Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Computerization In Banks -Some Issues |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prachi Mittal , Sneha Singh Jadaun, Manoj Kumar Dash |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0840111 ![]() |
Abstract: Renovation in Indian banks is taking place from all aspects and is being refined as time proceeds and the products of the banking industry are enthusiastically modifying the face of banking. This paper defines the way renovation has affected the banking sector and the approach of using IT products which has changed the face of banking sector in India. It tells about the current scenario of the banking industry; and the factors that have brought changes in the industry; and how these factors have contributed to the development of banking. This paper shows how banks have now flourished into one-stop Supermarkets. Their focus is flowing from bulk banking to class banking with introduction of value added and customized products. Technology helps banks to create what appearances like a branch in a business building's lobby without taking to hire manpower for manual operations. These branches are 24 x 7 working which has been made possible due to ATMs, Tele banking, Internet Banking, E-banking and Mobile Banking. The technology determined delivery channels which are used to reach maximum customers in most effective manner and at lowest cost. The splendor of these banking novelties is that it puts both customer and banker in a win-win situation. The need is to design a system to promote marginal efficiency of investment in technology and to increase the gap between marginal benefits and marginal cost involved in Banking Innovation with special reference to technological up gradation. In the paper survey on use of several E-channels and issues related to them is also shown.
Keywords- Banking industry, Computerization, Computerization in banks, Issues in banks
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Abstract: Six Sigma is a business improvement strategy that focuses on improving products, processes and bottom line of businesses. The ultimate goal of Six Sigma is flawless performance leading to remarkable and tangible quality improvements when implemented judiciously. An attempt has been made to review all the available literature about the current researches and empirical studies regarding the adoption of Six Sigma by companies and findings of most of the implementation efforts are presented in this article.
Keywords: Six Sigma, survey, implementation, auto components, automotive sector, manufacturing industry
[1] Darshak A Desai: Improving customer delivery commitments the Six Sigma way: case study of an Indian small scale industry, "Int. J. Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage‟, vol. 2, no. 1, 2006
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Abstract: Renovation in Indian banks is taking place from all aspects and is being refined as time proceeds and the products of the banking industry are enthusiastically modifying the face of banking. This paper defines the way renovation has affected the banking sector and the approach of using IT products which has changed the face of banking sector in India. It tells about the current scenario of the banking industry; and the factors that have brought changes in the industry; and how these factors have contributed to the development of banking. This paper shows how banks have now flourished into one-stop Supermarkets. Their focus is flowing from bulk banking to class banking with introduction of value added and customized products. Technology helps banks to create what appearances like a branch in a business building's lobby without taking to hire manpower for manual operations. These branches are 24 x 7 working which has been made possible due to ATMs, Tele banking, Internet Banking, E-banking and Mobile Banking. The technology determined delivery channels which are used to reach maximum customers in most effective manner and at lowest cost. The splendor of these banking novelties is that it puts both customer and banker in a win-win situation. The need is to design a system to promote marginal efficiency of investment in technology and to increase the gap between marginal benefits and marginal cost involved in Banking Innovation with special reference to technological up gradation. In the paper survey on use of several E-channels and issues related to them is also shown.
Keywords- Banking industry, Computerization, Computerization in banks, Issues in banks
[1] Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, Ekspor Impor Indonesia,, 2012.
[2] Noe, Raymond A., John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart & Patrick M. Wright, Human Resource Management, Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 5th Edition, (Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006).
[3] Ainuddin, R. Azimah, Paul W. Beamish, John S Hulland & Michael J. Rouse, Resources Attributes and Firm Performance in International Joint Venture, Journal of World Business, 42, 2007, 47-60.
[4] Nasution, Hanny N, Felix T Mavondo, Margaret Jekanyika and Nelson Oly Ndubidi, Entrepreneurship : Its Relationship with Marketing Orientation and Learning Orientation and As Antecedent to Innovation and Customer Value, Industrial Marketing Management, 2011, 330-345.
[5] Zulfadil, Manajemen Strategik, Intrapreneurship dan Kinerja: Survai pada Koperasi Sekunder KP-RI, Usahawan no.09 Tahun XXXV, September, 2010.
[6] Barney, Jay B., Mike Wright dan David J Ketchen, Jr. 2001, The Resource-Based View of The Firm: Ten Years After 1991, Journal of Management, 27, 2001, 625-641.
[7] Grant, R. M., Toward A Knowledge Based Theory of The Firm, Strategic Management Journal, 17, 1996, 109-122.
[8] Lumpkin, G.T., and Dess, G.G, Clarifying The Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct and Linking it to Firm Performance, Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 1996, 135-172.
[9] Lin, Hsiu-Fen and Gwo Guang Lee, 2004, Perception of Senior Managers Toward Knowledge Sharing, Management Decision, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2004, 108-125.
[10] Li, Yong-Hui, Jing-Wen Huang and Mey-Tien Tsai, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The Role of Knowledge Creation Process, Industrial Marketing Management (38), 2008, 440-449.
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Abstract: This study aims to show the effect of Organizational Change Capacity (OCC) and environment uncertain on traditional retail performance. In addition, this study also shows how cultural differences, reflected in ethnic differences in retail ownership of traditional Chinese and non-Chinese will affect organizational performance, and to differentiate the effect of OCC and environment uncertain on organization performance. This study uses a quantitative approach as the primary analysis method to explain the research results that supported by qualitative information of interview. The samples were 37 retails in Malang City. The respondents are the owner of retail. Data were collected directly by survey method using questionnaire instrument. Then the data is analyzed in two stages. The first stage is confirmatory factor analysis to determine the scores factor of each indicator. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis with dummy variables is used to test the research hypothesis. The findings of research is empirical evidence the effect of OCC on organizational performance, role of cultural differences on performance, and culture role to differentiate the effect of OCC on organizational performance. Uncertainty does not affect organizational performance and cultural differences do not make a difference in predicting the external environment in traditional retail.
Keywords: culture differences, environmental uncertainty, organizational change capacity, organization performance
[1] E.E. Lawler and C.G. Woley, Built To Change: How To Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness (USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006).
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[5] W.Q. Judge and C.P. Blocker, Organizational Capacity for Change and Strategic Ambidexterity: Flying The Plane While Rewiring It, European Journal of Marketing, 42, 9/10, 2008, 951-926.
[6] W.Q. Judge and T. Douglas, Organizational Change Capacity: The Systematic Development of a Scale. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 22, 6, 2009, 635 - 649.
[7] World Health Organization, Manajemen Perubahan (SEA-NURS-429, IN O OSD 001/1.2, 2003).
[8] W.Q. Jugde and D. Elenkov, Organizational Capacity for Change and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Assesement of Bulgarian Firms, Journal of Business Research, 2005, 893 - 901.
[9] N. Siggelkow and D.A. Levinthal, Temporarily Divide to Conquer: Centralized, Decentralized, and Reintegrated Organizational Approaches to Exploration and Adaptation, Organizational Science, 14, 6, 2003, 650-669.
[10] M. Pagell and D.R. Krause, Re-exploring the Relationship Between Flexibility and the External Environment, Journal of Operations Management, 2003, 1 - 44.
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Abstract: Cooperative as a business organization or company that is managed on the basis of principle of the family, must adhere to the principles of sound management, transparent, accountable, and to be fair in the achievement of common goals. Executives / managers and employees of cooperatives should be responsible in the use of cooperative economic resources efficiently to sustain profit efforts in this regard.It is therefore necessary to control management role in carrying out the work culture generate employment, foster an atmosphere of cooperation, and can influence the behavior of subordinates that will have an impact on improving employee performance. Besides, it also required that promote employee professional and cooperative interests.This study aims to identify and assess the relevance of management control on employee performance by considering the organizational culture, compensation, and work behavior as determinants of employee performance improvement. This study sampled 135 employees at 18 Village Unit Cooperatives se Sulawesi Tenggara. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires followed by in-depth interviews (in-depth). This study used descriptive analysis to determine the characteristics of the respondent and respondent description of indicators each study variable. While to examine the pattern of relationships between the study variables used inferential analysis tool that analyzes point to the approach of SPSS version 20. The results of this study indicate that adequate management controls to improve employee performance when attention to the factors that contributed to the culture of the organization, compensation and workplace behavior on cooperatives in the province of Southeast Sulawesi. The study also produced findings to improve employee behavior for the better when the culture of the organization and compensation factors considered.
Keywords: management control, organizational culture, compensation, workplace behavior and employee performance.
[1] Anoraga P, Suyati S, 1995. Perilaku Keorganisasian. Jakarta: Penerbit PustakaJaya
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Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the occupational stress among pandyan grama bank employees in Virudhunager District. The sample for the study consisted of 165 of the respondents. While 10 fell under senior manager III grade, 35 came under senior manager II grade, 90 were of officer I grade and the remaining 30 fell under the clerical grade. The study objectives are to measure the level of stress among the employees of Pandyan Grama Bank in Virudhunager District, to analyze the causal factors of stress among the employees, to study the consequences of stress of employees. The following statistical tools are used for the analysis of research data. Percentage analysis, Chi-square test, Rank order rating scale, Garett Ranking Method, Mean Score Analysis-Likert 5 point scale and ANOVA. The research design chosen is descriptive as the study reveals the existing facts. Descriptive research is the study which describes the characteristics of a particular individual or a group. The present study reveals that stress in work setting stems from different sources such as individuals, group, organizational, and environmental. Though the precise impact of stress is difficult to predict, it adversely affects the physiological, psychological and behavioural aspects of employees experiencing to it. Effects of stress vary from employee to employee depending on their resilience capacity, perception of stimuli, prior experience to it, and complexity of task to be performed. The study suggests that stress can be managed at both the individual level and the organizational level. Individual approaches to manage stress include exercise, behavioral control, proper diet, meditation, relaxation and the like.
Keywords - Occupational Stress, Corporate Profits, Emotional, Behaviour
[1] Khanka S.S, Organisational Behaviour, S. Chand and company Limited, First Edition, 2000.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Business Continuity and Challenge of Succession in Nigeria: What happens when the CEO leaves? |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dauda, Abdulwaheed |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0845965 ![]() |
Abstract: Renovation in Indian banks is taking place from all aspects and is being refined as time proceeds and the products of the banking industry are enthusiastically modifying the face of banking. This paper defines the way renovation has affected the banking sector and the approach of using IT products which has changed the face of banking sector in India. It tells about the current scenario of the banking industry; and the factors that have brought changes in the industry; and how these factors have contributed to the development of banking. This paper shows how banks have now flourished into one-stop Supermarkets. Their focus is flowing from bulk banking to class banking with introduction of value added and customized products. Technology helps banks to create what appearances like a branch in a business building's lobby without taking to hire manpower for manual operations. These branches are 24 x 7 working which has been made possible due to ATMs, Tele banking, Internet Banking, E-banking and Mobile Banking. The technology determined delivery channels which are used to reach maximum customers in most effective manner and at lowest cost. The splendor of these banking novelties is that it puts both customer and banker in a win-win situation. The need is to design a system to promote marginal efficiency of investment in technology and to increase the gap between marginal benefits and marginal cost involved in Banking Innovation with special reference to technological up gradation. In the paper survey on use of several E-channels and issues related to them is also shown.
Keywords- Banking industry, Computerization, Computerization in banks, Issues in banks
[1] Agrarwal, A.; Knoeber, C. R. & Tsoulouhas (2006). Are outsiders handicapped in CEO sucessions? Journal of Corporate Finance. 12(3). 619-644
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[4] Carey, D. C, Ogden, D. & Roland, J.A. (2000). CEO Succession: A window on how boards can get it right when choosing a new chief Executive. New York, Oxford University Press .
[5] Charan, R., Drotter, s. & Noel, J. (2001). The Leadership Pipeline: how to build the leadership powered company. San Francisco, Jossey=Bass.
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[7] Collines,J. (2001). Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the leap and others Don‟t. New York, HarperBusiness.
[8] Collines, j. (2009). How the mIghty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give I, New York, Collins Collins,J.C, & Porras,J.I. (1994). Built to Last. New York, Harper Business. Collis,J, & Hussey, R. (2009). Business research, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan Conger, J.A. & Fulmer, R, M. (2003). Developing your leadership pipeline. Harvard Business Review, 81 (12), 76-86
[9] Conger, J.A,, & Nadler, D.A. (2004). When CEOs step up to fail. MIT Sloan Management Review, 45(3), 50-50
[10] Crowther, F. S; Kaagan, M, Ferguson; and L, Hann, (2002). Developing teacher leaders; How teacher leadership enhances school success. Thousand Oaks, CA; Corwin Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Performance Appraisal System on Employees Motivation |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muhammad Faseeh ullah khan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0846683 ![]() |
Abstract: In many organizations, reward decisions depend on subjective performance evaluations. However, evaluating an employee's performance is often difficult. In this paper, we develop a model in which the employee is uncertain about his own performance and about the manager's ability to assess him. The manager gives an employee a performance appraisal with a view of affecting the employee's self perception, and the employee's perception of the manager's ability to assess performance. We examine how performance appraisals affect the employee's future performance. The predictions of our model are consistent with various empirical findings. These comprise (i) the observation that managers tend to give positive appraisals, (ii) the finding that on average positive appraisals motivate more than negative appraisals, and (iii) the observation that the effects of appraisals depend on the employee's perception of the manager's ability to assess performance accurately.
Key Words: Subjective Performance Appraisal, Credibility, Cheap Talk
[1] Langdon, D. (2002). Aligning performance improving people, system, and organizations. San Francisco: Josey –Bass/Pfeiffer.
[2] Laurel, D. S. (2003). User friendly performance management. Performance Appraisal: Perspectives on a Quality Management Approach. Laurel and Associates, Ltd. University of Minnesota Training and Development Research Center and the American Society for Training and Development Research Committee, 1990.
[3] Lecky-TH ompson, R. (1999). Constructive appraisals. Washington, D.C.: American Management Association.
[4] Levinson, H. (2003). Management by whose objectives. Harvard Business Review On Motivating People. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press.
[5] Maddux, R. B. (1987). Effective performance appraisals. Rev. ed. Los Altos, California: Crisp Publications Inc.
[6] Mark, G. L. (2000). Catalytic coaching the end of the performance review.
[7] Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books.
[8] Marriott, J. (1997). Tough bosses, easy bosses. (Employee performance evaluation).
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[10] Cascio, W. F. (1998), Applied Psychology in Human Resources Management, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on impact of select factors on the price of Gold |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sindhu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0848493 ![]() |
Abstract: The investors always look for the various investment avenues which increase their risk-adjusted returns and add diversification. Since ages, gold is preferred as the one of the major investment option especially by the Indian investors. The prices of the gold are increasing and the price of the gold is affected by the various factors. This paper is basically focused on the factors like exchange rate of US dollar with INR, Crude oil prices, repo rate and inflation rate. Each of the factors is studied with the gold prices. The relationship between the factor and the gold prices is emphasized in this paper. There exists an inverse relation between the US$ and gold prices. The crude oil prices have an impact on the gold prices. Gold prices and repo rates are interdependent. Gold prices and inflation rates are also dependent and positively correlated.
Key Words: Crude oil prices, Diversification, exchange rate of USD and INR, Gold Prices, Inflation, Investment, repo rate.
[1] Adrangi, B., Chatrath, A., Raffiee, K.,2003, Economic activity, inflation and hedging: The case of gold and silver investments, The Journal of Wealth Management 6, 60-77.
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[6] Larsen, A.B., McQueen,G.R., 1995, REITs, real estate and inflation: Lessons from the gold market, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 10, 285-297.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conversion of NBFC's in to banks in Indian prospective. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Madhvi Julka |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0849499 ![]() |
Abstract: With growing pace of life and shortage of time youths' try to save each second. Their curiosity to have funds easily at short notice to shape or give final touch to their ideas is also rising.So to raise the spanner of raising funds raising means, the government has initiated the RBI draft guidelines as on august 2010, which encloses the laws and regulations that would govern NBFC's conversion in to banks. The main motive behind this is the consolidation and the convergence of financial systems globally. In this study I have made an effort to know the perception of the managers towards this suggestion. That whether this initiative would be a success or failure. Abreast what should be the minimum capital requirements and lock in period for such NBFC's. Therespondents (managerial cadre persons) for this aretaken from both public and private banks located in Jalandhar and Ludhiana locality of Punjab.
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