Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Corporate Governance Practices of Listed Companies in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Suresh. V. N. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0630111 ![]() |
Abstract:With economic liberalization, privatization and globalization, the role of individual investors/
institutional investors in the overall economic development of country has assumed overwhelming importance
as the number shareholders both individual and institutional investors become voluminous. Managers are
appointed by the owners to manage the company and provide maximum possible return to the shareholders and
adhering to the other principle of governance in the society. But empirical evidences revealed that many of the
companies, both public and private, failed miserably in the governance aspects so that the gap between owners
and management has got widened.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Conceptual Framework to Measure Brand Equity in Indian Banking & Financial Services Firms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Debabrata Das |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0631218 ![]() |
Abstract:Many business entities have attached utmost importance to managing brand equity in prevalent competitive scenario & Indian banking and financial services firms are no exceptions. Research on services marketing indicates that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity and that is why the customer based brand equity concept has become most popular among all the brand equity measures, because this concept acknowledges that the power of a brand resides in the minds of the customers. Researchers also believe that the extended Ps of services marketing may influence customer satisfaction. Recent empirical study has identified key factors of the 3Ps of services marketing, through which customer satisfaction can be determined and measured in case of banking and financial services firms. This paper represents a conceptual framework through which customer based brand equity can be measured using the identified key factors of 3Ps.So this framework can be used as the theoretical base to construct and develop a scale for quantitative measurement of brand equity for Indian banking and financial services firms in future.
Keywords: Brand Equity, Conceptual Framework for Brand Equity measurement, Customer Based Brand Equity, Extended Ps of Services Marketing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinants of Green Consumer Behavior of Post graduate Teachers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | RanjitKumar Siringi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0631925 ![]() |
Abstract"Green" gains global marketing muscle, as consumers exercise the power of demand in the environmental arena. In light of public concern about climate change, depletion of natural resources, damage to the ozone layer, and loss of agricultural land, there is a growing preference for energy-saving technologies and a reduction and limit to energy use. Consumers will increasingly favour products and services from companies with strong sustainability practices .A major consequence of China‟s and India‟s rapid growth will be amongoing depletion of natural resources. Aspiration for economic progress and better life style will cause shortage in vital commodities (czinkota and scuba 2009)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Measuring essential quality parameters for organized food retailers – A survey in Rajkot city |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vishva B. Kothadiya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0632630 ![]() |
Abstract:A study was conducted to identify essential quality parameters for organized food retailers on the bases of customer opinion about different area of service quality. For this factor analysis was used to determine responsible factors for measuring the satisfaction level among organized food retail customers. Study results that quality parameters such as more product variety, attractive discounts, branded product in food and grocery segment, neatness and hygiene, freshness of food were positively affected to customers in selection of organized food retail over unorganized food retail. Which indicate that organized food retails should concentrate on these parameters in delivering services to their customers. Study also identifies areas in which organized food retailers are lacking in services i.e. After sales, credit facility, consistency in services and personal attendance to customers. So they should concentrate on weak area of performance in services and try to improve service quality in these areas..
Keywords- customer satisfaction, factor analysis, organized food retailing, quality parameters, super markets
[1] Hardeep Chahal and Neetu Kumari, Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in health care sector, The Indian journal of commerce,62 (2), 2009, 71-84.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Provision of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process in Islam |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Md. Zahidul Islam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0633136 ![]() |
Abstract:Alternative Dispute Resolution includes dispute resolution processes and techniques that act as a means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement short of litigation.There has been strong growth in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in recent year. ADR is very popular now. The main objective of this article is to prove that modern ADR is shadow of Islamic dispute resolution Process and it is not unfamiliar with Islamic Law. In Islam, civil and petty criminal disputes are strongly recommended to be settled through negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration or compromise, as these are nearer to norms laid down in the Holy Quran and Hadith. It is qualitative research. I use secondary sources. Basically, I discuss based on Quran and Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad (SWA).
Key words:Alternative Dispute Resolution, Islamic Law, Sulh, Tahkim, Muhtasib, Fatwa of Muftis.
[1] Syed Khalid Rashid, Alternative Dispute Resolution in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2000.
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[10] Sornarajah, International Commercial Arbitration: The Problem of State Contracts, Singapore: Longman, (1990).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Study of Performance Management System In IT Organizations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandeep Gudla , Valli Sri Krishna Veni |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0633752 ![]() |
Abstract:The Indian IT sector has also built a strong reputation for its high standards of software development ability, service quality and information security in the foreign market- which has been acknowledged globally and has helped enhance buyer confidence. The role of HR in the present scenario has undergone a sea change and its focus is on evolving such functional strategies which enable successful implementation of the major corporate strategies. Today, HR works towards facilitating and improving the performance of the employees by building a conducive work environment and providing maximum opportunities to the employees for participating in organizational planning and decision making process. The paper discusses about the role of performance management in IT industry.
Key words:IT sector, Information security, Performance, Opportunities, Corporate
[1] M.Sudan Taylor, Academy of Management Journal 1998 "Managers' Reactions To Procedurally Just Performance Management Systems" vol.41 pp 568-579
[2] VictorY/.Haines, Candian Journal of Administrative Scienes 2004 " Performance Management Design And Effectiveness in Quality-Driven Organizations" vol.21 pp 146-161
[3] Dr. A.SrinivasaRao, the International Journal of Human Resource Management 2007 "Effectiveness Of Performance Management Systems" Indian School Of Business, Hyderabad
[4] Adrian Furnham, European Business Journal 2004 "Performance Management Systems"Univesity College London, London
[5] Kostas N.Dervitsiotis, Total Quality Management "The Design of Performance Measurement Systems for Management Learning" vol.15 No.4, pp 457-473, University or Piraeus, Greece
[6] Performance Management and Appraisal Systems, T V Rao
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Abstract:Since the early 1980s, the Nigerian economic features have been on the decline, following the sudden fall in the price of oil in the world market. This development has brought sharp focus or vulnerability of a mono-economy and subsequent attempt to demystify and/or diversify religion. The adjustment and other reform measures adopted by Nigerian government and her citizenry have compounded more problems rather than managing the fragile mono-economy. Consequently, myriad of social, economic, religious and political problems are being experienced today in Nigeria. This paper examines the religious values as a paradigm in the management of national economy in Nigeria. The paper first defined key words used in this presentation. Second, the paper makes and overview of national economy and the crises of development in Nigeria. Third, the paper discusses religious values and the management of national economy. Furthermore, the paper highlights the role of religious values as a paradigm of reform policy in Nigeria. Finally, the paper recommends among others, that rebuilding a virile, dynamic, egalitarian and robustly united Nigeria, must of necessity, entails institutional capacity building by way of restoring religious values that tend to strengthen the operation of our institutions in order to facilitate the task of genuine mobilisation for national development in all sectors of economy.
Key words:Religious, Values, Management, National, Economy and Reform policy
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