Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Abstract:The implications of the efficient bank supervisory and strong regulatory implementation strategies in Bangladesh Bank will be needed in order to overcome the continued crisis in the banking system. This should be a wakeup call to everyone in the banking industry in the country to further develop and strengthen the strict monitoring of the banking mechanism strategies. At the same time, in order to investigate the numerous misalignments in the supervision of both banking institutions and Central Bank of Bangladesh as well as to integrate the appropriate linkages between proper implementation of the bank regulatory and supervisory structures. The result of this study suggests that there is a strong need for focusing on the dual banking system, as well as a need to increase the efficiency in the technical areas, as well as a tooth for a tooth law in order for the Central Bank of Bangladesh to beat numerous fraud activities in the banking sector. Proper growth and profitability and transparency in the entire banking sector will be achieved through a strict implementation of banking policies and regulations with a strong emphasis on the firm litigation to reduce the unlawful acts of those individuals.
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Abstract:This paper looked at the need to incorporate the Small and Medium Scale enterprises (SMEs) into the
capital market in Nigeria as a means of raising capital for their operations. The findings of the paper found that
the growth in the transactions of the quoted companies has been fluctuating over the years. The paper concludes
that relaxation of conditions for listing of the SMEs in the stock exchange market and provision of enabling
environment for SMEs to thrive in Nigeria will enhance the growth in the transactions of the capital market.
Key Words:Capital Market, Development, SMEs, Nigeria
Senior Treasurers‟ Retreat, Organised by Money Market Association of Nigeria. October 11-13,2002
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[3] J.C. Anyanwu, O. Oyefusi, A. Oaikhenam and F.A. Dimowo, "The Nigerian Capital Market"; in the Structure of the Nigerian
Economy 1960-1997 (Joanee Educational Publishers Ltd, Onitsha, Nigeria, 1997), Chapter 13, pp 212-228.
[4] Ayodele, S.A.; and G.O. Falokun,"Nigeria‟s Financial and Monetary Systems: The Capital Market" in the Nigerian Economy-
Structure and Pattern of Development(Jodad Publishers, Ibadan, 2003), 26-153
[5] UNITAR, Lecture Materials on "Capital Market Development and Regulation"; An Online Course of UNITAR, February - May
United States. Institute for Development Strategies, Bloomington.2004
[6] A. S. Hornby; "Development", "Growth"; Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary; New Special Price, 6th Edition . 2000)
[7] Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN),Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, 1997
[8] N. Hamid, "Role of Capital Markets in Investment Banking Development"; A Speech Presented at ADB; ADB Website. (2004)
[9] D.O.Odife, Implementing the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAS) by Promoting the Development of the SME
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[10] S.C. Myers, Capital structure puzzle, Journal of Finance 39, 572-592
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Abstract:The research focus was on the human resources management practices and its impact on labour
turnover with reference to manufacturing organisations in Lagos State, Nigeria. The paper identified HRM
practices in the two dimensions of economic cycles which were boom and recession periods. It investigated and
assessed which of the HRM practices affect labour turnover under different economic cycles. The population of
study consists of 156 organisations obtained through a preliminary survey of manufacturing organisations in
the three senatorial districts of Lagos state namely Lagos West, Lagos Central and Lagos East which was based
on the number of years of existence and a sample of 99 organisations representing 63% (33 from each of the
senatorial district) was randomly selected from purposively chosen manufacturing organisation in Lagos which
covers Agro industry, Confectionery, Brewery and Beverage businesses. The questionnaire was developed by
using a five point Likert scale which was administered to a total number of 36 respondents who were General
Managers/Administrative Executive, Human Resources Directors/Human Resources Managers or Managing
Directors from each senatorial district totalling to 108 respondents. Descriptive statistics and simple
percentage were used to analyse and interpret the data collected. The study reveals that HRM practices such as
wages and salary, training and development, recruitment and placement as well as employee relations,
performance appraisal, career development and lay off procedures were found in the boom and recession
economic periods. The focus of the practices was on satisfaction of employees in order to prevent high labour
turn over in the boom period while the focus of the practices in the recession period was mainly on
organisational survival by way of cutting cost most especially in the area of human resource. It was
recommended that the management of the organisations in the manufacturing sectors should understand the
prevailing economic cycle so as to know the focus of their HRM practice, the department of human resources
should be headed by an expert in the art of human resources management so as to provide dynamism in the
wake of stiff hostility and favourable conditions in the business environment.
Key Words: Human resources management practice, Labour turnover, Manufacturing, senatorial district, and
economic cycles.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Education on Economic Growth of Pakistan- Econometric Analysis |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Asghar Reza, Suman Valeecha |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-0542027 ![]() |
Abstract:Education plays a vital role in enhancing economic growth by increasing productivity. It is one of
the important elements of human capital formation. The study aims to examine the impact of education on
economic growth of Pakistan based on an econometric model. To test the relationship between educational
expenditure and economic growth, time series data has been used for the period of 1981-2010 for econometric
analysis. The empirical results reveal that there is no relationship between the two factors in short-run.
However, in long run a combination of several factors, including Education contribute towards economic
growth. The results have been tested for heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity and autocorrelation for validation
purposes. The study may be useful for educational sector for policy making and human capital formation to
augment economic growth in Pakistan.
Keywords: Educational expenditure, economic growth, gross domestic product, human capital, government
expenditure, labour force participation.
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[4] Dastidar, G.Sayantan, Relationship between public education expenditures and economic growth: The case of India, Cepal review,
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Development Review, 42 (4)(3), 2003, 771–780.
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[9] Nurtac Yildirim, Hulya Deniz and Aycan Hepsag, Do Public Education Expenditures Really Lead to Economic Growth? Evidence
from Turkey, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 65, ISSN 1450-2887, 2011.
[10] Romer, Paul M., The Origins of Endogenous Growth, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8 (1), 1994, 4-11.
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Abstract: The study being done in response to the high demand of making the organizations more supportive to
encounter the abundant changes that occur and reoccur in the world of business .The role of leadership is
undeniable, pervasive and overwhelming as "leadership that reinforces learning" is one of the building blocks
of "learning organizations" this study will benefit the organizations to compare their potential to take the
advantage of their leadership to embark on the journey of learning. At the same time it will serve the purpose of
new domains in research to improvise leadership traits, styles and their real time utility. The most important
variable in the third building block "leadership that reinforces learning" have been found to be the interaction
of leaders with their subordinates, identify and ultimately resolve their ambiguities. The other variable found
significant is the transfer of knowledge to others across the organizations. The result also reveals that both
education as well as manufacturing sector lacks the active and effective role of leadership. It is concluded that
education sector even lags behind the manufacturing concerns. It is therefore concluded that in order to make
these sectors impart value to the society leadership be enhanced.
Keywords:Leadership, manufacturing sector, service sector, learning organizations.
[2] Argyris, C. (1977). "Double loop learning in organizations." Harvard Business Review 55(5): 115-125.
[3] Bass, B. M. (1990). "From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision." Organizational dynamics
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[4] Dumaine, B. (1994). "Mr. Learning Organization." Fortune.
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[6] Garvin, D. A., A. C. Edmondson, et al. (2008). "Is yours a learning organization?" Harvard Business Review 86(3): 109.
[7] Goh, S. C. (1998). "Toward a learning organization: The strategic building blocks." SAM Advanced Management Journal 63: 15-
[8] Goleman, D. (2000). "Leadership that gets results." Harvard Business Review 78(2): 78-93.
[9] Nel, C. (2007). "Leadership: the primary driver in high performance organisations." Management Today: 24-26.
[10] Peter, S. (1990). "The fifth discipline." The Art & Practice of Learning Organization. Doupleday Currence, New York.
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Abstract:Objective for this study is to analyze and finding out the influence of leader-member exchange,
perceived organizational support and culture (Papua ethnic culture) toward organizational citizenship behavior
and its impact toward employee's performance. Access sample consist of 300 Papua-ethnic employees which
has the opportunity to work for Papua Provincial Secretary Office. This study used statistical descriptive
analysis to determine characteristic of respondent for each variables indicator. Meanwhile, to test relationship
between variables, statistical descriptive analysis method and SEM with AMOS 6 approach was used. Result
from this study has proven that good leader-member exchange is not yet able to form organizational citizenship
behavior and improving employees' performance. For organizational support perception, culture (Papua ethnic
culture) in partial is able to improving employees' performance through organizational citizenship behavior. In
additional, results also showed that in order to enhance work discipline and better work ethos of employees,
leader should consider local culture, communication and work commitment factors.
Keywords: Leader-Member Exchange, Papua Ethnic Culture, Organizational Citizenship Behavior,
Perceived Organizational Support, Employees Performance
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Procedural Justice, Organizational Commitment, And Job Satisfaction In Context Of A Private Commercial Bank In Bangladesh.
Independent University, Bangladesh April 2005
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Psychology, Vol. 71(3): pp.500-507.
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Abstract: This research study covers the area of human resource management, where Employee commitment
to the organization is difficult to retain; researches are being conducted regarding this issue, in this
perspective two constructs are selected here under organizational commitment i.e. employee career
commitment and supervisor related commitment. In this perspective organizational justices are taken as
independent variable, where direct effect of these justices including procedural, distributive and interactional is
seen on employee commitment. Employee attitudes are taken as moderator in this model. Employee attitudes
along with justices collectively effect the organizational commitment.
Keywords: Organizational justice, organizational commitment, employee work attitudes
[2] Alexander, S., & Ruderman,M. . (1987). The role of procedural and distributive justice in organizational behavior. Social Justice
Research, 1, 177-198.
[3] Allen NJ, M. J. P. (1996). Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Vocational Behavior,
49, 252-276.
[4] Bateman, T. S., & Strausser, S. . (1984). A longitudinal analysis of the antecedents of organizational commitment Academy of
Management Journal 27, 232-244.
[5] Becker, T. E., Billing, R. S., Eveleth, D. M., & Gilbert, N. L. (1996). Foci and bases of employee commitment: implications for job
performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39, 464-482.
[6] Bies, R. J., & Moag, J. F. (1986). Interactional justice: Communication criteria of fairness. . Research on negotiations in
organizations 1, 43-55.
[7] Chan, K. W., & Renée, M. (1998). Procedural Justice, Strategic Decision Making, and the Knowledge Economy. strategic
management journal, 19, 323-338.
[8] Chockalingam, V., & S., O. D. (2002). Examining the Construct of Organizational Justice: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation of
Relationswith Work Attitudes and Behaviors. journal of business ethics, 38, 193-203.
[9] Clay, W. J., A., H. K., & Paul, R. (2005). Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice: How Experiences With Downsizing Condition
Their Impact On Organizational Commitment. Social Psychology Quarterly68, 89-102.
[10] Cohen-Charash, Y., & Spector,P.E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes, 86, 278-321.
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Abstract:This research study covers the area of human resource management, where Employee commitment
to the organization is difficult to retain; researches are being conducted regarding this issue, in this
perspective two constructs are selected here under organizational commitment i.e. employee career
commitment and supervisor related commitment. In this perspective organizational justices are taken as
independent variable, where direct effect of these justices including procedural, distributive and interactional is
seen on employee commitment.
Keywords: Organizational justice, procedural justice, distributive justice, interactional justice, organizational
commitment, supervisor related commitment, career commitment
[2] Alexander, S., & Ruderman,M. . (1987). The role of procedural and distributive justice in organizational behavior. Social Justice
Research, 1, 177-198.
[3] Allen NJ, M. J. P. (1996). Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Vocational
Behavior, 49, 252-276.
[4] Bateman, T. S., & Strausser, S. . (1984). A longitudinal analysis of the antecedents of organizational commitment Academy of
Management Journal 27, 232-244.
[5] Becker, T. E., Billing, R. S., Eveleth, D. M., & Gilbert, N. L. (1996). Foci and bases of employee commitment: implications for
job performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39, 464-482.
[6] Bies, R. J., & Moag, J. F. (1986). Interactional justice: Communication criteria of fairness. . Research on negotiations in
organizations 1, 43-55.
[7] Chan, K. W., & Renée, M. (1998). Procedural Justice, Strategic Decision Making, and the Knowledge Economy. strategic
management journal, 19, 323-338.
[8] Chockalingam, V., & S., O. D. (2002). Examining the Construct of Organizational Justice: A Meta -Analytic Evaluation of
Relationswith Work Attitudes and Behaviors. journal of business ethics, 38, 193-203.
[9] Clay, W. J., A., H. K., & Paul, R. (2005). Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice: How Experiences With Downsizing Condition
Their Impact On Organizational Commitment. Social Psychology Quarterly 68, 89-102.
[10] Cohen-Charash, Y., & Spector,P.E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes, 86, 278-321.