Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Abstract: Financial liberalization and technology revolution have allowed the developments of new and more efficient delivery and processing channels as well as more innovative products and services in banking industry. Banking institutions are facing competition not only from each other but also from non-bank financial intermediaries as well as from alternative sources of financing. As financial institutions increasingly offer online banking services to their customers, they must face issues of consumer confidence in the Internet. Consumers are concerned about identity theft and wonder if the Internet is safe for online banking. The answer is yes—if financial institutions, in cooperation with their customers, make it safe. Therefore, building the best controls to prevent fraud and protect customers is of critical importance. This paper investigates the extent of safety measures followed by customers while e-banking, analyses the awareness of the customers regarding the various online banking scams and suggests safety measures to be followed while e-banking. Primary data was collected from 118 respondents through a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was used to know about the various electronic e-banking products and services and various online scams. The findings are of great help to bankers to enable them to frame proper guidelines for their customers who use e-banking facility. It helps e-banking customers to bank safely using the safety measures.
Key words- E-banking, innovation, internet, online scams, safety measures.
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Innovation In Indian Banking: Extent Of Precautions Taken By The Customers While E-Banking 9 | Page
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Abstract: The study examines the perspective of practitioners who are involved directly and/or indirectly with the process of shariah compliance/auditing from Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) in Malaysia on the issues of standards for shariah auditing, auditors qualifications and independence. The paper examines 77 self-developed questionnaires applicable to the main issues focused by this study. The survey questionnaires are distributed by mail or delivered in person to 85 respondents in 21 Malaysian Islamic financial institutions. It is found that Malaysian IFIs are in need of properly guided shariah standards for shariah auditing practices. The scarce resourceful auditors with both shariah and accounting/auditing qualifications and the issue of self review threat to independence may affect the reputable image of Islamic financial institutions. The findings reinforce the importance of auditors' qualification and independence as currently there is no mandatory regulated professional shariah auditor code to be in tandem with drastic growth of the IFIs. The paper offers practical implication to regulators in providing a direction to revise the existing standards for shariah auditing practices and to formulate a mandatory professional governance structure for shariah auditors.
Keywords - Shariah audit, Shariah auditor, Islamic financial institutions, Malaysia
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Abstract: This paper is a study of Bi-variate causality between State Per Capita Income and State Public Expenditure in Gujarat State Economic System during the Post Economic Reforms period from 1991 to 2005. First, impact of State Per Capita Income on State Public Expenditure in Gujarat State is investigated and then influence of State Public Expenditure on State Per Capita Income in Gujarat State is examined during 1991 to 2005. Here in this study time series is used to examine the relationship between year-wise State Per Capita Income and State Public Expenditure in Gujarat State, for the study years 1991 to 2005. Our Two Variables Regression analysis showed significant Bi-variate causal relationship between year-wise number of State Per Capita Income and State Public Expenditure in Gujarat State Economic System.
Key Words: Bi-variate, causality, State Per Capita Income, State Public Expenditure, Two Variables Regression
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Universities in Rural Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Venkata Subrahmanyam C. V., Dr. K. Ravichandran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0852327 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper deals with the role of universities in the process of Rural Development. This paper tries to define Rural Development, the problems and challenges involved in Rural Development. This paper then discusses the Eco system of Rural Development & the different roles needed to be played by universities; steps in the process of Rural Development & suggests a sustainable model for Rural Development making universities as the change centers.
Key Words: Rural Development; Universities Roles; Sustainable Rural Development Model; Roles of universities; Steps in Rural Development; needed changes to universities;
[[1] Moseley, Malcolm J. (2003). "Rural development: principles and practice" (1. publ. ed.). London [u.a.]: SAGE. pp. 5. ISBN 0-7619-4766-3
[2] Ward, Neil; Brown, David L. (1 December 2009). "Placing the Rural in Regional Development". Regional Studies 43 (10): 1237–1244. doi:10.1080/00343400903234696
[3] Westport, Conn. "Rural development research: a foundation for policy" (1. publ. ed.). [u.a.]: Greenwood Press. 1996. ISBN 0-313-29726-6.
[4] Moseley, Malcolm J. (2003). "Rural development: principles and practice" (1. publ. ed.). London [u.a.]: SAGE. pp. 7. ISBN 0-7619-4766-3
[5] Planning Commission Report – 2011
[6] United States Census Bureau – 2012 Report
[7] India‟s National Census programme – 2011 Report
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Abstract: This paper tries to study the present situation of Cochin Port Trust which is one of the major ports in India .The study identifies the poor capability of Cochin Port Trust to respond effectively to change in a business opportunity. This port contributed a lot towards the development of the country and the Kerala state and the state looking forwards the port trust for further development of the state. The detailed study on the various departments of Cochin Port Trust it was identified that the present situation is not favorable for any organization especially the industries which can contribute towards the economic development of the country. The policies of the Central government and the inefficiency in the management created a situation that port is running at a net loss of 86 crores. The present management structure of Cochin Port Trusts will not be able to make a positive change in working atmosphere, Effective utilization of natural resources, and thereby contributing to the issue of unemployment in the country . So the industrials training report proposing a change in organizational structure of Cochin Port Trust. For the further development of the port it is very important that the employees of the Cochin port should come forward and should offer their maximum effort, which they are not doing at the present situation. After a detailed study on Dry dock workshop of Cochin Port trust it is identified that this department can contribute to the revenue of Cochin Port Trust. Presence of ICTT Vallarpadam, the Central Government is planning waive the cabotage rule for ICTT Vallarpadam, the proposed Vihinjam Port is the some open opportunity in front of the port trust. This offers a scope of ship repairing hub in Cochin Port Trust with business collaboration with Cochin Shipyard.
Keywords: Cabotage rule, Cause and effect diagram, Pareto chart, ICTT Vallarpadam.
[1] CPT Administrative Reports 2005-11
[2] Eleventh Five Year Plan Volume III Planning Commission Government of India
[3] Web site Cochin Port trust
[4] Text Book: Total Quality Management by S.M Sundara Raju,
[5] Text Book: Research Methodology by Paneer Selvam
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study On Consumer Brand Preference Towards Using Dth Service Providers In Coimbatore City |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Myilswamy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0854649 ![]() |
Abstract: Abstract:"Marketing includes all activities which are concerned with effecting changes in the ownership and position of good and services". Direct marketing involves by passing the retailer in regarding in reaching the customer. . In this study there are five companies were included those are Sun Direct, Big TV, Digital TV, Dish TV, TATA Sky . Primary data were collected from 100 respondents by convenient sampling method through questionnaire and also by interview method in Coimbatore district. 15 respondents were selected to pilot study and based on their suggestions necessary modifications were made in the actual questionnaire. This study consists of simple percentage analysis to done keeping in mind the objectives of the study, chi – square parameters were employed to test the hypothesis spelt out in the study. Garrett ranking techniques was used to rank the preference of the respondents on different aspects of the study, the percentage position of each rank thus obtained into scores by referring to the table given by Henry E. Garrett. Analysis of variance to make two estimates of population variance those based on between sample variance and the other based on within variance are compare with F – test table. The present study reveals that majority of the respondents preferred Big TV for more channels because they can pay for what they want to watch. The company can reduce the price to fulfill the needs for low-income level of people.
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[2] R.S.N.Pillai, Bagavathi, "Modern Marketing", S.Chand and company Ltd, 2007.
[3] C.R.Kothari, "Research Methodology", New age international Publishers, 2006.
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Abstract: Servant leadership style implementation on Cooperatives encourages the existence of organizations. Since most organizations –including Cooperatives- need to serve at all levels in order to keep their relationship to their members, employees, and environments. Servant leadership should be of interest for today's cooperative leaders for it enablesand empowers employees to serve others.
Keywords: Servant Leadership, Motivation, Organization Culture, OrganizationalCitizenship Behavior (OCB), and Employees' Performance
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Abstract: A community development association (CDA) has been established in every village or neighborhood in Taiwan. The purpose of CDAs is to enhance residents' living quality. The services provided by CDAs should fulfill and even exceed residents' expectations, and the performance of these services should be approved by the residents. When their expectations are not met, residents become dissatisfied with the services provided and eventually lose their community identity. Thus, based on a SERVQUAL questionnaire developed in this study, we used the importance-performance analysis (IPA) method to investigate the service quality of CDAs. The findings of this study can be used to improve and enhance the service quality of CDAs.
Keywords - Community Development Association, Service, Performance, Important-Performance Analysis
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of aesthetics package design elements on consumer purchase decisions of dairy products with particular emphasis on these variables: package colours, material, instructions and typography. A descriptive research design methodology was adopted. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data and information from 150 respondents who were randomly selected while going about their shopping experiences. The study revealed that not all aesthetic package design elements trigger consumer purchase behaviour. The elements that have an influence should be properly blended together to ensure that they remain sensitive and appealing to the consumers thereby shaping and guiding their intention to purchase dairy products.
Keywords: product, packaging, aesthetics, package design elements, purchase decisions.
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