Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finance Education is imperative for enhancing Financial Capability of Indian citizens |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Lokanath Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0550110 ![]() |
Abstract:Financial Capability is defined as a combination of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude and
behaviour necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial wellbeing.
Finance education can develop required awareness and provide relevant financial knowledge. Financial
training can render appropriate skills and competence. Social marketing can ensure attitudinal change and
behavioural modification. Thus finance education is an important component of the developmental mechanism
for enhancing financial capability. Finance education is a must for everyone. However, policy makers will have
to address finance education needs of kids, school students, college / university students, youths, retirees /
senior citizens, women, defence personnel, parents, teachers and employees separately in order to get the best
results. Indian Government and regulatory bodies in the financial sector will have to do their bit to ensure that
appropriate finance education is provided to all citizens and their financial capability is enhanced.
Key Words: Finance Education, Financial Literacy, Financial Capability, Financial Responsibility, Financial
Wellbeing, Financial Planning.
[1] Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor Education Foundation (2010), Financial capability in the United
States, Military survey – Executive Summary, October 2010
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[6] Kim, J. (2000). The effects of workplace financial education on personal finances and work outcomes. Doctoral Dissertation,
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[9] Mishra L (2011), A study of Financial Planning Awareness, Education and Advisory from an Indian perspective with special
reference to the Educated Middle Class, Unpublished PhD Thesis
[10] OECD (2005), Recommendation on Principles and Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness, Directorate of
Financial and Enterprise Affairs, July 2005
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Assessment of the Indian Housing Finance System: Crucial Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Ch. Hari Govinda Rao, Dr. N. Apparao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0551124 ![]() |
Abstract:House is a centre and domestic device for mankind's moral and substance development ever since the
dawn of civilisation. Housing is one of the most important that we human beings need. Adequate housing is
essential for human survival with dignity. There are many things that we would find difficult, if not impossible to
do without good-quality housing. Housing shortage is a universal phenomenon. It is more acute in developing
countries. The housing dimension in India has been changing in recent years. India has initiated so many
housing reform that has taken many forms and manifestations characterized by the reduction in social
allocation, cutbacks in public funding and promotion of a real estate culture in close partnership between the
state and private actors. Mortgage financing markets can play an important role in stimulating affordable
housing markets and improving housing quality in many countries. Unfortunately, they are often less developed
in India. This lack of development often translates into lower homeownership rates or lower housing quality.
Most stem from the central dilemma that the resources are always too limited and housing development heavily
depend on the financial institutions such as banks, credit corporations and development banks for the supply of
finance to meet their daily financial needs. Against this backdrop this paper will assess basic nuances of Indian
financing system. This paper will also provide key issues, future outlook and institutional performance.
Key Words:Basic nuances of Housing, Housing Condition in India, Housing Shortage and Affordable Housing
in India, Institutional Performance of housing finance in India, Key Recommendations for affordable housing.
Regions‖, Journal of Housing Economics, In press, accepted Manuscript,2012.
[2] Naik D.D, Housing Finance Pamphlet 163, Commerce Publication, Bombay, 1981. pp.1, 12, 15 and 18.
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publication, ,1997, pp. 600.
[5] Krishnamachari S M, Mobilisation of Finance for Rural Housing, Yojana Publication Division, New Delhi,26 1980, 16-18.
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[7] India year Book, Director. Publication Division, Ministry of information and Broadcasting, Government of India publication, New
Delhi, 1988-89, 597.
[8] Andra C. Ghent and Michael T. Owyang,, Is housing the business cycle? Evidence from US cities, Journal of Urban
Economics, 67(3), 2010, 336-35.
[9] Despande, Cheap and healthy house for the middle classes in India - United Book Corporation, Pune, 1975, 1-10.
[10] Rangwala S.C., ―Town P1anning R.C. Patel‖, Charotar Book Stall, 1998,51-61.
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AbstractThe study examines the Determinant of Accounting Standard between parent and subsidiary
company operating in global community using manufacturing company in Nigeria These firm lack
accountability and transparency and distortions in financial report which leads to poor financial reporting .The
data were gathered by the use of questionnaires and analyzed using binary logistic regression and the z-test
statistics to ascertain whether it is the parent company that determines the accounting standard harmonization
of accounting standard or the local culture and environment have any impact on the determination of
accounting standard in parent and subsidiary relationship. The findings suggest first, Harmonization of
accounting have impact on the determination of accounting standard in parent subsidiary relationship, and
secondly, that local culture and political environment have impact on determination of accounting standard in
parent subsidiary relationship. The study therefore recommend that the firm should be more transparent,
accountable in compliance with the accounting standard which gives the financial statement credibility,
reliability and comparability globally, this will help the preparation of consolidated accounts. The firms should
work with executives who have skills to deal with a variety of local cultures and brings diverse team together to
achieve common goal.
Key Words: Accounting standard, Accountability, comparability, Nigeria and Parent subsidiary company.
[2] Van tendeloo, B. and Vanstraelon, A .( 2007). Discution of attribute differences between US GAAP and IFRS earning: An
exploration study. International Journal of Accounting. Vol 42 pg 146-148
[3] Barth, M.E., Landsman, W. and Lang, M. (2005). International Accounting Standards and Accounting Quality, Journal of
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[4] Glautier M. and Underdown B. (2001). "Accounting Theory and Practice", London, , FT-Prentice Hall, 7th edit Hendriksen, E.S.
and Breba, M. F. (1997). Accounting Theory, Irwin, Homewood lll
[5] Riahi-belkaoui, A. ( 2002 ).Accounting theory. Published by Thomson Learner and printed in UK.
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[7] Spiegel, M.R. & Stephens, L.J. (1999): Statistics, 3rd edition McGraw Hill, London.
[8] International Accounting Standards Board (2002). Exposure Draft: Improvements to international Accounting Standards (on line).
Available from http:/ (Accessed Date 19/4/2012).
(Accesed Date 19/4/2012).
[10] International Accounting Standards Board (2007) Available from (Accesed date 16/4/2012).
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Abstract:The study focuses on the accounting and social implications of twin problem of tax avoidance and
tax evasion on the national economy. The data for this study were generated through the use of questionnaires,
six hundred were administered while four hundred and fifty were returned. The data returned were analysed
through the use of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS). It was discovered that shortfall in government revenue is as a result of tax avoidance and evasion which
in turn leads to inability of the government to discharge her responsibility of provision of basic amenities to its
citizenry. Based on these findings it was recommended that all cases of tax avoidance and evasion should be
hence forth made public in order to serve as deterrent to others.
Keywords: Accounting, funds, Tax avoidance, tax evasion, National economy,
Accountancy: Management companion, Nigerian Accounting Association (NAN).
[2] Adegboyega A. (1987): Political Values and Local Government in Nigeria: Malthouse Press, Lagos.
[3] Jamita O.A. (1994): Basic Principles in Theory and Practice of Taxation,: Jamita Limited, Lagos.
[4] Okoye, A.E. (2000) Financial Accounting for Students and Managers Mindex Publishing company Ltd., Benin City.
[5] Makanjuola, J.D.A. (1998): "Improving the Nigerian Tax Administration for the Challenges of the next millennium" being a paper
presented at the 28th Annual Seminar: Staff Conference of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, December, 1998.
[6] Tukur, H.A. (2002): "Effective Mobilization of Revenue Resources and Budget Implementation" being a paper presentation at a 2-
Day Federal Government Budget Office Workshop organized by the Budget Office of the Federation at Abuja Sheraton & Tower,
June 22nd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The status of Internal Audit at Local Government Level in Nigeria |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Mu'azu Saidu Badara, Dr. Siti Zabedah Saidin |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0553741 ![]() |
Abstract: Nigeria is one the country that has a largest number of Local Governments with an established
internal audit unit in operation. Therefore, to conduct a research on the status of internal audit at local
government is very essential. In view of this, the objective of this paper is to highlight the status of internal audit
at local government with the hope to be improving in the future Endeavour.
Keywords:Internal audit, Nigeria, Local government.
government administration in Nigeria. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 6(4), 81-91. DOI:
[2] Aguolu, O. (2009). Designing an effective internal audit group. Association of Accountancy Bodies in West Africa, 1(4), 60-76.
[3] Aikins, S. K. (2011). An examination of government internal audits' role in improving financial performance. Public Finance
and Management Volume 11(4), 306-337.
[4] Ajayi, K. (2000) Theory and practice of local Government, Ado – Ekiti, University of Ado – Ekiti. Nigeria.
[5] Alberta, A. G. (2005). Examination of internal audit departments. Internal Audit Report. Retrieve on 12/09/2012 from
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Institutional Theory perspective. Critical Perspective on Accounting, 14, 507-531. doi:10.1016/S1045-2354(02)00158-2.
[7] Aruwa, S. A. S. (2003). Government financial reporting and public accountability in Nigeria.Retrieve 18 June
[8] Barkan, J. D., Gboyega, A, & Stevens, M. (2001). State and local governance in Nigeria.
[9] Retrieved 17 June 2012 from file:///C:/Users/student/Downloads/civil2.htm.
[10] Belay, Z. (2007). A Study on effective implementation of internal audit function to promote good governance in the public sector.
Presented to the "The Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects of the Civil Service Reform program implementation in Ethiopia"
Conference Ethiopian Civil Service College Research, Publication & Consultancy Coordination Office.
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Abstract:Implementing ISO 9000 in the public sector is normally seen to be wrought with various obstacles
that usually impede the entire process. The objective of this study is to explore the main barriers of ISO 9000
implementation in Malaysian Local Government (LG) organizations. Relevant information had been gathered
from literature in developing the survey tool to gather the related data. Quantitative analysis was then used to
analyse the data. There were three aspects discovered to be the main barriers which have hampered the ISO
9000 implementation process. These barriers are lack of cooperation among internal departments, negative
perception or attitude towards quality among employees and employees' culture toward quality.
Keywords: Quality management systems, public sector, ISO 9000, implementation barriers, local government
International Conference On Business And Economic Research (2nd ICBER 2011), 1305-1314.
[2] Kuo, T., Chang, T.J., Hung, K.C. and Lin, M. Y. (2009). Employees' perspective on the effectiveness of ISO 9000 certification: A
Total Quality Management framework. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20 (12), 1321 — 1335.
[3] Mohd. Yusoff Zakaria (1997), Penambahbaikan Kualiti yang Berterusan Melalui MS ISO 9000, Proceeding of Simposium
Kebangsaaan MS ISO 9000 on 6-7 January 1997, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[4] Narayana, P. and Goudar, I.R.N. (1999). Implementation of ISO 90000: A Case Study of NAL Information Centre, presented in
DRTC Workshop on Information Management at 6-7 January 1999, Bangalore, India.
[5] Halim Shafie and Manogran, P. (1999), MS ISO 9000: A Practical Guide for Implementation in the Civil Service. Kuala Lumpur,
National Institute of Public Administration.
[6] Wahid, R. A. and Corner, J. (2009). Critical success factors and problems in ISO 9000 maintenance. International Journal of
Quality & Reliability Management, 26(9), 881 – 893.
[7] Magd, H.A.E (2008). ISO 9001:2000 in the Egyptian manufacturing sector: perceptions and perspectives. International Journal of
Quality & Reliability Management, 25(2), 173 – 200.
[8] Bhuiyan, Nadia and Alam, Nadeem (2005b). An investigation into issues related to the latest version of ISO 9000. Total Quality
Management & Business Excellence, 16(2), 199 — 213.
[9] Bhuiyan, N. and Alam, N. (2005) A case study of a quality system implementation in a small manufacturing firm. International
Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 54(3), 172-186.
[10] Amar, K. and Mohd Zain, Z. (2002). Barriers to implementing TQM in Indonesian manufacturing organizations. The TQM
Magazine, 14(6), 367 – 372.
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Abstract: The researcher did an empirical study to find out the opinion of the employees of Jammu & Kashmir
Industries Ltd, J&K for declaring it as a sick industry .The Researcher determined the reasons after taking the
opinion from the employees of Jammu & Kashmir Industries Ltd, J&K. The objectives on which the researcher
will conduct the study are: 1) To study the reasons due to which Jammu Kashmir industries Ltd. became sick
industry. 2) Understanding the employees views about the most important reason for Jammu & Kashmir
Industries Ltd, J&K becoming sick.3). To frame a suitable revival strategy so as to protect the employment of
the masses .and 4) Safeguard the state wealth & resources. The researcher tabulated the data and presented the
data in the form of table and pie-chart. Thereafter the researcher discussed the reasons in detail. After studying
the reason and analyzing them the researcher concluded that every reason given by the employee is responsible
for declaring Jammu & Kashmir Industries Ltd. as sick industry.
Keywords: Jammu Kashmir Industries Ltd, Industrial Sickness, Financial Reasons and Technological Changes
,revival, managerial inability ,obsolete technology.
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[4] RBI (1978). Trend and Progress of Banking in India, 1977- 78.
[5] Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act (1985), Government of India.
[6] Slatter, S (1984). Corporate Recovery: Successful Turnaround Strategies and their Implications.Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
[7] Heggde,Githa S. and panikar, Ashok (2011)Internal and external causes of sickness,Vikalpa
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[10] Hegde, Manjunath (1982), "Western and Indian model of turnaround management" , Indian Journal of Research, Volume 7, issue
4, pp. 289-304.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rural Advertising: An Unwavering Resolve for Rural Marketing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nawab Akram || Dr. S. D. Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-05055658 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is an attempt to understand the presence of various communication channels to reach out the rural customers in India with special reference to Bihar state. The researcher has found that, with the improvement in rural infrastructure in terms of road and electricity, television is getting great acceptance in villages of India and Bihar state in particular and the marketers of FMCG companies are enthusiastically using television as a means to inform, educate, and persuade their target rural customers. Companies like HLL, Colgate-Palmolive, Cavincare, Proctor & Gamble and many more are using television as most appropriate communication channel to run their.....
Keywords: Communication Channels, Rural Market, Awareness Campaign, FMCG Companies, FMCG Products
[2]. Chandy, R. K.; Tellis,G.; Macinnis, D.J. and Thaivanich, P., (2001), "What to say when :Advertising Appeals in Evolving Markets", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38(4), pp. 399-414
[3]. Chunnawala, S.A. and Sethia, K.C., (1994) Foundation of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, p. 17
[4]. Cooper, R. Donald and C. William Emory (1995), Business Research Methods, R.D. Irwin, Inc.: USA.
[5]. Costello, Anna, B. and Jason, Osborne (2005), "Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis: Four Recommendations for Getting the Most from your Analysis", Practical Assessment Research & Evaluation, Vol.10, Issue 7, pp.1-9. (Available at: http// v=10&n=7).