Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Evaluation of Industrial Promotional Agencies in Himachal Pradesh |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Usha Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0320107 ![]() |
Abstract: Industrialisation is a comparatively recent phenomenon in Himachal Pradesh. It gained momentum during the last two decades. Monetary and fiscal benefits as incentives and subsidies to industry, provided by the state as well as the central government, and the availability of quality infrastructure with basic amenities, have played a key role in the industrial development of the state. Industries in Himachal Pradesh, are now producing from traditional to a wide spectrum of high –tech products like computer monitors, magnetic components, high quality precision components, tele-communication equipments, electronics, drugs and pharmaceutical Is, processed food, textiles, and spinning products. The contribution of the industrial and manufacturing sector has increased significantly. In this backdrop, present paper, is an attempt to analyse the availability of infrastructural facilities apart from knowing the reason(s) for setting up industrial units in Himachal Pradesh. The paper is divided into two sections: section I deals with perception of the Industrial Promotional Agencies in the development of industries in Himachal Pradesh and section II deals with critical evaluation of the role of Industrial Promotional Agencies in promoting industrial industrialisation in Himachal Pradesh with the help of factor analysis.
[1] Gurdeep & Bhatia, B.S., Industrialisation in backward Areas- Challenge and Opportunities, Indian Journal of Commerce, Dec 1991, pp. 1-7.
[2] Patil, S.Y. "A qualitative Approach Towards Industrialisation for 21st Century", Indian Industry's in 90's Common-Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1991, p. 167.
[3] S.S., "Lopsided Industrial Development within an Industrially Induced Division" (Policy Implications for Nineties), Indian Industry'sin90'sCommon-Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1991, p. 240.
[4] Kumar, S. Hari, "Industrial Backwardness of Kerala and the Eight Five Year Plan", Indian Industry's in 90's Common-Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1991, p.256
[5] Dastane, S.R., "Industrialisation: Trends and Prospects", Indian Industry's in 90's Common-Wealth Publisher, New Delhi, 1991, p.157.
[6] Pathak, Pramod, "Reorienting Rural Industrialisation, Yojana, Oct. 31, 1993, pp 6-8.
[7] Singh, B.P.N., "Industrial Scenario in India; A Victim of Structural Retrogression", Economic Affairs, Vol. 37, Dec 1994, pp 23-24.
[8] Gurumoorthy, T.R., "District rural industries project: A boon for rural entrepreneurship" Kurukshetra (A Journal of Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment) Sept., 1995, p. 24.
[9] Joshi, Navin Chandra, "Rejuvenating rural life through industrial growth", Kurushetra (A Journal of Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment)Sept. 1995, p.13.
[10] Bhushan, "Promoting Rural Industrialisation for Higher Productivity and Employment Generation", A Journal of Ministry of Rural Area and Employment, Sep. 1995, pp 48.
[2] Patil, S.Y. "A qualitative Approach Towards Industrialisation for 21st Century", Indian Industry's in 90's Common-Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1991, p. 167.
[3] S.S., "Lopsided Industrial Development within an Industrially Induced Division" (Policy Implications for Nineties), Indian Industry'sin90'sCommon-Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1991, p. 240.
[4] Kumar, S. Hari, "Industrial Backwardness of Kerala and the Eight Five Year Plan", Indian Industry's in 90's Common-Wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1991, p.256
[5] Dastane, S.R., "Industrialisation: Trends and Prospects", Indian Industry's in 90's Common-Wealth Publisher, New Delhi, 1991, p.157.
[6] Pathak, Pramod, "Reorienting Rural Industrialisation, Yojana, Oct. 31, 1993, pp 6-8.
[7] Singh, B.P.N., "Industrial Scenario in India; A Victim of Structural Retrogression", Economic Affairs, Vol. 37, Dec 1994, pp 23-24.
[8] Gurumoorthy, T.R., "District rural industries project: A boon for rural entrepreneurship" Kurukshetra (A Journal of Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment) Sept., 1995, p. 24.
[9] Joshi, Navin Chandra, "Rejuvenating rural life through industrial growth", Kurushetra (A Journal of Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment)Sept. 1995, p.13.
[10] Bhushan, "Promoting Rural Industrialisation for Higher Productivity and Employment Generation", A Journal of Ministry of Rural Area and Employment, Sep. 1995, pp 48.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Operating Leverage Analysis - A Conceptual Framework |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandip Sinha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0320827 ![]() |
Abstract: A conceptual framework for intra - firm operating leverage analysis { based on the mechanical analysis of physical leverage ( the genesis of the concept of operating leverage ) } of a manufacturing firm under condition of future business risk considering a short - term planning horizon , composed of ( a ) an ex - ante analysis conducted at the beginning of the period for choosing an ' Operating Account Structural Plan ' ( OASP ) from alternative OASPs based on the principle of maximization of expected utility { or principle of minimization of absolute value of expected disutility ( negative utility )} of the ' elasticity coefficient measure' of the ' Degree of Operating Leverage ' ( DOL ) considering the degrees of ' Downside Operating Leverage Risk ( DOLR ) Averseness' and ' Upside Operating Leverage Risk ( UOLR ) Affinity' subjectively assigned by the decision - maker , and ( b ) an ex - post analysis conducted at the end of the period for the performance appraisal of the decision - maker based on ' operating leverage efficiency ' , is formulated and illustrated in this working paper .
Keywords : Physical Leverage , Operating Leverage , Operating Account Structural Plan , Degree of Operating Leverage , Operating Leverage Risk , Downside Operating Leverage Risk , Upside Operating Leverage Risk , Coefficient of Variation , Mean Absolute Deviation , Operating Leverage Efficiency .
Keywords : Physical Leverage , Operating Leverage , Operating Account Structural Plan , Degree of Operating Leverage , Operating Leverage Risk , Downside Operating Leverage Risk , Upside Operating Leverage Risk , Coefficient of Variation , Mean Absolute Deviation , Operating Leverage Efficiency .
[1] Brigham , E. F. and J.F. Houston ( 2001 ) , Fundamentals of Financial Management , Harcourt Asia.
[2] Chandra , P. ( 2001 ) , Financial Management - Theory and Practice , Tata McGraw - Hill .
[3] Gitman , L .J. , M. D. Joehnk and G. E . Pinches ( 1985 ) , Managerial Finance , Harper & Row.
[4] Gitman L. J. ( 2006 ) , Principles of Managerial Finance , Pearson Education .
[5] Horngren , C.T. , S.M. Datar , G. Foster , M.V. Rajan and C. Ittner ( 2009 ) , Cost Accounting : A Managerial Emphasis , Pearson Education / Dorling Kinderley ( India ) .
[6] Knight , F. H. ( 2006 ) [ originally published in 1921 ] , Risk , Uncertainty and Profit , Cosimo Inc.
[7] Lee , A.C. , J .C. Lee and C.F. Lee ( 2009 ) , Financial Analysis , Planning & Forecasting , World Scientific / Cambridge University Press India .
[8] Peterson , M. ( 2009 ) , An Introduction to Decision Theory , Cambridge University Press.
[9] Ram , Tripathi , Goyal and Gupta ( 1986 ) , Concise Physics – I .C. S. E , Selina Publishers .
[10] Samuelson , W.F. and S.G. Marks ( 2008 ) , Managerial Economics , John Wiley & Sons / Wiley - India .
[2] Chandra , P. ( 2001 ) , Financial Management - Theory and Practice , Tata McGraw - Hill .
[3] Gitman , L .J. , M. D. Joehnk and G. E . Pinches ( 1985 ) , Managerial Finance , Harper & Row.
[4] Gitman L. J. ( 2006 ) , Principles of Managerial Finance , Pearson Education .
[5] Horngren , C.T. , S.M. Datar , G. Foster , M.V. Rajan and C. Ittner ( 2009 ) , Cost Accounting : A Managerial Emphasis , Pearson Education / Dorling Kinderley ( India ) .
[6] Knight , F. H. ( 2006 ) [ originally published in 1921 ] , Risk , Uncertainty and Profit , Cosimo Inc.
[7] Lee , A.C. , J .C. Lee and C.F. Lee ( 2009 ) , Financial Analysis , Planning & Forecasting , World Scientific / Cambridge University Press India .
[8] Peterson , M. ( 2009 ) , An Introduction to Decision Theory , Cambridge University Press.
[9] Ram , Tripathi , Goyal and Gupta ( 1986 ) , Concise Physics – I .C. S. E , Selina Publishers .
[10] Samuelson , W.F. and S.G. Marks ( 2008 ) , Managerial Economics , John Wiley & Sons / Wiley - India .
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Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to understand the concept of Sustainable Development and study the relationship between Finance, Economics and Sustainable Development. This paper attempts to create a functional and mathematical structure to show sustainable development and its relationship with Finance and Economics, and show how these three of them are strongly related to each along with the method of error calculation between these variable.
Keywords: Dependent and Functional Relationship, Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development.
Keywords: Dependent and Functional Relationship, Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development.
[1] United Nations, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, General Assembly Resolution 42/187, 11 December 1987. Retrieved: 2007-04-12
[2] Smith, Charles; Rees and Gareth, Economic Development, 2nd edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.
[3] Stivers R., The Sustainable Society: Ethics and Economic Growth, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976.
[4] Daly H. E., Towards a Steady State Economy. San Francisco: Freeman (1st ed.), 1973, Daly H. E., Steady-State Economics (2nd ed.), 1991, Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
[5] Levine R., Financial Development and Economic Growth: View and Agenda, Journal of Economic Literature, 35(3), 1997, 688-726.
[6] Beck T., Demigruc-kunt A. and Levine R., A New Database on Financial Development and structure, World Bank Economic Review, 14, 2000, 597-605.
[7] Ang J.B, Finance and Inequality: The case of India, Monash University Department of Economics Discussion Paper, August, 2008, 26-39.
[8] Bagehot, A Description of Money Market with Currency Monopoly, Homewood ILRichard, 1962.
[9] Schumpeter J., The Theory of Economics Development, Harvard University Press, 1912.
[10] Levin R. and Zervos S., Stock Market, Bank and Economic growth, The American Economic Review,88(3), 537-588.
[2] Smith, Charles; Rees and Gareth, Economic Development, 2nd edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.
[3] Stivers R., The Sustainable Society: Ethics and Economic Growth, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976.
[4] Daly H. E., Towards a Steady State Economy. San Francisco: Freeman (1st ed.), 1973, Daly H. E., Steady-State Economics (2nd ed.), 1991, Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
[5] Levine R., Financial Development and Economic Growth: View and Agenda, Journal of Economic Literature, 35(3), 1997, 688-726.
[6] Beck T., Demigruc-kunt A. and Levine R., A New Database on Financial Development and structure, World Bank Economic Review, 14, 2000, 597-605.
[7] Ang J.B, Finance and Inequality: The case of India, Monash University Department of Economics Discussion Paper, August, 2008, 26-39.
[8] Bagehot, A Description of Money Market with Currency Monopoly, Homewood ILRichard, 1962.
[9] Schumpeter J., The Theory of Economics Development, Harvard University Press, 1912.
[10] Levin R. and Zervos S., Stock Market, Bank and Economic growth, The American Economic Review,88(3), 537-588.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Globalization and the Fallacy of Technology Learning: Rethinking the Technology Transfer Argument |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Uwem Essia |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0323439 ![]() |
b Revolutions in ICT and the internationalization of industrial and services technologies associated with globalization have generally supported the thinking that technology learning and imitation have become easier for today's poor countries. This paper agrees that globalization has eased access to new knowledge, but the tacitness of new technologies has made it increasingly easier for high-tech firms to hoard vital information on innovations, and restrict the flow of new technologies to firms in poor countries. Accordingly, firms and governments in poor countries should not take the neoclassical economic technology transfer view for granted Poor countries desiring speedy technological progress need to invest deliberately in technology learning, and adaptation of innovations to meet local needs.
Key Words: Information Technology, Globalization, Multinational Corporations, Tacit Knowledge, Internet.
Key Words: Information Technology, Globalization, Multinational Corporations, Tacit Knowledge, Internet.
[1.] Bhaduri, A. (2000) Nationalism and Economic Policy in the Era of Globalization UNU/WIDER Working Paper 188(July).
[2.] Bloomfield, A. I. (1978) The Impact of Growth and Technology on Trade in Nineteenth Century British Thought History of Political Economy 10 (4) 608-635.Essia, U. (2004) Industrialization and Technological Progress: Comparative Developments in East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In I. Garba, F. Egwaikhide & A. Adenikinju (Eds.). Leading Issues in Macroeconomic Management and Development The Nigerian Economic Society: Ibadan (June) 287-302.Garba, A. (2003) The Past, Present and Possible Futures of Africa In I. Garba, F. Egwaikhide & A. Adenikinju (Eds.). Leading Issues in Macroeconomic Management and Development The Nigerian Economic Society: Ibadan (June) I-LV.
[3.] Macdonald, S. (1990) Technology and the Tyranny of Export Controls: Whispers Who Dares Macmillan: London.
[4.] Mahler, V. A. (2002) Economic Globalization, Domestic Politics and Income Inequality in the Developed Countries. Paper Presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. Savannah, Georgia. November, 7-9.
[5.] Okwuosa, E. (1976) New Directions for Economic Development in Africa African Books: London.
[6.] Onimode, B. (2000) Africa in the World of the 21st Century Oxford University Press: New York.
[7.] Ploeg, F.V. D. (1994. Growth, Deficits, and Research and Development in the Global Economy in Fredrick V.D. Ploeg and P.Tang (Eds). The HandBook of International Macroeconomics Blackwell: Oxford Ch. 16, 535-577.
[8.] Saul, S. B. (1972) The Nature and Diffusion of Technology in A.J. Young (Ed). Economic Development in the Long Run George Allen & Unwin: London 36-61.
[9.] Sen, A. (1980) Labour and Technology in J.Cody. H. Hughes & D. Wall (Eds). Policies for Industrial Progress in Developing Countries. The World Bank 121-158.
[10.] Touraine, A. (1988) Modernity and Cultural Specificities International Social Science Journal XL (4) 444-457.
[2.] Bloomfield, A. I. (1978) The Impact of Growth and Technology on Trade in Nineteenth Century British Thought History of Political Economy 10 (4) 608-635.Essia, U. (2004) Industrialization and Technological Progress: Comparative Developments in East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In I. Garba, F. Egwaikhide & A. Adenikinju (Eds.). Leading Issues in Macroeconomic Management and Development The Nigerian Economic Society: Ibadan (June) 287-302.Garba, A. (2003) The Past, Present and Possible Futures of Africa In I. Garba, F. Egwaikhide & A. Adenikinju (Eds.). Leading Issues in Macroeconomic Management and Development The Nigerian Economic Society: Ibadan (June) I-LV.
[3.] Macdonald, S. (1990) Technology and the Tyranny of Export Controls: Whispers Who Dares Macmillan: London.
[4.] Mahler, V. A. (2002) Economic Globalization, Domestic Politics and Income Inequality in the Developed Countries. Paper Presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. Savannah, Georgia. November, 7-9.
[5.] Okwuosa, E. (1976) New Directions for Economic Development in Africa African Books: London.
[6.] Onimode, B. (2000) Africa in the World of the 21st Century Oxford University Press: New York.
[7.] Ploeg, F.V. D. (1994. Growth, Deficits, and Research and Development in the Global Economy in Fredrick V.D. Ploeg and P.Tang (Eds). The HandBook of International Macroeconomics Blackwell: Oxford Ch. 16, 535-577.
[8.] Saul, S. B. (1972) The Nature and Diffusion of Technology in A.J. Young (Ed). Economic Development in the Long Run George Allen & Unwin: London 36-61.
[9.] Sen, A. (1980) Labour and Technology in J.Cody. H. Hughes & D. Wall (Eds). Policies for Industrial Progress in Developing Countries. The World Bank 121-158.
[10.] Touraine, A. (1988) Modernity and Cultural Specificities International Social Science Journal XL (4) 444-457.
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Abstract: As a feature of socially defined people, everyone is in communication with the others in the social context. Whatever the content is, individuals should exchange and share thoughts, news, in other words they should communicate. In this regard, especially in organizations where formal and informal communication exists, "communication within organization" plays a vital role in structuring the organizational activities, objectives, company policies and strategies.
Key Words: Communication, information sources, interaction between employees and managers, five-star hotels.
Key Words: Communication, information sources, interaction between employees and managers, five-star hotels.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consumer Buying Behaviour and Brand Loyalty in Rural Markets: FMCG |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.V.N.G. ChandraSekhar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0325067 ![]() |
Abstract: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently talked about his vision for rural India: "My vision of rural India is of a modern agrarian, industrial and services economy co-existing side by side, where people can live in well-equipped villages and commute easily to work, be it on the farm or in the non-farm economy. There is much that modern science and technology can do to realize this vision. Rural incomes have to be increased. Rural infrastructure has to be improved. Rural health and education needs have to be met. Employment opportunities have to be created in rural areas." 'Go rural' is the slogan of marketing gurus after analyzing the socio-economic changes in villages. The Rural population is nearly three times the urban, so that Rural consumers have become the prime target market for consumer durable and non-durable products, food, construction, electrical, electronics, automobiles, banks, insurance companies and other sectors besides hundred per cent of agri-input products such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and farm machinery. The Indian rural market today accounts for only about Rs. 8 billion of the total ad pie of Rs 120 billion, thus claiming 6.6 per cent of the total share. So clearly, there seems to be a long way ahead. Although a lot is spoken about the immense potential of the unexplored rural market, advertisers and companies find it easier to vie for a share of the already divided urban pie.The success of a brand in the Indian rural market is as unpredictable as rain.
Keywords: Rural Markets, Consumer Behavior, Brand, Brand Loyalty, Rural Customers, Local Brand
Keywords: Rural Markets, Consumer Behavior, Brand, Brand Loyalty, Rural Customers, Local Brand
[1.] A.M. Sakkthivel, Dr. Bishnupriya Mishra, Effectiveness of Sachets in Modifying Rural Consumers' Buying Behavior and Their Consumption Pattern- A Researcher's View, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXV • Number 2 • February 2005
[2.] Dr.A.Selvaraj Rural Consumers' Behaviour Regarding Non Durable Goods: A Study In Erode District of Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVII • Number 12 • December 2007
[3.] Bamzai, Sandeep, 'Markets now target Bharat', Business India, September 6-17, 1999
[4.] Dr.C.Anandan, M.Prasanna Mohan Raj, A Study on Brand Preferences of Washing Soaps in Rural Areas, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVII • Number 3 • March 2007
[5.] Deepti Srivastava, MARKETING TO RURAL INDIA: A CHANGING PARADIGM, APJRBM Volume 1, Issue 3 (December, 2010)
[6.] Gosh, Aparisim, 'The New Rules of Rural Marketing', Business World, April, 1994
[7.] Dr. G. GANESAN, Dr. K. CHANDRA SEKAR RAO, Pondicherry Rural Tourism Marketing – A Strategy for Global-Local Linkage, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXV • Number 3 • March 2005
[8.] Kala Vijayraghavan and Anamika Rath, 'FMCGs find rural treasure hunt tough', The Economic Times, December 15, 2000
[9.] Keshav Sharma, Deepak R. Gupta, Parikshat Singh Manhas, RURAL MARKETING CHALLENGES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM A CASE STUDY, Delhi Business Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, January - June 2003
[10.] Dr.K.Maruthamuthu,K.Krishnakumar, M.Vasan, Consumer Behaviour and Brand Preference of Britannia Biscuits - An empirical study with reference to Salem, Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVI • Number 8 • August 2006
[1.] A.M. Sakkthivel, Dr. Bishnupriya Mishra, Effectiveness of Sachets in Modifying Rural Consumers' Buying Behavior and Their Consumption Pattern- A Researcher's View, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXV • Number 2 • February 2005
[2.] Dr.A.Selvaraj Rural Consumers' Behaviour Regarding Non Durable Goods: A Study In Erode District of Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVII • Number 12 • December 2007
[3.] Bamzai, Sandeep, 'Markets now target Bharat', Business India, September 6-17, 1999
[4.] Dr.C.Anandan, M.Prasanna Mohan Raj, A Study on Brand Preferences of Washing Soaps in Rural Areas, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVII • Number 3 • March 2007
[5.] Deepti Srivastava, MARKETING TO RURAL INDIA: A CHANGING PARADIGM, APJRBM Volume 1, Issue 3 (December, 2010)
[6.] Gosh, Aparisim, 'The New Rules of Rural Marketing', Business World, April, 1994
[7.] Dr. G. GANESAN, Dr. K. CHANDRA SEKAR RAO, Pondicherry Rural Tourism Marketing – A Strategy for Global-Local Linkage, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXV • Number 3 • March 2005
[8.] Kala Vijayraghavan and Anamika Rath, 'FMCGs find rural treasure hunt tough', The Economic Times, December 15, 2000
[9.] Keshav Sharma, Deepak R. Gupta, Parikshat Singh Manhas, RURAL MARKETING CHALLENGES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM A CASE STUDY, Delhi Business Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, January - June 2003
[10.] Dr.K.Maruthamuthu,K.Krishnakumar, M.Vasan, Consumer Behaviour and Brand Preference of Britannia Biscuits - An empirical study with reference to Salem, Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume XXXVI • Number 8 • August 2006
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Month-of-the-Year and Symmetrical Effects in the Nikkei 225 |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Ricky Chee-Jiun Chia, Venus Khim-Sen Liew |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0326872 ![]() |
Abstract: This study finds significant November effect in the Nikkei 225 index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). This finding is consistent with previous evidence supportive of tax-loss selling hypothesis for the stock markets of U.S. and U.K. In addition, the estimated Threshold generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (TGARCH) model reveals no significant asymmetrical effect on good and bad news. The existence of month-of-the-year effect in TSE suggests that by means of properly timed investment strategies, financial managers, financial counselors and investors could take advantage of the patterns and gain profit. Keywords: month-of-the-year-effect, Nikkei 225, TGARCH
[1.] Arsad, Z. and Coutts, A. (1997). Security price anomalies in the London International Stock Exchange, a sixty year perspective, Applied Financial Economics, 7, 455 – 464.
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[3.] Baker, R. and Limmack, R. J. (1998). Firm size, monthly seasonalities and tax-loss selling: further evidence from the UK, Bristish Accounting Review, 30, 221 – 248.
[4.] Bhabra, H., Dhillon U. and Ramirez, R. (1999). A November Effect? Revisiting the Tax-Loss-Selling Hypothesis, Financial Management, 28, 5 – 15.
[5.] Bollerslev, T. 1986. Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31: 307-327.
[6.] Cheung, K.C. and Coutts, J.A. (1999). The January effect and monthly seasonality in the Hang Seng index: 1985 – 97, Applied Economics Letters, 5, 121 – 123.
[7.] Choudhry, T. (2001). Month of the year effect and January effect in Pre-WW1 stock returns: Evidence from a nonlinear GARCH model, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 6, 1-11.
[2.] Balaban, E. (1995). January effect, yes! What about Mark Twain effects? The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey: Discussion Paper No: 9509.
[3.] Baker, R. and Limmack, R. J. (1998). Firm size, monthly seasonalities and tax-loss selling: further evidence from the UK, Bristish Accounting Review, 30, 221 – 248.
[4.] Bhabra, H., Dhillon U. and Ramirez, R. (1999). A November Effect? Revisiting the Tax-Loss-Selling Hypothesis, Financial Management, 28, 5 – 15.
[5.] Bollerslev, T. 1986. Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31: 307-327.
[6.] Cheung, K.C. and Coutts, J.A. (1999). The January effect and monthly seasonality in the Hang Seng index: 1985 – 97, Applied Economics Letters, 5, 121 – 123.
[7.] Choudhry, T. (2001). Month of the year effect and January effect in Pre-WW1 stock returns: Evidence from a nonlinear GARCH model, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 6, 1-11.