Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Abstract: This research aims to test and prove empirically: (1) whether individual characteristics, demographic factors, social-economic characteristics, work environment, and government policy have any impact on the productivity of female workers from Buginese, Makassarese and Torajanese ethnic groups in the food and beverage small industry sector in Makassar city; (2) whether there is any difference of productivity among those female workers. The population of this research includes all female workers in the food and beverage small industry sectors, consisting of 812 individuals. The sample of this research is 114 respondents. Sample is taken using simple random sampling method; and data are analyzed using multiple regressions. The findings of this research show that: (1) individual characteristics (health, tenure, work ethic), demographic characteristic (age), social-economic characteristic (wage) and work environment have significant impact on the productivity of female workers from the three ethnic groups in small industry sector in Makassar; meanwhile; demographic characteristics (number of dependant), social-economic characteristic (education), and government policy do not (2) there are significant differences in the productivity of female workers among the Buginese, Makassarese and Torajanese ethnic groups in the food and beverage small industry sectors in Makassar.
Keywords: productivity, female worker, ethnic groups, industry
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Industrial Tourism: An Introduction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S.Jansirani, Mrs.Mangai , |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0941214 ![]() |
Abstract: Industrial tourism has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in India. From power stations to distilleries and rope makers to chocolate manufacturers, all sorts of sites are opening their doors to the public. The automotive industry in particular is attracting considerable interest with production sites welcoming thousands of visitors every year. This article gives a brief overview of the concept of industrial tourism and lists the benefits. Studies on four different sites are presented, outlining their visitor profiles, economic benefits and marketing activities.
[1]. VisitBritain. Topic Profile Culture and Heritage.
[2]. European Institute for Comparative Urban Research (Euricur). Industrial Tourism: opportunities for city and enterprise. Erasmus University Rotterdam. [
3]. Peumans, D (2006). Economisch-geografische analyse van het Industrieel Toerisme in Limburg. Universiteit Hasselt.
[5]. [6]. TEA/ERA Themed Entertainment Association and Economics Research Associates Post International Theme Park Numbers for 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Study on Customer Acquisiton and Retention on the Airline Service Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Lalita Shukla |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0941533 ![]() |
Abstract: This report provides an analysis on customer acquisition and retention on the airline industry. This research has been done because of the rapid increasing of airline service usage. In today's time where the competition is strict, knowing how to acquire and retained customers is very important. Hence, these project objectives are to find out what are the factors that affect customer's satisfaction and provide recommendations for better customers' acquisition, repetition and recommendation for airline service. First of all, the airline industry background has been analyzed by Porter's five forces model. Based on the analysis, it shows that the power of suppliers and competition between existing firms in airline service industry is high. While, the threats of substitutes, power of buyer and threats of new entrants are relatively low. Moreover, in order to help airline companies to survive this strict competition, several important attributes have been provided to achieve the objectives. This includes Customer acquisition, Customer retention, Customer Satisfaction and loyalty, Service Recovery and Management and Training. Next, this project use primary quantitative research method which is distributing survey and use several journal and books as a secondary research method to support the thesis. The sample size of the survey is 80 respondents. The data will be analyzed using XLD Data analyst. Based on the result, it shows several factors that affect customer's satisfaction which lead to acquisition, repetition and recommendations in purchasing airline service
Keywords: Customer Acquisition, Customer Acquisition, Customer Satisfaction, Airline.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study On Hrm Practices And Its Impact On Globalisation Of Indian Business. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. C. Jothi Baskara Mohan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0943436 ![]() |
Abstract: The rapidly changing business environment in India and abroad brings many challenges and some top of the mind business issues for companies. Today work force is undergoing radical change as a result of powerful global forces. This research paper, though exploratory in nature aims to help companies to understand the global and regional talent trends. Detailed research may be undertaken to equip the Indian organizations with knowledge to benchmark their talent management practices, identify the gaps in their programme, develop a road map for execution and generate innovative solutions to attract, engage , develop and retain their talent.
Keywords :- Business environment, talent management, global and regional trend.
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[5]. B.H. Hravey, " Technology, Diversity and Work Culture: Key trends in the Next Millennium", HR magazine, July 2000.
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Abstract: The outcome of the study is based on both the primary and secondary data and information. The primary data were collected from a total number of 50 customers (25 big and 25 mid level customers) from 10 Private Commercial Banks (PCBs). Again, a total number of 50 bankers taking 5 from each sample banks were also selected as the respondents. Both the banks and customers were selected using convenient sampling for easy and smooth collection of data and information
Keywords: Online Banking System, Private Commercial Bank, Debit & Credit card, ATM, and SWIFT.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Working Capital Trends and Liquidity Analysis of Fmcg Sector in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shweta Mehrotra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0944552 ![]() |
Abstract: Management of Working Capital is one of the most important functions of corporate management. Every organization whether public or private, profit oriented or not, irrespective of its size and nature of business, needs adequate amount of working capital. The efficient working capital management is most crucial factor in maintaining survival, liquidity, solvency and profitability of the any business organization. A company needs sufficient finance to carry out purchase of raw materials, payment of day-to-day operational expenses and funds to meet these expenses are collectively known as working capital. Keeping in view the significance of working capital management as a gray area of corporate finance function, an attempt has been made to examine the working capital trends and practices particularity in FMCGs sector in India by selecting five FMCGs companies (named as Hindustan Unilever Limited, Nestle India Limited, Britannia Industries, Procter & Gamble and ITC). The FMCG sector in India is at present, the fourth largest sector with a total market size in excess of USD 13 billion as of 2012. This sector is expected to grow to a USD 33 billion industry by 2015. This industry primarily includes the production, distribution and marketing of consumer packaged goods, that is those categories of products which are consumed at regular intervals. The study is based on secondary data i.e. Annual Reports of the selected companies. The period of study is five years and traditional method of data analysis and ratio analysis as tools of financial statement analysis for examine the degree of efficiency of working capital management has been adopted.
Keywords: Current Assets, Financial Ratios, FMCG sector, Liquidity analysis, Working capital management.
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Abstract: This study reveals and illustrates how online store customer's perspective about e-Service Quality, e-Satisfaction and e-Loyalty, as expressed in online customer reviews. The discussion associated with the online shopping phenomenon for the search good and experience good category in apparel product lines - especially shoes. Using data from's customer reviews, interpretive analysis which focused on customer evaluations of the service quality, and how the customer connect it to satisfaction and loyalty. Data with review depth of more than 15 lines within 18 months period (January 2011 - March 2012) was used to reveal the customer's perspective of the studied dimensions.
Keywords - Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Online Shopping, Service Quality, Word of Mouse.
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[8] Yang, H., Assessing the Effects of e-Quality and e-Satisfaction on Website Loyalty, International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 (3) , 2007, 288-294.
[9] Wang, Ming, Assessment of e-Service Quality via e-Satisfaction in e-Commerrce globalization, The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries 11 (10), 2003, 1-4 .
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Abstract: Thispaperexaminesthe relationship thatexistsbetweenleadershipand employee productivity in an organization. Itdescribestheinterplaybetweeneffective leadership and elegance, properusage ofemployee'sabilityandmotivationeffectsin organizationalproductivity. Leadershipoccupiesa reallysensitivepositionin almost any effective-driven modernorganization. Thispaperobservesthatamong thelabor forcein Nigeria, you will findemployeesendowedrich inabilityandwhosevaluesandcontributionshave to beutilizedand enhanceduponfor topproductivity. Itchallengesleadershipinorganizationto completelyuse them incommerciallyhighproductivityandnationaleconomicdevelopment. Thepaper implicates among others, the lack ofeffectiveleadershipandefficientmanagementstylesparticularly intodayof effective-driven productioneconomy.Itunderscoresthe requirement forefficientorganizational ideas ingrained withpracticalleadershipandspiritualcapitalfor the establishmentandimplementationof organizational andsustainableproductivity among the employee in the organization.
Key word: leadership, organization, employee productivity
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Abstract: Many graduatesin Nigeria areunemployed, regardless oftheirqualifications, they're employable yetthey aren'temployed. The lack ofabilityfrom thegreatereducational facilitiesto meetthe requirements ofthosegraduatesin addition topromotionof monetaryselfrelianceandself sufficiency hasresultedinto youths joblessness (unemployment). Thesehaveput intorise in restiveness among Nigerian youths. Thestudy looks into the relationship between entrepreneurship and employability among Nigerian graduates. Thepaper, talked aboutthe idea ofentrepreneurshipand employability. Since employability is theactionof gettingqualificationthat allowsanyone toemployed, the studyalsochecked outthe fundamentalabilitieswhich will makeone employable andsimultaneouslybecomingselfsufficient.Alsotalked aboutare methodsforwardinmarketingentrepreneurshipamong Nigerian youths and just howteachingofcreativenessandproblemfixingabilitiesmight help reposition Nigerian graduates.
Key word : employability, entrepreneurship, Nigerian graduates, youth.
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Abstract: Customer retention is the hallmark of Relationship Marketing, which is the current buzz word and it is the basis of sustainable competitive advantage. In the context of heightening global competition, customer retention is the way to hedge a firm's market from competition. It is five times cheaper to market to retained customers than to acquire new customers. The purpose of this research is to analyze the retention strategies used by the Zimbabwean mobile phone service providers and determine factors that cause customer retention for Zimbabwean mobile service providers. A survey was conducted on 120 subscribers from the three mobile network subscribers using structured questionnaires
Keywords: Customer, customer retention, strategies, mobile phone providers
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Abstract: Implementing an information technology project is a very challenging task that needs several preparations such as assigning a professional project manager, receiving top management support , employee engagement ,etc. Same studies have been conducted about the success and failure factors of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects and several researchers concluded that the ERP projects are very vulnerable.This qualitative research is an attempt to summarize the most common failure factors of the ERP projects in Iranian manufacturing industries.
key words: ERP failure Factor, IT project Management .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The free risk rate of return and factors that affect its assessment |
Country | : | Republic of Macedonia |
Authors | : | Diana Boskovska |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0948892 ![]() |
Abstract: The cost of capital is a key variable in the financial analysis because it provides adequate assessment of the value of capital, and the value of individual securities. Hence, the important question is how to determine the cost of capital. Initial basis for determining the cost of capital is a determining risk free rate of return that is subject of research in the paper. Risk free rate of return exists when the expected rate of return is known with certainty, that means that realized proceeds of an asset is equal to the expected yields of the same asset. Rate of return on that asset is characterized as risk-free rate of return. To be able to adequately determine the risk free rate of return is necessary to determine the factors affecting its value, such as the currency in which it is expressed risk free rate of return and inflation. Therefore, the paper explored the reasons that may lead to inadequate assessment of the risk free rate of return due to inadequate treatment of the impact of currency and inflation in the analysis.
Keywords - securities, cost of capital, free risk rate of return, currency, inflation.
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