Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2013)
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Abstract:Today human begins work with the time. The various activities to be performed on generally
prescribed on the basis of time factor. Thus time is consider to be a fresher factor in every walk of life. Now-adays
we find no person without a wrist watch and a home without a clock. Thus the watches have become
almost a necessity for human begins, to whichever economic class they belong. This paper contets the consumer
behaviour and brand preference while selecting the watches special reference to Titan Watches.
[1] Statical methods : S.P.Gupta
[2] Methods and Techniques : C.R.Kothari
[3] Marketing Management : Philip Kotler
[4] Websites :
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Abstract: Studies have shown that SMEs focus on management skills to ensure a long run performance of their
firms. Thus, owing to the increase in SMEs in the trade sector in Makurdi town, Benue State, this study
examined the relative contribution of management skills to the success of these SMEs. A survey research
method was adopted for the study, while systematic sampling technique was employed to gather data using
questionnaires. The generated data were analysed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and regression
analysis. It was found that the highest relative contribution was made by skills for planning and budgeting for a
marketing strategy that provides attractive range of products, followed by skills to act quickly on detecting
changes in the environment, skills for assessing sales problems as a way of maintaining good customer
relations, skills to focus on product quality so as to capture a sizeable market share, and management expertise
skills to attract and keep competent employees. The study recommends that trade entrepreneurs should be
sensitized to concentrate on learning and developing the identified skills.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial capabilities, Entrepreneurial success, Management skills, Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brick-and-Mortar to Click- and-Slide: An analytical study. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.R.Ramakrishnan, Ashwini K Deepak, Prof.Dr.K.Puttaraju |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0711723 ![]() |
Abstract: The business community globally has embraced technological innovations and revolutionized
communication capabilities among people which has enhanced globalization and prosperity. This paper makes
an attempt to understand the nature of this new innovative technology enabled services: how it's used, what are
the quality control models and what is the experience of the bank and its customers on using Information and
Communication Technology(ICT) for transactions, for good and for ill with the largest bank in India namely the
State Bank of India. The study engages a qualitative research method and follows an exploratory research
approach. Content analysis and discussions were conducted with an interview schedule among key managers at
State Bank of India. The level of measurement applied in data analysis is Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats(SWOT). The paper will identify the framework for technology management for the financial
services system of the Bank. The study makes an attempt to evaluate the use of technological tools and activities
to maintain the new type of services to the bank's customers.
Keywords: Banking services, Customer, ICT tools.
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Abstract: The study investigated the impact of strategic management on organizational growth and
development of selected manufacturing firms in Anambra State. 63 respondents selected from 21 manufacturing
firms across the three senatorial zones of Anambra State were sampled (3 from each firm). The study used
descriptive statistics (frequencies, mean, and percentages) to answer the four research questions posed for the
study. The Chi-Square was used to test the three hypotheses that guided the study. Results from the analysis
indicated that strategic management is not common among the manufacturing firms in Anambra State; that the
adoption of strategic management has significant effect on competitiveness and also influences manufacturing
firms; that strategic management has effect on employee's performance and that its adoption has significantly
increased organizational productivity of manufacturing firms; also, it enhances structural development of
manufacturing firms. The study thus concluded that though strategic management is not yet a common business
practice among manufacturing firms in Anambra State, it has been identified as veritable tool for improving the
competitiveness, performance levels, and structural development of manufacturing firms in Anambra State in
particular and Nigeria in general. The researcher recommended that entrepreneurial centre and business
schools in Nigeria should incorporate strategic management principles into their curricula. This will engender
sound managerial know-how and boost the performance and competiveness of firms in Nigeria. Also, further
studies should be carried out in Nigeria to investigate the causes on non-adoption of strategic management in
Anambra State in particular and Nigeria in general. The causes of this when known and curbed, will enable
small and medium scale industries in Nigerian to become more competitive in boosting the development of
Nigerian economy.
Keywords: Strategic management, Employee Performance. Structural Development, Organisational
Performance, Economic Development.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vicious Circle Analysis of Poverty and Entrepreneurship |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Siti Rohima, Agus Suman, Asfi Manzilati, Khusnul Ashar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0713346 ![]() |
Abstract: Spirit of regional autonomy is reflected by most of the area on a desire to split away and form regions
(regions) of new or new districts. One of the new sub-division is the result Distric of Alang-Alang Lebar. Ideally,
the division of an area whether it be for the provincial and district and city, is expected to accelerate the
development so that social welfare will increase. But in reality the division is carried out can lead to gaps and
inequalities in society. and the rise of poverty.
Keywords: Vicious circle of poverty, entrepreneurship, prosperity
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Abstract: Adoption of knowledge management (KM) has become the emerging agenda in developing business
strategies. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an emerging debate centred on the ways in which
knowledge management (KM) might be give benfits and, in turn, how KM practice might be improved.
Stillslightly companies in particular will benefit from the application of KM for enhanced decision
support, expanded human performance, and sustained competitive advantage. Using quantitative design, the
authors explore the benefits of KM in business systems.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Individual, Community, Organization
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Abstract: The work performance and efficiency of employees has a significant effect on any organization. The
purpose of this research is to evaluate the factors that affect employee performance and to identify factors which
influence the employees work performance in university of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. Employees are the
most valuable asset in any organization. A successful and highly productive performance can be achieved by
engaging the employee in improving their performance. The sample of the study was 75 respondents who were
employed in Agriculture University, Pakistan. It is found that better education, higher salary; facilities at work
place communication of the employees with their seniors were highly associated with batter job performance.
Impact of family background, type of family and marital status had not linkages with job performance.
Keywords: employee's performance, organization, and job satisfaction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solar Energy System in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N.Sasikumar, Dr.P.Jayasubramaniam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0716168 ![]() |
Abstract: Conventional energy sources like coal, oil, natural gas, etc., are limited in quantity, and if these continue to be depleted at the present rate, these will be exhausted in the coming decades. Energy demand is resulting in the creation of fossil fuel based power plants leading to substantial green house gas emissions having an adverse impact on global warming and climate change.
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[10] Chittaranjan Tembhekar (26 October 2009). "India tops with US in solar power". Economic Times.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Media – History and Components |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sajithra K, Dr. Rajindra Patil |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0716974 ![]() |
Abstract: Social Media is an extension and explosion of traditional word of mouth networks. Word of mouth has always been the most effective and trust worthy means of disseminating information. With the enablement of technology, anybody with an internet access and has an opinion can be part of social media. This cultural shift is a force to reckon with for companies.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Organized Retail Strategy – A Study at Loyal World Supermarket |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aluregowda |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0717580 ![]() |
Abstract: Indian retail has traditionally been an unorganized sector, where retailers lacked the means as well
as the will to develop or expand. Retail could also never enjoy the support of the Indian consumer, who is
famous for being miserly and who treats shopping as a form of leisure, enjoying the thrill of discovering
bargains and discount deals in his own time. The western attitude of splurging, indulging and shop-till-youdrop
has slowly entered the country and led to organized retailing. The purpose f the study is to determine the
influence of selected strategies on the growth of the business. The convenience sampling method was used and
the data was collected from the loyal world supermarket managers. The results revealed that all the selected
strategies are positively related to growth of the business.
Keywords: Organized retailing, Strategies, Loyal world supermarket
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Abstract: Today, most countries strive to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) because of its acknowledged
advantages as a tool of economic development. Africa and Libya in particular joined the rest of the world in
seeking FDI as evidenced by the formation of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), which
has the attraction of foreign investment to Africa as a major component. North Africa as a region now has to
depend very much on FDI for so many reasons, the preference for FDI stems from its acknowledged
advantages. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an integral part of an open and effective international economic
system and a major catalyst to development. Yet, the benefits of FDI do not accrue automatically and evenly
across countries, sectors and local communities. National policies and the international investment architecture
matter for attracting FDI to a larger number of developing countries and for reaping the full benefits of FDI for
development. The challenges primarily address host countries, which need to establish a transparent, broad and
effective enabling policy environment for investment and to build the human and institutional capacities to
implement them. Hence, in this report, we description the effort on foreign direct investment in Libya and
evaluate the effort on foreign direct investment in Libya and What are the challenges faces by Libya on foreign
direct investment and propose possible solution through looking at various factors that hinders or support
foreign direct investment.
Keywords: Libya, Foreign direct investment (FDI), economic growth, National policy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islamic Finance and Conventional Banking: A Comparative Analysis of Risk Management Practices |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sanjay Bhalla |
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: | 10.9790/487X-07018792 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Islamic finance has experienced remarkable growth in recent decades, operating alongside conventional banking in the global financial system. This research aims to systematically compare risk management practices between Islamic finance and conventional banking systems, focusing on credit, market, operational, and liquidity risks.
Materials and Methods: To compare and contrast the risk management strategies of the two industries, the study uses a literature review and.....
Key Word: Islamic finance; Conventional banking; Risk management; Sharia compliance; Comparative analysis
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