Harvesting Techniques to augment Ground water‟ (Page 4-12).
[7]. Delhi Development Authority, "Zonal Development Plan, Zone –K (Part) Dwarka Sub-city" dated 7.8.2006 (Page1-9)
[8]. Central Ground Water Board ( Sept..2006) "Ground Water Year book 2005-2006, NCT Delhi"(Page 9-31)
[9]. Central Ground Water Board ( Feb.2006) "Hydrogeological Framework & Groundwater Management Plan of NCT Delhi"(Page 1-5, 12-38, 61-62)
[10]. Peter Dillona et al, February 2006, Role of Aquifer Storage in Water Reuse, Desalination Vol. 188, issues 1-3,5 pages 123-134
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Global Business Cultures |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. Aruna Deshpande |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0221421 ![]() |
Abstract: Globalisation has made the availability of international products and services which can be accessed by individuals in many countries, from diverse economic backgrounds. Thus business culture reflected in organizations the extent to which society accepts that power is distributed unequally in institutions and organizations, likes formal rules; absolute truths masculine is assertive, acquisitive, values money and things and not caring for others, quality of life or people; whereas, femininity is nurturing and valuing quality of life , individual takes care of self and family and is low on organizational loyalty; collectivism is in-group or clan responsibility loyalty is owed to the group. In cultures where people are emphasized, it is the quality of interpersonal relationships which is important. In cultures where ideologies are emphasized, sharing common beliefs is more important than group membership. In cultures where action is emphasized, what is done is more important than what is said. Styles of creating persuasive impressions for a long term sustainable business relations, and economically gaining.
Key words: Globalisation, Cultures, trust, beliefs, values.
Key words: Globalisation, Cultures, trust, beliefs, values.
[1]. PDF file obtained at
[2]. Jan, Role of Culture in International Management
[4]. You tube videos: on Cultures in China, Canadian and Mexican Cultural studies by Prof. Spies., Jeff Castle.
[6]. CLC;, Building Organisation Culture for High Performance 2004. Managing relationships in China 2006.
[2]. Jan, Role of Culture in International Management
[4]. You tube videos: on Cultures in China, Canadian and Mexican Cultural studies by Prof. Spies., Jeff Castle.
[6]. CLC;, Building Organisation Culture for High Performance 2004. Managing relationships in China 2006.
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Abstract: This research investigates the antecedents' effect on employee's performance of nickel mining's company at Indonesia, focused on the organizational learning culture (OLC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Utilizing the cross sectional design and the path analysis method, the current study analyzed data from 85 employees in various department at PT Inco Tbk in Indonesia. The result shows that (1) organizational learning culture have a direct positive and significant influence to employee performance; (2) organizational citizenship behavior also have a direct positive and significant influence against employee performance; and (3) organizational learning culture also have an indirect influence towards employee's performance through the organizational citizenship behavior.
[1]. Senge, P. (1991). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday.
[2]. Gill, S.J. (2000). Organizational Learning, HRD Press.
[3]. Bateman, T. S., & Organ, D. W. (1983). Job Satisfaction and The Good Soldier: The Relationship Between Affect and Employee Citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26: 587-595.
[4]. Podsakoff, P. M., (2003). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects of followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The Leadership Quarterly, 72: 615-621.
[5]. Garvin, D. A. (1993). Building a learning organization. Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78-91.
[6]. Confessore, S. J., & Kops, W. J. (1998). Self-directed learning and the learning organization: Examining the connection between the individual and the learning environment. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 9(4), 365-375.
[7]. Meyer, A. (1982). Adapting to environmental jolts. Administrative Science Quarterly, 27, 515-537.
[8]. Organ, D. W. (1990), Organizational Citizenship Behavior: It's Construct Clean-Up Time. Human Performance, 10: 85-97.
[9]. Organ, D. W., & Paine, J. B. (1983). A New Kind of Performance for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Recent Contribution to the Study of Organizational Citizenship Behavioral. Dalam C. L. Cooper & I. T. Robertson. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 14:337-367.
[10]. William, L. J., & Anderson, S. J. (1991). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as Predictors or Organizational Citizenship and In-role Behavior. Journal of Management, 17: 601-617.
[2]. Gill, S.J. (2000). Organizational Learning, HRD Press.
[3]. Bateman, T. S., & Organ, D. W. (1983). Job Satisfaction and The Good Soldier: The Relationship Between Affect and Employee Citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26: 587-595.
[4]. Podsakoff, P. M., (2003). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects of followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The Leadership Quarterly, 72: 615-621.
[5]. Garvin, D. A. (1993). Building a learning organization. Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78-91.
[6]. Confessore, S. J., & Kops, W. J. (1998). Self-directed learning and the learning organization: Examining the connection between the individual and the learning environment. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 9(4), 365-375.
[7]. Meyer, A. (1982). Adapting to environmental jolts. Administrative Science Quarterly, 27, 515-537.
[8]. Organ, D. W. (1990), Organizational Citizenship Behavior: It's Construct Clean-Up Time. Human Performance, 10: 85-97.
[9]. Organ, D. W., & Paine, J. B. (1983). A New Kind of Performance for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Recent Contribution to the Study of Organizational Citizenship Behavioral. Dalam C. L. Cooper & I. T. Robertson. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 14:337-367.
[10]. William, L. J., & Anderson, S. J. (1991). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as Predictors or Organizational Citizenship and In-role Behavior. Journal of Management, 17: 601-617.
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Abstract: The present external environment is conducive to export expansion and emerge India as an important exporter for agricultural commodities, but the post crisis slump in the world commodity market and declining commodity prices, forced India to diversify export of its agricultural commodities from traditional to non traditional exports to recover from the slowdown. The economic recession of September 2008 which first emerged as a financial crisis in one country has now spread his hand in almost all corners of the globe but the developing economy like India which is still in slow down stage and not yet in recession, is struggling tough to vanish this. The present paper examines some of the striking trends of India's exports of overall agricultural commodities in general and horticultural commodities in particular during the last decade. The Herfindahl index has been used to analyze the export diversification in agricultural commodities. As densification is one of the effective measures to mitigate the risk during crisis, this study provides practical insights for exporters and policy makers for designing effective framework to promote export during risky period.
Keywords: - CAGR, Densification, Export diversification, Gross Domestic Product, Herfindahl Index
Keywords: - CAGR, Densification, Export diversification, Gross Domestic Product, Herfindahl Index
[1]. Data on India's Export of Agricultural Products (2001-02 to 2009-10) , Official website of Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, URL:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Promoting Inclusive Growth With Reference To Icici Bank |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shephali Mathur |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0224247 ![]() |
Abstract: ICICI Bank was incorporated on 5th January and received the certificate for commencement of business on 24th February. Promoting Inclusive growth has been a priority area for the group. They try to make the difference to their customers, to the society and to the nation's development directly through our products and services, as well as through our development initiatives and community outreach. Its main areas of focus for promoting Inclusive growth consists of Primary health, Elementary education, serving communities in partnership with civil society, improving access to financial services and various technology initiatives. These will be achieved through active collaboration with the government and independent organizations.
Keywords: Financial Services, Inclusive growth, Technology Innovations
Keywords: Financial Services, Inclusive growth, Technology Innovations
[1]. Beri - Marketing Research (Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed.)
[2]. Bhole L M - Financial Institutions and Markets (Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition, 2003)
2) www.research &
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[1]. Beri - Marketing Research (Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed.)
[2]. Bhole L M - Financial Institutions and Markets (Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition, 2003)
2) www.research &
4) /tech.htm