Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2013)
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize hospital service quality into its component indicators
from the perspectives of patients. More specifically, this research aims to test and explain empirically the
mediators of relationship between patient satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty in public hospitals
Southeast Sulawesi of Indonesia. The study employs questionnaire-survey approach to obtain the perceptions of
patients. The instruments developed have been validated using tests for reliability, validity and unitdimensionality.
The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that service
quality has positive and significant effects on patient satisfaction, and patients trust and commitment
significantly affect patient's loyalty. However, the patient satisfaction has no significant effect on patient's
loyalty. In addition, patient trust and commitment is positively affected by patient satisfaction. Further, this
research can prove an increase in patient satisfaction capable improve patient loyalty through the mediating
role of patient trust and commitment (complete mediation), but patient satisfaction did not mediate the
relationship between service quality toward patient loyalty. Finally, high level of patient commitment proved to
be an partial mediator the relationship between trust toward patient loyalty. Originality of this study
conceptualizes hospital service quality as an five-indicators framework. Further, it also presents integrated
model the relationship between service quality, patient satisfaction and loyalty, with patient trust and
commitment as the mediators in public hospitals of Southeast Sulawesi province.
Keywords: Commitment, Loyalty, Satisfaction, Service Quality, Trust.
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Abstract: Nowadays, with the emergence of the many financial institution, customers have variety choices of product and services and they are concerned towards the value of money. This study is to present the most important factor influencing customers in respect of selecting a bank by customer in Kelantan, Malaysia. In particular, it finds those criteria, which have become significantly important in motivating the choice. A quantitative methodology by using responses given by the respondents employed in the analysis. The finding shows that the Accessibility is a significant choice criterion, which includes ATM facility, convenient ATM locations, 24 hours availability of ATM services and speedy service. Other factors, which have also increased in importance, are the Reliability, Responsiveness, Value added service, Convenience and Assurance. Besides that, the five important criteria bank have ATM facility, convenient ATM locations, 24hours availability of ATM services, internet banking facility, and lastly the bank have a several branches Keywords - Accessibility, Bank Selection Criteria, Customers Perspective, Kelantan, Malaysia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Sensitivity of Service Quality on Customers towards Overall Satisfaction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.P.Ramesh, Mr.T.Narayan Rao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0762126 ![]() |
Abstract: Customer satisfaction is the key to the profitability of retail banking and it implies the retention of customers for the long term, which is cheaper than attracting new customers. In the current scenario of retail banking particularly with banks becoming larger, the closure of branches and the advent of internet banking, the question arises whether the customers are satisfied or not satisfied and what are the elements of retail banking which lead to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of customers. The knowledge of current levels of satisfaction and, in particular, the key determinants of satisfaction benefit those in the industry allowing them to focus and build upon key areas that lead to highly satisfied customers. It highlight that in-branch factors particularly staff, branch location and convenience are the most significant factors influencing customer satisfaction in retail banking.
Key terms: Customer satisfaction, retail banking, Internet banking, Customer retention, In-House Branch Factors.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influential Factors in Selecting an Overseas University for Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Rashedul Hasan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0762731 ![]() |
Abstract: Bangladesh, the number of students passing in Higher Secondary level is increasing every year.
But the number of seats in public universities is not increase in proportion. So, the next choice is to get
admission in private universities. But again, there are few private universities in Bangladesh which maintains
the quality for higher education. As a result, many talented students look for a foreign university to get a higher
degree. This study was conducted to understand the important factors that influence the selection an overseas
university among Bangladeshi university students with a self administered questionnaire. A total of 100
questionnaires were analyzed using regression in SPSS to come up with a justified conclusion. The result from
the analysis indicates that the regression model used in the study is statistically significant and the independent
variables that were selected in this study had significant influence on the dependent variable. The primary aim
of this research was to help private universities in Bangladesh to attract more talented students.
Keywords: GDP, CGPA, HEI, UGC, Overseas, Undergraduate
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The impact of oil prices on stock exchange and CPI in Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Ibraheem Ansar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0763236 ![]() |
Abstract: The oil is one of the most important factors affecting the economy of the world that is why any
change in the oil prices brings change in all the economic variables. For this purpose the researcher have
analyzed the impact of oil prices on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Stock market (KSE-100 Index), For
this purpose the researcher collected the data from secondary sources on CPI and KSE-100 Index from 2007 to
2012. To analyze the impact of the oil prices the researchers used the multi regression method and analyzed the
data in eviws. For this purpose the researcher first checked the stationarity of the data through augmented
dickey fuller test and then applied the Johansen cointegration Test and the cointegration results showed that
there is a positive relationship among oil price, CPI and KSE-100 Index. Though the found results don't show
the very strong relationship but it helps in concluding that oil prices have effect on CPI and KSE-100 Index
Keywords: Consumer price index, kse-100 Index, oil prices, cointegration
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Abstract: This paper examines the effect of banking sector reforms on the relationship between banking stocks
and the stock market capitalization rate. Based on simple linear regression, Multiple linear regression and
correlational analysis the results obtained showed that banking sector capitalization, and stock market
capitalization rate decreases as government prevailing interest rate on deposit by commercial banks increases.
The study further revealed that there is a negative relationship between banking sector reforms and the stock
market capitalization rate. It was therefore recommended that the reforms by the Central Bank of Nigeria to
sanitize the banking industry is welcome however, it has to be carefully implemented to ensure banks are better
positions to perform their strategic roles in the Nigeria capital market.
Keywords: Stock market capitalization rate, banking reforms, banking sector capitalization, interest rate.
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Abstract: The real objective of this study was to find out the relationship among the rewards and motivation
with mediating role of office design. This is a quantitative study and for data collection questionnaires were
used with sample size of 250 employees of (Marriot hotel and Serena hotel Islamabad, Pakistan). Results show
that when attractive rewards with better office design are given it leads to increase in motivation of employees.
Limitations of study are the sample size was not that diverse and also only one method for data collection i.e. A
questionnaire was used for data collection. On the basis of results it is recommended that rewards, office design
should be given importance as it leads to increase in employee motivation.
Keywords: Rewards, office design, motivation, Pakistan
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Abstract: Mobile banking services is a relatively new banking services. This study aims to look customer
acceptance of mobile banking services in Makassar and the influencing factors using the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) framework. The design of this study is causal and descriptive with sample of 180
customers selected by convenience and accidental sampling. Data were collected through structured interviews
with a questionnaire. The results showed that (1) Perceived Ease of Use significantly influence Perceived
Usefulness; (2) Perceived Ease of Use significantly influence Intention to use and (3) Perceived of Usefulness
significantly influence intention to use. The research concluded that to increase customer acceptance or
adoption of mobile banking services, the banks should pay attention to and highlight factors Perceived
Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use
Key Words: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Intention to use, Mobile Banking, TAM
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Abstract: Economic liberalization and rapid expansion after 1990 leads to an industrial base in recent years have not only created growth opportunities for many but also have tested their resource capabilities to respond to them; some have chosen to follow the role of a custodian of their existing wealth and followed the preservation route, while some others have followed more of an entrepreneurial route of exploiting opportunities with or without relevant resources, with mixed results. One of the key resources for all of them is their family, and their prime concern is wealth and welfare of their family. A major dilemma many of them have faced particularly in the last two decade since economic liberalization began is to choose between combinations of risks and returns of business growth and conservation of wealth of the family. Family as a social institution is one of the oldest surviving (Goode, 1982), but only in recent years family business, an important arm of it started receiving academic attention. This article reviews the literature on family business management In general; this literature is dominated by descriptive articles that typically focus on family relationships. However, the literature does not usually address how these relationships affect the performance of a family business. We also identify some of the key issues and gaps that should be explored in future studies if research is to contribute to improving the management practices and performance of family firms
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Abstract: Arbitrage Pricing Theory takes into account more influencing factors other than the simple
systematic risk, as defined in CAPM. In this study, we aim to evaluate stock returns using Arbitrage Pricing
Model considering four macroeconomic factors i.e. Money supply, Interest Rate, Industrial Production and
Foreign Exchange Rate. The prediction of stock returns is done by taking values of stocks of 37 companies from
KSE 100 index on monthly intervals for the period 2000-2005. The results that came out for this study proved
that APT does not prove to be effective in predicting stock prices in Pakistan.
Keywords: Arbitrage Pricing Theory, KSE 100 index, Pakistan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | AccountingBusiness Transactions; Accounting Equation; Types of Accounts |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Ali Ehtesham, Aghdas Jafari Motlagh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0768591 ![]() |
Abstract: Accounting is often called, and rightly so, the language of business. It is so because the purpose of accounting is to inform by way of financial statements the results of business operations as well as the various assets and liabilities. Accounting facilitates the preparation and presentation of information to the users for making diverse types of decisions. Accounting statements and reports are needed by various groups such as shareholders, creditors, potential investors, columnists of newspapers, proprietors, suppliers, creditors, bankers and others. Apart, credit rating agencies and various research organisations including governmental agencies require accounting information to compile data, analytical reports, etc.
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Decision Useful, Accounting for Europe, 2007, vol. 4 Issue 1, pp. 51-66,16p
[4] Mary E. Barth, Wayne R. Landsman and Mark H. Lang, International Accounting Standards and Accounting Quality, Journal of
Accounting Research, Vol. 46, no. 3, June3, 2008
[5] Principles of Accounting, J. Ireland, 279002(2005)
[6] The Value Relevance and Reliability of Intangible Assets: Evidence from Australia before and after adopting IFRS
[7] The value relevance or reliability of Intangible assets, Evidence from Australia Before and Adopting IFRS (Dec 26,2012)
[8] Maheshwari, S. N ; Advanced Accountancy
[9] Gupta, R. L. ; Advanced Accountancy
[10] Shukla, M. C. and T. S. Grewal; Advanced Accounts
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Abstract: The role of this study is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and service quality. The data was collected from the telecommunication sector of Pakistan through questionnaires. The total sample of the respondents in the study was 400 but we had received only 250. Convenience sampling was used to collect the data from respondents. The result showed that the emotional intelligence is the positive predictor of the service quality.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Service quality.
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Abstract: This study aims to develop a deeper understanding of the management education in India and to uncover the constructs/factors that underlie the desired expectations to reveal the underlying satisfaction and the benefits that students look for. This paper focuses on identifying and evaluating techniques used to take on the challenges of quality improvement in management education. A questionnaire consisting of 43 items was developed to measure the constructs and its dimensions. The purpose of this work is to examine the performance of eight alternative measures of service quality of management education in India. The dimensions are as follows: Tangible aspects (5 items), Reliability (5 items), Competence (5 items), Industry Institute interaction (6 items), Course structure (6 items), Internship output (6 items), Employability (5 items) and Inculcation of Entrepreneurial spirit (5 items). The first draft of the questionnaire was subject to a pilot testing through a focus group and an expert evaluation. Data were gathered from 425 MBA students' effective sample from various institutes (mix of public, private and autonomous offering PGDM) located in Lucknow, North India. Structural equation modeling was used to test the management education service quality. Confirmatory factor analysis with partial disaggregation was performed on the eight dimensions of management education quality.
Keywords: Confirmatory factor analysis, Management education, Service quality
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Abstract: The main purpose of this research article is to find out the impact of paternalistic leadership on the employee's outcome in the banking sector of Pakistan. From the previous researches it is speculated that paternalistic leadership and employee outcome have a positive connection. For data collection questionnaire and convenient sampling method was used. 260 questionnaires were filled in total. 5 point likert scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) was used. Correlation and Multiple regression analysis were done on SPSS software (SPSS Inc, 2000). The end result proved that the benevolent leadership has a positive impact on the job satisfaction of the employees, organizational commitment and innovative behavior. Authoritative leadership has a positive effect on the motivation level of the employees at work. Moral leadership doesn't have any positive or negative collision on employee's outcome. At the end it is proved that paternalistic leadership has a positive impact on employee outcome.
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Abstract: The research article is to see how emotional intelligence would be on academic performance and extracurricular activities mediating role of learnability and sociability. The research is based on both secondary as well as primary data. The primary data was being collected through questionnaire and the secondary source was research based articles. The questionnaire was developed on five likert scale and it was being distributed to different students of different universities. Our model consisted of five variables one independent emotional intelligence two mediating variables learnability and sociability and two of them were dependent and they were academic performance and the extracurricular activities. The results came out to be emotional intelligence has a strong relationship with learanability, sociability and extra curricular activities where as it has no significant relationship with academic performance. Learnability has a strongrelationship with extra curricular activities whereas there was no relationship observed with academic performance.whereas sociability has a strong relationship with both academic performance and extra curricular activities. There is one mediating relationship which is when there is an increase in the emotional intelligence that would increase the learnability and which would in turn increase extra curricular activities.
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