Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Foreign Direct Investment and Unorganised Retail Sector - A Case Study. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sameer Ahmad Shalla ,Manmeet Singh Mehta |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0830105 ![]() |
Abstract: The study attempts to explore the impact of selected shopping malls on unorganised retail outlets. The results from the sample respondents reveal that the shopping malls have a positive impact on various variables like profits, sales. The unorganised retail outlets were classified on the basis of various factors like demographic, social and infrastructure related factors. Apropos to findings, the study concludes that there is some credible merit in introduction of "FDI in Retail Sector" by the state government of Jammu & Kashmir.
Keywords: Shopping Malls, unorganised retail, sales, profitability.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Is Quality Management An Islamic Value? |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Ahamad Faosiy Ogunbado, Ph.D., Asia Mus"ad Al-Otaibi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0830613 ![]() |
Abstract: Islam is an all-encompassing creed that does not differentiate between ibadÉt (worship) and muamalÉt (social relations). It governs every aspect of its adherent's life, spiritually, economically, politically as well as socially. The world nowadays is moving towards dynamic global economy; therefore, many managers and leaders of organizations or firms are competitively rushing towards adoption of quality management. In the same vein, many books and scholarly works are available with more discovery everyday; however, Islamic perspective is always lagging behind if not completely neglected. Based on this short background, this paper attempts to fill the gap and answers the question whether quality management is an Islamic value or not. It endeavours to do this through investigating what could be called Islamic values; meaning of management in Islam; the principles and standards lay down in the holy Qur'an, Prophetic Sunnah and relevant Islamic literature in achieving quality. The paper also looks into the quality management from conventional perspective and tries to juxtapose or harmonize the two perspectives. The study is predominantly based on library-oriented research. Materials and data are extracted from books and articles, academic journals, conference proceedings, newspapers and relevant academic websites. However, the Holy Qur'an and Hadith are regarded as the main sources.
Key words: Economic, Islamic Value, Quality Management, Social and Spiritual Standards.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Investors Recital At Rajapalayam City - A Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.C.Jothi Baskara Mohan, Mr.P.R.Ramji |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0831418 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper divulge with women investor behavior (Recital) of investment and the various investment available for the purpose of women, especially in Rajapalayam. There is a detailed discussion on women source of awareness and knowledge of investment. Also, how and why a woman has become a means of investment is briefly touched. Finally, why a woman should make an investment and should not make such an investment is also dealt with. An advisory note about women investors is added in the end. Keywords: Women, Investment, Awareness, Knowledge.
[1] Abbott .L. Ferris, Indicators of Trends in the Social Status of American Women (New York: Russell Sage, 1971).
[2] Robert. O. Blood and Robert L. Hamblin, "The Effect of the Wife's Employment on Family Power Structure", Social Forces, 36 (may
1958), pp. 347-352.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the motives behind why customers prefer to drink coffee in a coffee shop than in a restaurant or cafe. To know the patronage buying motives, the research carried out by using a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the patronage buying motives of a coffee shop customer, driven by the function of the coffee shop as a means of expanding the business information network, as compared as a place for fun or recreation.
Keywords - Patronage buying motives ;coffee shop
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Abstract: Tibertius Nempung, Doctoral Program of Management Science, Postgraduate of Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Brawijaya Malang, 2013. "The Influence of Work Culture, Empowerment, and Work Motivation on Work Ability and Farming Productivity". Promotor: Ubud Salim. Co- Promotor: Djumilah Zain and Solimun.
Keywords: work culture, empowerment, motivation, ability and productivity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Foreign Universities in India- Ethical Issues in New Scenario |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Anoop Kumar, Dr. R. Ganesan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0833438 ![]() |
Abstract: The Government of India has decided to permit foreign Universities to India without taking much precautions and studies in this area. The Government's move allowing the entry of foreign Universities in the country has always been a contentious issue since it was proposed. Moreover, the argument about the consequences of such an initiative has always brought out the downsides more than the foreseen positive effects. Even though there are so many positive dimensions to the decision, we should consider the matter carefully to avoid any kind of invasion to our cultural as well as educational heritage which are appreciated internationally and the reality foreigners are utilizing the benefits of the same as much. This paper provides an overview of trends and issues, explores their ethical dimensions, and tries to identify relevant strategies to prepare India to deal appropriately with these concerns of the intervention of the foreign Universities in India. The study treats both issues in foreign Universities in India and the ethical aspects of the intervention in the Indian diversity.
Keywords: Ethical aspects, Heritage, intervention, UGC, Repatriate
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Abstract: The paper portrays the green baking practices in Bangladesh. Study is mainly based on secondary data highlighting the mobile banking, online banking, green financing, and guidelines for green banking practices as well as green banking unit. Green Banking is a new way of conducting the banking business through considering the hygienic environmental issue as well as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Nowadays, it is inevitable to practice green banking by banks because of globalization and to face the competition. On an average, bank is allocated Tk. 657.67 million for green banking in 2012. Since October 2012, Taka 838.4 million has been allocated to the following green projects. For 2012, banks have allocated Tk.20, 034.59 million for green finance of which Tk. 3273.69 million has been utilized during January- September 2012. The concept of green Banking is relatively new in Bangladesh and yet to get momentum, but in the developing countries it is passing through a mature stage. The study concludes that green banking practices in Bangladesh is not satisfactory at all,
Keywords: Green banking, Green finance, Environment, Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Online Banking etc.
[1] Atiur Rahman, "Financial Services at People‟s Doorstep", Governor, Bangladesh Bank, 2010.
[2] Suresh Chandra Bihari, "Green Banking – Socially Responsible Banking in India", The India Banker, Vol. VI, No.1, 2011.
[3] Alice Mani, "Green Banking through Green Lending",‟2011.
[4] Green Banking Policy of BASIC bank ltd, Bangladesh, Head Office, Dhaka,
[5] Mohmed Aminul Islam, "Green Banking: Future Important Issue for Banking Industry", Financial Express, Regd No. DA 1589,
Dhaka, Vol.20, No.381, 2010.
[6] Bangladesh Bank (2010) Review of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives in Banks 2008 & 2009. Dhaka,
Bangladesh Bank.
[9] http: //
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Abstract: Banking system occupies an important place in a nation's economy. A banking institution is indispensable in a modern society. It plays a pivotal role in the economic development of a country and forms the core of the money market in an advanced country. The phenomenon of globalization brought about significant changes in terms of products and services that are being offered to Indian customers and consequently the complexion of the banking sector in India too underwent a note worthy change in the last decade. In this content the study is taken up the services provided by the public and private sector banks. This paper reveals the customer perception towards services of selected public and private sector banks in Coimbatore city and it also helps to analyze the improvement in the banking services. Various tools used to analyse the data. The present study helps the banker to educate their customer by providing various services based on technological development to the satisfaction of their customer.
Key word: Customer Awareness, Expectations, Maintenance, Services, Selection of the Bank
[1] R.K.Uppal, Customer Relationship Management in Indian Banking Industry( New Century Publications ,New Delhi ,Ed -2008).
[2] Varshney, Banking theory law and practice( Sultan Chand & Sons Company Ltd , New Delhi 1997).
[3] Dr.S.P.Gupta, Statistical Methods( Sultan Chand & Sons Educational Publishers, New Delhi-2006).
[4] S.N Natrajan&R. Prameswaran ,Indian banking (S. Chand 2006 ).
[5] C.R. Kothari,Research Methodology Methods and Techniques(New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing, New Delhi Ed-2004 ).
[6] Dr.Vashisth B.P.V.K Dr H.R.Swami, Banking and Finance( Ramesh book Depot, jaipur-New Delhi 2005-2006).
[7] The journal of Banking Studies, Bankers College New Delhi, April 2004, p.22.
[8] The ICFAI journal of marketing management, August 2006,vol.v, No.3
[9] Bank quest - Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance Mumbai –5 July Sep 2004 p.59.
[10] Bank quest -Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance Mumbai – 05 Jan – Mar 2005 p-61.
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Abstract: The study analysed the spatial price of paddy rice in Ebonyi North Zone of Ebonyi State. Data were collected using structured questionnaires administered on 120 paddy rice marketers purposively selected from the 8 markets locations in four Local Government Areas in the zone. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as mean, percentage, frequency, simple regression and factor analysis. The result of the analysis shows that there exists spatiality in the prices of paddy rice in the zone. And that market locations, cost of transportation, availability of storage facilities, density of paddy buyers, market information, market organisation, and individual price fixing are the major factors influencing spatial price of paddy rice. The result equally shows that with the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) of 0.768; about 77% in the total variations in the quantity of paddy rice sold was influenced by spatial price in the area. Despite the spatiality of prices in the markets the coefficients of elasticity in each of the market locations were elastic; thus depicting that that in every N1 increase in the price of paddy rice will result into a unit increase in the quantity of paddy rice marketed. Consequent upon the general profitability of paddy rice marketing in the area, the individual Local Government Area market analysis shows that marketing of paddy rice is most profitable in Ohaukwu LGA. Based on the findings, the study recommended the provision of marketing infrastructures such as good roads to enhance easy delivery of paddy to the point of demand. Again, government marketing agency should provide and enforce the use of a standard unit of measure to enhance uniformity in the price of paddy in the area.
Key words: Paddy rice, spatial price, marketers, market location.
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Abstract: Quality of work life is the quality of the content of relationship between employees and their total working environment with human dimensions added to the usual technical and economic ones. Quality of work life involves job security, good working conditions, adequate and fair compensation and equal employment opportunity all together. QWL aims at to meet the twin goals of enchanced effectiveness of organization and improved quality of life at work for employees. The study focused on the factor influences QWL of employees, level of satisfaction of employees on present level of QWL and the influence of QWL. 50 employees of textile units of equal capacity have taken as samples. Motivational insights are the important factor that influences the QWL of employees and their life. Higher compensation has been prime expectation of the employees to improve their life. QWL of employees had an influence on the employees' productivity.
Key words: Industry, Textile, employees, Quality of Work life, employees, job satisfaction, productivity.
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