Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Abstract: This research includes explanatory research, samples are taken form Garuda Indonesia Airline international Passenger inbound and outbound flight conducted at several Indonesian International Airport Soekarno Hatta Jakarta, Ngurah Rai Denpasar, Airport Hongkong and Changi Airport Singapore, altogether there are 350 respondents. The Design of non probability sample selection is accidental sampling with the criteria : those who fly international route at least twice a year, Indonesian citizen (not foreigner), and they may also fly non Garuda flights as well, the exogenous variables are advertisement and service quality, the endogenous variables are brand equity and customer satisfaction. Analysis methoed using SEM-PLS and software SmartPLS.
Keyword: advertisement, service quality, brand equity, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ethics in Corporate Social Responsibility |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kh. Tomba Singh, M.Sanjoy Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0921621 ![]() |
Abstract: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility are recognized as important concerns in making decision in all aspects of our life. And it's contributing to accelerate the process of overall development of a nation. India being the second most populous country in the world, and have the largest number of people in need of basic amenities call for more intensive efforts as part of such initiatives in the health care space of the nation. We all know that people engage in business to earn profit. However, making profit is not the sole function of the business. It performs number of social function as it is a part of society. It takes care of those who are instrumental in securing its existence and survival. Business ethics are nothing but the application of ethics in business. It proves that business can be and have been ethical and still make profits. Today more and more interest is being given to the application of ethical practices in business dealings and the ethical implications of business. The paper delves into a comprehensive understanding of how Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility involves as concept and the reason that encourage company in India to be socially responsible. Keywords - Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic growth, GDP, Amenity, health.
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[10]. Fombrum, Charles J. (2005). A World of Reputation Research Analysis and Thinking Building Corporate Reputation through CSR Initiatives: Evolving Standards, Corporate Reputation Review, vol.8, No.1 (spring) pp.7-12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Motivating Employees Creativity through Suggestion System – An Empirical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs.S.Vijayarani , Dr.Radjamanogary |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0922227 ![]() |
Abstract: Employees are treated as assets in the organization. In a competitive business environment, one of the key elements of an organization success is their employees' intellectual capability to improve the organizational performance by way of reducing cost, new product development, generate new ideas related to product, process and other areas of management. The employees are find novel ideas and proposed these ideas to management through suggestion system. Suggestion system is technique which is motivating the employees to participate in decision making process and improve the organization performance.The primary data was collected through structure questionnaire based on convenience sampling method. This research paper focus on employee creativity and its impact on suggestion system and the aims of this article are to find an answer for two questions: 1. what are the factors motivating employee creativity? and 2. What is the impact of creativity on employee suggestion system? Finally this article conclude that both organizational factors and individual factors influencing creativity and there is a positive relationship between employee creativity and suggestion system.
Key words: Creativity, Motivation, Recognition, Reward system suggestion scheme.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Liquidity Determinants of Sharia and non Sharia Stocks |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Muhammad Madyan, Ubud Salim, Muslich Anshori, Solimun |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0922838 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was conducted to analyze and testing stock liquidity differences of sharia and non sharia stock and determinants of sharia and non sharia stock of manufacturing industry at Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2010. Dependent variable of this study is stock liquidity, measured by relative spread and depth. The Independent variable are insider ownership, institutional ownership, blockholder ownership, and foreign institutional ownership, trading volume, stock price, return volatility, Market to book value, dividend policy and size. In addition, this research is also supported by qualitative data obtained from in-depth discussions with key informants, including investment managers, stock exchanges institution and stock brokers. The results showed there is no liquidity difference, both for relative spread and depth of sharia a non sharia stocks. In sharia stocks, trading volume and dividend policy has a negative effect on relative spread, whereas in non sharia stock the trading volume, stock prices and company size has a negative effect on relative spread. Institutional ownership has negative effect, while foreign institutional ownership, trading volume, dividend policy, and size has positive effect on sharia stock liquidity. For non sharia stock, the trading volume, stock prices and company size has a positive effect on depth.
Keyword: Sharia, Non Sharia, Relative Spread, Depth
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Work-Life of Indian Railway's Drivers (Loco-Pilots) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh Ranjan, Dr. T. Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0923948 ![]() |
Abstract: Railways' Drivers / Loco-Pilots are the most important person in executing the huge task of transporting nearly 25 Million passengers and more than 2.8 Million Tons of freight daily with the help of 2,29,381 wagons, 59,713 coaches and more than 9,213 locomotive engines of various kinds(www.Indian railways, Wikipedia).To transport 25 million passengers and millions of tons of freight and that too with taking care of both the traveler's convenience and safety is not a mean task, the driver on whose sincerity the journey of a train depends. If he is not capable of carrying his responsibilities then the efforts of the other employees go waste, in this sense we can say that he is the most important person of the railways. The job of a Railway Driver demands hard work and great presence of mind along with courage to handle diverse conditions. For this one should have discipline, patience, responsibility, punctuality, commitment, courage and above all self-confidence. The job requires lots of hard work, stamina, alertness of mind, adaptability to follow difficult time schedules too. But the main and remarkable, highly appreciable role of Railway drivers is the only who works with full honesty, in day & night, in heavy cold, hot & Rainy weather. For Railways' drivers operating on long distance routes, overnight stays in various locations will be necessary. Furthermore, it can be stressful, as delays and hazards on the track are not uncommon. His cab of the train should be relatively comfortable but it may be quite cold, hot and noisy.
Keywords: Railway driver, working conditions.
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[4]. Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways, "Indian Railways Corporate Safety Plan" (2003-13), August 2003.
[5]. HOER (Hours of Employment and Period of Rest rules 2005).
[6]. Indian Railway Establishment Manual (Vol.-I), Chapter -I, Sec.-B, Sub.Sec I, II, &III.
[7]. India Railway Manual of AC Traction (Vol-3), Ch. - VI- Operation of Locomotive.
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Abstract: This research was carried out starting from the phenomenon of the performance which was not maximized by the employees of State Treasury Service Office in Jakarta. Based on the literature there was a suspicion that the performance which was not maximized due to a weak work culture, work stress and the decreasing of job satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to quantify and explain the relationship between variables of work culture, work stress, job satisfaction and employees performance in the State Treasury Service Office Jakarta. The research method was using quantitative methods. Research locations were located in six State Treasury Service Offices in Jakarta with samples of 152 employees. Data analysis technique was using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of Smart program. The results showed that the work culture has no effect on job satisfaction. Work stress has no effect on job satisfaction. Work culture affected to the employee performance. Work stress had no effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction had no effect on performance. The implication of this research was to establish a strong working culture to decrease work stress and increase job satisfaction which ultimately improved employee performance.
Keywords: Work Culture, Work Stress, Job Satisfaction and employee performance
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to test and analyze the effect of TQM practices impelementation which consists of leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, information and analysis, people management, and process management to product quality performance. The population were 108 food and beverage companies in Makassar, Indonesia. Respondents are production managers or operation managers. Sample technique which used is population sampling. Method of analysis which use both descriptive statistic and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Data processing uses two statistic tools i.e: IBM SPSS and AMOS 19.00. The findings of research indicate that leadership has significant effect on product quality performance, strategic planning has significant effect on product quality performance, customer focus has significant effect on product quality performance, information and analysis has significant effect on product quality performance, people management has significant effect on product quality performance, and process management has significant effect on product quality performance. Leadership factor has dominant effect on product quality performance (critical ratio = 9.760 > t-table = 1.960; and probability = 0.000 < α = 0.05).
Keywords: TQM Practices, Product Quality Performance, Operation Management
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Narrative Study of Emotion Marketing: The Uses Of Twitter At @Hijup (Www.Hijup.Com) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Putri Athia |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0926273 ![]() |
Abstract: Marketing once was only an afterthought to production. Marketing advises production about how much of the company's product to make and then tells logistics when to ship it. By the invention of internet and social media websites, marketing is completely changed. Marketers decided to put more attention and customer focused. This study is set forth to understand the role of Twitter as an inter alia media at @HijUp using Emotion Marketing concept. The indicator of Emotion Marketing is Emotional Es: Equity, Experience and Energy, and this paper focused on Equity only. This study is using qualitative research and analyzed through content analysis and divided into element of Emotion Es; Equity, Experience, and Energy . The main finding of this study is @HijUp succeed to build and emotional connection with their customers via Twitter, as mentioned by inter alia media theory. This emotional connection comforts the customers and is able to bring the emotion into a strategic level. This study was only conduct by online questionnaires and online messenger, except Skype, due the tight schedule of informants and their gadget limitations. Some failed online questionnaire to targeted customers because of the short period of announcement. This paper offer insight the role of social media, especially Twitter and its connection with customers' emotion.
Keywords - Social Media, Twitter, Emotion Marketing, Internet, E-marketing
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Abstract: One of the basic vitalities of good living is quick access to essential services like health care. But many times it could mean a condition of life and death for an individual who is unable to get the access to these services. Thus an important part of social sector development is incomplete without adequate health care facilities. The quality of human health is the foundation upon which the realization of life goals and objectives of a persona, the community or nation as whole depends. It is both an end and means of development strategy. The relationship between health and development is mutually reinforcing- while health contributes to economic development, economic development, in turn, tends to improve the health status of the population in a country. India as a nation has been growing economically at a rapid pace particularly after the advent of New Economic Policy of 1991. However
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Abstract: Retaining faculty members has been a problem in many universities for decades. When competent teachers quit, they depart with critical knowledge and experience that are essential for maintaininga competitive advantage. The aim of this study was to measure the impact of four facets of job satisfaction on turnover intentions of faculty members of different universities of Rawalpindi/Islamabad. A 16-item, self-administered questionnaire was used to gather data on independent and dependent variables. In questionnaire, researchers used 5 point Likert scale for variables to measure respondent's possible responses. 110 questionnaires were completed and returned back. Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression tests were used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that the three facets of job satisfaction i.e. remuneration, supervisory support and work life policies have significant and negative relationship with turnover intentions while recognition has insignificant relationship with turnover intentions and this relationship did not support the researchers' prediction. Results have been discussed andrecommendations have been made for universities' administrations.
Keywords - Employee Retention, Faculty Members, Job Satisfaction, Pakistani Universities, Turnover Intentions.
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