Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2012)
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Abstract: Measuring impact of Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate (KKTE) was conducted over the period of four months starting from May, 2011 to August 2011. This survey was conducted exclusively in the KKTE operating areas covering 3 Upazillas of Panchagarh district. The main objective of this study was to make an assessment on impact of KKTE within its vicinity in Panchagarh. In order to get qualitative information data were collected through 20 FGDs with each respective respondents (Two FGDs from each unit, one FGD with the KKTE workers and another one FGD with outside KKTE people) to get real picture of the study areas. Total 50 respondents were interviewed through structured KII formats (5 persons from each unit: One Govt. Official, one UP member/chairman, one KKTE regular staff, one KKTE male worker and one KKTE female worker). Most of the respondents were mentioned that KKTE is serving for the population by creating employment opportunity, creating knowledge platform for organic farming, and ensuring eco-friendly farming activities.
[1] Vivek Misra, Knowledge Manager, Centre for Good Governance
[2] Barrow, C. J. Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction. London, UK: Arnold Publishers, 2000.
[3] IAIA, 2003. International Principles for Social Impact Assessment. IAIA Special Publication Series No. 2, May 2003. International Association for Impact Assessment. Fargo, US.
[4] Yunus, Muhammad (2008), Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism
[5] Burdge, R. J., Fricke, P., Finsterbusch, K., Freundenburg, W., Gramling, R.,Holden, A., Llewellyn, L., Petterson, J., Thompson, J., & Williams, G. (1995).Guidelines and principles for social impact assessment: (InterorganizationalCommittee on Guidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment).
[6] Burningham, K. (1995). Attitudes, accounts and impact assessment. TheEditorial Board of The Sociological Review (pp. 100-122). (Oxford: BlackwellPublishers).
[7] Becker, Henk. Social Impact Assessment. London, UK: UCL Press Limited, 1997.
[8] Burdge, R. J. (2003). The practice of social impact assessment – background.Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, June 2003, 84 – 88.
[9] Cock, J. (1994). Sociology as if survival mattered. SA Sociological Review, 6(2),14-31.
[10] SROI Primer ©2004
[2] Barrow, C. J. Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction. London, UK: Arnold Publishers, 2000.
[3] IAIA, 2003. International Principles for Social Impact Assessment. IAIA Special Publication Series No. 2, May 2003. International Association for Impact Assessment. Fargo, US.
[4] Yunus, Muhammad (2008), Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism
[5] Burdge, R. J., Fricke, P., Finsterbusch, K., Freundenburg, W., Gramling, R.,Holden, A., Llewellyn, L., Petterson, J., Thompson, J., & Williams, G. (1995).Guidelines and principles for social impact assessment: (InterorganizationalCommittee on Guidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment).
[6] Burningham, K. (1995). Attitudes, accounts and impact assessment. TheEditorial Board of The Sociological Review (pp. 100-122). (Oxford: BlackwellPublishers).
[7] Becker, Henk. Social Impact Assessment. London, UK: UCL Press Limited, 1997.
[8] Burdge, R. J. (2003). The practice of social impact assessment – background.Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, June 2003, 84 – 88.
[9] Cock, J. (1994). Sociology as if survival mattered. SA Sociological Review, 6(2),14-31.
[10] SROI Primer ©2004
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Abstract: The paper seek to investigate the effects of migration of rural famers from periphery to urban centres in Nigeria in search for greener pasture, despite the fact that 75% of Nigerians are farmers 50% of its population are sleeping in hunger making the live of rural farmers unstable and constituting reasons for the influx which have various effects on rural and urban settlements in Nigeria. The methodology adopted was descriptive using secondary data and interview with rural farmers and the findings revealed that the migration of farmers has course clashes between the immigrants and host communities as a result of succession for land and increase in the rate of crimes such as armed robbery, petty thieving, kidnapping and emergence of such groups such as Boko Haram. Therefore the paper suggests that government should provide infrastructural facilities and empower the rural farmers to reduce the rate of migration.
Key words: Sustainability, Farmers, Migration, Government
Key words: Sustainability, Farmers, Migration, Government
[1] Afolayan, A.A; Ikwuyatum, G.O and Abejide, O. (2008) "Dynamics of International Migration in Nigeria: A Review of Literature", Country paper: Nigeria, prepared as part of the African Perspectives on Human Mobility Programme. 29-31
[2] Daily News (2003): Nigeria People, Population and Settlement-Kebbi State. Pp1-2 Available at
[3] Datta P. (2004) "Push–Pull Factors of Undocumented Migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal: A Perception Study" The Qualitative Report, 9 (2) 350-352. Extracted from
[4] De Haan, A. (1999) "Livelihood and Poverty: the role of migration A critical review of the migration literature", A paper forth coming in journal of Development studies.
[5] De Haan, A. (2000) "migrants, livelihoods and rights: the relevance of migration in development policies" Social development working paper, (4), Pp1-27. Extracted from
[6],%20Livelihoods%20and%20rights-%20the%20relevance%20of%20migration%20in%20development%20policies.pdf on 05/ 05/2008 can't be forthcoming now get the reference
[7] Deshingkar, P. (2003) "Seasonal migration for livelihoods in India: coping, Accumulation and Exclusion" A working paper, Overseas Development Institute, London, (220), Pp 1-29
[8] Ellis, Frank (2000) rural livelihoods and diversity in Developing Countries Oxford University press, oxford pp 7- 23
[9] Kline D.S. (2003) "Push and Pull Factors in International Nurse Migration", Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 35 (2) 108-110 Extracted from
[10] Scoones, I. (1998) "Sustainable Livelihoods a frame work for analysis", IDS working paper 72 build on discursion held at 1997 during the preparation for field ---- phase of the DFID ESCOR.
[2] Daily News (2003): Nigeria People, Population and Settlement-Kebbi State. Pp1-2 Available at
[3] Datta P. (2004) "Push–Pull Factors of Undocumented Migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal: A Perception Study" The Qualitative Report, 9 (2) 350-352. Extracted from
[4] De Haan, A. (1999) "Livelihood and Poverty: the role of migration A critical review of the migration literature", A paper forth coming in journal of Development studies.
[5] De Haan, A. (2000) "migrants, livelihoods and rights: the relevance of migration in development policies" Social development working paper, (4), Pp1-27. Extracted from
[6],%20Livelihoods%20and%20rights-%20the%20relevance%20of%20migration%20in%20development%20policies.pdf on 05/ 05/2008 can't be forthcoming now get the reference
[7] Deshingkar, P. (2003) "Seasonal migration for livelihoods in India: coping, Accumulation and Exclusion" A working paper, Overseas Development Institute, London, (220), Pp 1-29
[8] Ellis, Frank (2000) rural livelihoods and diversity in Developing Countries Oxford University press, oxford pp 7- 23
[9] Kline D.S. (2003) "Push and Pull Factors in International Nurse Migration", Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 35 (2) 108-110 Extracted from
[10] Scoones, I. (1998) "Sustainable Livelihoods a frame work for analysis", IDS working paper 72 build on discursion held at 1997 during the preparation for field ---- phase of the DFID ESCOR.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Universal Values based Human Resource Development Model |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sunil Garg |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0331520 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose – This research aims to answer the questions for more empirical research on identity theory by exploring the role of training and impact of human resource development (HRD) system, and to find out the gap between HRD practice and holistic approach in organizations
Design/methodology/approach – This study uses ethnomethodology , phenomenology and self exploration method . Findings – The research found a gap between current training module and needs to set HRD practices according to universal human values approach and suggest model to fulfill the same. It found a gap between policy and practice has one or two dimensional approach instead of holistic perception. This gap is because of lack of understanding and awareness.
Research limitations/implications – This paper used ethnomethodology , phenomenology and self exploration method , which may vary from person to person during interpretations. These method based on exploration and collection of data from day – to-day events which higly depend on observer. Further research is required to confirm these results using several data sources.
Practical implications – Managers and HRD functions should increase both soft policy and soft practice and ensure there is no gap between policy and practice. To achieve this, organizations should ensure that the HRM function is both strategic and effectively resourced.
Originality/value – This research makes a theoretical and empirical contribution to debates on the role that HRD practices play in organizations. It also adds value to HRM research and practice.
Keywords: Human values; HRD Model; Universal Values; Harmony, Human Resource Management, Ethics
Design/methodology/approach – This study uses ethnomethodology , phenomenology and self exploration method . Findings – The research found a gap between current training module and needs to set HRD practices according to universal human values approach and suggest model to fulfill the same. It found a gap between policy and practice has one or two dimensional approach instead of holistic perception. This gap is because of lack of understanding and awareness.
Research limitations/implications – This paper used ethnomethodology , phenomenology and self exploration method , which may vary from person to person during interpretations. These method based on exploration and collection of data from day – to-day events which higly depend on observer. Further research is required to confirm these results using several data sources.
Practical implications – Managers and HRD functions should increase both soft policy and soft practice and ensure there is no gap between policy and practice. To achieve this, organizations should ensure that the HRM function is both strategic and effectively resourced.
Originality/value – This research makes a theoretical and empirical contribution to debates on the role that HRD practices play in organizations. It also adds value to HRM research and practice.
Keywords: Human values; HRD Model; Universal Values; Harmony, Human Resource Management, Ethics
[1] Alfred Schutz (1945), "Studies in phenomenological Philosophy", pp- 65.
[2] Alfred Schutz (1948), "Phenomenology of the Social World",pp- 127.
[3] David A. DeCenzo & Stephen P. Robbins (2002), "Chapter 1, Introduction to HRM", Personnel / Human Resource Management, 3rd Ed", pp. 5,253
[4] Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (1998), "Introduction: entering the field of qualitative research", in Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (Eds), Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 1-15.
[5] Dreyfus, H. L., and Dreyfus, S. E. (1986) Mind over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in the Era of the Computer. New York: Free Press.
[6] Harold Garfinkel (1950), "Studies in Ethnomethodology",pp-45.
[7] Harold Garfinkel (1954), " Contribution to Ethnomethodology" ,pp-20.
[8] Hofstede, G. (1998), "Attitudes values and organizational culture: disentangling the concepts", Organization Studies, Vol. 19, pp. 477-92.
[9] Kireet Joshi, Philosophy of Value Oriented Education Theory and Practice, ICPR Publications, New Delhi, pp. 217.
[10] Rao, T.V. (2007), "Is it time to replace HRD managers by knowledge and learning managers?" available at: http// Faculty Column /FC525/fc525.html (accessed 23 March 2007) Rokeach, M. (1973), Nature of Human Values, Free Press, New York.
[2] Alfred Schutz (1948), "Phenomenology of the Social World",pp- 127.
[3] David A. DeCenzo & Stephen P. Robbins (2002), "Chapter 1, Introduction to HRM", Personnel / Human Resource Management, 3rd Ed", pp. 5,253
[4] Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (1998), "Introduction: entering the field of qualitative research", in Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (Eds), Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 1-15.
[5] Dreyfus, H. L., and Dreyfus, S. E. (1986) Mind over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in the Era of the Computer. New York: Free Press.
[6] Harold Garfinkel (1950), "Studies in Ethnomethodology",pp-45.
[7] Harold Garfinkel (1954), " Contribution to Ethnomethodology" ,pp-20.
[8] Hofstede, G. (1998), "Attitudes values and organizational culture: disentangling the concepts", Organization Studies, Vol. 19, pp. 477-92.
[9] Kireet Joshi, Philosophy of Value Oriented Education Theory and Practice, ICPR Publications, New Delhi, pp. 217.
[10] Rao, T.V. (2007), "Is it time to replace HRD managers by knowledge and learning managers?" available at: http// Faculty Column /FC525/fc525.html (accessed 23 March 2007) Rokeach, M. (1973), Nature of Human Values, Free Press, New York.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Empowerment in Bangladesh: A Scenario Analysis |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Akhter Jahan, Shahnaz Begum |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0332126 ![]() |
Abstract: Women are the worst sufferers in most of the less developed countries due to which their contribution often remains very negligible in the socio-economic development of country. This is obviously a serious limitation to the progress of such country. The empowerment of women can be a feasible solution to this burning problem. The present study in this regard is an endeavor to examine the necessity or WE by identifying the areas of women sufferings and placing appropriate recommendations in order to ensure sustainable development of the country.
Keywords: Women Empowerment, Women Sufferings, Socio-Economic Development.
Keywords: Women Empowerment, Women Sufferings, Socio-Economic Development.
[1] Amnesty International Magazine (2004), Issue 124.
[2] Wijaya annangara, Paper on Cultural Violation, Retrieved from /women_day/2003/problems.htm
[3] Islam Shahin, opcit.
[4] Ibid
[5] Difficulties of Women‟s in Bangladesh, Retrieved from
[6] Bayes Abdul (April 27, 2004), Women: Changing roles and realizing rights, The Daily Star.
[7] Zohir, S.C. & Paul Majumder. O. (1996), Garments Workers in Bangladesh: Economic, Social and Health Condition, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Research Monograph No. 18, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[8] Chepesiuk Ron (May 19, 2004), South Asia‟s Women garment workers: Globalization‟s race to the bottom, The Daily Star.
[9] Bayes Abdul, opcit.
[10] Chepesiuk Ron, opcit.
[2] Wijaya annangara, Paper on Cultural Violation, Retrieved from /women_day/2003/problems.htm
[3] Islam Shahin, opcit.
[4] Ibid
[5] Difficulties of Women‟s in Bangladesh, Retrieved from
[6] Bayes Abdul (April 27, 2004), Women: Changing roles and realizing rights, The Daily Star.
[7] Zohir, S.C. & Paul Majumder. O. (1996), Garments Workers in Bangladesh: Economic, Social and Health Condition, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Research Monograph No. 18, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[8] Chepesiuk Ron (May 19, 2004), South Asia‟s Women garment workers: Globalization‟s race to the bottom, The Daily Star.
[9] Bayes Abdul, opcit.
[10] Chepesiuk Ron, opcit.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Governance in Employment Generation in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Danjuma Abdullahi MIPM, Phd, Bala Aliyu Kardi MNIM |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0332731 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to look into role of governance in employment generation in Nigeria because despite the efforts of government which aim at employment generation there is still many unemployed graduates roaming on the street constituting social malice to the country as a whole. The data was collected using descriptive approach, interview was also conducted with some of the employment generation agencies in order to gather empirical data. The findings revealed that unemployment in Nigeria has created tension and hatred between the haves and have not leading to communal clashes and the rise of such groups such as Boko Haram and Niger Delta militant, armed robbery, prostitution and child trafficking constituting hiccups to security of lives and properties. The paper recommends investment in education that will help in Skills development and training.
Keyword: Governance; Employment; Crises
Keyword: Governance; Employment; Crises
[1] Nigeria economic fact sheet (2011) United States Embassy in Nigeria retrieved from http/Nigeria.
[2] Ribadu, N.(2012) Poor managers for nations woes: constitution not responsible for retrogression, the Sun news paper 12 April 2012 retrieved from
[3] Danjuma A. (2012) Good governance as panacea to socio-economic crises in Nigeria. IOSR Journal of business and management, volume 2/3 pp 36-40. Retrieved from
[4] Onno R. (2011) Nigeria's youth: Turning challenge into opportunity retrieved from Nigerian –youth paper.onno.ruhl.pdf
[5] Punch(2012) Youth unemployment6: Why Okonjo- Iweala is wrong, Jully 31 2012. Retrieved from http/
[6] NLC(2012)unemploymentcrisis between data and reality Guardian July 12 2012 retrieved from http/
[7] Hallary (2012) Failuure of governance in Nigeria. BBC Hausa service, Wednesday 25 April 2012.
[8] NECA(2012)unemploymentcrisisbetweendataand reality Guardian July 12 2012 retrieved from http/
[9] National bureau of statistics Annual socio-economic report retrieved from http/www.nigerianstatgovng/uploads/latest release ff063b27de8aa15b35f1a6fb04bf472c658d939.pdf (2011)
[10] Apata T.G.; Apata O.M.; Igbalajobi O.A and Awoniyi S. M. Determinant of rural poverty in Nigeria: Evidence from small holder farmers in south-western, Nigeria. Journal of science and technology education research vol (4) (2010)pp 85-91
[2] Ribadu, N.(2012) Poor managers for nations woes: constitution not responsible for retrogression, the Sun news paper 12 April 2012 retrieved from
[3] Danjuma A. (2012) Good governance as panacea to socio-economic crises in Nigeria. IOSR Journal of business and management, volume 2/3 pp 36-40. Retrieved from
[4] Onno R. (2011) Nigeria's youth: Turning challenge into opportunity retrieved from Nigerian –youth paper.onno.ruhl.pdf
[5] Punch(2012) Youth unemployment6: Why Okonjo- Iweala is wrong, Jully 31 2012. Retrieved from http/
[6] NLC(2012)unemploymentcrisis between data and reality Guardian July 12 2012 retrieved from http/
[7] Hallary (2012) Failuure of governance in Nigeria. BBC Hausa service, Wednesday 25 April 2012.
[8] NECA(2012)unemploymentcrisisbetweendataand reality Guardian July 12 2012 retrieved from http/
[9] National bureau of statistics Annual socio-economic report retrieved from http/www.nigerianstatgovng/uploads/latest release ff063b27de8aa15b35f1a6fb04bf472c658d939.pdf (2011)
[10] Apata T.G.; Apata O.M.; Igbalajobi O.A and Awoniyi S. M. Determinant of rural poverty in Nigeria: Evidence from small holder farmers in south-western, Nigeria. Journal of science and technology education research vol (4) (2010)pp 85-91
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Evaluation of Some Private Sector Bank Sponsored Midcap Funds |
Country | : | india |
Authors | : | B. Raja Mannar, Dr.B. Ramachandra Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0333236 ![]() |
Abstract: The performance of few selected Midcap funds, HDFC, ICICI Prudential, Kotak Mahindra and Axis funds have been studied from their inception to the present financial year. The returns are compared with the market returns. The evaluation parameters Sharpe Index. Treynor Index, Jensen's Alpha, Fama's Measure and M2 have been computed for evaluation. Pearson correlation of these parameters is also reported.
Key Words: Midcap Funds, Evaluation Parameters, Mutual Funds
Key Words: Midcap Funds, Evaluation Parameters, Mutual Funds
Journal Papers:
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[1] 1.-Khorana, A., Servaes, H., and Tufano, P., 2005, "Explaining the size of mutual fund industry around the world", Journal of Financial Economics, 78,1.
[2] 2.-Sharpe, W.F., 1994,"The Sharpe Ratio". Journal of Portfolio Management
[3] 3. -Sharpe, W.F., 1966, "Mutual Fund Performance", Journal of Business, January, 119-138.
[4] 4.-Hendricks, D., Patel, J., and Zeckhauser, R., 1993, "Hot Hands in Mutual Funds: Short- Run Persistence of Relative Performance, 1974-1988", Journal of Finance, 48(1), 93-130.
[5] 5.-Malkiel, B., 1995, "Returns from Investing in Equity Mutual Funds 1971 to 1991", Journal of Finance, 50(2), 549-572
[6] 6.-Carhart, M., 1997, "On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance", Journal of Finance, Vol.52(1), 57-82.
[7] 1.-Bollen, P., and Busse, J.A., 2005, Short-term persistence in mutual fund performance Review of Financial Studies, 18, 569–597.
[8] 2.-Otten, R., and Bams, D., 2002, European Mutual Fund Performance European Financial Management, 8, 75-101.
[9] 3.-Blake, D., and Timmerman, A., 1998, Mutual fund performance: evidence from the UK European Finance Review, 57.
[10] 4.-Radcliff, R.C., 1990, Investment Concepts, Analysis, Strategy 3d edition, (New York: HarperCol- lins).
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence and find clarity about the impact of entrepreneurial characteristic related to achievement motivation and self efficacy as a latent variable exogenous to the entrepreneurial commitment as an intervening variable and its impact on the performance of seaweed entrepreneurs as an endogenous variable. The method used is survey research data collection techniques using questionnaires to determine the respondents assessment of the variables examined. The sample size of this study based on the technique of proportional cluster random sampling from the target population of small-scale seaweed entrepreneurs spread over ten districts of South Sulawesi province. Testing hypotheses using structural equation modeling analysis (SEM) based on the framework of the measurement model and the structural model of causal relationships between variables. Implication of this research is that the entrepreneurial commitment has contributed more dominant than the influence of achievement motivation and self-efficacy on seaweed entrepreneur's performance, either directly or indirectly through entrepreneurial commitment.
Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Self Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Commitment, Entrepreneurs Performance
Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Self Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Commitment, Entrepreneurs Performance
[1] Bandura, A. and Edwin A. Locke. 2003. Negative Self-efficacy and Goal Effects Revisited. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 88, No. 1, 87-99.
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[7] Sugiyono, 2008. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Penerbit Alfabeta, Bandung.
[8] Tang, Jintong. 2008. Environmental Munificence For Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurial Alertness and Commitment. Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research Bradford: 2008. Vol. 14, Iss. 3; pg. 128.
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[3] Fortune, Anne. E, dan Mingun Lee, Alonzo Cavazos. 2005. Achievement Motivation and Outcome In Social Work Field Education. Washington: Winter 2005. Vol. 41, Iss. 1; pg. 115, 15 pgs
[4] Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. & Black, W.C. 2006. Multivariate Data Analysis (6th ed). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[5] Harun Al-Rasyid. 1994. Tehnik Penarikan Sampel dan Penyusunan Skala. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung.
[6] Mustafa, Rasha, H. A., Colin Wheeler, Marian V. Jones. 2006. Entrepreneurial Orientation, Commitment to The Internet and Export Performance In Small and Medium Sized Exporting Firms. Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
[7] Sugiyono, 2008. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Penerbit Alfabeta, Bandung.
[8] Tang, Jintong. 2008. Environmental Munificence For Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurial Alertness and Commitment. Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research Bradford: 2008. Vol. 14, Iss. 3; pg. 128.
[9] Terziovski, Mile. 2009. Energizing Management through Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Edition Published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library Umar, Husein. 2001. Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis Bisnis. PT Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta.
[10] Wigfield, Allan and Jacquelynne S. Eccles. 2002. Development of Achievement Motivation. Educational Psychology.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diversity Management Time for a new approach in an organization |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Parimi Sai Vashanti |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0334450 ![]() |
Abstract: There are now more new faces and diversity among the workforce than ever before and this trend is expected to continue into the 21st century. Managers in public and private organizations are searching for and experimenting with various approaches to more effectively deal with increasing workforce diversity. HR managers are learning that positive synergy is not automatic. Bringing together different backgrounds, perspectives and functions is an arduous process. Specifically, there will be more women, minority group members, and older workers, suggesting a more heterogeneous workforce, which is a significant departure from the largely homogeneous workforces of the past .Whereas the notion of diversity brings with it opportunities for organizations, it poses serious challenges as well. Through a careful examination of the diversity concept and human resources systems, certain steps are to be taken to circumvent the problems inherent in contemporary human resources systems, and thereby allow organizations to obtain maximum utilization of their available talent. In the global economy of today, organizations cannot afford to waste resources. Indeed, organizations can achieve competitive advantage through the most effective utilization of their entire workforce's competencies and talents. For companies to be successful and move ahead of their competition they need to know how to create environments where all people can be accepted, respected and utilized for the differences they bring to the workplace. Knowing how to do that can enhance productivity and increase profit.
Keywords: HRM, Diversity, Performance, Management, Employees.
Keywords: HRM, Diversity, Performance, Management, Employees.
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[3] Wright, P.M. and McMahan, G.C. (1992) theoretical perspectives for SHRM. Journal of management. March. PP215-247.
[4] Boxall, P. and Purcell, j. (2003) strategy and human resource management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
[5] Purcell, J., Kinnie, N. and Hutchinson, S. (2003) understanding the people and performance link: unlocking the black box. London: chartered institute of personnel and development.
[6] K. Aswathappa, Human Resource & Personal Management (3rd edition) TMH (2002), 39-50.
[7] Greer Charles, Strategic Human Resource Management 3 rd. edition, Prentice Hall Inc.
[8] Meffinson D, Banfield Paul, Mathews J , Human Resource Management, Kogan Page
[9] Dessler Gary, Human Resource Management 8 Th. Edition, Pearson education Asia