Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2013)
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Abstract: This research shows that there are some positive and significant impacts between external
motivation i.e. basic salary, job allowance, personal competence, academic job promotion and competence
toward teachers' working performance in Jayapura, Papua Indonesia. Although all five independent variables
have positive and significant impact on dependent variables. Partially, the impact of the all five independent
variables on dependent variable (teacher performance indeed still very poor). Seeing this result, the
governments need to give more attention through satisfying compensation which can enhance the teachers'
creativity so their performance would be improved as well. If this can be enhanced based on the teachers' need,
then they would have broader chance to develop themselves either in education enhancement, skills, or their
responsibility in doing their job.
Keywords: basic salary, job allowance, personal competence, academic job promotion and competence,
teachers' performance.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the precision and accuracy of financial ratio analysis model by using
CAEL, Z-score and Bankometer in assessing the financial performance development of Bank Papua within the
period from 2003 to 2011. The results show that the model CAEL and Bankometer give the same assessment
that Bank Papua, from 2003 to 2011, had good wellbeing, was highly liquid, had strong capital, were able to
manage debt well, had good profitability, and asset quality but was still lacking in efficiency. Z-score model
reversely put Bank Papua in a grey area and went bankrupt in 2007 and 2011, weak liquidity and capital. These
findings reinforce previous research which suggests that Z-score model is not appropriate to be used in
banking, however, the use of Z-score is recommended as the dissenting opinion and early warning system in
assessing financial performance of a bank, because it can correctly show critical points in financial
management of a bank. The similarity of the analysis results of the three models above is that Bank Papua has
good profitability.
Keywords: Financial Performance, CAEL, Z-score, Bankometer
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Abstract: The economic growth and income improvement will alter the consumer behavior. Consumer defines
what kind of the retail store that they will go shopping. The implementation of the Theory of Planned Behavior
is to explore consumer behavior in selecting retail format at shopping can be conducted; the aim is to
understand the factors that motivate the behavior. Phenomenological qualitative approach is utilized to
investigate the retail format selection behavior through the implementation of the Theory of Planned Behavior.
The research informants are six Javanese women who are married and have children; the information selection
process employed snowball approach. This research generates some useful propositions for the foundation to
examine and for further research. The proposed model is Mataraman Javanese consumer behavior model which
is not originated from the intention to behave but from the habit and past experience. Thus, it can identify the
antecedents of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control among Mataraman Javanese
consumer behavior. Social status becomes the background of the consumer behavior in selecting retail format.
Keywords: Mataraman Javanese, Retail Format,Theory of Planned Behavior
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Abstract: Problem statement: Performance appraisal is a crucial activity of HR department in any
organization. Employees are appraised for several reasons, not only for reward and punishment but much more
than. Most important of which is to realize the best use of human resources and to plan for future needs Two
methods for performance appraisal that are discussed in this study are Management By Objective (MBO) and
Assessment Centre techniques. Assessment Centre evaluation or Management by Objective is valuable because
it allows a candidate to concentrate on the task at hand.
Keywords: assessment centre, management by objective, punishment, performance appraisal, reward
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Abstract: This research paper deals with the comparative study of recruitment and selection, training and
development process of INDIAN MNCs and FOREIGN MNCs. This research paper highlights the differences
and similarities of the policies being followed in MNCs. In my last research paper being published earlier I
highlighted the innovative HR practices of Foreign and Indian MNCs but in my this paper I am highlighting the
comparative analysis of selected policies.
Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Training, Development, Indian MNCs and Foreign MNCs
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Abstract: Police Sectors in Bandung, Cimahi and Garut are considered that they are not able to give the best
performance yet, where the crime tends to upset the society. Furthermore, the perpetrators of several criminal
cases cannot be revealed yet. The aims of this study are to measure and analyze the extent to which the police
organizations performance are influenced by organizational culture, leadership style and job satisfaction. This
study used a quantitative approach with path analysis as its method where 167 policemen were used as its
samples. The research findings show that organizational culture significantly affected towards the job
satisfaction, but insignificantly affected the organizational performance. Leadership style significantly affected
job satisfaction, but insignificantly affected the organizational performance. Job satisfaction worked as a
mediator of the effect between the relationship of organizational culture and organizational performance, and
between the relationship of leadership style and organizational performance.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance.
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Abstract: The purpose of the current study is to examine the role consumer trust plays in accordance to the
implementation of International Organisation for Standards (ISO) 9000 certification in order to achieve the
ultimate goal of customer satisfaction. Consequently, three variables identified and measured in the study are:
the implementation of ISO 9000 certification, costumer confidence, and customer satisfaction. As many as 115
ISO 9000-certified manufacturing companies in East Java, Indonesia, take part as the sample of the study. Data
are collected through a survey. The respondents are management representatives from the companies. Structure
analysis and inferential statistics are employed in data analysis process.
Keywords: ISO 9000, Consumer trust, Customer satisfaction, Indonesian manufacturing companies
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Abstract: The aim of the study is to determine the Occupational Stress level of Government and Aided Higher
Secondary School Teachers living in different socio-cultural and economic situations. The scale used in the
study has been developed by researches. 185 Aided school teachers and 120 Government teachers have
participated in the present study. At the end of the study it was seen that Aided school teachers have more
occupational stress levels than Government school teachers. There is a meaningful difference in the stress level
points of Government and Aided Higher Secondary Teachers. Policy makers are advised to analyse the teacher
training and assessment system with the assumption that personal and social characteristics and working
conditions may have an effect on teacher occupational stress. Results also showed that teachers who reported
greater stress were less satisfied with teaching, reported greater frequency of absences and a greater number of
total days absent, were more likely to leave teaching (career intention), and less likely to take up a teaching
career again (career commitment).Implications for further research are also discussed.
Keywords: Inter-role distance, Role Ambiguity, Role Stagnation, Role Stress, Self-role distance, Teacher
Occupational stress.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Human Capital Investment on Customer Satisfaction |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Faisal Mehmood, Madam Sana Iqbal |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-0757781 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study the researcher worked on the relationship of human capital investment on customer
satisfaction. The mediating variable employee performance is also included in the study which gives the positive
and significant results. The results are concluded by applying the regression analysis in three steps. The
primary data is collected by using questionnaires and sample size was 345. Hence the results accepted the
entire hypothesis and there is significant relationship between human capital investment and customer
Keywords: Human capital investment, Customer satisfaction, Employee performance
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate two important factors of workplace layout, visibility and
accessibility, and their impacts on "face to face" interaction in the workplace. It is believed that a certain space
layout will provide the opportunity for employees to interact with each other thus increases the possibility of
team working. The greater level of team working in any organization will lead to higher productivity. The
methods to improve the possibility of unplanned communication and ease of interaction within a work area are
classified under spatial interconnectedness. This spatial interconnectedness contains workers' visibility,
worker`s movements and accessibility within the work space. In this study, employees in an office were asked to
complete a survey that calculated variables of the research. They received a questionnaire including measures
for each of the key variables. Some of these procedures were taken from a research made for a large
corporation, and others were certified measures from the physical workplace contemporary literature. SPSS
statistic software was used as software to analyze the data and layout plans was analyzed by Depth map. The
results indicate that the visibility of the worker`s and the accessibility in a work area is significantly correlated
to interaction. The study highlights the importance of workplace productivity and manipulating informal
interaction as a measurement of productivity in the office space.
Keywords: visibility, accessibility, workplace layout, productivity and "face to face" interaction
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