Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | India Pakistan Trade Relation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Javid Ahmad Khan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0530110 ![]() |
Abstract:Bilateral trade between India and Pakistan is as old as the two countries are, but the volume of trade between them is minuscule relative to the size of their economies.. This paper is an attempt to measure importance, strength and nature of bilateral trading relationship between India and Pakistan. Several statistical indices can be used to measure trade relations between two nations. One such index is the trade intensity used in this paper. Bilateral trade relationships between India and Pakistan described in terms of intensity indices helps to identify how intensively the countries are trading with each other. Bilateral trade intensity indices have been calculated for the time period 1994 to 2008.. The limitation of the study is that the trade intensity indices have limited application for measuring bilateral potential trade between nations. The policy implications of the analysis are that there is no option for the two countries than to increase the economic ties. This paper is divided into three sections. Section first Introduction followed by result and discussions in section second and section third conclusion.
Key Words:Bilateral trade, Economic ties, Trade intensity, Trade potential
[1] Qamer, Abid, Trade between India and Pakistan: Potential items and MFN status, SBP Research bulletin, (2005), Vol. 1, pp 47-48[2]
[2] Teneja, Nisha, Indo-Pak Trade Relations, Icrier, Working Paper, ,(2008), 182
[3] Ghuman, Ranjit Singh, Indo-Pak trade relation, (Deep and Deep Publications, 1986) New Delhi.)
[4] Srinivasan, T.N and G. Cananero, Preferential Trading Arrangements In South Asia, Yale University. . (1993)Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Commerce, Pakistan-India Trade: Transition to the GATT Regime, Islamabad, September 1996, p. 1.
[5] Pigato et. L, South Asian integration into world economy, World Bank, Washington, DC, 1997, p.34
[6] Batra,A "India's Global Trade Potential-Gravity model Approach" 2004, p151,New Delhi.
[7] Ahmad, Shabir and Shabir Ahmad, Analyzing Potential Economic Costs and Benefits of Pakistan-India Trade: A Case Study of the Chemical Industry, International Institute of Islamic Economics, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Zareen Fatima Naqvi and Philip Schuler, Editors, The World Bank, June 2007, PP. 158-168
[8] Qamer, Abid, Trade between India and Pakistan: potential items and most favored nation status, State bank of Pakistan bulletin, vol 1, 45-57. Available from
[9] IMF, Study on the implication of the 2005 trade liberalization in the textile and clothing sector, consolidate report, part I, parts, IMF
[10] Teneja, Nisha, Indo-Pak Trade Relations, Icrier, Working Paper, 182, 2008 Available from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on 5S Implementation in Industrial and Business Organizations |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Arash Ghodrati, Norzima Zulkifli |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0531113 ![]() |
Abstract:5S is a systematic technique used by organizations comes from five Japanese words: Seiri (sort),
Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu (standardize), and Shitsuke (sustain). This system helps to organize
a work space for efficiency and decrease wasting and optimize quality and productivity via monitoring an
organized environment and use visual evidences to obtain more firm results effectiveness. As importance role of
5S implementation in today's organizations, this study aims to review previous studies about benefits of 5S
implementation and its efficiency in organizations. Consequently 5S can support the objectives of organization
to achieve continuous improvement in performance and productivity
Key Words:5S, quality, efficiency, implementation, organization.
[2] Osada, T., The 5S's: five keys to a total quality environment. 1991: Asian Productivity Organization Tokyo.
[3] Bayo-Moriones, A., A. Bello-Pintado, and J.M.D. de Cerio, 5S use in manufacturing plants: contextual factors and impact on
operating performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2010. 27(2): p. 217-230.
[4] Van Patten, J., A Second Look At 5S. Quality progress, 2006. 39(10): p. 55.
[5] Ab Rahman, M.N., et al., Implementation of 5S Practices in the Manufacturing Companies: A Case Study. American Journal of
Applied Sciences, 2010. 7(8): p. 1182-1189.
[6] Gapp, R., R. Fisher, and K. Kobayashi, Implementing 5S within a Japanese context: an integrated management system.
Management Decision, 2008. 46(4): p. 565-579.
[7] Eckhardt, B., The 5S housekeeping program aids production. Concrete products, 2001. 104(11): p. 56.
[8] Becker, J.E., Implementing 5S to promote safety & housekeeping. Professional Safety, 2001. 46(8): p. 29-31.
[9] Ahmed, S. and M. Hassan, Survey and case investigations on application of quality management tools and techniques in SMIs.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2003. 20(7): p. 795-826.
[10] Chin, K.S. and K.F. Pun, A proposed framework for implementing TQM in Chinese organizations. International Journal of
Quality & Reliability Management, 2002. 19(3): p. 272-294.
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Abstract:The Main Objective of this paper is to find out whether one can earn profit while investing in the share market via Mutual Fund and also can have a life cover. The issue of earning profit while investing in the share market via Mutual Fund and also having a life cover is gaining currency now days, in the general mind set of investors and even of the common men.
[2] Pierce ,James L: Monetary and Economics ,John Wiley & Sons(1984),Pg.81
[3] Weston J Fred and Brigham, Eugene F:Essentials of Managerial Finance, Dryen Press,2000 .
[4] The V.N.R. Dictionary of Business and Finance, Van Nostrand,Rein Cold Company, New York,2001
[5] Portfolio Management & Mutual Fund, ICFAI Publications.
[6] Fund Manager, Aug. 2004
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Abstract:Risk and its consequences cause a terrible threat to saving pattern in present scenario. The saving rate will probably continue to rise but if we notice that the saving rate shows fluctuation and went negative during the depression as investor used savings to supplement income. This study examines the impact of risk on saving pattern and different ways to diversify it. This paper aims to study different types of risk which affect the saving pattern and various strategies used by investor to diversify their risk. After analyzing the data related to Gross Domestic Saving and Gross Capital Formation from the Economic Survey of India a positive correlation comes between Gross Domestic Saving and Gross Capital formation. Study also shows that risk causes an inverse impact on the saving of the investor because every investor wants to make a balance between their risk and return.
[2] "Study of Saving Pattern and Investment Preferences of Individual Household in India" At International Journal Of Research In Commerce & Management VOLUME NO. 3 (2012), Issue No. 5 (May) ISSN 0976-2183.
[3] V.A. Avdhani, Investment and Securities Markets in India-, Himalaya Publications, New Delhi.
[4] Sloan Management Review (1980) .
[5] Economic Survey 2010-11, Website: GROSS DOMESTIC SAVING AND GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION (At current prices).
[7] https://en-us.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinants of Returns of Cross Listed Firms: Evidence from Indian GDR |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Pallavi Chopade, Ms. Garima Sisodia |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0532430 ![]() |
Abstract:The present paper attempts to find out the role of two market involved with the depositary receipts. The depositary receipts are traded independently in the host market where they are issued. At the same time these depositary receipts are equivalent to the underlying stocks in the home country. The study want to find out if the returns generated from these depositary receipts are affected by both the markets, and if so which market plays predominant role in determining these returns. Returns of 35 GDR of Indian companies have been studied for the period April 2009 to April 2010. The study reveals that the returns from the underlying securities affect the returns of the respective GDRs but not vice-versa. The study further shows that the informational factors of the home market (market where securities are issued) have more prominent effect on the GDR returns than the host market (market where GDR are issued).
[2] Patil, R. H., 1994, "Capital Market Developments‟, The Journal of the Indian Institute of Bankers, 65 (3), July-September, 106-110, 139
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Abstract:Students aspiring for Professional Education, such as Engineering, Management, belonging to low
and mid-income group, are a confused lot. The parents with low level of education have hardly any knowledge
of accreditation mechanism for a particular Institute in and around his locality. Since standardization of
Educational, quality in India is at a nascent stage, Students and Parents at the low-end Education and Income
level, suffer the worst confusion in admission into an Institute.
The present Research, being a pioneering effort on Student-Counseling at the BOP segment of the
Society, would try to empirically conclude the relationship between Selection of a particular Institute and its
Placement Standard.
Key Words:BOP Segment, Student-Counseling ,Provocative Selling.
[2] Gurus on People Management Prof. Sultan Kermally
[3] HBR March / April, 2009
[4] Marketing Theory Jan / March , 2009
[5] Marketing Research The Journal of Marketing, Jan,84
[6] Consumer Behavior Leon Schiffman
[7] Vikalpa (IIM – A) 2003/March
[8] Decision (IIM – K) 2004/Oct
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Abstract:The social and environmental issues and the impact of them on the decision making process have been increasingly given attention to the financial reporting. Over time there are many studies about Social and Environmental accounting that have different views and arguments on the importance to the corporate report. In developed countries, the social and environmental accounting has joined the financial report and annual report; however it is still a new concept to Sugar factories. The objective of this study is to assess the understanding of Bidar District people on the social and environmental concept, their implementation on factories in Bidar. In order to collect data for the research, questionnaire survey will be used as a helpful method. The finding uncovers that although most people understand the importance of social and environmental activities and having corporate social responsibility reports, few of Bidar factories are able to quantify the cost and benefits of social and environmental activities as in the financial report.
[2] Http://
[3] Collision, D., Lorraine, N. and Power, D. (2004) 'An Analysis of the Stock Market Impact of Environmental Performance
Information', Accounting Forum, 28(1) pp.
[4] Creswell, J. W. (2009) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, California:
The Sage Publications.
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Abstract:Job satisfaction among public bank employees of Bangladesh is highlighted by this study. Literature
validates those factors such as poor working conditions, below competitive salaries, a lack of promotional
opportunities are some major factors contributing to employee dissatisfaction within this sector. As the ultimate
goal in the banking sector is to provide service, it is essential that employees perform optimally and maintain
acceptable levels of job satisfaction. The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the levels of job
satisfaction experienced amongst employees at banking sector in Bangladesh. For the purpose of this study a
quantitative; non-probability convenience sampling design was used to assess job satisfaction. The sample
group (N = 88) consisted of permanent male and female staff members, extending across the following
occupational classes: AGM, senior principle officer, principle officer, senior officer, officer. A biographical
questionnaire and the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) questionnaire were administered to gather the data.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Results indicate that employees at the
banking sector in Bangladesh expressed satisfaction with their co-workers, followed by the nature of the work
and the supervision they receive. Opportunities for promotion and pay emerged as major sources of
Key Words:Job satisfaction, Job Descriptive Index, Occupational classes, Relationship, Supervision.
[2] Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (1995).Organizational behavior (3rd Ed.). New York: Irwin, Inc.
[3] Spector, P.E. (2000).Industrial & Organizational Psychology: Research and practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[4] Smucker, M.K.,&Kent, A. (2004).The influence of referent selection on pay, promotion, supervision, work, and co-worker
satisfaction across three distinct sport industry segments Electronic version. International Sports Journal, 8(1), 27.
[5] Cherrington, D.J.(1994). Organizational behavior (2nd Ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
[6] Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2001).Organizational behavior (5th Ed.). New York: Mc Graw-Hill Inc.
[7] Luddy N. 2005, Job Satisfaction amongst employee at a public health institution , in the western cape. : University of the Western
[8] Ambrose S.Huston T.Norman M (2005) . "A qualitative method for assessing faculty satisfaction".Res. Higher Educ.,46(7) : 803-
[9] Brady MS (2007) . "Recruitment and retention of associate degree nursing faculty". J.Nursing Educ., 46 (4) :190-192.
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Abstract:Job satisfaction is how content an individual is with his or her job. Scholars and human resource
professionals generally make a distinction between affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction.
Affective job satisfaction is the extent of pleasurable emotional feelings individuals have about their jobs
overall, and is different to cognitive job satisfaction which is the extent of individuals' satisfaction with
particular facets of their jobs, such as pay, pension arrangements, working hours, and numerous other aspects
of their jobs.In the current study, employees were asked to indicate their level of satisfaction for different
aspects of job like salary, relationships with peers, organizational structure, cooperation of managers etc.This
research paper emphasizes on 16 items (job aspects) for which employees had to state their level of satisfaction
or dissatisfaction on a five-point scale. This Study has bought out Impact of Job Satisfaction of Employees and
Organizational Culture in Banks on Receptiveness to Change, Cooperation among Peers, Team Orientation,
Organizational Goal Identity, Union Management Cooperation, etc. At its most general level of
conceptualization, job satisfaction is simply how content an individual is with his or her job. At the more
specific levels of conceptualization used by academic researchers and human resources professionals, job
satisfaction has varying definitions. Affective job satisfaction is usually defined as a unidimensional subjective
construct representing an overall emotional feeling individuals have about their job as a whole. Hence, affective
job satisfaction for individuals reflects the degree of pleasure or happiness their job in general induces.
Cognitive job satisfaction is usually defined as being a more objective and logical evaluation of various facets
of a job. As such, cognitive job satisfaction can be unidimensional if it comprises evaluation of just one aspect of
a job, such as pay or maternity leave, or multidimensional if two or more facets of a job are simultaneously
Key Words:Affective Job satisfaction, Cognitive, Goal Identity, Team Orientation, Union Management
[1] Locke, E.A. "The nature and cause of job satisfaction", in Dunnettee, M.D. Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology,
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