Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2013)
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Abstract: In the context of Nigeria, the issue of Business social responsibility (BSR) has been highly relative
issue to stakeholders. In this paper we present a proposed framework for examining the relationship between
Trust of BSR and firms performance. However, virtually few studies have attempted to regards the relationship
between trust of BSR and firms performance, even if any they consider it in the perspective of consumers/individuals. Hence this study intends to make new contribution to literature by proposed causal relationships
between trust of BSR and firms performance in the perspective of organization.
Keywords: Business social responsibility (BSR), Trust of BSR, Firm performance, Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The perceived impact of corporate Social Responsibility on Credit Rating |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | M. Numan Nasir Butt, Ms. Nadia Asghar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0730510 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper looks at the importance of corporate social responsibility and what corporate social
responsibilities have implications on the credit rating of a particular organization. The study will be focusing on
what credit ratings are and what determines them. This will largely be studied in context to the Pakistani
organization, both the national Pakistani companies and multinationals which are operating in Pakistan.
Keywords: Credit Rating, Corporate Social Responsibility, Pakistan
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Abstract: This study aims to explore the investment understanding and to construct implementation the
investment meaning to investment behavior, as well as to construct the model design of investor decisionmaking
behavior in stock buying and selling for short-term investor in Surabaya. This study used a qualitative
interpretive paradigm, with phenomenology deontology method. Behavioral finance theory perspective was used
as a tool to analyze the results. The results showed that: (1) Compared with fundamental analysis and technical
analysis, well emotions management based on age, gender, education and personality of investor/trader was
central in determining the success, (2) Compared with other short term investor type, such as a swing trader,
position trader and historical investors, the day traders have greatest psychological burden in decision to buy
or to sell shares, (3) Short-term investors can manage emotions rightly to obtain greater benefit from short-term
investments than long-term investments, (4) experience was the best teacher for trader journey. Traders who
able to learn from experience would be better than the traders who understand the stock market science but lack of experience, because the decisions based on a combination of rational and intuitive.
Keywords: investor behavior, behavioral finance, qualitative, interpretive, phenomenology
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Abstract: Some theories explain the differences of capital structure for any company. As a result, it is
important to review capital structure to increase firm value, especially manufacturing companies in Indonesian
Stock Exchange (IDX), which is mostly labor intensive. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of
CEO ability, profitability, NDTS, cash flow and CEO ownership on capital structure (LTDE and LTDA), and
the impact of capital structure (LTDE and LTDA) on firm value. The study was conducted at manufacturing
companies in IDX. Observation period are 2006-2010. CEO ability and CEO ownership determines capital
structure (LTDE), while profitability and cash flow NDTS does not affect. Furthermore, CEO ability,
profitability, NDTS and CEO ownership determines capital structure (LTDA), but cash flow does not affect.
Capital structure (LTDE and LTDA) determines firm value. Enterprise value is more determined by companies
that use the overall assets in operational activities compared to companies that only rely their own capital. This
research uses pecking order, trade-off and asymmetric information theory.
Keywords: CEO ability, CEO ownership, capital structure, corporate value.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to empirically test the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics
and competencies on business performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This study was conducted
with 147 SMEs owner in Malang regency East Java Indonesia using survey instrument. Data analysis using the
Structural Equation Modelling. The results of this study indicate that the entrepreneurial characteristics have a
significant influence on business performance. Entrepreneurial competencies as mediating in the relationship
between entrepreneurial characteristics and business performance. It means the more powerful entrepreneurial
characteristics will lead to an increase in the competence of the SMEs owner, which will ultimately have an
effect on business performance.
Keywords: entreprenurial characteristics, competencies, business performance
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Abstract: In this paper, the authors examine the relationship between the competitive priorities and competitive advantage among small scale industries in Coimbatore. The data set were randomly drawn from a sample of 22 top level executives of small scale industries in Coimbatore to draw valid conclusions. To measure the competitive advantage and competitive priorities of small scale industries, we considered 13 and 32 keys as determining variables, respectively .The ranking on a five point Likert scale regarding competitive priorities in small scale industries were measured based on the domains such as Quality ,Cost , Delivery, flexibility , Customer-focus and Know-how . Also, the same scale is used for competitive advantage; we employed Cronbach's alpha test and multiple regression analysis. The results suggest that there is a significant relationship between the competitive priorities and competitive priorities and competitive advantage among the small scale industries in Coimbatore.
Keywords: Small Scale industries, Competitive Priorities, Competitive Advantage, Cronbach's Alpha Test, Multiple Regression Analysis.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Foreign Exchange rate on stock prices |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Maheen1 jamil , Mr Naeem Ullah |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0734551 ![]() |
Abstract: Foreign exchange fluctuations have been found in the literature review to have an impact on the
stock market return and the fluctuations in the stock prices. This research uses the cointegration technique to
analyze the impact of USD to PKR exchange rate on the stock return market in Pakistan. The stock market
return has been studied by KSE 100 Index. The results show that a relationship between the two variables exists
in the short run in Pakistan.
Keywords: Exchange Markets, stock prices, Pakistan
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Abstract: Bangladesh is a labor rich country and an ideal place for the Readymade Garment (RMG) industry
that uses labor intensive technology for its production. Labor is an important factor for industrial production
and it is truer in garment industry of Bangladesh. Human resource is taken to be an important factor to increase
productivity and to improve quality as well as to reduce the costs of the production that is necessary to survive
in the competition. There are several issues related to increases the labor productivities and among those, labor
incentives is one of the major factor point. This study surveyed almost 36 medium and large scale RMG
factories in Bangladesh with a focus on the improvement of productivity of RMG industries. This study finds
that, the labor incentive programs increase firm performance and result in reduced delivery delay. Also, this
study finds the level of education of the top level managements have an impact on the incentive programs of
RMG industries.
Keywords: Productivity, labor incentive, firm performance, RMG industry and development.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financing Leverage Analysis: A Conceptual Framework |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandip Sinha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0736491 ![]() |
Abstract: conceptual framework for intra - firm financing leverage analysis { based on the mechanical
analysis of physical leverage ( the genesis of the concept of financing leverage ) } of a corporate
firm under condition of future business risk considering a short - term planning horizon , composed
of ( a ) an ex - ante analysis conducted at the beginning of the period for choosing a ' Financing
Account Structural Plan ' ( FASP ) from alternative FASPs based on the principle of maximization
of expected utility { or principle of minimization of absolute value of expected disutility ( negative
utility ) } of the ' elasticity coefficient measure ' of the ' Degree of Financing Leverage ' ( DFL )
considering the degrees of ' Downside Financing Leverage Risk ( DFLR ) averseness' and ' Upside
Financing Leverage Risk ( UFLR ) affinity' subjectively assigned by the DFLR averse or UFLR affine
decision - maker [ noting that a decision - maker with an iota of rationality can never be ' DFLR affine '
or ' UFLR averse' to any degree , and utilizing concave utility function and convex utility function for
risk aversion and risk affinity respectively ] ; and ( b ) an ex - post analysis conducted at the end of
the period for the performance appraisal of the decision-maker based on ' financing leverage efficiency' ,
is formulated and illustrated in this research paper.
Keywords: Physical Leverage , Financing Leverage , Financing Account Structural Plan , Degree of
Financing Leverage , Financing Leverage Risk , Downside Financing Leverage Risk , Upside Financing
Leverage Risk , Coefficient of Variation , Mean Absolute Deviation , Financing Leverage Efficiency.
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